AUGUST 1, 2016 IN SEARCH OF HILLARY BY PHILIP ELLIOTT AND DAVID VON DREHLE time.com How to cut your cell phone bill in half.†† 1. Grab your phone. 2. Use our BYOP® SIM Activation Kit. Keep your 4G LTE† network and number. BRING YOUR OWN PHONEBRING YOUR OWN ACTIVATION KIT 3. Sew extra big pocket on pants. UNLIMITED The Bring Your Own Phone Activation Kit makes it easy to TALK, TEXT AND DATA switch almost any phone to a more affordable plan. Use it to 5GB UP TO 4G LTE† THEN 2G* keep the same network and number you currently have, and $ then buy our Unlimited plan for just $45 a month. No 45/mo NO CONTRACT activation fees or credit checks. Start saving today. Learn more at StraightTalkBYOP.com ††”Cut Your Cell Phone Bill in Half” is based on a comparison of the average cost of the $45 Straight Talk Service Plan plus average sales tax and fees when purchased in Walmart and the average total monthly cost reported by top two carriers’ postpaid customers on a 2-year service contract individual plan with unlimited talk, text and comparable high speed data. Plan costs include all taxes, fees and overage charges. Source: Nationwide survey conducted February 2016. †To get 4G LTE speed, you must have a 4G LTE capable device and 4G LTE SIM. Actual availability, coverage and speed may vary. LTE is a trademark of ETSI. *At 2G speeds, the functionality of some data applications, such as streaming audio or video, may be affected. Straight Talk’s Bring Your Own Phone plan requires a compatible, unlocked phone, activation kit and Straight Talk service plan. User may need to change the phone’s Access Point Name settings. Please note: If you switch to Straight Talk, you may be subject to fees from your current provider. A month equals 30 days. Please refer always to the latest Terms and Conditions of Service at StraightTalk.com. From the Editor A life lived to the fullest LONGTIME READERS OF TIME, OR BEFORE THAT Newsweek or the Economist, will remember the wise, sharp, surprising voice of our former international editor Michael Elliott, who died on July 14 at 65 after battling cancer. Michael was one of the few people I’ve known who deserved the description “larger than life.” He lived life large, buoyantly, delightedly chasing the next big idea, spotting the next great talent and inviting us all to his table to listen and learn. He was a mentor to generations A NEW VIEW OF 1968 As the Democratic Party convenes in of journalists and a model to Philadelphia to officially name its nominee for President, LIFE unveils all of us as editors. There was a series of photos that were taken for the magazine’s coverage of the nothing and no one that did not infamous 1968 convention in Chicago but never made it to print—like interest him, no place he hadn’t this image of protesters confronting authorities in Lincoln Park. The been without bringing back a tensions between police and demonstrators led LIFE to dub the event the “Democratic Convulsion.” View the gallery at life.com “ripping yarn.” Two nights before he died, he was honored by the ONE Campaign, the global develop- ment organization co-founded by U2 lead singer Bono. Michael △ had served as CEO since 2011. MICHAEL ELLIOTT, It was like Michael to embark on 1951–2016 BONUS TIME a new adventure as he turned 60, MOTTO especially one committed to helping the least for- tunate among us. Born in Liverpool to parents who, he observed, seldom traveled more than four miles from home, he became a true man of the world, liv- Subscribe to TIME’s free ing for years in Asia and happily adopting the U.S. Motto newsletter as home but remaining a fierce defender of a united and get weekly Europe and the power of globalism to improve lives. advice from He wanted to make things better: as an editor, to the world’s make journalism better, and as an activist, to make most influential MODEL MEALS Instagram is full of people. appetizing food photographs, so how lives better. “Mike loved his life, lived it boldly and For more, visit can you make yours stand out? In a new wanted the rest of the world to have time.com/email TIME video, Instagram influencer Patrick that same experience of it,” said Janelle shares the tricks that helped him Bono. “Above all else, he wanted grow his audience to more than 450,000 his life to be useful. If you were followers. Watch it on lightbox.time.com around him, that’s what he TALK TO US demanded of you.” ▽ ▽ SEND AN EMAIL: FOLLOW US: [email protected] facebook.com/time Please do not send attachments @time (Twitter and Instagram) Letters should include the writer’s full name, address and home telephone and may be edited for purposes of clarity and space Back Issues Contact us at [email protected] or call 1-800-274-6800. Reprints and Permissions Information is available at time.com/reprints. To request custom reprints, Advertising Nancy Gibbs, EDITOR visit timereprints.com. For advertising rates and Please recycle this our editorial calendar, visit timemediakit.com. 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Price 46 returns to the drug in BoJack Horseman world in The Infiltrator and Casual 62 | Kristin On the cover: Photo-illustration by Oliver Munday for TIME van Ogtrop’s ode to the perfect babysitter Hillary Clinton, through the years (outward from center): At Wellesley College her senior year (1969); as Arkansas First Lady (1983); as First Lady 64 | 4 Questions for of the U.S. (1997); as Secretary of State (2010); running for President (2016) Star Trek star Zachary Quinto Photographs: Getty Images, Courtesy Hillary for America; David Hume Kennerly—Getty Images; Aamir Qureshi—AFP/Getty Images; Saul Loeb—AFP/Getty Images TIME (ISSN 0040-781X) is published weekly, except for two combined issues in January and one combined issue in February, April, July, August, September and November by Time Inc. PRINCIPAL OFFICE: 225 Liberty Street, New York, NY 10281-1008. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offices. 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