2008 ANNU A L REPO R T BETHESDA -CHEVY CHASE HIGH SC HOOL EDU C ATIONAL FOUNDATION November 2008 CollegeTracks—Foundation’s New Signature Program IN THIS This past spring, the B-CC High School Edu- dent for B-CC High School, “This award is well cational Foundation added the award-winning deserved. CollegeTracks has helped make college ISSUE B-CC CollegeTracks as a Foundation signature a reality for students who might not otherwise be program to its continuum of essential programs able to take advantage of such opportunities.” • Foundation’s that serve B-CC students. With this addition, the Started with $1,500 seed money from the New Program Foundation now enables the school to offer a Foundation in the fall of 2002, CollegeTracks 1 range of academic support services for students: was an all-volunteer effort for three years. In from the summer before their freshman year, • Foundation December 2005, on the basis of its success at throughout their high school years, to when they Financials and B-CC, the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation awarded pursue post-secondary education options. it a two-year $90,000 grant to expand the pro- Mission CollegeTracks, started seven years ago by three gram to Wheaton High School. With additional 2-3 B-CC parents, works with low and moderate generous contributions from local government, • Foundation’s income students who can succeed at college but charitable organizations, and individuals, and in- Business Partners may not get there simply because they don’t kind support from the school system, College- know how to apply to college or get financial Tracks has had a paid staff at both schools for the 4 aid. Few have adults in their lives familiar enough last two years, allowing it to reach more students • B-CC Numbers with the American higher education system to and deliver more comprehensive services. 5 guide them successfully through an increasingly “CollegeTracks is remarkably cost-effective, • Alumni News complicated system. Some are immigrants who serving each student annually for less than $400,” face language and cultural obstacles. Most be- 6 says Executive Director Nancy Leopold. “The lieve college is unaffordable. return on this investment is huge – for the stu- • Donor List CollegeTracks staff and trained volunteers dents, for their families, and for our entire com- 9-11 work right at B-CC to ensure that students and munity.” To ensure that CollegeTracks will con- families get inspiration, information and support tinue to deliver these essential services to B-CC to understand their postsecondary education op- students year after year, the Foundation made tions, successfully navigate the admissions pro- CollegeTracks a signature program and pledged cess, and secure the financial aid they need to raise $50,000 for its annual operating costs. PLEASE in order to attend college. Since 2002, INCLUDE CollegeTracks has worked with more THE B-CC HS than 540 students at B-CC, over 95% EDUCATIONAL B-CC HS CollegeTr acks Participation of whom have gone on to college or FOUNDATION 120 Juniors 101 technical school. CollegeTracks re- Seniors IN YOUR ANNUAL 100 90 GIVING . ceived this year’s Montgomery County s 74 80 70 60 YOU MAY USE THE Board of Education Distinguished Ser- 50 60 43 ENCLOSED ENVELO P E vice to Public Education Award for or- 35 40 OR DONATE AT WWW . ganizations that have made exemplary No. of Student 20 B CCED F OUNDATION . contributions to public education in 20 ORG . 0 Montgomery County. According to Dr. 2003-042004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 Frank Stetson, Community Superinten- Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School Educational Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 31209, Bethesda, MD 20824-1209 • www.bccedfoundation.org 2 From the President BETHESDA -CHEVY CHASE This school year has brought changes both We are also proud to announce a new Foun- HIGH SC HOOL for B-CC High School and the Foundation. dation grant to help students succeed at B-CC EDU C ATIONAL B-CC welcomes a new principal, Karen by strengthening the articulation between FOUNDATION Lockard, who had previously served as assistant Westland Middle School and B-CC High School. 2008-2009 principal and as a teacher. Ms. Lockard took In response to concerns that some students are over from Sean Bulson this summer when he not well enough prepared for the more rigorous Board of Directors left to take a leadership position with the county level of classes when they advance from President school system. The Foundation is working closely Westland to B-CC, the Foundation has provided Matthew Gandal with Principal Lockard to ensure that our re- both schools with a grant to identify strategies Vice-President sources continue to help meet the school’s high- for addressing the problem. We are very excited Carole Brand est priority needs. about the potential for improving the alignment Secretary of the curriculum and teacher expectations be- Sing-huen Morgan The Foundation is proud to have adopted tween the schools, thereby enabling students to Treasurer CollegeTracks as our newest signature program. experience a smoother transition to high school. Wayne Miller As the cover story explains, CollegeTracks is a Board Members wonderful example of a program that began Finally, the Foundation said good-bye this Donna Atkinson with a small amount of seed money from the year to three retiring board members: Nancy Susan Bank Foundation and has now grown into a fully op- Leopold, Nancy Suniewick, and Ross Wiener. Don Bowie erational college access program helping over a We are very grateful for their many contribu- Robby Brewer hundred B-CC students per year realize the tions over the years. Sonia Chessen Ellie Fink dream of attending college. We are very pleased to welcome two new Joyce Gwadz B-CC High School Educational Foundation’s members to the Foundation board: Susan Kitt, Steve Hull signature programs, including CollegeTracks, the B-CC’s past PTSA president, and Steve Hull, Susan Kitt Summer Academy for incoming at-risk ninth editor of Bethesda Magazine and parent of a B- Julian Mansfield graders, and the TAP after-school tutoring pro- CC graduate and three B-CC students. Both be- Deborah Missal gan serving three-year terms this fall. Tom Papson gram, provide critical support needed for all B- Kirk Renaud CC students to reach their academic potential. Thank you for your continued support of our These programs receive no funding from Mont- Foundation and the many B-CC High School gomery County or the State of Maryland. They students we serve. exist at B-CC only because of the generous sup- port of parents, alumni, our business partners, and other caring members of the community. Your support continues to make a real differ- Matthew Gandal ence in our students’ lives. Foundation Financials The B-CC High School Educational Foundation raised $142,700 in FY2008, bringing the total amount of funds raised since its inception in 1996 to $1.17 million. The two-year technology campaign that ended in FY2002 and the language lab campaign in FY2004 were especially success- ful. Our fundraising effort in the past two years to expand academic support for B-CC students at BETHESDA -CHEVY CHASE all levels also had significant results. HIGH SC HOOL EDU C ATIONAL B-CC High School Educational Foundation FOUNDATION , IN C . Annual Fundraising Results P.O.BOX 31209 $180,000 ETHESDA B , MD $150,000 20824-1209 www. $120,000 bccedfoundation. $90,000 org. $60,000 $30,000 $0 1996 1997 1998 1999 FY'00FY'01 FY'02FY'03 FY'04FY'05 FY'06FY'07 FY'08 ____________________BETHESDA -CHEVY CHASE HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION ______________________ 3 Foundation’s Mission, Goals, and Priorities Mission Goals Funding Priorities for FY2009 The B-CC High School Educational • Raise academic achievement—im- • After-school tutoring (TAP) for Foundation is dedicated to providing the prove preparation of incoming 9th grad- all students leadership and support necessary to en- ers, support a rigorous curriculum, in- • Summer Academy for at-risk in- sure that students attending B-CC, now crease participation in advanced courses, coming 9th graders and in the future, enjoy the world-class provide tutoring and support to help stu- education that is the school’s historic dents succeed, and ensure that all stu- • CollegeTracks to improve college legacy. The Foundation is committed to dents are college-ready. access for students who are most at risk of not attending college helping all students achieve high aca- • Attract and retain the highest-qual- demic standards, attracting and retain- ity teachers and staff—attract the most • International Baccalaureate Pro- ing the highest-quality faculty, support- qualified candidates to B-CC, provide re- gram support ing a school environment where every sources for teacher professional devel- • Professional development for student matters, and strengthening the opment, and improve communication teachers bond between B-CC and the community among school, parents, and community. it serves. • Strengthening articulation between • Support a school environ- Westland Middle School and B-CC High ment where every student mat- School ters—honor diversity, encourage • New computers and technology mentoring and other student sup- ports, and help maintain a small- The Foundation seeks funds from school experience, even as enroll- the B-CC community—parents, alumni, Equipment and ment increases. Technology Opening Doors to businesses, and other community 15% Professional College • Strengthen the bond between organizations—for these priorities. Development 2% 11 % the school and the community— Board members work closely with Academic build awareness of the school Achievement the school administration, the PTSA, 72% within the local community, recon- and B-CC alumni to coordinate nect with alumni, and foster part- support for the school.
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