LOUISIANA ADVOCATES • October 2010 PAGE 13 Last Chance, Dec. 9-10: an opportunity to learn from exceptional national and Louisiana attorneys LAJ’s “Last Chance CLE Conference” where he was named the Dr. Dale E. Gold which has benefited our clients and has a well-deserved reputation for being Bennett Professor of Law and was hon- brought us tremendous satisfaction, Louisiana’s ultimate CLE experience. ored six times by the students as the Paul Gold of the Aversano & Gold success, and pride.” This year’s program, December 9-10, Outstanding LSU Professor. law firm says his Last Chance presenta- Gold adds, “I became a lawyer to pro- 2010, at the Hilton New Orleans River- He joined Colby-Sawyer College as its tion, “I’m vide an effective voice to those who side Hotel, features extraordinary attor- eighth president and a professor in the Melting,” deals might not otherwise have it. While I neys who will present twenty-four Humanities Department in August 2006. with “tactical and respect power, I think there always needs dynamic credit courses. Before being selected as the college’s strategic procedu- to be a counterbalance to equalize it. I Four of the conference’s speakers — president, he served as dean and profes- ral considerations believe that as a trial attorney I provide Paul Luvera Jr., Mount Vernon, Wash.; sor of law at the University of for anticipating this counterbalance for my clients who Joseph H. Lowe IV, Long Beach, Calif.; Tennessee College of Law in Knoxville, and dealing with otherwise might not be afforded within Nicholas Rowley, Decorah, Iowa; and Tenn. While there, he was the Elvin E. the defense medi- the justice system the respect, justice, Alonzo T. Stanga of Metairie, La. — are Overton Distinguished Professor of cal examination, and dignity to which they are entitled.” also on the faculty of the Gerry Spence Law and taught torts and admiralty. including con- A graduate of the University of Texas- Paul Gold Trial Lawyers College in Dubois, Wyo. Galligan has published numerous structing effective Austin and Southern Methodist Unive- This issue of Louisiana Advocates books and articles on torts and admi- discovery control rsity, Gold is a director and sustaining introduces you to six of the national ralty. His scholarship has been cited in plans and discovery and formulating member of Texas Trial Lawyers Associa- speakers for this year’s program: James the proposed Restatement (Third) of successful impeachment of the defense tion and a recipient of its John Howie R. Bartimus, Leawood, Kan.; Prof. Torts, by numerous legal scholars, and medical examiner.” His conference Award for Mentorship. He also received Thomas C. Galligan, Jr., president of by the United States Supreme Court paper is based on Texas Rules of Civil the State Bar of Texas Gene Cavin Award Colby-Sawyer College, New London, and other federal and state appellate Procedure. for outstanding contributions to continu- N.H.; Paul N. Gold, Houston, Texas; and trial courts. “I am most proud of my partnership ing legal education in Texas. Joseph H. Low IV, Long Beach, Calif.; His work with Prof. Frank L. Maraist with Donna Aversano that was formed Randi McGinn, Albuquerque, N.M.; and was honored by the Tulane Law Review four years ago, in 2006. It has been liber- Nicholas C. Rowley, Decorah, Iowa. and the Louisiana Bar Journal. ating,” Gold says. “Together, we have Low To learn more about the other six been able to practice our own style of The dedication Joseph H. Low IV of national speakers, see the September plaintiffs’ personal injury trial law, Continued on page 14 issue of Louisiana Advocates, which is available on www.lafj.org. Bartimus James “Jim” Bartimus concen- trates his practice at Bartimus, Frickleton, Robertson & Gorny in the areas of Jim Bartimus medical negligence and pharmaceuti- cal litigation. He earned a law degree from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and attended the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine for three years. A past president of the Missouri Association of Trial Attorneys, Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association, Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Foundation, and Missouri Institute for Justice, Bartimus is a fellow of the International Society of Barristers and the American College of Legal Medicine and an associate of and past national director of the American Board of Trial Advocates. Bartimus is a member of the Missouri Bar, Kansas Bar Association, Kansas City Metropolitan Bar Association, American Bar Association, Kansas Association for Justice, Colorado Trial Lawyers Association, Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, American Judicature Society, American Society of Legal Medicine, and Lawyers-Pilots Bar Association. He has a Martindale-Hubbell AV rating. He is a contributing author to several books and has written extensively for national legal publications. He is a past adjunct professor at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Law and is past adjunct graduate faculty member for the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Nursing. Galligan Colby-Sawyer College President Thomas “Tom” Galligan, Jr. earned a B.A. degree in political science from Stanford Prof. Tom Galligan University, a doctor of jurisprudence degree (summa cum laude, first in class) from University of Puget Sound (now Seattle University) School of Law, and a master of laws degree from Columbia University Law School. For more than a decade, Galligan taught at the Paul M. Hebert Law Center at Louisiana State University, PAGE 14 LOUISIANA ADVOCATES • October 2010 Last Chance Continued from page 13 The Law Firm of Joseph H. Low IV to discharges. They both come to my other groups as well as an adjunct pro- Beskind, Strickland & Rabenau, fighting for citizens’ rights began in the house every holiday.” fessor at the University of New Mexico Raleigh, N.C. U.S. Marine Corps, Law School, McGinn gave birth to her • Mark Lanier, The Lanier Law for which he fought daughter, Heather, the day before her Firm, Houston, Texas all over the globe. McGinn three-day bar exam. • Paul N. Luvera, Jr., Luvera Law “I used to be a “With jurors’ Firm, Mount Vernon, Wash. cancer researcher,” attention spans • Peter Perlman, Peter Perlman Low says, “I gradu- shrinking by the Rowley Law Offices, Lexington, Ky. ated from the minute, how can Nick Rowley’s • Gary B. Pillersdorf, Gary B. University of you get across your presentation will Pillersdorf & Associates, California with a point on cross- focus on jury selec- New York, N.Y. master of science examination in the tion, juror inclu- • Dorothy Clay Sims, Sims & Joseph Low IV degree in biophysi- Randi McGinn first five minutes?” sion versus exclu- Stakenborg, P.A., Ocala, Fla. cal chemistry. I had asks Randi sion, connecting won a research competition and McGinn of McGinn, Carpenter, with your jury by They will be joined by “Louisiana received a research grant from Howard Montoya & Love, P.A. The key, she says, Nick Rowley opening yourself Law Review” faculty: Hughes Cancer Research for my work is the use of “thematic cross-examination up, and shedding in cancer drug design, specifically to label the witness in a way the jurors the fear of rejection. He also will dis- • Matthew F. Block, Block Law quinizarin intercalation into DNA will not forget.” This will be the focus of cuss how to voir dire a jury on money Firm, Thibodaux helices, which I was also published for. McGinn’s Last Chance lecture. for non-economic damages. • Lawrence N. Curtis, Larry “In addition, during this time period, McGinn, who says she became a Rowley, who handles significant Curtis, APLC, Lafayette 1992, I had my design for a superior plaintiff ’s lawyer “to make our com- damages cases, has developed a law • John H. Denenea, Jr., Sherman- method for mounting wheels to roller munity safer for everyone,” takes par- firm that dedicates more than 20 per- Denenea, L.L.C., New Orleans blade-type skates stolen and used with- ticular pride in her efforts on behalf of cent of its time and resources to han- • Richard J. Dodson, Dodson, out my consent. This motivated me to convenience store clerks. dling pro bono criminal cases through- Hooks & Frederick, APLC, go to law school to become a biotech “After handling a series of cases out the nation. Many people accused of Baton Rouge patent lawyer so that I could protect involving the death, rape, or serious crimes “do not have the resources to • Stephen J. Herman, Herman, the little guy from being ripped off by injury to convenience store clerks prove their innocence and end up get- Herman, Katz & Cotlar, L.L.P., corporations.” required to work alone on the graveyard ting sold out by the criminal ‘injustice’ New Orleans A graduate of the University of the shift without any security protections, system that is stacked against them,” • Allan Kanner, Kanner & Pacific McGeorge School of Law, Low is we organized our clients to testify he says. He adds that civil trial lawyers Whiteley, L.L.C., New Orleans an instructor at the Gerry Spence Trial before the state OSHA board to create “have a duty to help. .” • Robert E. Kleinpeter, Kleinpeter Lawyers College and the Naval Judge the strongest convenience store regula- Rowley has offices in California, & Schwartzberg, L.L.C., Baton Rouge Advocate General Training School. tions in the nation,” she explains. Minnesota, and Iowa. He represents vic- • Robert M. Marionneaux, Jr., He is particularly proud of work he’s “Because of their efforts, New tims of acquired brain injury, medical Unglesby & Marionneaux, done for soldiers. Mexico convenience stores open after 11 malpractice, and wrongful death, and Baton Rouge “I had a pro bono case go to the U.S. p.m. must choose between having two has a serious criminal defense practice.
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