VOL. XXXV. NO. 24 PHILLIPS, M AINE, TH U R SD AY, JAN. 9, 1913 PRICE 4 CENTS RANGELEY GIRL WRITES OF INSTALLATION HOUSEWARMING IN WELD GRANGE SATURDAY NIGHT i STEVENS TRANS-CONTINENTAL TRIP Doable Barrel Hammerless Was a Public Event and Much En­ Phillips’ New Social Center Rooms Letter Dated at the Home of the Mormons Gives joyed—Engagement of a Weld to Be Opened to the Public Gan No. 365 Many Interesting Sights and Scenes En­ Girl Announced. on That Date—Dreams K r u p p Fluid of Years Fulfilled Steel Barrels and Dec. 30. Lugs Drop-forged : in one piece. joyed by Franklin County Tourists. (Deferred from last weak.) Breech Strongest C. A. Masterman, Alton Sw-e.tt and An absolutely unique institution where others are will have its house warming Satur­ Ralph Masterman, who have been Weak. The following extracts from personal York, which is a country just full of spending the holidays at their home day night when the rooms of the CANNOT letters written by Miss Alice Sweetser orchards. Ontario is pretty flat and will return to Kent’s Hill to re­ Congregational Society of Phillipis are .thrown open to the public for SHOOT LOOSE to Rangeley friends will be of unusual well covered with fences, most of them sume their studies this week. the evening. Pick up this gun interest to many who are acquainted being stump or Virginia rail. There are a large, number of sick and feel the bal­ with some or all of the members of the “ We made our first change in time ones in .this vicinity, with the pre­ The rooms which were recently ance of it—exam­ used by the late Board of Trade, ine the working party who have just made the trip at Detroit, setting our watches back vailing distemper. parts closely and across the continent. The first letter one hour. We arrived in Chicago Sat­ H. A. Foster went to Kingfield will house an organization that hjas see the fine care is dated at Hotel Utah, Salt Lake City, urday at 9.10 P. M. and were met by a last Saturday, returning the first of been the dream of a number of the and finish of de- Dec. 17, and reads: Union Pacific man who conducted us the week. leading citizens of Phillips for ta l—you will say years. “ Here I am! We all arrived here at across the city and started us safely on H. E. Gatchell has been visiting it 18 a winner. Salt Lake City last night about 5 P. M. our way again. It was 10.16 when we relatives in Auburn through the It is the intention of those inter­ Lists at only and came in the automobile 'bus right left there and our berths were made up holidays. ested in the movement that the S32.50 and will be expressed, p re ­ | here to the best hotel in the city. It when we got on the train. We were Mrs. H. G. Bovi and children have rooms may be used by any society paid direct from j certainly is very fine and it ought to all tired and ready to get into them. I moved to Auburn where Mr. Bovi without a home and that they shall factory in case j be, for it cost $2,500,000. We certain­ had an upper berth which was fine, all has a .position in a mill. be free of access as a social center. you cannot secure ly have enjoyed our trip very much so but getting up and down. I never was D. A. Gates of Dixfiekl is in through a Dealer. While the members of the Con­ far. I will begin at Boston and try to fond of climbing stepladders. town this week looking after the gregational society do not claim Write for Art ! describe a bit of it all the way along. “ We woke Sunday morning in Iowa. lumber interests of Gates & Har­ that the rooms will be used as a civ­ Catalog. We left there at 4.50 P. M. Friday for Through that state the land is mere low. ic service house they do wish the Chicago, going by the way of Albany broken and looked like right good Dr. G. E. Proctor was called to public to understand that the roams j . STEVENS ARMS 8 on the Michigan Central railroad, farming country. Saw acres and Phillips Monday in consultation with will he used in every way possible Saturday morning we arrived at Niag­ acres of corn stalks and cattle, horses, Dr. E. C. Higgins on the case of for the betterment of social con­ TOOL C O . I ara around £ o’clock and had five min­ mules, and hogs, running at large and Mrs. Chas. Noyes, who is very ill. ditions in this community. ❖ Post office Box 50 • utes, which gave us a chance to get off feeding in them. Rev. C. L. Woodworth, pastor of _ There will be no admlssin charg­ * the train and have a good view of the “ The Mississippi was crossed in early the Congregational chunqh will ed Saturday and alll will be made CHICOPEE FALLS, MASS. J falls. They are very beautiful. morning and the Missouri about noon­ leave for his home in Woodfords, % to feel thoroughly at home. “ We rode all day through Ontario, time. We were in Omaha, Neb., Thursday, for a much needed rest The intentions of the Congrega­ that is, after leaving northern New about 12.30 and had ten minutes, got and vacation. tional society were explained by off and took snapshots of the crowd. Oscar Sanborn and Clayton Stor- Mr. Hutchins at last Suhday eve­ No hills through Nebraska and about er will return to the U. of M. this ning s service. He said that it was > all we saw were big corn and wheat week after a two weeks’ vacation. the hope of the society that all fields and big cattle ranches. In one Floyd Witham was in Hallowell would avail themselves of the ben­ Mountain House place we must have seen 2,000 cattle. last week to attend the funeral of efit of the rooms and that any wor­ View The barns all through the state are his. late employer, Hon. James E. thy society,'without a place to meet, Mountain View, Maine small, as the hay is all stacked in the Lon t. would feel at liberty > go there fields. Through the rural districts the For farther particulars write or address Con ip Masterman spent a part of for its gatherings . r houses are very bmall ana io w on ac­ ■his vacation in Boston, the guest A short program has j arrang­ count of the big winds. All the peo­ L. E. B0WLEY, of friends. He will return to Kent’s ed for Saturday night- a. allows: ple seem to ride in covered rigs drawn * Hill .this week. Music High School Orchestra Mountain View, * by twoMaine. horses or mules. The towns Mrs. J. L. Berry is working for Singing Choral cl-ub and cities through this region look Mrs. F. B. Whitney. Prayer ' Rev. M. S. Hutchins fairly well. One sees a bar ttor saloon Leslie Foster of Somerville, Mass., on every corner where there is a set­ Clarinet solo Dr. BLanchaPd is spending the holidays with his Selections from Paul Lawrence Dun­ tlement, though. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. THINK “ At North Platte, Neb., Saturday bar Mr. Noble E. Foster. Solo Miss Banker GRANT'S CAMPS, KENNEBAGO, MAINE, night we set our watches back again. W. W. Palmer and wife have both I didn’t like it then much, for I was Piano solo Miss Bates been sick in bed the past week. When Packing up for that Fishing Trip. Fly Fishing de luxe growing tired. I sat outside in the Guitar and mandolin duet, Mrs. At the last communication of K enn eh ago, M aine observation car and watched the sun­ Butler, iNorman Butler ED GRANT SONS, Mystic Tie Lodg-e F. and A. M. the set; it was pretty but not like Range- Singing Choral club following off cers were chosen for ley lake. The public are invited to come the ensuing year: w . M., Harry ,Fer- “ Monday morning we were in j Wyo­ at 8 o ’clock. ren; S. W., Albert M. Child; J. W., m ming among the foothills of the Rock­ Lester D. Lee; S. D., W. W. Pal­ ies. At 8.15 we had a few minutes at Brown’s Camps, Lake Kezar. mer; J. D„ A. Foster; Treas., J. S. For your Spring Fishing Trip why not come where the salmon are large Rawlins, a small mining town, got out Houghton; Sec., O. Phillips. The enough to interest you. The average weight of salmon here for the past there for a run in the cold air and it WEAR RUBBERS five seasons has been seven pounds. We also offer you private cabins sure was cold and the ground pretty third degree was also worked on This Winter with open fire, bath, twin beds, etc Bass fishing is unsurpassed. Write one candidate. us forbooklet, rates and detailed information. Address white with snow. About noon we had B. E. BROWN, Center Lovell, Maine. ten minutes at Green River and took Mr. and Mrs. H, W. Coburn are in more snapshots. Along the river bank Farmington this week. we saw a few trees of some kind, first D. E. Stockbridge has returned and only seen in Wyoming, for all that home after a three mouths’ stay in seems to grow on the plains there is Lo'well, Mass.
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