Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76751-4 - Galen and the World of Knowledge Edited by Christopher Gill, Tim Whitmarsh and John Wilkins Index More information Index Acts of Peter 101 Asclepiades of Bithynia 68, 69, 135, 143, 147, Adrian of Tyre 98 149, 151, 211, 217 Aeficianus 27, 291, 293–4, 298 Asclepius 295 Aelius Dionysius 166 Asia, ‘The Greek of’ 167–8 Aeschines 26 Asianism 14 Alcinous (Middle Platonist) 17, 251, astrology 37 253–7 Athenaeus of Attaleia 77, 214 Alexander of Damascus 76, 78, 286 Athenaeus of Naucratis 6, 10, 22, 34, 35 Alexandria 90, 149, 153, 239 Athens 14, 76 al-Mas‘udi 25 Atomists 290 al-Thanus 25 Attalus 240–1 Anastassiou, A. 154 Atticism 14, 31, 157–74 Anaxagoras 28 Atticus 245, 251 Andocides 26, 165 Andromachi, the (doctors) 28 Bacchius of Tanagra 143, 145, 147, 149, 151, 153, Annia Faustina 123 162, 163, 165, 166 Antigenes 123 Ballester, L. 262, 265 Antiphon 27 Barigazzi, A. 32 Apollinaris of Aezani 25 Barnes, J. 271 Apollonius Byblas 149, 152 Barton, T. 37, 38, 39 Apollonius of Kition 165, 166 Boethus, Flavius 61–2, 76, 123, 125, 263, 287–8, Arabic biography of Galen 27–9 294 Aratus 133 Boethus’ wife 118, 123, 125 Archidamus 217 Boudon-Millot, V. 32 Archigenes 34 Boys-Stone, G. 255 Archilochus 30 Ariphron 32 Callimachus of Bithynia 145 Aristarchus of Samothrace 149, 169 Callimachus of Cyrene 133 Aristides, Aelius 23 Callistus (grammarian) 19 Aristippus 186–7 case studies 115–31 Aristophanes (comic poet) 30–1, 161 Cato the elder 36 Aristophanes of Byzantium 165, 166, causality 257–8 169 Celsus 21 Aristotle 1, 16, 17, 22, 24, 28, 65, 66–73, Chinese medicine, ancient 121–2 76–82, 129, 133, 169, 208–9, 210, 214, Chrysippus 79, 133, 214, 288, 289, 291–2, 294, 216, 224, 247, 249–52, 261–81, 287, 288, 296–8 289, 290 Church Fathers 265 Arnim, H. von 282 comedy 29, 30–1, 159 Arria (philosopher) 23 compilatory writing 35–58 Arrian 23 Corinth 239 Artemidorus Capito 144 cosmogony 71–2, 244, 247 323 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76751-4 - Galen and the World of Knowledge Edited by Christopher Gill, Tim Whitmarsh and John Wilkins Index More information 324 Index Cratinus 30 Causes of Pulses (Caus.Puls.) 120 Critias 26, 27 Comments on the First and Second Books of Ctesias 25, 141 Chrysippus’ ‘Syllogistic’ 285 Diagnosis by Pulses (Dig.Puls.) 120, 207 De Lacy, P. 24, 75 Differences of Fevers (Diff.Feb.) 164 demiurge 11, 17, 59–84, 110–11, 246 Differences of Pulses 32, 167, 181 Demosthenes 26 Difficulties in Breathing (Diff.Resp.) 140 Descartes, R. 177 Exercise with the Small Ball (Parv.Pil.) 201–2 Didymus Chalcenterus 29 Exhortation to the Arts (Protr.) 32 Dieuches 34, 214 Glossary of Hippocratic Terms (Gloss.) 136, Dinarchus 26 165, 169 Dio Chrysostom 100, 188 In Defence of Epictetus against Favorinus 293 Diocles of Carystus 7, 141, 171, 214, Introduction to Logic (Inst.Log.) 232 280 It is Useful for Schoolchildren to Read Old Diogenes Laertius 32, 188 Comedy 30 Diogenes of Babylon 288 On Affected Parts (Loc.Aff.) 239 Dioscorides 7, 144, 172, 173 On Anatomical Procedures (AA) 63, 69, 70, Dioscurides (orator) 24 88, 98, 103–5, 111 Dioscurides the younger 149 On Aristotle’s ‘Categories’ 138 Dogmatism 218 On Aristotle’s ‘On Interpretation’ 138 Donini, P. 244, 258 On Aristotle’s ‘Organon’ 265 On Aristotle’s ‘Posterior Analytics’ 138 Eakins, T. 104 On Aristotle’s ‘Prior Analytics’ 138 education, Galen’s 4, 284, 286 On Crises (Cris.) 140 Empedocles 234 On Critical Days (Di.Dec.) 130, 140 Empiricism 130, 149, 151, 153, 208, 212–13, 214, On Demonstration 247, 249, 265 218, 231, 232, 255 On Eudemus’ ‘On Speech’ 138, 265 endeixis 231–3 On Examinations 21 Ephesus 89 On Habits (Cons.) 202 Epictetus 79, 293 On Hippocrates’ ‘Airs, Waters, Places’ 25, 139 Epicurus / Epicureanism 24, 68, 69, 133, 149, On Hippocrates’ ‘Anatomy’ 140 229 On Hippocrates’ ‘Aphorisms’ (Hipp.Aph.) 137, epistemology 206–42, 252–3 142, 150 Erasistratus 5, 62, 70, 90, 135, 149, 203, 211–12, On Hippocrates’ ‘Epidemics’ (Hipp.Epid.) 115, 264, 267, 271, 279, 281 131, 137, 139, 141, 145, 148, 150, 151, 152, 160, Erotianus 150, 154, 162, 163 167, 168 Euclid 224–5, 227 On Hippocrates’ ‘Fractures’ (Hipp.Fract.) 73, Eudemus of Pergamum 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 137, 158, 160, 161, 168 125, 149, 265 On Hippocrates’ ‘Nature of Man’ (HNH) 139, Eupolis 30, 31, 292 140, 148, 149, 266, 272 Euripides 30, 31 On Hippocrates’ ‘On Affections’ 140 Eusebius 22 On Hippocrates’ ‘On Diseases’ 140 On Hippocrates’ ‘On Generation’ 140 Fabricius 33 On Hippocrates’ ‘On Humours’ (Hipp.Hum.) Favorinus 6, 24, 33, 293 138 Ficino, M. 190, 195, 197–8, 204 On Hippocrates’ ‘On Joints’ (Hipp.Art.) 73, Foucault, M. 38 137, 158, 163, 165, 166 Frede, M. 255, 260, 271 On Hippocrates’ ‘On Nutriment’ (Hipp.Vict.) French’s Index of Differential Diagnosis 127 138 On Hippocrates’ ‘On the Diseases of Women’ Galen, works (Latin abbreviations, where they 140 exist, given in brackets): On Hippocrates’ ‘On the Eight-month Child’ Against Julian (Adv.Jul.) 140 140 Against Lycus (Adv.Lyc.) 140 On Hippocrates’ ‘On the Nature of a Child’ Art of Medicine (Ars Med.) 44, 222, 224 140 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76751-4 - Galen and the World of Knowledge Edited by Christopher Gill, Tim Whitmarsh and John Wilkins Index More information Index 325 On Hippocrates’ ‘Prognostic’ (Hipp.Prog.) 137, 230, 231, 232, 239, 240, 254, 256, 265, 289, 150 290, 291, 292, 294 On Hippocrates’ ‘Prorrhetics’ (Hipp.Prorrh.) On Theophrastus’ ‘On Affirmation and 139, 148, 153 Negation’ 138, 265 On Hippocrates’ ‘Regimen in Acute Diseases’ On Treatment by Bloodletting (HVA) 137, 142, 150 (Cur.Rat.Ven.Sect.) 182, 226–7 On Hippocrates’ ‘Surgery’ (Hipp.Off.Med.) On Whether Blood is Naturally Contained in 27, 138, 147, 151, 153, 160, 194, 293, 294 the Arteries (Art.Sang.) 165 On His Own Opinions (Prop.Plac.) 61, 245 On Wounds 137 On Medical Names (Med.Nam.) 27 On Wounds in the Head 137 On Mixtures (Temp.) 206, 219–21, 233, 266 Prognosis by Pulses (Praes.Puls.) 120 On Moral Character (Mor.) 32 The Best Doctor is also a Philosopher On My Own Books (Lib.Prop.) 4, 6, 30, 61, (Opt.Med.) 140, 207 62, 65, 70, 97, 136, 144, 207, 208, 209, 239, The Faculties of the Soul Follow the Mixtures of 285, 293 the Body / The Soul’s Dependence on the On Prognosis (Praen.) 12–13, 18, 19, 57, 108, Body (QAM/QAF) 15, 29, 192, 205, 268, 239, 286–9, 295 285, 291–2, 297, 299 On Sects for Beginners (SI) 180, 208 The Passions of the Soul (Aff.Dig.) 178, 181, On Semen (Sem.) 217, 278 185, 186, 284 On the Avoidance of Grief 1–2, 4, 20, 22, Thrasybulus (Thras.) 217, 222 32 To Glauco on the Method of Healing (MMG) On the Best Method of Teaching (Opt.Doct.) 265 207 Gellius, Aulus 24, 44 On the Best Teaching against Favorinus 293 Gill, C. J. 81 On the Composition of Drugs according to Kind gladiators 92, 108–10 (Comp.Med.Gen.) 31 Glaucias 145, 151 On the Composition of the Art of Medicine (CAM) 14, 176 Habicht, C. 23 On the Diagnosis and Cure of the Errors of the Hadot, P. 187 Soul (Pecc.Dig.) 203, 225, 227–8, 229–30, Hadrian of Tyre see Adrian of Tyre 231, 240, 254 Hankinson, R. J. 75, 83, 256, 271 On the Dissection of Living Animals 103 haruspicy 106 On the Doctrines of Hippocrates and Plato Hegel, G. 59 (PHP) 6, 17, 29, 61, 63, 69, 71, 74, 179, Hellenistic medicine 132–56 227, 228, 236, 249, 273–4, 277, 286, 288–9, Heraclides of Erythrae 145, 149, 151 290–1, 296–8, 299 Heraclides of Tarentum 141, 143, 145, 147, 151, On the Elements according to Hippocrates 153, 154, 155 (Hipp.Elem.) 7, 78, 140, 206, 207, 214, Herodes Atticus 23 233–6, 237, 266, 272–3 Herodicus of Babylon 174 On the Formation of the Foetus (Foet.Form.) Herodotus 25, 163 61, 64, 179, 180, 292, 297, 299 Herophilus 135, 141, 149, 281 On the Function of the Parts (UP) 5, 61–84, Hipparchus 25 207, 237, 266, 274–6, 287 Hippocrates / Hippocratics 5, 6, 7, 10, 12–13, 17, On the Hippocratic Oath 26, 32 32, 72, 75, 115–31, 132–56, 157–74, 177, 180, On the Natural Faculties (Nat.Fac.) 5, 7, 191, 194, 197, 198–9, 200–1, 206, 214, 262, 61–84, 194–5, 206, 211, 236, 267 263, 266, 269, 272, 274, 280, 290 On the Order of My Own Books Homer 30, 32, 149, 173 (Ord.Lib.Prop.) 4, 6, 10, 50–8, 180, 182, Hunain ibn Ishaq 139, 148 183, 184 Hyperides 26 On the Powers of Simple Drugs (SMT) 172, 213–14, 215–16 Ibn abi Usaybi’a 28, 29 On the Properties of Foodstuffs (Alim.Fac.) 6, Ilberg, J. 28 29, 171, 174, 204 Imperial cult 92 On the Therapeutic Method (MM) 10, 51–2, inductive method 129 175, 185, 190, 207, 212, 214, 216, 221–2, 223, Irmer, D. 154 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76751-4 - Galen and the World of Knowledge Edited by Christopher Gill, Tim Whitmarsh and John Wilkins Index More information 326 Index Julian of Alexandria 21, 145 Plato (comic poet) 30 Plato (philosopher) 7, 16, 17, 31, 72–5, 133, 190, Kovaciˇ c,´ F.
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