Vol. XXXVI£ Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, Friday, February 17, 1961 N<*j:/r-\ Republicans Expect More Snow Lodge Entertains Tire Chains Could Have For class Day Lily Lodge, a young actress and lecturer, will present a program Political Implications entitled "Theatre Is a Mirror" in her performance here for Sopho- by Kyle Stirling elapsed since the last snow fall more Class Day on Wednesday, here, a professor of English con- An unofficial, and possible un- February 22. In "Theatre Is a cluded that there ought to be a scientific, survey at Madison Col- Mirror" Miss Lodge presents, correlation between political affilia- lege reveals that political implica- through dramatic readings, "a car- tion and the putting ori and taking nival of characters." tions can be read into anything— off of tire chains. even snow. A somewhat hasty, unscientific Miss Lodge is the daughter of It's common knowledge that survey was taken and the unofficial a former Governor of Connecticut, Madison College has been deluged conclusion was that 10 Republicans John Davis Lodge, now our Am- with the accumulation of nine snow still have tire chains on, expecting bassador to Spain, and niece of storms since December, with fac- more snow; three Democrats have Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., former ulty "and students putting on and taken theirs off; two, who are un- U. S. Representative to the United taking off tire chains at the direc- committed in political affiliation, Nations. tion of the capricious whim of na- have one chain on and one off; and A protege of the actress, Helen A BREEZE staff reporter got only this one misleading hint about ture. one Goldwater supporter has both Hayes, Miss Lodge is a graduate Sophomore Class Day which will be held this Wednesday night Left to With more than 72 hours having snow tires and chains. of Wellesley College, has attended right Ellen MacMahon and David Blevins practice while Nancy Lee the Royal Academy of Dramatic directs. f Art and the University of London CALENDAR STUDENTS USE in England, and is a member of Saturday, February 18, 1961 UNLICENSED TAXIS the Actor's Studio in New York. 2:00 Basketball with Longwood She has toured with Faye Emer- Outstanding Students The State Corporation Com- —here son, Gypsy Rose Lee, Victor Jory, mission has informed iu that 7:30 — Movie — "Sink the Bis- Fay Bainter, Eva LeGalliehnc, some taxi companies are using marck" . Basil Rathbone and Billie Burke. Named To Dean's List vehicles that are not licensed to Sunday, February 19, 1961 Off-Broadway Miss Lodge ap- carry passengers. (A properly by Marita Dovel Doris Jean Humphries, Evelyn Rose Attend the church of your thoice peared in Strindberg's "Easter," licensed vehicle will have an Jenkins, Barbara Kay Keatley, 1:30 — Vespers — Women's Day and at New York City Center with One hundred thirty-five students "H" on .the large State license ...» Lynda Garland Kern, Barbara Jean.. ~- Student Room Jose Ferrer in "Cyrano de Ber- were named to the Dean's List first tag and will have a smaller strip King, Barbara Ann Kinsey, Pa- Wednesday, February 22, 1961 gerac," and with Helen Hayes in semester as compared to one hun- license from the State Corpora- tricia Rose Kolebas. 12:00 — Assembly — Lily Lodge "The Wisteria Trees." Also on dred twenty-one second semester tion Commission with a "T" on Sallyann Margaret Lawrence, 8:00 — Sophomore Class Night Broadway she appeared at the of last year. it.) Some vehicles used during Carl. Sheldon Layman, Anna Mae Friday, February 24, 1961 ANTA Theatre in "The Skin of the Thanksgiving holidays were In order to be named to the Leigh tsy, Mary Lewis Lincoln, 8:00 — Lyceum Program—Anna Our Teeth," with Helen Hayes and not licensed for carrying pas- Dean's List a student must make Sarah Louise Lindsay, Robert Russell Mary Martin, a presentation which sengers and it has been reported a 3.25 average. Those students on Charles Linton, Shirley Marie Lyt- was part of the Salute To France that some engaged for the the list last semester are as fol- ton, Olga Dawn Marston, Mary at the Sarah Bernhardt Theatre in Christmas holidays were not li- lows: Connie Josephine Agee, Iris Elizabeth Martin, Mary Jane Mc- S.S. Professors Paris. Miss Lodge has appeared censed. Gail Allen, Carol Ann Almond, Clellan, Sara Henrietta McNeill, extensively on radio and on tele- To Speak At S.E.A. Carol Jearn Atkinson, Bonnie Paige Courtney Louise Miller, Nancy El- When these violators are re- vision, and is associated with Miss The Student Education Associa- Avent, Nancy Carolyn Ayers, Bar- len Miller, Lloyd Whitney Mon- ported, State Police check ve- Hayes in a weekly radio program. bara Jane Beahm, Harriet Lee tion is going to hold its monthly hicles at points along the road ger, Jr., Ruth Jean Monsch, Marie meeting at 6:45 Thursday, February Miss Lodge also worked with the Berkley, Sue Ellen Blankenship, Stephenson Monson, Virginia Leon- and if the driver and vehicles American Shakespeare Festival Carol Bobo, Chester Leo Bradfield, 23, at the campus school auditor- are not properly licensed, the ard Moore, Carolyn Virginia Mor- ium. After a short business meet- Theatre and Academy during its Diane Marie Brosius, Alma Vir- rison, Susan Jane Moyar, John driver will be arrested and pas- organizational stages. She toured ginia Brown, Dorothy Belle Brown, ing, Dr. Woelfel, Dr. Sas and Mr. sengers will be forced to leave Howard Nelson, Barbara Jean Stewart are going to speak on the with "An Evening With Will Janet Elise Burke, Mary Kay Bur- Newby, Bonnie June Painter, Mar- the vehicle. Please be very sure foreign educational system of Eu- Shakespeare" in the first company ner, Frances Ann Callahan, Helen garet / Barver Pence, Catherine that you have engaged a licensed Athena Caravas, Nancy Carolyn ropean education. After these talks, the Festival sent out under Mar- Renee Phillippe, Janet Grace Pris- there will be a questioning period. taxi or you may have your trip Clanton, Mary Elizabeth Comer, aznick. garet Webster's direction. Grace Carrington Cosby, Kitty Sue ALL students and faculty members interrupted. Also, only six pas- Linda Allene Quist, Sheila Jean Cox, Ruth Carolyn Crouch.. are invited to come and have some sengers may ride in a "taxi", Rabe, Dorothy Cooke Raynes, questions in mind. The members Peggy Elizabeth Dale, Cynthia Emily Corinne Reid, Janice Muriel whether it is a station wagon of the panel would appreciate it if Lucille Davenport, Barbara Jean Roach, Tommie Sue Robertson, questions on the subject would be or sedan. ThislvThat Davis, Bette Janet Davis, Patsy Datherine Patricia Rogers, Flora given to them before the meeting. Yvonne Dean, Aida Maryann De- Ann Roland, Carolyn Ann Rose, ORCHESIS GETS Luca, Katherine Elaine Dennis, Mary Lurena Rowe, Karen Lucille NEW MEMBERS Lula Mae Dickenson, Crystal Mae Ruddle, Carolyn Corell Ryburn, Diehl, Betty Davis Driver, Anne Beverly Wayne Sawyer, Quita Newly elected dancers to Or- Davidson Duncan, Martha Allen Arnold Schweizer, Donna Amelia chesis are: Diane Penncwcll, Mary Dunnington, Betty Lou Edwards, Scott, Sally Seabright, Dorothy Samples, Suzanne Bushman, Lois Gayle Jeanette Fitzgerald, Peggy Carol Shaw, Marie Taylor Shearin, Phillips and Nancy Davis. Wallace Fletcher, Nora Jean Janet Marie Shipe, Mary Carolyn These dancers will prepare along Fouke, Lydia Mae Frame, Linda Jo Shrop, Joyce Sandra Smith, Phyllis with the old members for the an- Fravel, Mary Ann Fravel, Nedra Marie Smither, Martha Louise nual spring concert to be held on Schultz Gallahan, Oma Estella Southard, Fay Jeanette Taylor, At arch 10. Gifford, Virginia Marie Goetz, Betty Lee Tliarp, Julia . Carper This year the Club plans to pre- Harriet Goode, Eleanor Lou Guil- Tressel, Gean Gray Tuggle, Mary sent a history of dance by begin- lion. Frances Tyler, Margie Verdene ning with its primitive origin and Elizabeth Ann Haley, Adrienne Vest, James Donald Wagner, Vir- following its development up to the Marshon Hall, Shirley Jeanne Har- ginia Lee Wagner, Carole Kay present age. mon, June Howard Herrin, Judy Ward, Geraldine Jeanette Whitmer, Ann Hertzler, June Catherine Hill, Charlotte Scott Wootten, Robert TOLBERT GETS NOTICES Jan Christinia Hillquist, Florine Edward Young, Janet Mae Zirkle, ABOUT SUMMER JOBS Anita Hobbs, Daniel Gary Hooke, Bernice Bryant Zuckerman. E. W. Tolbert, Dean of Students, receives notices about summer Left to right are the three Honor Council candidates, Mary Stuart work. Interested students may go Concert Comedienne' To Jenkins, Carole Knight and Mary Katherine Neale. by the Counseling Center Lobby in Alumnae Hall and look through Runs On Petition these notices. Recently Dr. Tol- Perform At Madison bertgreceived a notice from Yel- • / lowstone Park describing oppor- Anna Russell, international con- Ed Sullivan Show, the Garry Carole Knight Runs tunity for summer work in that cert comedienne, will appear at area. Moore Show, Kraft TV Theatre, Madison College on Friday, Feb- Omnibus, and the Steve Allen ruary 24, at 8:00 p.m. for the first r For Honor Council U. OF DENVER. program of the second-semester Show. She has been a guest solo- OFFERS FELLOWSHIPS ist with some 20 symphony orch- Running on petition for president was selected as an outstanding jun- lyceum series. of Honor Council is Carole Lee ior. The University of Denver and Miss Russell, who has been call- estras, including the New York Knight who is enrolled in curricu- A certain procedure must be fol- the Social Science Foundation an- ed one of the top satirists of the Philharmonic Orchestra, and she lum III with a major in English lowed before a petition may be nounce graduate fellowships for day, has toured her one woman has appeared in summer stock and and library science.
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