SectionC : Novel TrialExam Questions 2010 Perlisls'Triil Exam 201'0 Basedon one of the novelsabove, write about a lesson learnt from the main character in this story. Pshanq'sTriat Exam 2010 Based on one of the novels above, write about lessons that you can learn from a character found in the novel. Provide evidencefrom the texl to suppgrtyour answer. Perak'sTrial Exam 2010 Basedon one of the novelsabove, write about a lesson that you have learnt from the main character, Provideevidence from the textto supportyour answer. Kela4anlldalEraq 2o1o Braveryis importantto succeed.How is this shown by one of the charactersin the novel.Provide evidence from the text to supportyour answer. MRSM'sTrial Exam 2010 Basedon one of thenovels above, write abouta positivelesson that you havelearnt from the story. Provideevidence from the tert to supportyour itnswer. JgherEltialExam 2010 Basedon one of thenovels above, choose a character.Suggest some positive values you learntfrom this character, @ Basedon one of the novelsabove, write about how loyattyis shown in the story. Provideevidence from the textto support youranswer. $annBleAnswers: -QampleOne I wouldlike to chooseRudolf Rassendyll from the novel"The Prisoner of Zenda".The significant quality I canlearn from him is courageMany times in this story,Rudolf Rassendyll faces dangerous situation bravelyl A good'exarnpleis the riskhe takesto enterthe castleat nightto rescuethe king.Even though he is butnumberedby the Duke'siren, he stiilgoes in to save iheking. Anotherquality is loyaltyto the kingand his duty, which is to helpsave the king'slife. Although he lovesPrincess Flavia, he is willingto walkaway, leaving her with the kingas he knowsthat the kingand the countryof Ruritanianeed princess Flavia, The abililyof to see the humourousside of thingsis also a positivequality. ti is tnis positivequality that enables iiassendylllo ridesabove the risky situations he faces in foiling Duke Michael' evil plans' SampleTwo The characterthat I thinkhave shown bravery is RudolfRassendyll from the story "ThePrisoner of Zenda".He is willingto riskdeath to savea kingthat he hasonly met once. His bravery begins when he agreesto impersonatethe Kingduring the coronationto saveRuritania from BlackMichael. Then, when the Kingis kidnapped,he continueshis impersonationeven thoughhe knowsthat his life will be in constantdanger. He also risks his lifewhen he rescuesthe King.These aie theactions of a braveperson. .Ernp|e rb1gC I havelearnt an importantlesson from Rudolf Rassendyll in "ThePrisoner of Zenda".He taughtme thatwe mustface challengeswith courage and a senseof adventure.Rudolf Rassendyll knew the dangerof impersonatiigKing Rudolf V. yet, he continueddoing so to savethe throne from the evilDuke Michael. His courageous acti paidoffwhen ne rescuiOthe king. Whileplaying the parto{ the king,he hadfallen madly in lovewith princess Ftavia. lf he had nottaken the chal-lengesof impersonatingthe king, he would not have experienced these adventures. Thus,I learnthat we musthandle challenges with courage. SamoleForir In i'he Prisonerof Zenda", I learn that honour and sacrificeare greaterthan romanticlove for one person.Rassendyll loves PrincessFlavia' but he knows that she must marry the rightfulKin-g of Ruritania.Although it is difficultfor him gives her up He choose.to. to do so, he do th.eright thing' He knows it woull selfishfor him to run off wiifr Ftavia, Rassendyliis alsonoble althoughshe loves him too. in his willing-nesstdrisk losinghis rifein oroeiio savethe king. Thrsstory inspires me to be noble and selfle-s;.Like Rassendytt, t woutolike"r\v io (v bevs bravev'q' in the face of dangerand bold in takingup a'y chalienge,I would like to put othersbefore myself, Sample Fivi; I wc;uldsay the one of the bravestcharacters is Rudolf prisoner Rassendyll,from "The of zenda,,.Althoughindifferent to work,he is aciverrturousand is a good swordsman. js H visit to Ruritaniaon the occasionof the coronation of King RudolfV leads him to some dangerousencounters. He has the corriageto impers.onaleKing Rudolfin order to su* hir-irorii" deadlyenemies. ne oisptry" great courageas shown by the 'tea-ti'rtrteincident, in which he wants some justice done as revengefor Joief, who is muroeredwhile guardingthe king. He has the cotrril{.leto pul love for Flaviaaside and leive Ruritaniaafter deflated the traitorsanJiescueo King RudolfV and set firmlyon thll1ys6s. He is a greathero. him SamoleSit In tirenovel, The Prisonerof Zenda by AnthonyHope, I learntthat we mustbe helpfuland kind to others. RudolfRassendvll was just visitinsRuritania when he was askedto hetpil" Ki;;- ;; ffi;;.i,"g'i,i for the coronationFle helped the Kingso thathe wouldnot lose the throne to the King'sbrother, Duke Michael. Rudolf also helpedthe l-(rng to escapefrom DukeMichael's castle by fighting with the guar;s and Duke Michaells men. I a'ro learntthat it is importantto be loyal.Rusolf Rassendyllwas loyatto the King and left Ruritania atthough he lovedPrinceSS Flavia The Princesswho alsoloved Rudolf did not marry him but married the Kingbecause she was loyal;;r'rd it was her duty colonel Saptand Fritzvon Tarlenheimwere also very loyal to the Kingand were preparedtn riiefor him Sample S_r.lve-1 Thii characterof my choice is RudolfRassendyll in thenover, "The prisoner af zenda.An eventthat was importanttl Rudolfwas whenhe hadto bravethe dangers to rescuethe King of Ruritania,a man who strangerto itrrTl wasa total wlr;le travelingto Paris' Rudolfwas involved in a plotto kill the king.The king,sown brother,Black Micheal was a crlrcrirlan He was willingto kill his own brotherto get the throne.with the help of some of the king,sloyal menfrom 1l:t',trnt, Rudolf was ableto rescuethe kingfrom the prisonin Zendacasge. Otherssariple Question : Basedon li'a novel"The Prisonerof Zenda" whichyou haveread, elaborate and givesexamples on each followingv;::]|res of the Loyalty Kindness Courage Trust Determination Answer1 Inthe nove"l lrePrisoner of Zenda",I found thatRudolf Rassendyil have showed kindness by helpingthe King, KingRudoli V whowas drugged and could not attendthe coronation. He did not know the King well but was preparedtc iielphim' He was prepared to impersonatingthe King and prepared to sacrificehis love for princess Flaviafor t,e sakeof Ruritania. I .<rrnrred hiskindness because not ail peopre are wirring to do that. Answer2 In the novel"The Prisoner of Zenda",I foundthat Rudolf Ressendyll showed eourage by fightingthe evil,Duke Michaeland his men. He was notafraid to rescuethe Kingfrom Duke Michael's castle. Many times he foughtDuke Michael'smen alone and was even willing to enterthe casile. I admiredhis courage because not all peopleare willing to do that. Answer3 In the novel"The Prisoner of Zenda",I foundthat Rudolf Ressendyll showed trust by impersonatingthe Kingand helpingto defeatDuke Michael. lf the peoplehad found out that he was not the real King, Duke Michael would have thechance to takeover the throne I admiredhis trust because not alt people are willing to do that. Answer4 In the novel"The Prisoner of Zenda",I foundthat Rudolf Ressendyll showed determination in trying to rescuethe King.He did not give up althoughDuke Michael had many men to helphim. He was prepared to diein orderto save theKing. I admiredhis determination because not all people are willing to do that. Question 1 character Basedon the novelyau have studied;choose one character thatyou distikethe most.Write absut the thatyou have chosenand give reasons why you dislike the character. Sample Answer He is the ln the novel,The prisonerof Zendaby AnthonyHope, the characterI dislikethe mostis DukeMichael. a bottleof wtne whiehis druggedto the Vojng"iUiottrer of tfra King;56r." trieSto take over the throne,He sends king io that the.Kingwill rt6t be able to attendthe coronation.H9 also makesthe Krnga prisonerin his castle. that Duke Michaeldoes not care for his brotheralthough the King rs sick and neids a doctor.This shows lover he is cruel,jealous and greedy.He triesto kill anyonewho wantsto help the King.Duke Michealhas a calledAntoinette de Maubanbut he wants to marryPlincess Flavia. This shows that he is unfaithfuland disloyal to the Kingand to others. Question 2 Based an the novelyau have studied;write about the part of the storywhrch you think is the mosf interestingone. Give reasonsfor your choice. Sample Answer In the novel,The Prisonerof Zenda by Anthony Hope, the part that I find the rnost interestingis when Rudolf RassendyllfightsDuke Michael's men and savesthe King.Rudolf goes into the castleand fightsDuke Michael's men bravely.He is not afraidto die and is determinedto save the King no matterwhat happens.This part of the storyis the climaxand withoutit the storywill be boring. There is also a twist in the storywhere Rupertof Hentzauand not Rudolfkill Duke Michael.This part of the story is full of suspenseand adventure.I found it so interestingthat I could not stop readingthese few chapter.I wantedto findout if the King,Duke Michael or Rudolfdies, I alsowanted to knowwho killswhom. The doctorwho sacrificeshis life to save the King is also somethingthat I did not expect.All theseevents makethis part of the storyvery interesting. life In addition,this bart6t tne storyalso shows the truecharacter of Rudolfwho is willingto sacrificehis for the King,he hardlyknows. Although he is not a citizenof Ruritania,he trieshis best to helpthe King lt also showsthat he is not ielfish. By savingthe King,Rudolf will lose PrincessFlavia whom he lovesvery much.He sacrificeshis lovethat makes him
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