May 3, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E687 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING GENERAL THOMAS A. leader at every level with prior experience in David March. Our thoughts and prayers are SCHWARTZ ON HIS RETIREMENT Korea that will serve both our nations well.’’ with his family as we remember his heroic General Shelton’s faith in General Schwartz service to our community and our nation. HON. DAVID L. HOBSON was well placed, as his command history has f demonstrated. OF OHIO NAFTA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES No truly effective leader can ever make it to a position of prominence without assistance. Wednesday, May 1, 2002 General Schwartz has been aided every step HON. NICK J. RAHALL II Mr. HOBSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to of the way by his wife Sandy. Together, the OF WEST VIRGINIA honor General Thomas A. Schwartz, the out- Schwartz’ have made a formidable team in IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES going Commander of United States Forces in their efforts to quality of military life in Korea. Wednesday, May 1, 2002 Korea, and to share my hearty congratulations On behalf of all of the soldiers who have on his well-deserved retirement after 35 years served under his command and the United Mr. RAHALL. Mr. Speaker, I want to submit of distinguished service to our country in the States Congress, I thank General Schwartz for for the record an editorial from ‘‘The Logan United States Army. all he has done. We are going to miss the ex- Banner’’ about another West Virginia company A native of St. Paul, Minnesota, General pertise, the tenacity, the optimism the leader- closing its doors because of NAFTA. The work Schwartz graduated from the United States ship and the dedication he brought to the of the Logan Manufacturing Company, Inc. a Military Academy in 1967 and was commis- service of his country. local garment manufacturer creating sports sioned a second lieutenant of infantry. He f clothing will stop production after almost forty holds master’s degrees in Education, Personal years. Sales dropped off as the company Management, and National Security and Stra- IN HONOR AND MEMORY OF LOS could no longer compete against cheap for- tegic Studies from Duke University, Salve Re- ANGELES COUNTY SHERIFF’S eign imports. The article makes an excellent gina and the Naval War College. His military DEPUTY DAVID MARCH point: What did we expect would happen? Ex- schooling includes the Infantry Officer Basic actly what did Congress envision would hap- Course, Ranger School, Armor Officer Ad- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF pen to American workers when they passed vanced Course, Armed Forces Staff College OF CALIFORNIA unfair trade deals that allowed a rush of cheap and the Naval War College. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES imported products into our market? Were our General Schwartz is a distinguished combat workers expected to work for a dollar a day to Wednesday, May 1, 2002 veteran of the Vietnam War, where he served remain competitive? I don’t think so. Shouldn’t as a platoon leader and a company com- Mr. SCHIFF. Mr. Speaker, I rise today with our country set the standard and not follow mander in the 82nd Airborne Division earning overwhelming sadness in remembrance of one other countries unable to create economic the Bronze Star, the Silver Star and the Purple of our nation’s fallen heroes. On Monday, April policies that would bring their people out of Heart. He subsequently commanded the 4th 29th, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy poverty? West Virginia workers deserve better Infantry Division and completed several David March lost his life while in the line of than these type of trade deals. peacetime tours in Korea including posts as duty and it is appropriate for all Members of This news comes on the same say the assistant chief of staff of the combined field this House to take a moment to remember a House of Representatives considered the re- army and as assistant division commander of gentleman who dedicated his life to the pro- authorization of the Import-Export Bank. On all the 2nd Infantry Division. tection of his community and this great nation. matters of trade brought before this chamber I always appreciated General Schwartz’s Deputy March, a seven-year veteran of the we must answer to the workers in our districts positive attitude, his willingness to fight hard Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, is who may be affected by such legislation. It is for his troops and his ability to get things done survived by his wife Theresa and his step- our responsibility to ensure that these workers, efficiently and effectively. His invitation to me daughter Kayla. He was an avid softball player these families, are not hurt by our actions. De- and other Members of Congress to come and and one of the University of Southern Califor- mocracy should be as much a part of our see the poor living and working conditions at nia’s most avid football fans. Before joining the trade bills as it is in everything else this great our installations in Korea, was instrumental in Sheriff’s Department, Deputy March served in nation espouses. helping many in Congress see the severity of the United States Marines. I strongly opposed the passage of NAFTA in the situation and the immediate need for addi- First assigned to the Pitchess Detention 1993. Since that time, I have closely mon- tional resources. Center with the Sheriff’s Department, Deputy itored the implementation of NAFTA, and I Of all the military personnel with whom I has March was recently transferred to the Temple continue to be disappointed with its impact been my privilege to work on military construc- City Station in 2000. His fellow officers re- upon the American people. NAFTA has led to tion issues, General Schwartz has been the member him as a hard working, honest and all a grater trade deficit with Mexico, deteriorating most dedicated when it came to providing a around good guy whose commitment to the labor and environmental conditions along the better quality of life for the personnel under his community was tireless and without fail. Ac- borders and an increase in unsafe vehicles on command. Whenever I have encountered cording to Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee America’s highways. Army personnel who have served with Gen- Baca, ‘‘He was an incredibly decent, honest In addition, recent attempts by the Adminis- eral Schwartz, I have never heard anything and fair man. The people have lost a great tration to pass trade promotion negotiating au- but admiration from fellow general officers and hero.’’ thority (formerly known as fast track), would appreciation from his junior officers for being a This tragic event reminds us all of the her- allow the President to expand trade initiatives true role model. oism and courage displayed by all peace offi- similar to NAFTA to include additional nations, General Schwartz has proved to be a dy- cers as they strive to protect and serve our and possibly, the rest of the Americas under namic partner in working to secure hardship communities around the country. September the Free Trade Areas of the Americas (FTAA). duty pay, e-mail service and eliminating the 11th served as a staggering reminder of the Despite my opposition and those of my col- cost of movies for our personnel serving in the selflessness of America’s peace officers and leagues concerned about the American work- Republic of Korea. There is still much more first responders. Let us not forget the daily ef- er, the House passed TPA on December 6, that needs to be done, but he got the ball roll- forts of the men and women who serve in the 2001. This bill is now before the Senate for ing and deserves a great deal of credit. hope of making our communities a more consideration. I worry that just like with When General Schwartz took command of peaceful and safe place in which to live. NAFTA, granting the President this type of ac- the U.S. forces in Korea, then Chairman of the I ask all Members to join me in remem- celerated trade authority in the past has led to Joint Chiefs Gen. Henry H. Shelton praised bering the life of one of America’s fallen he- government proposals lacking strong labor him as, ‘‘battle-tested warrior and a proven roes, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy and environmental protection provisions; ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate 11<MAY>2000 04:06 May 04, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03MY8.000 pfrm04 PsN: E03PT1 E688 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 3, 2002 something I continue to insist upon for any prentice Electrician in 1964 and soon became a smile as broad as the ocean; she fairly trade agreements. a Journeyman Electrician in both the mining jumped with excitement when new work was I continue to work to insure that any trade and construction industries. laid before her. She was a devoted Democrat, agreement is fair to the American worker and As an active member of Local 518 of the the kind of person any candidate for office has results in a fair deal for our economy, rather International Brotherhood of Electrical Work- to love. Once she is committed to you, there than a fast deal.
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