www.ukrweekly.com ОБОДА SVOBODA Український Щоденник Ukrainian Daily РІК LL Ч. 163. VOL. LL No. 163. SECTION II. Щг ШШіпж ЖееМр Dedicated to the needs and interest of young Americans of Ukramian descent. m 32 JERSEY CITY, N. J., SATURDAY, AUGUST 21, 1943 VOL. XI An Appeal To Relatives and Friends of Our Columbia Broadcasts Ukrainian Religious Service Men Program Judging by press reports alone a steadily increasing number of our The regular Sunday afternoon pro··— |service men of Ukrainian descent are distinguishing themselves in both gram "Church of the Air," broad· ¦ (1767-1806), and "Da Ispolniatsia" ¦training and actual fighting, or being wounded, taken prisoner and even cast by the Columbia System on a'(May Our Lips Sing Praises of [making the supreme sacrifice for their country in this great war against coast-to-coast hook-up, consisted last «Thee). the Axis powers. More and more Ukrainian-sounding names appear on Sunday, August 15, of servral Uk-¡ The choir did more than ample the various official lists in this connection. Yet only a bare driblet of rainian church hymns sung by the¡ justice to all the three songs. Espe- such names appears on these pages. Why? Simply because very few of 70-voice Choir of St. George's Uk» dally stirring, however, was its ren- our readers trouble themselves to send to us at least a^ bare report con­ rainian Catholic Church of New York dition of the beautiful "Pokayahiye." cerning such Ukrainian American servicemen whom they personally know. City under the direction of Mr. Theo-¦ in his address, Bishop Senyshyn Such a situation, to say the least, is very deplorable. The least we dore· Qnufryk, and an address deliv· gave a colorful account of the vari· can do for our friends or relatives in service who distinguish themselves ered in English on the Oriental Rites ous Oriental Rites of the Catholic in one way or another is to publicize them on these pages. Thereby we of the Catholic Church by Auxiliary Church,' including the Byzantine- ve then\ their just due. Likewise we inspire others in service who read Bishop Ambrose Senyshyn. Slavic of the Ukrainian Greek Cath· this weekly—and there are many of them—to greater efforts in defense The choir selections, broadcast ¦ olics, whom he described in consider¯ І their country and its ideals. Finally, we also create an imperishable from New York, station WABC,'able detail. Concluding he called on cord of the Ukrainian American contribution to the war effort of our coun­ from 1 to 1:30, consisted of "Prechys· the Roman Catholics to become bet- try. Such a record, needless to say, is vital to the further development of ta Divo Matir Ridnoho Krayu" (Vir· і ter acquainted with the Byzantine Ukrainian American life. It will be of especial importance at the close gin Mary,- Mother of Our Native ¦ rite, whose importance and beauty f the war and the period of peace making, when we Americans of Uk­ Land) arranged by Koshetz, "Poka- ¦ has been recognized on numerous rainian descent shall urge our government to use its influence to the yaniye" (Repentance) by A. Vedel occasions by the Holy See itself. ¦j end that our kinsmen in their native and long oppressed and war-torn "Ukraine be permitted by the powers that be to take advantage of the ciples and benefits of the Atlantic Charter. ¡ Ukrainian Canadians Observe Mother's Day Therefore we appeal to all our readers who have relatives, sweethearts, j... friends and acquaintances in service to keep us constantly posted con­ In Manchester ¿cerning anything about them that is noteworthy. When, for example, your £local paper carries an item about some young Ukrainian American service As already reported on these· : l.man, cut it out immediately and mail it to us, together with any addi· pages in the past, the Ukrainian So· ¦ at the homes of their hosts. After it "tional information you deem suitable. If no such press item appears but cial Club in Manchester, England, ;all congregated at the Ukrainian 'you personally know of someone who has distinguished himself in service, consisting of about fourteen Ukrain· ¡Club from where they proceeded "*then make it your duty to send us a report of it. If the service man is ian families that live in that in· to the church where the day before |home, then interview him for the Ukrainian Weekly. Finally, if you learn dustrial center, has become the focal j the "paska" had been blessed. Special ~of any Ukrainian American war casualty, send us a report of it at once, point for a large number of Ukrain· pews had been set aside for them ¿so that the many thousands of our readers in this country, Canada and ian Canadian fliers and soldiers based ¦ at the church, whose pastor announcd in the many war zones may know that one of their kinsmen has given in that area. From time to time they ¦ at the beginning of his sermon that r¾us all for his country and its cause. meet, in private homes in. groups of ¦the service on that day was especial- In this connection we desire at this time to draw attention to the fact four or five, or in some hall in larger ly dedicated to the Ukrainians Later that among our readers there are some who do take the trouble from groups. Especially popular with in response to his invitation, the time to time to¯ send us such reports, including those dealing with Ukrain· them are the Ukrainian dishes, parti· ¡ Ukrainians sang some of their East· American activities in general. One person to whom we are particularly cularly "borsch," "holubtsi," and "py- і er hymns, including "Khrystos Vos- ebted for this is Andrew Melnyk of Now Britain, Conn. Quietly and rohy," which their hosts serve them, kres." unostentatiously he has been contributing press clippings and news items that is to the extent the latter's ra· | Following church services, the to the Weekly as far back as we can reraeniber. We only wish we had tion cards allow. One Canadian Uk· service men and their hosts returned more Andrew Melnyks. Perhaps following this appeal we will. rainian -soldier who enjoyed such a¡back to the Ukrainian club where dinner wrote home that it was "a his· ¦ they had their Easter dinner, It con· toncal event, for just think, this is sisted of whatever the hosts could TYPHUS IN WESTERN UKRAINE WEEKLY WELCOME READING the first time in three and half years provide, principally of Ukrainian IN SICILY The presence of a typhus epidemic that I have had 'pyrohy' anddi8nes> p-us the contents of the gift The latest war front where The last spring in Western Ukraine un­ 'borsch.' ' і boxes received from home by the Ukrainian Weekly is read by Ameri· der German occupation is indicated On Sunday, March 7th, the Ukrain· ¦ service men. in the following item which appeared soldiers is Sicily, according to a ian Club was the scene of a Shev·¦ pr·ncipai speaker at the dinner was in the July 31st issue of the Journal< jtter received by Pvt. Theodore'Lut­ chenko Anniversary Celebration, the Mr Rny8 r>avies, Member of Parlia· | of American Medical Association, winiak, former "Youth and U.N.A." first of its kind in Manchester. It, ment. Present also were Mrs. Davies, mailed to us by Helen Lubach of1 columnist now at Camp Grant, from was arranged by several soldiers. ¡ and Major and Mrs. Peer Groves. Pfc. George Slobogin, formerly of Boston. Musical program consisted of Uk-¡ "According to Wiesci Polck¡e, Bu­ r Davies Philadelphia, now somewhere in Si­ rainian songs sung by children of T*« · address dealt with the cily. George is a member of U·N.A. dapest, April 2, from April 1 the | Manchester Ukrainians. The program: 'Liberation of Enslaved Nationali· Branch 324, and a brother of Dietric, so-called state-medical courses for! was arranged by Corporal Bohdan It,es;' and ,n the course of it he Weekly sports commentator. students of 'Aryan' origin of non-| Panchuk of the Canadian Royal Air?Pºke extensively about the Ukrain· German nationality will .be opened in¡ 1an **Thanks very much for your copy Force. Talks were delivered by J.| struggle for national freedom. Lwow. Persons who have had six f The Ukrainian Weekly," the let- Lisnowsky, secretary of the Ukrain· Following the dinner a Mother's months' labor service, will be ad-¡ r reads., "and I always look forward ian Social Club, Pvt. M. Turansky.· Day program was held, at which Mrs. I mitted. Instead of labor service, ¦ to receiving it. Although it comes Flight Lieutenant Zhuk, Flight Cap· ¡Da vies extended her greetings as a I sanitary work in hospitals, work in pretty far apart in time, it sure is a tain S. Nahnibida, also Mr. Soloviy mother to "the Mothers *of the Do· _Reich, or services rendered in com· jtreat." ~ and Mr. St rot sky. minion of Canada of Ukrainian de- bating the typhus epidemic [our bold The second gathering of note was scent." The program also included *I want to call your attention to ¦type. Ed.] may also be recognized."' ¿the fact that I have been getting a combined Ukrainian Easter cele· ¡ Ukrainian songs sung by the chil- two copies. I don't know if that is bration and Mother's Day program ¦dren and daughters of Manchester h mistake on your part, of whether jam resting, taking things easy, and¡ held Sunday, May 2, at St. Chadd's | Ukrainians, assisted by the service you send two of the same copies |catching up on my swimming in the Church on Cheetam Hill Road.
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