The UWM Post SA expands internship-for-credit program, Post photo by Sampson Parsons invites students to Women's Leadership creasing awareness and educating [email protected] or pickup an eappli ­ By Bryan G. Pfeifer people about women's issues on cation for the SA Intern Program a campus, state, and national at Union E351. Applications are level." The UWM Student Association due by 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 5. The conference will include (SA), representing the university's workshop or session topics on "In- 23,000-plus students on campus "Inviting Voices, Living Out Loud" volvementin the Political Arena," and at the UW system level, has ex­ UWM SAsenators and students "Childcare Issues," "Women and panded its internship program will take part in the 3rd annual the Media," "Self-defense Work­ beginning this semester. Women's Leadership Conference shops," "Race and Gender," SA President Jeff Robb said the tided "Inviting Voices, Living Out "Women and War," and many oth­ SA Intern Program offers student Loud," at UW-Platteville Feb. 12- ers. interns between two andsix credit 13. The keynote speaker is Elena hours. Previously, students could SA Senator Talia Schanck said Featherston, editor of the book only receive volunteer credit about 12-15 students from UWM Skin Deep: Women Writing on through UWM's School of Educa­ will be attending the conference. Color, Culture & Identity and di­ tion and internship experience A representative from the rector of the award-winning docu­ did not focus on a student's ma­ Women's Resource Center, mentary Alice Walker: Visions of jor. Schanck, and SA Senator Jorna the Spirit. According to the pam­ Interns' work with the SA will Taylor will present workshops at phlet, "As a writer, film-maker, now be "customized" to fit their the conference. The SA will pro­ educator, and 'visionary major, be it art, accounting, or vide transportation and lodging hellraiser', she [Featherston] will political science, said Robb. for all UWM students who attend speak on racism, the media, sexual "It's great to help out on the SA the conference. assault, and cross cultural-alliance and looks great on a resume... no t A pamphlet announcing the building." only are you doing work but you conference says its goal is to "de­ credit for it," added Robb. PLEASE SEE SA, PAGE 22 velop student leaders while in­ Students can email the SA at ' Dr. Hafiz Ijaz Mian spoke about life and death in Islam Friday night at UWM. Dr. Mian's lecture was part of a memorial for Mohammad Farhan lilyTomlin Siddiquie, a UWM student who was killed in a traffic accident last Mosaic. Page 6. Nov. 13. "He is missed," said Mian. '^ Get hip, not hep "Life and Death in Islam" a Safe & Sexy. Page 7 Hannah memorial to UWM student sees stars Siddiquie's death sentwaves of Mosaic. Page 8 Milwaukee's Muslim commu­ sadness through the Muslim com­ nity remembered one of its own munity. Friday night during a discussion "From everything we know French Film on life and death in Islam at about him, he was a wonderful UWM. model for Islamic life," said the Fest evening's first speaker. Arts. Page 10. Mohammad Farhan Siddiquie Post photo by Sampson Parsons died Nov. 13 in a traffic accident Friday night's discussion was Ken Watters, UWM's Vice Chancellor and Provost, recently on 1-43 near Good Hope Road. organized by Siddiquie' s friends as It'sQualler announced his retirement after 30 years at UWM. When he steps Siddiquie was afreshman at UWM. a reaction to his death. The gath­ down in June of 2000, Watters will have been Vice Chancellor for "He is missed," said Dr. Hafiz ering was held in his memory. time 10 years. He served as an instructor and faculty member for 20 Ijaz Mian, an Islamic Studies "It isjustvery natural for you to Perspective. Page 21. years before that. When asked what spurred his retirement, Watters scholar and the evening's guest have tears....The tears just come said simply, "I'm ready to retire/' speaker. naturally," said Dr. Mian POST NEWS PAGE 2 THE UWM POST FEBRUARY 2, 1999 sin Room, 2200 E. Kenwood Blvd. Celebrate African-American History nity Center, 631 E. Chicago Ave., Etruscan Settlement". The lecture tion (SNMA). SNMA will then Call 229-6997 for more info. from 7-10am. Speakers will be award the scholarships to minor­ and Liberation Month will be held on Sunday, Feb. 7 in UWM Chancellor Nancy Zimpher Mitchell Hall 195,3203 N. Downer ity pre-med students. Fore infor­ Union Programming will spon­ Great Decisions Lecture Series and Robertjasna, Adjunct Profes­ Ave. mation on how to apply for the sor a series of video presentations The Great Decisions Lectures sor at UWM. For registration call scholarships, students shoulecon- in honor of this special month. will begin on Feb.2 and will held Around the World in '99 tactSNMAbyphone at 1-800-636- In addition, Dr. Timothy S. every Tuesday for eight-weeks in 7662. Explore studyabroadand travel Knowles of the Meharry Medical the Golda Meir Library confer­ opportunities with over 40 exhib­ College will present "Affirmative ence center from 7:30-9:00pm. its on Monday, Feb. 15 in the Eat, Drink, and Be Merry Action and The Future of Black These lectures will count for one BULLETIN Union Concourse. The Milwaukee Public Colleges" on Tuesday, Feb. 9 in the credit in Political Science and cost Museum's BestofWisconsin Food Union's Wisconsin Room. $25 for students (for series). The and Froth Fest is Feb. 6.Sample first lecture on the 2nd is entitled Discover Burma! beer and food from over 25 Wis­ "U.S. Foreign Policy in the Infor­ Explore Burma through Bur­ consin breweries and restaurants. Chill out! mation Age" by Barry Fulton. The mese food and see eyewitness ac­ BOARD Tickets are $25. Call 278-2728 for The union celebrates mardi nextlecture will be on the 9th and counts of Burmese refugee camps reservations. gras-style with the annual Chill is entitled "Japan: The Shadow of in Thailand at the Discovering Out '99, a week of noontime the Miracle." Edited by Burma Dinner III on Friday, Feb­ events with free food and festivi­ ruary 19. For tickets, call 229-4499. Help Needed For Victims of Hurricane ties in the Union Concourse. Poo! & Pong Amanda Myers Mitch Sharpen up those Resies! A non-sectarian group, Dems Unite! The Association of College Unions-International table tennis Wearyour power suitand bring CANTERA, is looking for assis­ The College Democrats at and 8-ball billiard tournamentwill lots of copies of your resumes for tance in the form of money and 577-1059. UWM are firing up again and in­ take place Thursday, Feb. 4 and the Multicultural Career Day on phone calls to help those in need vite all interested donkeys to a Friday, Feb. 5. in the Union Rec Wednesday, Feb. 24in the Union's in Nicaragua. CANTARA helps meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 3 at Center. Winners will advance to Don't Know Much About Ancient Wisconsin Room. Companies and poor families build homes and 7p.m.inUnionE309. service agencies will be on hand meets their immediate needs of the ACU-I Regional Tournament Etruscans? and may be the next Forrest for schmoozing and interviewing. food, water, medication, shelter, Latina Poet Comes to UWM Gump or Minnesota Fats. If the above subject isn't famil­ and trauma counseling. People iar to you, check out a lecture by UWM is sponsoring "Our are also asked to call on Congress Nancy de Grummond, professor Japan-American Student Conference Voices/Nuestra Voces", a public and the President to provide sus­ The Zimph To Speak at Seminar of classics at Florida State Univer- The annual Japan-American tained assistance to Nicaragua in reading by Latina poet, novelist, Student Conference (JASC), will A seminar entitled "Trends in sity entitled "Excavations at the years ahead. For more infor­ essayist, editor and translator Ana convene for the 51st time on July Education" will be held Wednes­ Cetamura del Chianti, Italy: The mation contact [email protected]. Castillo on Wednesday, Feb. 3 at 18 in Kyoto, Japan. The theme is noon in the UWM Union Wiscon­ day, Feb. 17 at the Italian Commu­ To donate money, mail to Hurri­ "Evaluating the Japan-U.S. Rela­ cane Relief Fund, 1001 E. Keefe tionship to Shape Our Future". Ave., Milwaukee, Wl 53212. JASC is looking for students to representtheir university in Japan. For an application and further Outward Bound: Earn College Credits details visit their website at Voyageur Outward Bound The UWM www.jasc.org. School is looking for interested students to participate in their Money Money Money programs and earn college cred­ its- all for about the same cost as Kaplan Educational Centers will Post tuititon. Course activities include provide more than $45,000 in 2000 E. Kenwood Blvd., Suite EG-80 desert and alpine backpacking, Medical College Admissions Test PO Box 413, Union Box 88 lake and river canoeing, sea preparation scholarships to the Milwaukee, Wl 53201 kayaking, rock climbing, cross­ StudentNational Medical Associa- Phone: 414.229.4578 Fax 414.229.4579 country skiing, and dogsledding. E-Mail: [email protected] Web: www.uwmpost.com For more information call 1-800- 328-2943. Editor Robinlickel News Editor JimKogutkiewicz Space Grants Offered Asst. News Editor BryanCPfeifer The UWM The Wisconsin Space Grant Mosa ic Editor Mietrajenni fer Namdari Post is a rente of Consortium is offering grants for SportsEdtrJCirc. Manager CharlesRozewicz y nUersityi* Office Manager Karenjanka projects related to any space or Photo Editor SampsonParsons aerospace discipline.
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