DAILY x APRIL Dollars MOIlNING, 15, 18(J7. Terms Eight per annum, in advance. UK POET! A N 11 DAILY PRESS ia j nblu&ed BWSNESS CARDS. COrA KTNEKS1I1P. REMOVALS. MERCHANDISE. COGS. ev. v day, (Sunday excepted,) at No. I Printers* MISCELLAN The Resolution in Ham. Exchange, Commercial Street, Portland. ®K- A. J. DAILY The nmiors of the overthrow of the N. A. FOSTER, PROPRIETOR. LOCKE, REMOVAL : THE PRESS Getf Limited LUMBER, in I er ms : —Eight Dollar? a year in advance. Partnership. rard administration Hayti are confirmed.— DENTIST, U. S. CLAIM AGENCY of W. II. Wholesale and KetalL PORTLAND. rpiIE FESSEN- On the 13th of March, President at the I undersigned, George Burnham, Jr., Charles X DEN has been removed to No. 1>*J (jou- Gelfrard 1 IIP MATES STATE PRESS, D published No. 301 1.2 tongrc.M Nln'Pl. Plank, Shingles and Scantling oi all sizes DOMESTIC OIL COMPANY THES. Morrill and John E. Burnham, all of Portland, fin ** Street, corner near Hall. his onboard a s nuc place at *2.00a >eai, Chestnut, City constantly on hand. sailed with family Fret.cbman- every Thursday morning (13m Cumberland that they have BOARDS, in advance. AprUl,JH67. Counity, hereby certily. apr8dlw* Building material sawed to order. now offer to Monday invariably this first of constituted a the public Morning, April 15, 1867. for Jamaica. The late President is day March, A. li. 1867, part- ISAAC DYER. of-war, CHARLES PEARCE, nership in accordance with (he Statutes of Maine re- tm-ii oi si ace,in I No. Union Wharf. now 00 of His father, Gen. Nico- Kates of advertising.—one lads e to Limited Partnerships. R R MO V A I, ! augiitf_ THE years age. -iutli oi a ••square.’ BEST, THE AND ia a column, conciliates L The name of the firm is and shall be BURN- SAPEST, Tk('Ar|» Corner. las one the : cents Geflrard, was of founders of the ad •50 per square daily first \ye»k per HAM & MOKRILL. week alia or less, Sl.bO; (ontinn- PLUMBER, DAVIS <€• usual ; ibice insertions, 2. Said Charles S. Morrill and John E. Burnham DRUMMOND, lumberT Recently, In the grandiloquent ex Haytian independence. Ex-President Fabro iu7 i»ib, da\ ailer first wick, 50 cents. every Manutactuicr and Dealer iu every description ot are the general, and said George Burnham, Jr., is The Democratic Geflrard has a be was 15.— Hail throe im;nioiisor In*.-, ia cents: one Cheapest Oil cathedra style of expouuders of been soldier since square, the special partner. All kinds of ■ week alter. In w ck. sl.ftn; .ioccnis] 3. The Business of said firm will be and COUNSELLORS AT the Constitution, the Argus stated that Con- 1843, when Gen. Herard tool; up arms Lndtti Iliad <*l “Am i./.ients, Water Fittings, packing LAW, Now in the *2.00nersquaTc dealingin Hermetically Scaled Provisions. Said ANI> Market! against : three insert i«>ns or less, *1.50, to the* late States President he cliche Geflianl per week George Burnham, Jr., contributes twelve thousand SPRUCE gress had denied iusurgent Boyer, Special N«>TiORft,$1.2£) per square tor the first in- FORGE, DECK. HEAD & CISTERN PUMPS LUHIRER, for his ($12 OHO) dollar1* in cash. Solid tors in in in violation lieutenant. As a reward ior his skil- sertiun and 25 cents pel square lor each Rankruptcy, WIIOI.EKALE representation Congress plain subsequent Lead and Sheet 4. Saul partnership commences tliis first day of AND RETAIL. NO MORE LAMP EXPLOSIONS! tul insertion. Pipe Lead, No. lOO the Cotistitu- services, tie received Irom the new March, A. 1), 107, anil will cease the last day oi Exchange street, of the express provisions of Gov- Adverti'-i inenis inserted in the ‘‘Maine ernment State No. !i Union Hired, Portland, Maine. April A. i>. 1st,*. The and established ISP*Opposite Portland Dank NO MORE BROKEN CHIMNEYS! the brevet rank I’ui.ss (w'liicb lets a lai •« principal Savings Building. lion.” of circulation in every par- place ol business will lie at Portland Portland, 5, 1807. Gdtf Frames and Dimension Lumber brigadier-general, ol the Stale)tor *1.00 aforesaid. April apr and in 184o was per square for first insertion* Buildings, Hotels and Private Resi- Portland, March 1, ls<;7 NO MORE SMOKY CHIMNEYS! We that to promoted to the command of id >0 Ceiitc pci square lor eacl) |3F~Public sawed to order at short notice. rcspoctftilly called upon paper bUbacdUdil ilisiT- dences titted with Water Wash Basins, UEOBOE JR. V AL. a division. In 1847 tie t I'M. up Closets, BURNHAM, REMO was Sou- Bath Boilers and Warm and Cold Baths in the most Stamp. JOHN E. point out the precise language—give chapter appointed l>v "" BURNHAM, Clapboards, Shingles and Laths. louque to command the approved and borough manner. Orders respect lully CHARLES S. MORRILL. and verse—of the Constitution which was Haytian army sent solicited. JACKSON A Can be used without any Chimneys. the Mess. Lord & PERKIN**, CO., against Dominicans, and in 1850 lie was BUSINESS CAIilU. Reference—Mr. M. Stead, Architect, firm Cpmuerland, ss.—March Stevens, Haskell, thus violated in the refusal of Congress to Bonnell 4tli, 18G7, Personally High Street 002 the display of rare Anderson, & Co. appeared the above named Have this removed to the New Whari, Commercial, allow able, by talents Mar Uenrge Burnham, Jr., day Store unreconstructed rebel States to resume military 25—lm Charles »S. and John E. Burnham, anil in a measure Morrill, foot of High street. The to repair the disasters w. W. severally made oath to the truth of the above certifi- jan4dti__ annoyance from the use of CHIMNEYS in their power in the national legislature. We attending THOMAS, .111., A. s. 54 & 56 Middle Kerosene to about the and the dis- invasion of St. MR. W.HAVEMAXX, cate. and acknowledged the same as their free act. Street, bunting go bouse, the Domingo by the reeable odor as felt that such information would be interest- Haytian JL, A. W Y E li Bo tore me, COAL. ! OOAU ! ag therefrom, also the great danger the Music German and True from volatile or fluid been army led by Emperor himself. Teacher of Spanish, WILLIAM L. (Over Messrs. Woodman & Co.’s,) using substances, has seri- ing, not to us alone but to the readers of that PUTNAM, ously felt for the lew And Solicitor in AT 2fi FREE STREET. aplOdlw J ust ice of the Peace. past years. Soulouque's jealousy of Geffrard's well- Bankruptcy, Their old place of business previous to the fire, Any invention which successftilly overcomes these paper. After waiting several days the follow- HAS Coal for objections, ean be b>okod upon in no other than earned fame was natural; its REMOVED TO Limited Partnership— Burnham & Morrill. will Ranges Furnaces, light in the manifestation G. A. SUSSKRA where they keep constantly on hand at whole- a great publio blessing. Inventors have sought for ing paragraph appeared Press: IOO 2d UT, —AXI>— was unwise. He the most Exchnugc Hired, Bfoiy* Stamp. years to accomplish this desired but all their disgraced pcpular INPOBTEK, sale a result, The has not yet informed its readers upr2dtf Opposite Custom House. Cumberland, ot Deeds. Received efforts have been complete .failures. After careful Argus in island. In MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IK ss—Registry PARLOR STOVES, of the of the officer the December, 1858, March 4, 1867, at 12 h M, and recorded in Book 348, Well Assorted Stock study and scientific experiment, the manufacturers precise language Constitution which the radical has violated aDd iu V. J. page 368. At Low Rates for Cash. feel assured that they can now offer to the public an Congress by ex- Gethard declared against him, Janua- Hats and Attest, THOMAS HANCOCK, Register. article cluding the representatives of the late rebel SCH^MACHEK, Furs, A small of ry, 1859, and his empire were ob- Caps, Mar G eod 6w By F. M. Irish. lot States. Come, neighbor, toe tho mark, and Soulouque 13G to other the was and Geflrard FlIESt’O PA0T£B. Middle Street, BOOTS & SHOES! NICE BLACKSMITH’S COAL. Superior any Artiole now in the give us chapter and verse. solete, republic restored, was Ollce at ... Market! proclaimed President. His admiuistra- the Drug Store of Messrs. A. G. Sclilottcr- PORTLAND, MAINE. COPARTNERSHIP. Manufactured expressly tor the New England Trade. 160 TONS LCRP LEIIIGII. Copying a portion of this paragraph our beck Si £7/ ‘Cash paid ior Shipping Furs. mi21dtl and especially a good SUBSTITUTE for the old tion has lasted a little more than Co., Also Manufacturers of Also a lot of DRY SLAB WOOD, sawed in stove added: eight years. Burning Fluid, which is now beyond the reach ot or- contemporary SO!! delivered in of the at cord. the first PongrcM 9*1, Portland, Wr, G. length, any part city, $8 per dinary consumers on account of the ol During years of his administra- It. DAVIS, Root and Shoe high price the It will be time enough to re-state the argu- Richardson & Moccasins. materia] which enlcrsfuto the comjiosidoii. jalAiu One door above Brown. Page, Co., PERKINS, JACKSON Or CO., ment, when some au- tion, President Geflrard was exceedingly pop- __ this day formed a partnership with Mr. F. Portland, March Gtli, 18G7. mar7dtt respectable, responsible Street 302 ventures to assert HASO. PATTERSON, as High Wharf, Commercial, thority that the exclusion ular. He brought intelligence and system to Remember, if will not Sail the Finest of the Southern States from in 11. M B li E TV E It, Bankers & Merchants, Mfrtr H R M O r~A~L~i janldt f Foot of High street.
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