S956 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 10, 2020 This proposed sale will support the foreign requires that Congress receive prior no- movers; generators; technical documenta- policy and national security objectives of tification of certain proposed arms tion; computer based training equipment; the United States. Australia is one of our sales as defined by that statute. Upon training equipment; training towers; ammu- most important allies in the Western Pa- such notification, the Congress has 30 nition storage; training and maintenance fa- cific. The strategic location of this political cilities; infrastructure improvements; U.S. and economic power contributes signifi- calendar days during which the sale Government and contractor technical sup- cantly to ensuring peace and economic sta- may be reviewed. The provision stipu- port, engineering and logistics support serv- bility in the region. lates that, in the Senate, the notifica- ices; warranty services; Systems and Inte- Australia intends to use the missiles on its tion of proposed sales shall be sent to gration Checkout (SICO); field office sup- F–18 aircraft and will provide enhanced capa- the chairman of the Senate Foreign port; and other related elements of logistics bilities in defense of critical sea-lanes. The Relations Committee. and program support. proposed sale of the missiles and support will In keeping with the committee’s in- (iv) Military Department: Army (IN–B– increase the Australian Navy’s maritime tention to see that relevant informa- UAP) and Air Force (IN–D–YAC). partnership potential and align its capabili- (v) Prior Related Cases, if any: None. ties with existing regional baselines. This is tion is available to the full Senate, I (vi) Sales Commission. Fee. etc., Paid, Of- Australia’s first purchase of the missiles. ask unanimous consent to have printed fered, or Agreed to be Paid: None. Australia will not have any difficulty ab- in the RECORD the notifications which (vii) Sensitivity of Technology Contained sorbing these weapons into its armed forces. have been received. If the cover letter in the Defense Article or Defense Services The proposed sale of this equipment and references a classified annex, then such Proposed to be Sold: See Attached Annex. support will not alter the basic military bal- annex is available to all Senators in (viii) Date Report Delivered to Congress: ance in the region. February 7, 2020. the office of the Foreign Relations *As defined in Section 47(6) of the The prime contractor will be Lockheed Committee, room SD–423. Martin, Orlando, Florida. There are no Arms Export Control Act. There being no objection, the mate- known offset agreements proposed in connec- POLICY JUSTIFICATION rial was ordered to be printed in the tion with this potential sale. India—Integrated Air Defense Weapon Sys- Implementation of this proposed sale will RECORD, as follows: tem (IADWS) and Related Equipment and require annual trips to Australia involving DEFENSE SECURITY Support U.S. Government and contractor representa- COOPERATION AGENCY, The Government of India has requested to tives for technical reviews, support, and Arlington, VA. buy an Integrated Air Defense Weapon Sys- oversight for approximately five years. Hon. JAMES E. RISCH, tem (IADWS) comprised of: five (5) AN/MPQ– There will be no adverse impact on U.S. de- Chairman, Committee on Foreign Relations, 64Fl Sentinel radar systems; one hundred fense readiness as a result of this proposed U.S. Senate, Washington, DC. eighteen (118) AMRAAM AIM–120C–7/C–8 mis- sale. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: Pursuant to the re- siles; three (3) AMRAAM Guidance Sections; porting requirements of Section 36(b)(1) of TRANSMITTAL NO. 20–02 four (4) AMRAAM Control Sections; and one the Arms Export Control Act, as amended, Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of hundred thirty-four (134) Stinger FIM–92L we are forwarding herewith Transmittal No. Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the missiles. Also included are thirty-two (32) 19–55, concerning the Army’s proposed Let- Arms Export Control Act M4A1 rifles; forty thousand three hundred ter(s) of Offer and Acceptance to the Govern- twenty (40,320) M855 5.56mm cartridges; Fire Annex Item No. vii ment of India for defense articles and serv- Distribution Centers (FDC); Handheld Re- (vii) Sensitivity of Technology: ices estimated to cost $1.867 billion. After mote Terminals; Electrical Optical/Infrared 1. The AGM–158C, Long Range Anti-Ship this letter is delivered to your office, we plan (EO/IR) Sensor Systems; AMRAAM Non-De- Missile (LRASM) system is classified SE- to issue a news release to notify the public of velopmental Item-Airborne Instrumentation CRET. The LRASM is a non-nuclear tactical this proposed sale. Units (NDI–AIU); Multi-spectral Targeting weapon system. It provides a day, night, and Sincerely, System–Model A (MTS–A); Canister Launch- adverse weather, standoff air-to-surface ca- CHARLES W. HOOPER, ers (CN); High Mobility Launchers (HML); pability and is an effective Anti-Surface Lieutenant General, USA, Warfare missile. The LRASM incorporates Dual Mount Stinger (DMS) Air Defense Sys- Director. tems; Vehicle Mounted Stinger Rapid Ranger components, software, and technical design Enclosures. Air Defense Systems; communications equip- information that are considered sensitive. TRANSMITTAL NO. 19–55 The following components being conveyed by ment; tool kits; test equipment; range and Notice of Proposed Issuance of Letter of the proposed sale that are considered sen- test programs; support equipment; prime Offer Pursuant to Section 36(b)(1) of the sitive include: movers; generators; technical documenta- Arms Export Control Act, as amended a. RF Seeker. tion; computer based training equipment; b. GPS/INS System. (i) Prospective Purchaser: Government of training equipment; training towers; ammu- c. Datalink. India. nition storage; training and maintenance fa- d. Warhead. (ii) Total Estimated Value: cilities; infrastructure improvements; U.S. e. IR Seeker. Major Defense Equipment* $ 0.492 billion. Government and contractor technical sup- 2. These elements are essential to the abil- Other $ 1.375 billion. port, engineering and logistics support serv- ity of the LRASM missile to selectively en- Total $ 1.867 billion. ices; warranty services; Systems and Inte- gage hostile targets under a wide range of (iii) Description and Quantity or Quan- gration Checkout (SICO); field office sup- operations, tactical and environmental con- tities of Articles or Services under Consider- port; and other related elements of logistics ditions. ation for Purchase: India has requested a and program support. The total estimated 3. If a technologically advanced adversary possible sale of an Integrated Air Defense cost is $1.867 billion. were to obtain knowledge of the specific Weapon System comprised of: This proposed sale will support the foreign hardware and software elements, the infor- Major Defense Equipment (MDE): policy and national security of the United mation could be used to develop counter- Five (5) AN/MPQ–64Fl Sentinel Radar Sys- States by helping to strengthen the U.S.-In- measures, which might reduce weapon sys- tems. dian strategic relationship and to improve One hundred eighteen (118) AMRAAM AIM– tem effectiveness or be used in the develop- the security of a major defensive partner, 120C–7/C–8 Missiles. ment of a system with similar or advanced which continues to be an important force for Three (3) AMRAAM Guidance Sections. capabilities. political stability, peace, and economic Four (4) AMRAAM Control Sections. 4. A determination has been made that progress in the Indo-Pacific and South Asia One hundred thirty-four (134) Stinger FIM– Australia can provide substantially the same region. 92L Missiles. degree of protection for the sensitive tech- India intends to use these defense articles Non-MDE: Also included are thirty-two (32) nology being released as the U.S. Govern- and services to modernize its armed forces, M4A1 rifles; forty thousand three hundred ment. This proposed sale is necessary to fur- and to expand its existing air defense archi- twenty (40,320) M855 5.56mm cartridges; Fire ther the U.S. foreign policy and national se- tecture to counter threats posed by air at- Distribution Centers (FDC); Handheld Re- curity objectives outlined in the Policy Jus- tack. This will contribute to India’s military mote Terminals; Electrical Optical/Infrared tification. goal to update its capability while further (EO/IR) Sensor Systems; AMRAAM Non-De- 5. All defense articles and services listed on enhancing greater interoperability between velopmental Item-Airborne Instrumentation this transmittal have been authorized for re- India, the U.S., and other allies. India will Units (NDI–AIU); Multi-spectral Targeting lease and export to the Government of Aus- have no difficulty absorbing these systems System-Model A (MTS–A); Canister Launch- tralia. into its armed forces. ers (CN); High Mobility Launchers (HML); The proposed sale of this equipment and f Dual Mount Stinger (DMS) Air Defense Sys- support will not alter the basic military bal- ARMS SALES NOTIFICATION tems; Vehicle Mounted Stinger Rapid Ranger ance in the region. Air Defense Systems; communications equip- The principal contractors involved in this Mr. RISCH. Mr. President, section ment; tool kits; test equipment; range and program are The Raytheon Corporation and 36(b) of the Arms Export Control Act test programs; support equipment; prime Kongsberg Defense and Aerospace. There are VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:37 Feb 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10FE6.007 S10FEPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with SENATE February 10, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S957 no known offset agreements proposed in con- trol of the Fire Distribution Center (FDC), no mistake: Senate acquittal is the junction with this proposed sale; however, the LCHR/HML permits rapid launching of final judgment, forever clearing Presi- the purchaser typically requests offsets. Any one or more missiles against single or mul- dent Trump. offset agreement will be defined in negotia- tiple targets.
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