THE UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER One Hundred and Ninth Annual COMMENCEMENT SUNDAY, JUNE SEVENTH NINETEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-NINE ORDER OF EXERCISES PROCESSIONAL- Blair P. Cosman at the Organ THB AUDIENCE IS RBQUBSTBD TO REMAIN SEATED WHILB THB ACADEMIC PROCESSION BNTERS CoRNELIS W. DE KrEWIET, PRESIDING PRAYER THE REvEREND RoBERT H. BEAVEN AnDRESS joHN CowLES CoNFERRING oF DEGREES THB AUDIBNCB IS RBQUBSTBD TO RBPRAIN FROM APPLAUSE UNTIL THB RBCIPIBNTS 011 DBGRBBS ARB RETURNING TO THBIR SBATS Candidates of the College of Arts and Science Presented by Dean Hazlett Candidates of the Eastman School of Music Presented by Direftor Hanson Candidates of the University School of Liberal and Applied Studies Presented by Assistant Dean Assum Candidates of the College of Engineering Presented by Afting Dean Conta Candidates of the College of Education Presented by Dean Fullagar Candidates of the School of Business Administration Presented by Director Brophy Candidates for the Diploma in Nursing Presented by Professor Hall Candidates for Masters' Degrees Presented by Assofiate Dean Barlow Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Medicine Presented by Dean Donald Anderson Candidates for the Degree Doctor of Musical Arts Presented by Director Hanson Doctor of Philosophy Presented by Dean Spragg ORDER OF EXERCISES CoNFERRING oF UNivERSITY CITATIONS To ALuMNI Monica Mason McConville, Class of 1935 Thomas Arthur Gorton, Class of 1932 CoNFERRING oF PREsiDENTIAL CITATION Raymond Llewellyn Thompson CoNFERRING OF HoNORARY DEGREES Doctor of Science ARCHIBALD vIVIAN HILL Doctor of Science . ALBERTO HuRTADO Doctor of Music JosEPH EDGAR MADDY Doctor of Divinity PHILIP SIDNEY BERNSTEIN Doctor of Laws JoHN CowLES Presented by the University Orator Bernard N. Schitting CoMMENCEMENT HYMN 0 Mater academica Rocestriensis, te Quae nobis tanta munera dedisti libere Nunc salutamus, agimus nos tibi gratias, Et semper te laudabimus cui nomen Veritas. 0 Mater, quam cognovimus per laeta tempora, Quae demonstrasti omnibus laboris gaudia, Quae "Meliora" indicas, excelsa praemia, Ad caelum omnes incitas, tu Mater splendida! 0 Mater ave, salve, tu, vale, carissima! Nos juvat jam in exitu dulcis memoria. Per vias due nos asperas semper ad optima; Mercedes da perpetuas, bona caelestia! -JOHN ROTHWELL SLATER 1907 RECESSIONAL- THE AUDIENCE IS REQUESTED TO REMAIN SEATED WHILB THB ACADEMIC PROCESSION LEAVES • Graduatss and gussts ars cordially invitsd to ths Commmcsment Tst~ aftsr ths sxsrcisss PRIZES AND HONORS SIGMA XI Elected to full membership in 1959 I Alfred Finck Seward Smith Judith Wheeler Onley Charles F. Weick Keith Edward Schmude Elected to associate membership in 1959 Arthur Leslie Kenney Audrey Evelyn Miller PHI BBTA KAPPA Jill Louise Haak Adels Leslie Stanley Kish Judith Coombs Banting Sanford Raymond Lieberman Nancy Jane Bates Ann Lockwood Elizabeth Kathryn Benz David Herbert Melnick Cynthia Lea Berberian Audrey Evelyn Miller Elinor Martha Binnebosel John David Oliver May Mercy Cliff Constance Lovejoy Redman Carolyn TenEyck Dean *George Hill Renninger WarrenS. Eddy Stephen I. Rosenfeld Alan Martin Edelson Michael Donald Schneider Trevor Westbrook Ewell Edith Allen Schult Arnold Finkel Michael Shapiro Barbara Lynn Thomas Geyer Paula Helene Siegel David Allan Gross Stuart Silfen Linda Jean Gross Linda Ray Thorburn Brete William Hawkins Thomas Warner Tillack Suzanne J agel Edward William Trott Dorothy Helen Kaufmann Marcia Jean White Edith Claire Keen Jerome Allen Winer Claire Elizabeth Kelly George Robert Witmer, Jr. COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE The Davis Prizes-THOMAS RoGERS FoRBES, JR. and RoBERT DAVID ARLIN The Dewey Prizes-STEPHEN JAY WAYNE and GEORGE RICHARD LuNN GARDNER The Stoddard Prizes in Mathematics-TERENCE DwiGHT PARSONS and TIMOTHY KNIGHT WAGNER The Elizabeth M. Anderson Prize-LINDA jEAN GRoss TheN. B. Ellison Prize-MicHAEL DoNALD ScHNEIDER and SANPORD RAYMOND LlEBER- MAN The Williams Memorial Prize-CAROLYN TENEYcK DEAN The Jesse L. Rosenberger Prize-KARL RAINER MBGERLE The Rigby Wile Prize in Biology-DIANE RUTH GLOVER The Chester A. Dewey Scholarship-BRUCE BARTON LovE The Kreyer Prize in German-KARIN HILDEGARDE MILLER The Alttmnae Prize-JuDITH ALICE ALBAUM The Sttsan Colver Rosenberger Prize-ANN DoRIS WEINTRAUll The John Dows Mairs Prize--RICHARD WADE CLARK The Terry Prize--STUART SILFEN The Httll Prize-DAVID ALLAN GRoss The Charles L. Newton Prize-LEoN HuGH McGuRK The Leet Prize-ANTHoNY FELIX STRANGES, ]R. The William Morse Hastings Prize-THEODORE HERBERT ZoRNOW The Emil Kttichling Prize-JoN FRECKLBTON The Charles Ellis Caldwell Prize-MICHAEL SHAPIRO and jEROME ALLEN WINER The Theta Eta Prize- JANE ANN DEANS and LINDA RAY THORBURN The Gamma Phi Prize--MILLICENT OLIVIA KALAF The Httgh MacKenzie Prize-SoNDRA LEw RHoDES and ANN MELLON WATKINs The Percy B. Dtttton Award-LESLIE STANLEY KxsH *Elected in Junior Year CoLLEGE OP ARTS AND SciBNCB-Gontinued The Fannie B. Bigelow Alttmnae Award-JuLIA MARY KNAPP The Sigma Kappa Upsilon Prize-MARCIA jEAN WRITE The Susan B. Anthony Award-BARBARA MERRITT The Maria Petz Lehmann Prize-EuGENE LEE HAGGERTY The Neil C. Arvin Memorial Prize-JUDITH CooMBs BANTING The E. P. Appelt Memorial Award-SHELDON ALAN SPBR The Louis A. Alexander Alumni Award-LARRY RoBERT PALVINO and THEODORE HERBERT ZoRNow The ]OS6ph O'Connor Gradttate Study Endowment Fund- CoNSTANCE LoVEJOY REDMAN The Donald R . Charles Memorial Award- MARGARET MAcKAY ARONSON EASTMAN SCHOOL OF MUSIC The Edward B. Benjamilz Awards-JAMBS CLIFTON WILLIAMS, EMMA Lou DIEMER, and VINCENT FRORNE The Marion Weed Scholarship Prize-GAIL GusEMAN BARBER The Sigma Alpha Iota Award-jANE GuNTER Performer's Certificate jAMBS LYLE AusTIN, in Trumpet CoNSTANCE A. KNox, in Piano GAIL GusEMAN BARBER, in Harp RoLF LEG BAND, in Clarinet HELEN LoRRAINE BoVBJERG, in Voice VIRGINIA jEAN LovE, in Voice GERALD VERNON CARBY, in Flttte ELSA LuDEWIG, in Clarinet RoBERT LLoYD CoLEMAN, in Clarinet CAROL LUIKART, in Organ NBD W. CoRMAN, in Clarimt EsTHER A. MATHER, in Flute SARAH ELIZABETH Coss, in Voice and Opera ELLEN McFARLANE, in Horn EDwARD DEMATTEO, in Double Bass CAROL DAWN MoYER, in Voice and Opera JoANNE LBB DicKINSON, in Flute ALLEN FoREST ORMES, in Violin EFFIE LBB DouGHERTY, in Voice DoNALD LBB PANRORST, in Saxaphone VIVIAN R. EMERY, itz Percussion ERNEST jOHN PAPAVASILION, in Violin LEONARD FELDMAN, in Violoncello HELEN SHAFFER, in Voice SYLVIA FRIEDERICH, in Voice MERTON SHATZKIN, in Violin RoBERTA SEXTON GARY, in Organ RoGER SHERMAN, in Trumpet RUTH ALicE GoRDON, in Oboe SYLVIA STONE, in Voice and Opera JoYCE HANKENSON, in Voice JoHN HENRY TRYRSEN III, in Trumpet CHARLES TILEY HARDWICK, i11 Violin ANDREA CAMILLE ToTR, in Organ KATHERINE LAcY HooVER, in Flute RICHARD MARON WEBSTER, in Clarinet RoBERT ELLIOT HoPKINs, in Piano DoNALD BYRON WRIGHT, in Piano RALPH JoHN jACKNO, in Viola DEPARTMENT OF NURSING The Clare Dennison Prize-EvA PANG PAN The Dorothea Lynde Dix Award-BETTE M. PANCOB SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY The Doran]. Stephens Prize-PAUL FRANcis GRINER The Borden Undergraduate Research Award in Medicine-DAVID MicHAEL NEVILLE, JR. The Benjamin Rttsh Prize in Psychiatry-CHARLES WESLEY DINGMAN II and MICHAEL BENJAMIN SPoRN ALPHA OMEGA ALPHA Naphtali A. Britman Paul Louis La Celie C. Wesley Dingman II Michael E. Lamm William Gardner Gamble Carl M. Leventhal Arthur Leonard Golding David Michael Neville, Jr. Paul Francis Griner Michael Benjamin Sporn Ivan Joel Kahn Hannah Hall Todd CANDIDATES FOR BACHELORS' DEGREES FROM THE COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE BACHEWR OF ARTS WITH HIGH DISTINCTION JumTH CooMBs BANTING, in French ELIZABETH KATHRYN BENZ, in Sociology LESLIE STANLEY KisH, in Gensral Sciencs SANFORD RAYMOND LIEBERMAN, in History CoNSTANCE LOVEJOY REDMAN, in English STEPHEN I. RosENFELD, in Biology MARCIA JEAN WHITE, in Spanish BACHELOR oF ARTs WITH DisTINCTION EDWIN Loms ALDERMAN, in Biology NANCY JANE BATES, in English ELINOR MARTHA BINNEBOSEL, in Gsnsral Scisne1 DAVID DEWEY BissELL, in General Scisnce ARNOLD FINKEL, in Gensral Science DAVID ALLAN GRoss, in English LINDA JEAN GRoss, in Fine Arts JuniTH ANN HART, in Chemistry SuZANNEJAGEL, in English DoRoTHY HELEN KAUFMANN, in English CLAIRE ELIZABETH KELLY, in Economics MARY KEHL KNlcKBRBOCKER, in Fine Arts JosEPH NoRMAN LAMBERT, in Psychology MARVIN LEDERMAN, in Psychology ANN LocKwooD, in General Science HENRY STONEY MATHER, in History DAVID HERBERT MELNICK, in Economics CYNTHIA HELENE PALABAY, in Mathematics STuART MAuRICE RING, in English MARCIA ANN SHBEHE, in Psychology DAVID MICHAEL SHULTZ, in Gsneral ScisnCB PAULA HELENE SIEGEL, in Biology Juny SussWEIN, in Sociology THOMAS WARNER TILLACK, in English MARY ELIZABETH ToRPEY, in sp,mish EDWARD WILLIAMS TRoTT, in Biology BRuCE WILLIAM VANATTA, in Mathematics MARK PHILIP WEINSTEIN, in History DANIEL WoLPMAN, in Mathematics BACHELOR OF SciENCE WITH HIGHEST DISTINCTION GEORGE HILL RENNINGER, in Physics BACHELOR oF SciENCE WITH HIGH DisTINCTION AuDREY EVELYN MILLER, in Chemistry BAcHELOR oF SciENCE WITH DisTINCTION ALAN MARTIN EDELSON, in Chemistry RoBERT CHARLES GAMMILL, in Physics JoHN DAVID OLIVER, in Physics IRENE LoUISE RusHMBR, in Chemistry BACHELOR OP .ARTS Mary Louisa Abbe, English Robert Sommer Goldstein, Psychology Charles Marvin Achilles, Cla.r.rics David Marshall Goldstone, History George Gert Adler, History Sally Ann Goulding, Music Teresa Jean Alessi, Frsnch Gayle Ann Green, Sociology Mary Elizabeth Allan, Economics Barbara Hall, Non-Western Civili'{ation Raymond Lei£ Aronson, Non-Western Sara Barton Hall, English Civili'{ation David Arnold Hanson, General Scienct
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