The Inventory of the Frances FitzGerald Collection #741 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center FITZGERALD, FRANCES Outline of Inventory September 1976 - August 1979 I, MANUSCRIPTS A. ·Bo·oks B, -Short Stories / C, Short Non-Fiction D. ·Book Re>1iews E, · ·Prefaces F. -~L Othe·rs G, Research, Notes, Ideas II, PR~TED MATTER A, Bx_ FF B. Re• FF III. CORRESPONDENCE A, Individual Folders B, -General C, Re FIRE IN THE LAKE D, ·Re AMERICA REVISED IV, CONTRACTS V, PHOTOGRAPHS VI, MISCELLANY ( FITZGERALD, FRANCES September 1976 - August 1979 I. MANUSCRIPTS A, Books 1, FIRE IN THE LAKE, Little, Brown, 1972~ Box 1 a) Chapter drafts, notes and fragments, Typescript photocopy, carbon typescript, and typescript with holo, corrections, ca, 150 p, (#1,#2) b) Partial draft, typescript with holo. corr,, ca, 300 p. (#3, #4) Box 2 c) Early rough draft, typescript photocopy, ca, 750 p. (#1,#2,#3) d) Setting copy of typescript with printer's marks, 783 p,, prelim, p, - 175 (#1) Box 3 p, 176 - 400 Box 3 (#1) p. 401 - 589 (#2) p, 590 - 783 and Bibliog, (#3) e) Editorial correspondence, (1968-1972), comments by others on manuscript in progress, miscellaneous notes and draft pages, ca, 50 p, typescript, carbon typescript and holo­ graph incl,: (#4) Brook, Stephen (Editor, Little, Brown) TLS, Jan. 19, 1972; CTL, Feb, 1, 1972~ Davison, Peter (Director, Atlantic Monthly Press) TLS, Nov. 29, 1968; TLS, Aug, 1, 1969> Janeway, Michael (Editor, Atlantic Monthly Press) TLS, July 24, 1970; TLS, Aug. 25, 1970; Memo, N,D., 1970; TL, "Saturday PM" .. Frances Fitz.Gerald Page 2 Box 3 e) Editorial correspondence, cont, (#4) McAlister, John T,, Jr, (Scholar, Princeton) Memo, typescript; Sept. 15, :.1969; ALS, Sept. 16, 1969: memo typescript, signed, Oct, 10, 1969 Silvers, Robert (Editor, N,Y, Review of Books) ALS, Aug, 14, 1969; TLS, Aug. 28, 1969 Solomon, Richard (Asian Scholar, Univ, of Michigan) TLS, Dec, 18, 1968) Box 3 2, AMERICA REVISED, Little Brown, 1979. a) Typescript photocopy with title "The American Dream, American Histories for Children in the Twentieth Century", 242 p,, 5 copies, each with variant corrections. Box 3 (115) Box 4 Box 4 (#1,#2,#3) Folder 3 contains copy used by Little, Browno Box 5 b) Galleys and page proofs of articles as they first appeared in the New Yorker with title "Rewriting American History~' c) Galleys and page proofs with FF's bolo, corr, of New Yorker articles, with several pages of typescript photocopy inserts, used as setting copy by Little, Brown, Box 6 d) New Yorker issues containing first publication of article, Feb, 26, March 5, March 12, 1979 B. Short Stories (#1) 1. "A Child's Christmas in Megalopolis", carbon typescript, 3 p. and proofs., 2. "George and Martha" ·s.er i es. o..,,.f . s-to·ries· · • f rom House and .Garden, Dee •. , 196·9. -Typescript with hole, corr., 50 p, 3. "The Islanders", typescript with bolo, corr., 32 p, Frances Fitz~erald Page 3 Box 6 4. "The Reef" (III) a) Typescript and carbon typescript, 28 p, b) Typescript with bolo, notes, 20 p, . c) Miscellaneous draft pages, holograph, typescript and carbon typescript, 40 p, d) Correspondence: Engel, Paul (U. of Iowa, Prof, of English) TLS, March 13, 1964. 5, Series of fairy tales re "Cloudland'', with explanatory CTL, Carbon typescript and typescript, 22 p, 6. Notes and fragments of journals, novels· and short stories, ca. 1962-1964, typescript and holograph, incl, _folder labelled "Paris Stuff", Ca. 500 p,, in notebooks, on legal pads, and loose, (Box 6, #2,#3,#4) (Box 7, #1,#2) Box 7 C. Short Non-fiction (some with printed version) 1. "The Argument for Cutting Aid to South Vietnamn a) Photocopy of typescript, 4 p. (#3) b) Article in Congressional Record, Dec, 10, 1974, Tearsheets. 2. "Europe on Five and Ten Cents a Day", unpublished, a) Carbon typescript with hole, corr,, 8 p, (#3) b) Typescript, 11 p, c) Carbon typescript of b, 11 p, 3, "Giving the Shah Everything He Wants", Harper's Magazine, November, 1974.i Box 7 a) Typescript photocopy with bolo. corr., 45 p. (#4) b) Galleys with halo. corr, c) Tearsheets, Frances FitzGerald Page 4 Box 7 d) Fan mail, 5 letters, 1974. e) Printed matter and copies of articles on Iran by othersa 4. "Jamaican Limbo", Harper's, July, 1977 .. a) Typescript photocopy, 9 p., two copies with variant corr. (#5) b) Issue of Harper's with article, p. 10, 5, "Life and Death of a Vietnamese Village", New York Times Magazine, Sept, 4, 1966, (#6) a) Typescript with holo.-corr,, 18 p,, numbered 1-19 b) Draft pages, typescript and photocopy, ca, 80 p, c) New York Tim~s Maga~ine, containing article, d) Article as reprinted in New York Times Weekly Review, Sept. 5, 1966 .. Box 8 6. "Memo on the Phoenix Program", by FF and Sam Popkin, Typescript photocopy, 5 p, (#1) 11 7. My Most Unforgettable Character" (about FF's Grandmother, '- Mrs, Malcolm E. Peabody), Reader's Digest, Sept. 1965, (Ill) a) Typescript with holo, corr,, 11 p. b) Carbon typescript, 14 p, c) Clippings from Boston Globe, April, 1964, incl, one article by FF, "Mrs, Peabody Amazes Her Family Circle Too'J d) Reader's Digest, Sept,, 1965 with article, p, 165, 8, "The People of My Lai Thank the Americans", New York Times, 1973. Typescript with bolo, corr,, 4 P.• (1)2) 9. "Politics - What Have Women Really Won?" a) Photocopy of typescript, 7 p. b) Issue of McCall's, April, 1976, with article, p. 176. Frances FitzGerald Page 5 Box 8 10. "The Power Set - The Fragile but Dominating Women of Viet Nam", Vo~ue (113) a) Carbon typescript, 10 p, b) Carbon typescript, 16 p, c) Miscellaneous draft pages and notes, 5 p. d) Vogue, Feb, 1, 1967, 11. "Slightly Exaggerated Enthusiasms", article on Cuba published in New Yorker, Feb, 18, 1974, a) Typescript photocopy, 38 p, (#4) b) Galleys and page proofs, 5 copies. c) Research for articles on Cuba: magazines, official hand­ outs and publications, Cuban newspaper, copy of speech by Fidel Castro, map of Cuba, 25 items. Also holo, notes, 3 p. by FF, (#5,#6) Box 9 12, "Vietnam and the Press",~ magazine, June, 1975, Typescript photocopy, 8 p. (#1) 13, "Vietnam - The People", Vogue, May 1967, (III) a) Carbon typescript, 13 p, b) Proof of article~ c) Vogue, May, 1967, article on p, 174. 14. "Voter Reform: Pandora's Box? Bayh's Plan Called Risky", by FF and Alan Lelchuck, (#2) a) Photocopy of typescript with title, "Electing a President", 13 p • b) Tearsheets and reprints of article in Chicago Sun-Times, Sept, 27, 1970, Two copies, Fra~ces FitzGerald Page 6 Box 9 c) Copies of two articles by Alan Natapoff re electoral reform. (112) d) Correspondence re article: Eagleton, Thomas (U. S, Sen.) TLS May 15, 1970 Natapoff, Alan ANS, N.D, 15, "Where Are We? Report (on the Avant-Garde) from the Undogmatic Establishment", New York Herald Tribune, magazine New York, May 17, 1964, (#3) a) Carbon typescript, 26 p, b) Holograph notes, 5 p, c) New York magazine with article, 16. Article on "refugee problem" in Vietnam, written for Think magazine, a) Carbon typescript, 15 p, b) Drafts, notes, typescript and holograph, 2o·p, c) Printed matter, government documents, reports, facts and figures, etc,, 15 items. 17, Article on direct-addressed advertising, beginning, "I have so many life-long friends," Carbon typescript, 4 p, (115) 18, Article on Middle East (possibly for Harper's) beginning "Now that a disengagement agreement has been signed , •• " (ff 5) a) Typescript photocopy, 13 p,, two copies, one with hole. corr, b) Setting copy, typescript with many bolo, corr,, 10 p, 19, Article on end of Viet Nam war for New York Times, op, ed, page, Jan, 28, 1974, Photocopy of typescript, 5 p, (#5) Frances FitzGerald Page 7 Box 9 20. Untitled_ piece on end of Viet Nam war for the Outlook Section of Washington~' no date, c, 1974 (#6) a) Typescript with bolo, corr., 8 p. b) Photocopy of typescript, 8 p, 21. Untitled article on seminar on Communism at Russian Institute of Columbia University with Zbigniew Brzezinski, carbon typescript, 11 p, and 1 p. rough typescript (#6) ·22. Article on student activism at Columbia, ca, 1968. Photocopy of typescript, 4 p, (#6) 23, Untitled piece on Hanoi for New Yorker, April 28, 1975. Typescript photocopy and typescript, 48 p, (#7) 24, Article on South Vietnamese visiting U,S,A,, beginning "It was almost laughable - a scene out of Evelyn Waugh," Rough draft typescript, 36 p, (#7) 25. Series of articles on Vietnamese war for Village Voice, 1966. (#8) a) "Late at night a Vietnamese officer and his American civil advisor •• ,", typescript photocopy, 52 p, b) "A Quiet Afternoon in a Rustic Setting", carbon typescript, 16 p, c) Tearsheets of series of 4 articles, March-May, 1966, 4 issues, Box 10 -26. Series of articles for Atla~tic Monthly on Vietnam war, 1966-1973 a) "The Tragedy of Saigon", Dec. , 1966 (Ill) i) Typescript photocopy, 24 p,, with notes and additions, carbon typescript, 4 p. ii) Page proofsg iii) Issue of Atlantic. Article on p, 59. Frances FitzGerald Page 8 Box 10 .b) "The Struggle and the War", August, 1967, (Ill) i) Page proofs of article, ii) T~arsheets, and issue 0f Atiautie~ Article ou p, 72. c) "Behind the lines of the Vietnamese Cease-fire War", 1973. i) Typescript photocopy, 51 p,, two copies, ii) Galleys. Author's proof. 27. Untitled article on Jamai~a for Ms magazine, ca, 1978. (#2) a) Typescript photocopy, 7 p., two copies.
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