News, the N ew York Post JACK NEWFIELD and the N ew York Sun. Throughout his 40-year (1938-2004) career he was a mentor Jack Newfield grew up poor and, from the age [0 dozens of younger of four, fatherless in Brooklyn's Bedford-S tuyvesant journali sts, always gen­ neighborhood. It was, he once said, "the working­ erous with his advice, class Brooklyn of the D odgers, Democrats, unions, e ncou rageme n t and optimism and pluralism." fr iend ship. H e majored in English at Hunter College, Newfield was the graduating in 1960. H is career in journali sm began author of 10 books , at the College when he served as sports editor of the starting with A Prophetic Hunt" Arrow. M inority, an accoun t By the mid- 1960s, he \vas a report er-colum nist of his days in the civil "He not only got the news; he for The Village Voice, where he remain ed for 24 years. rights movement of the It was there that he pioneered a new kind of inves­ early 19605. One title, The Permanent Government, cared about the news. He tigative journalism-a passionate advocacy of social became part of the nation's political vocabulary. Among hated passionately all tyran­ causes and political reforms backed up by relentless the other books were Robert Kennedy: A Memoir; City digging for the facts. In an era when the objective For Snle; Only in A merica: The L ift and Crimes of Don nies, abuses, miseries, and he schoo l of jou rnalism held sway, Newfield 's outspo ken Ki n~ The Full R udy: The M an, the Myth and the Mania; fought them:' and highly personal style of reporting made him a The Education ofjack N f!'Wjie ld, and Somebody's Gal/a Tell force not only in the city, but in the nation. His cru­ II: The Upbeat M emoir ofa Working- Classj oum alist. sade to abolish the usc of lead paint in tenement In T he Education, Newfield cited a contem porary apartments, for examplc, resulted in a new city law-­ descriptio n of th e reformer Jacob Riis as the standard and safer homes for countless thousands of children. he had set for himself: "H e not only got the news; he Mt er leaving The Voiu , Newfield continued his cared about the news. H e hated passion ately all tyran­ investigative report ing for, successively, the Daily nies, abuses, miseries, and he fought them. H e was a 'terro r' to the officials and land lords responsible, as he saw it, for the desperate condition of th e tenement s, where the poor lived. He has 'exposed' th em in art icles, book s, and pub lic speeches, and with results." It was a standard Jack New field failed to meet. -0' career he was a men tor Jack Newfield grew up poor and, from the age to dozens of young er of four, fatherless in Brooklyn's Bedford-Stuyvesant journalists, always gen­ neighborhood . It was, he once said, "the working- erous with his advice, ____ .. ~ ft _ ..l The JACK NEWFIELD Visiting Professorship of Journalism at Hu nter College NAME ADDRESS STREETANDNUMBER CITY STATE ZlP PHONE NU MB ER E·MAIL Professorship of C ARRYING ON o Yes, I would like to make a donation to the Newfi eld THE TRADITION Fund in the amou nt of: 0$1 0,000 0$5,000 0$1,000 O~ A PASSIONATE 0$500 0 $250 o Other Please make alt checks out to: JOURNALIST The Hunt er College Foundation/Newf ield Fund Th e Jack Newfield Visiting Professorship of Return this form to: Journalism at Hunter College has been created to The Hunt er College Found ation , Inc. honor the memor y of one of America's greatest Jack Newfi eld Fund 695 Park Avenue, Room E1306 reporter-writers, the late Jack Newfield. New York, NY 10021 T he program is designed to bring a distinguished journalist to Hunter College for one semester each year Other question s? Please contac t: to teach, to lecture, to mentor students and to produce Katy McNabb Ph on e : 212/650·3349 important public programs in Jack's honor. E-m ail: kmcn abb @hunter.cun y.edu Th e visiting professor's field of expertise will vary from year to year. On e may be a top-flight investigative Acco rding to IRS guidelines, all con tributions are fully tax -deductible as no goods or servic es are provided. reporter. Another may be a renowned maker of docu­ mentary films. A third may be a sports reporter. Yet another may be an author of books on contemporary HUNTER politics and culture. This latitude reflects the immense www.hunter.cuny.edu variety of Newfield's interests and the range of his extraordinary talents. THE HUNTER COLLEGE FOUNDATION Th e unifying goal will be to keep alive the crusad­ JACK N EWFIELD Fund ing, progressive brand of journalism that Jack Newfield always pract iced-r-joum al ism dedicated, in the words of 695 Park Avenue, Roo m El 306 The Vi//age Voice,to "chronicling the sins of New York's New York, NY 10021 _ _ h ' _ ~ , , •.
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