CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER, ANNEXED TO THE ALBANY DIRECTORY 1833. NEW-YORK, ALBANY AND TROY STEAMBOAT LINE. Bails* Day Line at 7 o'clock, A. M., (through by Day Light.) FROM THE PIER, FOOT OF STATE ST THE LOW PRESSURE STEAM-BOATS North America, Capt. R. G. Cruttenden, Albany, Capt J. G. Jenkins, Erie, Capt. J. Benson, Novelty, Capt. T. Wiswall. Champlain, Capt Gorham. Daily Evening Line, at 5 o'clock, P. M PBOK THE PXER, FOOT OF ECA.UII.TOSr ST. THE STEAM-BOATS Ohio, Capt. M. Bartholomew, De Witt Clinton, Capt. G. E. Seymour, Constitution, Capt. A. Hoyt, Constellation, Capt. D. Brown, jr. For passage apply to the Captains on hoard, or at f ithcr of the offices of the New-York, Albany and Troy Steamboat Lines, foot of State or Hamilton ets. Landing of the Day Line in New-York, foot of Barclay-street Landing ef the Night Line, foot of Courtland-street 1 2 CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER IX>C<XXX!©0<>OOOOOC<HX<>00<XX>0< XXX TRANSPORTATION ON jjjl • • • • l|*^ffiffqfflf- THE CANALS. TRADERS' LINE, [INSURED.] TREAT & HUGHES, ALBANY, PROPRIETORS. OFFICE IJVJ1LBAJVY, JVO. 60 QUAY-STREET REFER TO Otis Clqpp, South-at., J\~. York, Sam'l T.Mwaier,PortQibstm Field S( Robinson, Palmyra, Wilmarth Sf Collins,BushnclU Brook's & William, Pi/isford, A. Voorhees,\Pittsford [Basin Jonathan Child, Esq. Rochester, Joy &f Webster, Buffalo. fl^/" N. B. Liberal advances will be made on pro­ perty stored at Pittsford, Bushnell's Basin, Palmyra and Port Gibson. June. 1833. SENECA LAKE ©aAH?®E>©R®AE>8e>?£e. NEW-YORK AND GENEVA LINE DAY AND NIGHT, DAKIN Sr WOOLSEY Sf OTHERS. PROPRIETORS. J. V. R. SCHERMERHORN, AC-EM. Office at the store of E. H. Cook, No. 70, on the Dock. June, 18S3. CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER. 3 XX>OC<>00©<>»0<>©0<)0000060<>00000<» NEW-YORK AND CAYUGA LAKE Transportation Line,) GOODWIN, GREGORY, BROTHERS, & Others, PROPRIETORS. GEORGE C. BRADLEY, New-York, SCHERMERHORN & BRADLEY, No. 70 Quay- street, Albany, BUTLER, M'DONOUGH & CO., Utica, B. B. HYDE, Rome, JOHN WHITE & CO., Syracuse, JOHN RICE, Junior, Weedsport, CLARK & WOOD, Montezuma, LEVI LEONARD, Ithaca. June, 1833. ALBANY AND OSWEGO LINE, [INSURED.] The Boats of this Line are now running NIGHT AND DAY • m the ERIE AND OSWEGO CANALS; one boat leaving Al­ bany and Oswego daily. The property shipped on this Line will be insuied through; the proprietors at Oswego insuring on the lake*. The proprietors at Oswego being agents of the steam­ boat United States, and are owners of a number of first rate schooners on the Lake, we flatter ourselves that we have equal facilities, if not superior, to any line running to Oswego. TROWBRIDGE & GREEN, Oswego, > proDrie(o„ JOSEPH SLOCUM, Syracuse, & Others, $ *™P"e«>«- AGENTS, s. T. ARMSTRONG & W. C. CARTER, 9 Coenties-Slip, N. Y LEVI CHAPMAN, 62 Quay-street, Albany, JOSEPH SLOCUM, Syracuse, TROWBRIDGE & GREEN, Oswego. Refer to—Butler, M'Donough & Co., Utica; 8. B. Hyde Rome; J. J. Carley, New-London; L. P. Noble, Manlius. j£^- N. B. Those who wish to be their own insurers on the Lake, will advise the agents at New-York and Albany of their in­ tention, and will have it specified in writing, and a deduction in she price. June, 1888 4 CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER •KXX)OIX>0000?X>000<>0(HXX>0<X»<XXX5« CLINTON LINE. [INSURED.] A boat of the above line will leave Albany and Buf­ falo daily, during the season of Canal Navigation, for the transportation of property and conveyance of pas­ sengers. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. JAMES SAVAGE, ) ISAAC VAN OLINDA, £ Proprietor* JNO. ALLEN & CO. > AGENTS. I3aac Van Olinda Sf Eliat Weed, 15 South, cor. Broad-st. A'. Y J. Savage, 54 Quay, Albany, John Allen Sf Co., Rochester, J. Cogswell, Brockport, Rogers Sf Brown, Lockport, Eaton Sf Chapin, Buffalo, Oliver Lee, Silver Creek, Knapp Sf Eason, Portland, J.St 6. Kellogg Sf Co, Erie, Pa. Appleby Sf Co. Conneaut, O. Hubbard Sf Field, Ashtabula, O. H. Phelps fy A. Cable, Fairport R- Wiislow, Cleaveland, O. M. Lattimer Sf Co. Madison, T. St J. G. Cole, Monroe, M T. H. V. Disbrom Sf Co. Detroit, M. T June, I§33. WHIP &, LASH MANUFACTORY ROBERT P. DOWNING, NO. 422 SOUTH MARKET-STREET, RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and the public, that he ha> on hand a general assortment of f ANDEM, GIG, SULKEY and RIDING WHIPS and LASHES, which he will warrant equal to any manufactured in the United States, and on most reasonable terms. Also on hand a general assortment of CANES. N. B. Old WHIPS and LASHES neatly repaired June, 1533. CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER. 5 )00000000©00<HX>CKXXXXX>CiOOOOOO<« STOVES. ANTHONY H. AUSTIN j Offers for sale at his TIN AND SHEET IRON WAREHOUSE, No. 328 N. Market-street, four doors south of the Post-Office, A great variety of STOVES ot the most approved patterns, con­ sisting of Oval Stoves, all sizes and descriptions, with and without boilers on the top. Cooking Stoves, a large assortment of various patterns and sizes, with two and three boilers, copper tin and sheet iron furniture complete. Also, six plate and box stoves, all sizes. Utter's patent Parlour Stoves, which for beauty and convenience are unrivalled. Russia swedged and plain pipe, all sizes. Tin,, sheet iron and copper stove furniture. Tin and sheet iron ware of ill kinds, and a general assortment of kitchen furniture. Patent porta ble ovens for baking over furnaces. Patent double reflecting bakers ; bathing tubs. Block tin tea and coffee pots, coffee mills, urns, canal boat lamps, reflectors, boat pumps, canal cook stoves, japanned, bronzed, planished and plain tin ware, signal lanterns of all sizes, glass lanterns. Fancy and plain bellows, &c. Merchants can at all times be supplied with an assortment of tin vui sheet iron ware and stove furniture, at the lowest prices. Men will be furnished to put up stoves and pipe, on moderate terms. Stoves and other goods purchased at this establishment, will be sent to any part of the city free of expense. All orders supplied with expedition, and the greatest attention paid to the quality of the ware. Dumb stoves made to order, wit h neatness and despatch. June, 1833. JAMES MEEKS. Corner of Fayette and Swan-sts. Albany. * CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER. t^?oooooc<>oooooooooooooooo«>ooc< STOVE FACTORY. "fHE subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Albany and its vicinity, that he has removed from hia Old Stand to No. 6 Green street, second door south of State-street, and that he now has on hand, and offers for sale, a general assortment of Oven, Box and Cooking Stoves, embracing a variety of the newest and most approved patterns uow in use. Also, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron STOVE FURNI TWRE and STOVE PIPE, Tin and Sheet Iron OIL CANS, to­ gether with almost every article of the kind, kept constantly on ham), or made to any pattern at short notice. DANIEL S. KITTLE June, 1833. ANDREW BOSTWICK, Manufacturer of Paste and Liquid Black­ ing, Varnish and Ink. A constant supply on hand at wholesale and retail, No. 6 Plain street. June, 1833 JOHN ALLEN, BUILDER, CARPENTER AND JOINER, SHOP HUDSON STREET, NEAR EAGLE-BT. HOTEL, All orders in either of the above professions, will be thankfully received and punctually attended to. June, 1833; CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER. 7 X)CW>OO0C<)«>»O0<>O00<X>0C<XXX>(X>» STONE GUTTING. ALEXANDER GRAY, NO. 79 HERKIMER-STREET, BETWEEN GREEN AND FRANKLIN-STREETS, INFORMS his friends and the public, that the STONE CUT­ TING BUSINESS, in all its branches, is continued by him, at No. 70 Herkimer-street, between G>een and Franklin-streets, where orders Jwill be promptly executed. No assiduity on his part shall be wanting/to give, the most entire satisfaction to those who employ him. He therefore hopes for a liberal share of public favor. June, 1888. MARBLE CHIMNEY PIECES, &c. JfOS. 49 AJVJJ 51 SOUTH PEARL-STREET. The subscriber respectfully informs the public that he continues to keep on hand a handsome assortment of CHIMNEY PIECES, manufactured in varieties of Egyptian, Italian, Irish and American Marble. Likewise MONUMENTS, TOMBS, &c. ail of which he offers on the lowest terms. Builders and ether gentlemen are invited to call and examine for themselves, as-the public are not generally aware that they can be obtained so reasonable. N. R, Plaster kept constantly on hand ready for use, and sold on the lowest terms. All orders from the country carefully packed and attended to with despatch. JOHN DIXON. Ant, IBM. 8 CHILD'S ANNUAL ADVERTISER. »>o<>e^x->c><>oo©<>o<>oocx>o>o<XKK><>c<x>t RECESS, ARGUS BUILDING. RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he continues the above establishment, which is furnished with every requisite for a first rate RESTAURATEUR. Visitors will find a disposition on the part of the attendants to gratify their taste and attend to their wants, 8nd the proprietor flatters himself that his efforts will not be without success. He is truly grateful for the patronage hereto­ fore bestowed, and solicits a continuance. Warm meals served up in good style, at all hours of the day. Also, all kinds of cold and pickled meats, such as Lobsters, Oys­ ters, Clams, &e. with every variety of condiment. BOARD may be had as above, by the week or month, on rea­ sonable terms. June, 1888. ADAM WILKIE, NO. 14 BEAVER-STREET jjrj- Rooms at all times ready for meetings of Societies or Com­ mittees. In addition to his former rooms, he has taken the Large Room over his store, for the purpose of accommodating public meetings, &c.
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