Weekly List of Registered Planning Applications Application Registration . Location Proposed Development Link To Application Reference date Needingworth Quarry off Shelford Road http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ . WILLINGHAM and Over Visitor car Park and access road improvements 04/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridgeshire 0970/19/CM T1. Cherry Blossom Prunus Tree in back garden. Reduce crown back to previous reduction and thin by http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 11, High Street, Balsham, Cambridge, S/0924/19/TC 30% T2. Conifer Hedge in back garden. Reduce top to level of lowest section and trim regrowth on front 11/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Balsham CP Cambridgeshire, CB21 4DJ and side. 0924/19/TC http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Bar Hill CP S/0936/19/FL 26 , Stonefield, Bar Hill, CB23 8TB Ground floor side extension 26/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ 0936/19/FL Reserved matters application for the approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale following http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Bassingbourn cum Land East of Spring Lane, outline planning permission S/1745/16/OL for 30no. dwellings and associated garages, additional S/0905/19/RM 06/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Bassingbourn, SG8 5LU parking for Bassingbourn Surgery including vehicular access, pedestrian links, public open space, Kneesworth CP 0905/19/RM drainage, landscaping and associated works Discharge of Conditions 5 (chimney), 6 (door), 7(render) & 8 (wall) of Planning Application http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Willow House, 17 High Street, Bourn, S.2765.18.LB - repair and repoint existing chimney, replace existing external concrete render with a S/0847/19/DC 26/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridge, CB23 2SQ lime based render, remove a section of wall within the existing kitchen. Replace the front door. 0847/19/DC Bourn CP Reinstate gate Remove Eucalyptus tree in back garden. We already have permission to reduce it by 30% http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 6, Baldwins Close, Bourn, Cambridge, S/0971/19/TC (S/0178/19/TC) but on inspection by a tree surgeon we are looking to remove the tree for safety 15/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridgeshire, CB23 2TH reasons and potential damage to properties. Report from tree surgeon attached. 0971/19/TC http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Community Hall, Furlong Way, S/0564/19/FL Single storey rear extension 13/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Highfields Caldecote, Caldecote 0564/19/FL Caldecote CP 121, Highfields Road, Highfields http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ S/0777/19/FL Caldecote, Caldecote, Cambridge, Infill front and side extensions and conversion of bungalow into a chalet bungalow 25/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridgeshire, CB23 7NX 0777/19/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Cambourne Gateway Development Site, S/0781/19/DC Discharge of Condition 3 (Detailing) of planning permission S/0383/18/FL 25/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambourne CP Back Lane, Cambourne 0781/19/DC East View, Haverhill Road, Castle http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ S/0413/19/FL Camps, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Change of use of land from Paddock to Garden 07/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ CB21 4TB 0413/19/FL Castle Camps CP 1, PARK LANE, CASTLE CAMPS, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ S/0751/19/FL CAMBRIDGE, Cambridgeshire, CB21 Proposed New front porch. 11/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ 4SS 0751/19/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 13, West Street, Comberton, S/0738/19/LB Opening up of 4 fireplaces to original state 13/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Comberton CP Cambridge, CB23 7DS 0738/19/LB http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ S/0792/19/FL School Lane, Conington, CB23 4LP Proposed detached carport with study following the granting of planning permission S/4352/17/Fl 27/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ 0792/19/FL Conington CP Non material amendment of planning permission S/3311/17/FL- Addition of a window to the ground http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Elm Lea, School Lane, Conington, floor east elevation, removal of windows on first floor of the south elevation to be replaced by a single S/0829/19/NM 28/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB23 4LP larger window, increase in the cil heights of a number of windows to the North and West elevations to 0829/19/NM the first floor and the loweing of the cil height of the long, two stporey window to the West elevation http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Ashton Farm, Church Lane, Cottenham, Outline application for residential development of land for a single storey dwelling with all matters S/0630/19/OL 07/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 8SN reserved 0630/19/OL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Unit D 299, High Street, Cottenham, S/0798/19/FL First floor extension & ground floor alterations 27/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cottenham CP Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 8TX 0798/19/FL The Echo, 127, Histon Road, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ S/0805/19/FL Cottenham, Cambridge, Proposed single storey rear extension with flat roof 27/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridgeshire, CB24 8UQ 0805/19/FL Single storey rear extension, demolition and replacement of existing garage, redesign of front porch, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 45, Brook Street, Elsworth, Cambridge, S/0795/19/FL replacement of existing windows, reinstatement of well, repositioning of dog run, and reinstatement of 27/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridgeshire, CB23 4HX kitchen doorway 0795/19/FL Elsworth CP Single storey rear extension, demolition and replacement of existing garage, redesign of front porch, http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 45, Brook Street, Elsworth, Cambridge, S/0796/19/LB replacement of existing windows, reinstatement of well, repositioning of dog run, and reinstatement of 27/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridgeshire, CB23 4HX kitchen doorway 0796/19/LB Cherry Cottage, High Street, Fen http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ S/0802/19/FL Drayton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, Demolition of existing rear conservatory and proposed single storey rear extension 27/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ CB24 4SJ 0802/19/FL Fen Drayton CP http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 41, Middleton Way, Fen Drayton, S/0804/19/FL Rear two story extension and front porch 13/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB24 4SU 0804/19/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 6, Thriplow Road, Fowlmere, Royston, S/0859/19/FL Erection of a 2 storey side extension and single storey porch to principle elevation 01/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Fowlmere CP Cambridgeshire, SG8 7QT 0859/19/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 7-37 , Station Road, Foxton, Discharge of Condition 17 (Badger Survey),18 (Ecological Enhancement) & 19 (Wildlife corridor) of S/0773/19/DC 26/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB22 6SA planning permission S/2148/16/OL 0773/19/DC Foxton CP http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 7-37, Station Road, Foxton, Cambridge, Discharge of Conditions 7 (Energy Statement) & 13 (Arboricultural Method Statement & Tree Protection S/0774/19/DC 26/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridgeshire, CB22 6SA Plan) of planning permission S/2148/16/OL 0774/19/DC http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 100, Station Road, Gamlingay, Sandy, Retrospective planning application for the increase in fence height to 4m which divides No.100 Station S/0782/19/FL 26/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridgeshire, SG19 3HB Road and the neighbouring timber yard 0782/19/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 13, Everton Road, Gamlingay, Sandy, S/0801/19/FL Demolition of existing stable block and erection of detached prefabricated dwellinghouse 11/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Gamlingay CP Cambridgeshire, SG19 2JJ 0801/19/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 19, Everton Road, Gamlingay, Sandy, S/0808/19/VC Variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S/4546/17/FL 27/02/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridgeshire, SG19 2JJ 0808/19/VC http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ S/0732/19/FL 31 , Hicks Lane, Girton, CB3 0JS Single storey rear extension 08/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ 0732/19/FL Girton CP http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Single storey rear extension, cladding existing single storey side extension and replacement roof. S/0807/19/FL 35 , Fairway, Girton, CB3 0QF 11/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Replace all windows and doors. 0807/19/FL http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Kings Cottage, 7, High Street, Change windows in timber sample style to keep it in keeping as close as to original windows as S/0100/19/LB 07/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Grantchester CP Grantchester, Cambridge, CB3 9NF possible but double glazed - not single glazed 0100/19/LB http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 43, North Road, Great Abington, S/0815/19/FL Demolition of existing piggery & erection of detached dwellinghouse 01/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB21 6AS 0815/19/FL Great Abington CP http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ 49, North Road, Great Abington, Prior approval for a proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a dwellinghouse (class C3) S/0843/19/PA 01/03/2019 WPHAPPDETAIL.DisplayUrl?theApnID=S/ Cambridge, CB21 6AS and for associated operational development 0843/19/PA http://plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/apas/run/ Great and Little 5, Colts Croft, Great And Little Chishill, S/0810/19/FL Single Storey Front & Side Extension.
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