Use of morphological and anatomical Check for updates characters to delimit varieties of Paliurus spina-christi Mill. (Rhamnaceae) Uso de caracteres mofologicos y anatomicos para delimiter variadades de Paliurus spina-christi Mill. (Rhamnaceae) Author: ABSTRACT 1 Saleem E. Shahbaz Introduction: Paliurus spina-christi Mill is a species with two varieties Nazar M. Shareef 2 namely Paliurus spina-christi L. var. spina-christi and Paliurus spina-christi var. macrocarpa Beck native to mountains of Kurdistan, rarely grow- ing in the upper plains of northern Iraq. Materials and Methods: SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH A total of 15 plants from different parts of Kurdistan region were sampled. 30measurements for each characters of Leaf, Inflores- cence, Flowers, Fruit, seeds, and leaf anatomical characters were How to cite this paper: Shahbaz S E., and Shareef N M., Use of measured for comparison between the two varieties. Results and Morphological and Anatomical Characters to Discussion: Fruit diameter of var. macrocarpa is significantly larg- delimit Varieties of Paliurus spina-christi Mill. er than fruit diameter of var. spina-christi. Most mean flower parts (Rhamnaceae). Innovaciencia. 2018; 6(2): 1-14. especially the ovary, in addition to seed size is larger in var. macrocar- http://dx.doi.org/10.15649/2346075X.471 pa. Upper epidermal layer is always thicker than the lower epidermal layer for the same blade. The isobilateral mesophyll includes 2 layers Reception date: of long palisade cells adaxially and 2-3 layers of short cells abaxially. Received: 24 April 2018 Many vascular bundles are seen equally spaced in the mesophyll Accepted: 28 August 2018 tissue.With the exception of the presence of simple hairs on the Published: 28 December 2018 petiole adaxial side of the var. spina-cristi and the absence of these hairs from the same site of var. macrocarpa, all other anatomical fea- Keywords: tures are considered to be of no taxonomic application. Stomatal Paliurus spina-chriti L. var. spina-chriti, Paliurus density of the adaxial leaf side is up to 19 stomata per mm² in var. spina-christi var. macrocarpa Beck., Isobilateral spina-christi while it is up to 38 stomata per mm² in var. macrocarpa. mesophyll, leaf anatomy, Petiole anatomy, Conclusions: Both fruit diameter and the stomatal density of the Cuticular structure. adaxial leaf side constitute diagnostic characters for separating be- tween the two varieties of Paliurus spina-christi Mill. 1 Professor of Plant Taxonomy, College of Agriculture, University of Duhok, email: [email protected]. 2 MSc in Plant Taxonomy, Ministry of Agriculture, Duhok Sector. 1 INTRODUCCTION of the Rhamnaceae consist of reduction or absence of leaves, crowding of leaves, shortening of branch Paliurus Mill., according to Townsend and Guest (1) axes, presence of thorns or spines, and a low, shrub- is a genus of 6 species; only Paliurus spina-chriti Mill. by habit. is present natively to Kurdistan region. The species is so widely distributed in different physiographical Literature on the leaf anatomy of our native species region of northern Iraq as to recognize two variet- P. spina-christi is not available on the level of Iraq, ies namely Paliurus spina-chriti var. spina-chriti with the and is rare even universally. Wood anatomy has been fruits, as indicated by Townsend and Guest (1) less more investigated (6). On the other hand, Literature than 2.5mm in diameter and P. spina-chriti var. macro- is too much on the leaf anatomy of the closely re- carpa Beck. With the fruits diameter between 2.5-3.2 lated species of the genus Ziziphus Mill. Investiga- cm. The extant genus Paliurus from the Miocene of tion of Z. nummularia (Burm.F.) and Z. spina-christi East China is divided by Xiangchuan et al., (2) into P. L. leaves shows anatomical characters of xerophyte ramosissimus and P. spina-christi groups based on anal- plants such as high frequently of papilla on both leaf yses of the present and previous fossil fruit records. surfaces, epidermis with thick cuticle and stomata According to the researchers, diversification of Pa- sunken in crypts (7). In contrary, Z. jujube Mill has su- liurus had begun in northern transpacific regions by perficial stomata and simple papilla which is rarely the Late Eocene. observed on the abaxial surface of the leaf midrib, moreover, epidermis consists of one layer of large The Germplasm Resources Information Network cells. Stomata are anisocytic. Leaf isobilateral meso- (GRIN) recognizes 9 species. In their revision of phyll includes 3-4 layers of long palisade cells adax- Rhamnaceae, (3) indicated that the genus of Paliurus ially and 2-3 layers of short cells on abaxial surface. in China consist of: P. hirsutus, P. ramosissimus (Lour.) Each vascular bundle is collateral and surrounded by Poir., P. spina-christi Mill., P. orientalis (Franch.) Hemsl., parenchymatous bundle sheath (8). and P. hemsleyanus Reh. ex Schir. and Ola. For Basing- er and Dilcher (4), the Rhamnaceae appears to be an Paliurus spina-chriti is commonly distributed in moun- old lineage because a rhamnaceous flower has been tains of Kurdistan, very rarely in the upper plains of found dating back to 94-96 million years ago. For northern Iraq. Often grows in the lower forest zone, Manchester (5), the fossil records of Paliurus, based in degraded woodland, mostly near streams and oth- mostly on leaves and fruit characters, are very sound- er water sources, up to 1500 m altitude (1). Plants are ly identified in tertiary flora, and are significant in widely used for hedging. In traditional medicine, the understanding the biogeographic affinities of North plant is usually effective as a hyposcholesterolemic, American tertiary flora. antihypertensive, astringent, and tonic, diuretic. The aim of this study is to provide a detailed de- The Paliurus flowers, like other Rhamnaceae flowers, scription and to present more accurate and distinct are antipetalous (obhaplostemony) and possess ten- diagnostic characters for distinguishing the two infra dency towards xeromorphism. Obhaplostemony is specific taxa of C. tournefortii var. spina-christi and C. considered a relatively rare character in angiosperms, tournefortii var. macrocarpa using morphological and and this has resulted in associating Rhamnaceae with anatomical traits. other families such as Vitaceae and Cornaceae which exhibit the same arrangement. The xeromorphic of adaptations to aridity exhibited by some members 2 MATERIALS AND METHOD Petiole length, Shape of blade apex, Shape of blade base. Petiole length, diameter, color, shape, leaf in- Field expeditions were started in 2014, continued dumentum. during 2015 with the aim of collecting Paliurus spi- na-christi throughout Kurdistan region. Selection was Inflorescence: preliminary based on previous literature (1, 9), herbar- Inflorescence type, length, width, length/width ratio, ium specimens deposited in different Iraqi herbaria, color, number of flowers/inflorescence, peduncle indigenous information and the conspicuous pres- length, peduncle width (at the mid-point). ence of the target species. 10 field trips were con- ducted each more lasted from 1-5 days. A total of Flowers: 15 plants from different parts of Kurdistan region Calyx, corolla, stamens (number, shape, color, di- were sampled. An equal number of herbarium spec- mensions, indumentum); pistile: ovary, style, stigma imens were prepared and deposited in the herbarium (shape, color, dimension, number, indumentums), of the College of Agriculture/ University of Duhok pedicel length, receptacle shape and dimension. (DPUH) (table 1). Thirty measurements were taken for each of the following characters: Fruit and seeds: Fruit length, width, length/ width ratio, thickness. Leaf: Seed length, width, thickness. Blade length, Blade width, Blade length/Blade width, Table 1-a. Specimens from Iraq Herbaria Used in the Study, Abbreviation According to Holmgren and Keuken (10). Collected Altitude Date of Specimen Taxon Herbarium Collector position (m) Collection Number Khurda Look BAG A. Rawi 740 14/6/1957 21788 village (Dukan) Bikhair BAG A. Rawi 800 27/5/1957 22966 mountain Armotah village S. Omer & Paliurus spina- BAG 775 17/4/1970 37254 christi (Koi Sangak) F. Karim var.spina- BAG Shaqlawa F. Karim 13/5/1970 37516 christi BAG Aqra A. Rawi 1000 31/5/1948 11373 BAG Sarchinar J. B. Gillett 800 16/4/1947 7687 BAG Tagaran Stream 866 9/9/2014 14-2559 SUAH Hawar Saman A. 922 21/5/2012 12-555 Between BAG Shaqlawa & S. Omer 11/6/1970 37623 Harir Paliurus spina- Ain Terma christi var. BAG Sahira 17/7/1970 37573 (Shaqlawa) mcrocarpa BAG Jindian Evan Guest 700 24/8/1930 13003 Hauraman Chak, Rawi BAG 26/6/1961 19716 mountain and Nuri BAG Safin Dgh F. Karim 11/7/1972 39392 National Herbarium of Iraq - Baghdad (BAG). Sulaimaniy University Agriculture Herbarium (SUAH). 3 Table 1-b. Herbarium specimens deposited in Duhok University Herbarium (DPUH). Collected Altitude Date of Specimen Taxon Longitude Latitude position (m) Collection Number Zawita 972 43.136941 E 36.889674 N 14/5/2014 3592 Paliurus spina-christi Gali Ali Beg 570 44.451229 E 36.626912 N 3/5/2015 3594 var.spina-christi Zarda Bi 856 45.528717 E 35.689578 N 4/10/2015 3593 village Zawita 955 43.136492 E 36.889566 N 23/5/2015 3599 Paliurus spina-christi Bana Nok var. macrocarpa 968 44.353415 E 36.386672 N 5/10/2015 3600 (Shaqlawa) Leaf anatomy 2. Epidermal cell density = number of epider- Mature leaves were collected from naturally grow- mal cells / mm2. ing plants of Paliurus spina-christii. Five leaves from 3. Stomatal dimensions. each 15 trees were obtained. Samples for anatomical 4. Stomatal density = number of stomata / investigation were prepared according to Fathoulaah mm2. (11) and Saeed (12): 5. Stomatal index % = {stomata density / (sto- mata density + epidermal cell density} *100. 1. Killing and Fixation using FAA solution. 6. Summary statistics (mean, range, and stan- 2. Washing and Dehydration by ascending con- dard deviation) were calculated for each centration of ethanol.
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