BORN DIED Balkcum, · Bru.Ce ·N

BORN DIED Balkcum, · Bru.Ce ·N

- ! i ' .j ! i I I i I . I I COMPILED BY HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY OF NORTH CAROLINA AYDEN CEMETERY-----------PITT COUNTY AYDEN, N. C • NAME . BORN DIED Balkcum, · Bru.ce ·n. '--·---1915 ------1928 Barfield; J. M~ l0-13-1838 9-3-'1918 Barfield.; 3-15-1826 8-19-1921 Barwick; Joseph F~ 9-17-1873 12-14.-1932 Basden, Wiil. Harvey 10-2.5-1861 l-21-1901 Ba.tchelor, Lonnie · 9-26-1889 ll-3-191J. Boyd, Clement M. M. · ;.-----1898 ------1925 Braxton; Claren.ce H. 4-5-1914 3-11-1924 I. Bra.xton; John w: :ll.-11-1859 4-11-1934 Braxton, . Maud B: 3-15-1882. 5~22-1905 ...... Brooks, Hug]l c. 9~14-1875 9-16-1903 Brown, J. E: 1-7-1845 1-22-1911 Buck; Infant 10-27-1913 11-12-1913 Buck; J. L. 11-28-1852 7-14-1913 Buck, Wlllia.m T. .6-5-1915 10-6-1915 . -~ Brunson, Norman ------1903 --~--1929 Cannon; MauQ. G. ·· 5-17-1884 9-8"-1885 cannon; Ro~~~t·c. 3-18-1859 5-30-1930 Clark; ''Susan c: · .:.----1843 '-----1923 Collins, Margaret 8-21-1877 6-2-1934 Corbbitt~ H. J. &. L. L \1-22-1909 9-23-1909 Cox; Biggs. o'-9 -1862 11-2-1934 Cox; Eleanor G; i0-4-1929 1-17-1921 cox, Emily· · 8-18-182.9 5-23-1905 Co:i; Eugene L; 11-20-1890 ~ 12;.13-1928 Cox; E. ·Victor l-19-1870 10-29-1906 Cox, G. Roscoe·, 11-17-1877 . 2.-21-1893 Cox, Guilford W, 8-30.;..1828 8-16-1910 Cox~ Ha.rry L. 12-9-1872 · 8-19-1913 Cox; Jimmie Lee 10~2.6-1934 10-30-1934 Cox; J. o: 3-25-1880 12-23-1927 Ccix, Judy Hart 6-16-1870< 5-7-1937 Cox, J. W. 11-27-18?~ 12-12-1927 Cqx, Margaret 5-21-1844 ll-6-1885 Cox; Nannie P: 3-1·1837 · 9-25.:.1910 Cox; Nellie L.. o-14-1920 12~5-1923 Cox,. s.. i. nda . ~ 1.2-12-185.5 5.,.3.;.1923· Cr.owe·l David / \ J----1874 ;.----1924 Da!enp~rt, Lena)b~ -f----1913 · -----1914 Da.venport, Zeno -----1878 -----1924 Davis, James ,A. ~----1856 -----1923 Davis, (Rev .1) Jesset /'· 9-30-1829 · 5-15-1909 Davio, L/uta w; ~ ,----185? -----1925 ' \ COMPILED BY HISTORICAL. RECORDSI SURVEY OF . NORTH. CAROLINA I AYDEN CEMETERY------------PITT COUNTY AYDEN, N. C. NAME BORN D~ED Davis, 'Mar:tha No ¢ate 10-20-1909 Dawson; Council 8-24.-1844 10-10-1900 Dawson; Hailhah , 6;...22-1811 5-29-1903 Dawson; John. w, · [9-7-1811 10-11-1900 Dawson, Sarah B; 17-18•1854 1-26-1903 Dixon; __ A,, c. i 6~2.3-1887 10-2-1918 Dixon, Carrie Boyd · 10-24-1879 1-4-1913 D'ixon, Joseph H; :::-~· _ 5-31-1898 9-3-1899 Dixon; Joseph .M.; D~ · -----1865 -----1933 · · Dixon; (Dr. J w. Hanvey 12.-ll-1872: .5-29-1935 Ea.rly; ·Ben ·F. 12-7-1845 10-16-1906 E~war:d;. E. c; · -----1895 -----1928 -· Edvnti'd, William H. 12-8-1898 8-25-1934 Edward, VI. 1 0.. •----1899 -----1923 Edwards, E. s; :No date 12.. 28-1905 Edwards, Emma Lee :12-7-1878 2-26-1931 Edwards·, Sarah :3-10-1857 3-26 .. 1906 Edwards; William Cc; :10-21-1867 12-24-1921 Everett; c. Judson. -----1910 -----19ll Everett; Charlie s. 7.:1-1904 4-12...:1914 Everett, Willie L; · .ll-5-1905 12,-25-1929 Fa.ulkner, Carolixfe. • 7-24-1852 2-23-1934 Faulkner, William' 1l:, · 2•10-1850 2-14-1890 Forrest Hatye~R. · ;8-18-1899 3-23-1931 Frizzelle, Penit-ineoa ~10~12~-1867 2•12-1929 Gardner; James B ~ '9;;;23•1838 4-28-1904 Garris; J, B. -' r60:2•1859 8-18-1916 Garris.; M:ary C. 10-4-1858 9-15-1918 "Garris, Pearl May i2-26-1900 11-16-1901 Ga.skins; Josephus 1;...27-1853 7-15~1923 Griffin, 41onza · 17-19-1874 12-14-1935 Hardee, Ernest E. · 6-5-1876 ll-'l-1934 Hardy, Mary E.; 9-22-1873 7-8-1913 Hardy; Rosalie 1-27-1892 8-26'-1906 Harper; ,I\llia -----1878 ---,--1923. Harper, Mary Ann -----1856 __ ;_ __ 192.7 Harper, S; F; -----1883 -----1935 Har.per, William B. -----1851 -----1921 Harrington; H~ H: :9-2-1835 12-,31-1924 Harring.:ton; J: A·. ·&.Mary w•. Nodate No 'a·a:te 'Harrington; .J:ess~ M. · 1ll-2-1903 5..;20~1905 Her:rington; Josie 11;..11-1891 • 10-10-1899 Harrington; Luisa 3..:17-1869 9-10-1910 Harrirtgton; Margarett 6-5-1918 · 8-21-1919 Harrington, Mary W. · 7-29-1871 8-14-19"23 Harrington~ Nancy A. ·5-24-1844 7-26-1915 . Ha·rris, Robert L. · ;10-24-1880 3-7-1892 3 .-. ¢ . :.• ... ,., .-.~ ..~~ COMPILED BY HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY OF NORTH CAROLINA ' i AYDEN CEMETERY --'----------PITT COUNTY .. j· ' I AYDEN, N. C. NAME. BORN DIED H~rrts, w. H; ''8-20-1842 5-12-1918 Hemby~ Luke · '1 _ _:_:..1868 n-..:-1919 . Hemby~ Maggie· .10---1868 1•---1927 'Hines, J'ohn J',. '4-28;..1874 1-25-1913 Hines, Lena Hatton '4-7-1869 . 6-24-1934 'Hines; Ruth ·L~one .: ll-18-1896 2-2-1921 J'ack"16n, 's. K. I ---·-;_1879 -----1932 .J'ame.s, ·· J'. Rooert 1 -----1932 {. ;!'"-_ ---.1899 J'enkins; LHlie M. • 5-12~1861 5-28'-1933 Jenkins., ·R:. Thomas :-----1904 -~---1905 J'olly; Annie R. 3-5-1916 6-7-1918 .Tolly; Beatice B. J10-14-1899 9-3-1931 I .Jolly; 'Cellia. W. .2-14-1860 i-29-1929 ,;rally; Titus -· • ·5-14-1853 1-3-1934. .Kilpa.trick, ,Nettie . i-----1857 --..---1926 Kittrell; Leon L. ;4-2i-1859 4-4:0..1920. Kittxeu; M; I'8-10-1896 3;..13--1936 ~ - Lawren.ce, 'Joseph _J'. ;8-27-1864 12-9-1927 _Lyon,-·Kate w. · .-----1865 ----;..1907 Lyon; \i. Ed ward. '-----1883 -----1Ql5 ;Lyon,_ Z~no G._. Sr. -----1856 -----1928 Manning, J. Henry Itll-20-1867 12-19-1932 McLawhorn; ln-1•1891 -3'-21-1918 McLawhorn; J'. c. '2-16-1856 10..:30-192.7 McLawhorn; Martha 5-29-1859 • 9-7-1936 . McLawhorn,. w, B. 9-16-1888 5-.3-1913 Moon, Homer C. 5-2-1871 4-4-1919 Moon;· Zopporah c. 6-29-1841 1-30-1926 Moore, Ella. Hart' -----1886 -----1935 Moore, Martha J'. 7-25-1845 8-13.:.T913· Moore; -Penny .A •. 1 ':..~:.._;_1867 . .----:..1933 ·Moore, William B.·· '8-30-1945 ·, 3-9-1904 . Mumford; Garrick 8-9-1889 12-19-1904 MUmford; Mary A, Cox ·6-24-1871 10-9-1923 Mumford, Preston J'. 1-27-1895 1-5-1915 N~Well, Aiiriie Laura . 10-11-1873 6-21-1916 Newell, J'8JJ).es A. :10-4-1831 1-24-1911 Nichol, Alfred 1-1-1915 4.-24-1934 ~lichol, L. A. 1-14-1841 5-21-1915 N.u!m, Lillian Blartd 9..:19-1884 . 6-30-1908 Patrick; Catherine 11-ll-1850 2-24-1929 Patrick, G. L. 12-14.-1845 7•7-1922 Prescott; Lelia May 112:-7-1907 5-12-1909 Prescottt Nannie 3-9-1884 2-3-1921 I . COMPILED BY HISTORICAL RECORDS SURVEY OF NCRTH CAROLINA AYDID~ CEMETERY-~----------PITT COUNTY AYDEN, N. C. NAME BORN DIED Price, Charles Ji.; I No date 8-4..:1936 Q.uinerly, ·John M. r 9-11-186o 4.-5-1929 Q.uinerly, ·Lena -K. ' 11-16-1866 l-3-1935 Rettie, H. Cox 'll-25-1862 9-27-1929 Rollins; Edith H. : 7-1-1891 .. 2-6-1920 Rollins, William· 0; li0-20-1912: 12..:13-1916; .rulian. G. 3-14-1899 6.-26-1901 Ross, Pattie ' 6-20-1861 4-20-1909 Rowe, w; K;' I 1879 1920 Sauls,· M, ·M ... 10-26•1910 U;.24-1910 Sawyer; M; Frank· No date 6-----1932 Sm1 th, Charlie· s; . 4"28;.1861 4-26-1923 Smith; Frebbie L~ 9-2-1904. 2-9-1907 Smith; J. L .. 9-6-1866 4-16-1911 Smith; Wilson L. i 9-l-1900. 4-2·7-1904 Spear; Levey . : 11-22-1840 6-14-1921 Spear, ·William. A. ;--'4'-5-1904 2-27-1932 Stocks; Lee 11-6-1900 5-15-1921. Stokes; Alice il-7-1912 4-18-1924 Stokes; Henrietta 1-----1854 -----1930 Stokes, L. B. ,-----1856 -----1925 Stokes; L. E; -----1894 -----1896 stokes; Magnolia ----..:1865 -----1925 Stokes, R~ D. }-----1889 ..-----1930 Suinrell; Annie ,: 3-16-1854 . 11-19-1904 Sumrell; Graven '-----1847 -----1920 Suinrell; Julia 19-2-1844 5-22-1924 Surrirell, Lydie E~ -----1858 . -----1924 Sumrell; Sarah · jNo date 5-30-1934 Stipu:'ell, w~ · J. •No date No date Taylor; Bertha 'l-19-1887 12-7".1913 Taylor:; Bru.ce G~ 11-6-1909 10-29-1911 Taylor; Josephine 8-31-1851 10-21-1930 v.• Taylor, Robert L~ :7-23-1906 7-28;..1911 Templeton, J. A._ L. -----1842 -----1910 Tingle, James R; 7-20-1858 8-25-1928 T~ipp, Abigail 1-13-1839 2-19-1926 Tripp, Adalle )8-20-1917 7-19-1918 Tripp; Bryant :_5;..5-1836 7-"12-1922 Tripp;C. B. -----1840 -----1903 Tripp, Hebron E. ,7-11-1879 :12-24;.1928 Tripp; Ida C~ 5-11-1873 6-7-1933 Tripp; Jean Marie 7-18-1921 8-l-1921 Tripp; Margarett 4.-7-1887 9-15-1927 Tripp; Marshall· ----1877 -----1930 Tripp;·N.,_c; Jr, 12-l-1918 7-4-1921 Tripp; Peggy ,6-22-1929 8-2-1929 5 COMPILED BY HISTORI.CAL RECORDS SURVEY OF NORTH CAROLINA AYDEN CEMETERY--+---------PITT COUNTY .

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