Item Application No. 8 Week Date Proposal, Location and No. and Parish Applicant (3) 15/02065/FUL 28th September 2015 Change of use of vacant former Burghfield agricultural site to use for the installation and operation of a 20MW gas fuelled capacity mechanism embedded generation plant to support the National Grid. Thereafter, upon cessation, the restoration of the land back to agricultural use. Compound rear of James Farm, James Lane, Grazeley Green GF Energy Ltd The application can be viewed on the Council’s website at the following link: http://planning.westberks.gov.uk/rpp/index.asp?caseref=15/02065/FUL Recommendation Summary: To DELEGATE to the Head of Planning and Countryside to GRANT PLANNING PERMISSION subject to conditions Ward Members: Councillor Carol Jackson-Doerge Councillor Ian Morrin Reason for Committee Determination: Level of objection Committee Site Visit: 13th January 2016 Contact Officer Details Name: Bob Dray Job Title: Senior Planning Officer Tel No: 01635 519111 Email: [email protected] West Berkshire Council Eastern Area Planning Committee 20th January 2016 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This application seeks planning permission for the change of use of a vacant former agricultural site to use for the installation and operation of a 20MW gas fuelled capacity mechanism embedded generation plant to support National Grid. Thereafter, upon cessation, it is proposed to restore the land back to agricultural use. 1.2 The proposed development comprises 18 transformers, associated buildings, security and sound attenuation fencing, and other ancillary development. The connections from the gas source and to the National Grid would be underground; no overhead power lines are proposed. It is understood from the applicants that the connections will be made by statutory undertakers under permitted development, and therefore these details do not form part of this planning application. 1.3 The application site comprises land to the rear of James Farm in Grazeley Green. The site is accessed from a shared road that runs along the southern edge of James Farm, serving a number of industrial and commercial uses. The application site itself is enclosed by a 2 to 3 metre high earth bund. There is a belt of trees along the southern boundary, and a mixture of other vegetation around the perimeter of the site. 1.4 In terms of planning constraints, the application site is located in open countryside within the East Kennet Valley. It is located in EA Flood Zone 1, although higher flood zones are present at the front of the site as Burghfield Brook passes through the wider site. 2. PLANNING HISTORY 149993 Minerals Consent: Retain clay/sand section, add top soil, landscaping incorporating tree planting to boundaries and new grassland. Approved, 08/04/1997. 13/02517/CERTE Lawful Development Certificate Application: Use of land as B8 storage. Withdrawn 16/12/2013. 13/03185/FUL Full Planning Application: 20MW gas fuelled capacity mechanism embedded generation plant to support National Grid. Withdrawn 31/03/2014. 14/01034/FUL Full Planning Application: Change of use of vacant former agricultural site to use for the installation and operation of a 20MW gas fuelled capacity mechanism embedded generation plant to support National Grid. Thereafter, upon cessation, the restoration of the land back to agricultural. Returned as invalid 31/10/2014. West Berkshire Council Eastern Area Planning Committee 20th January 2016 3. EIA & PUBLICITY 3.1 The application has been considered under the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011. A screening opinion has been issued from the Council confirming that EIA is not required. 3.2 The Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (DMPO) requires that the application be publicised by giving requisite notice: (a) by site display in at least one place on or near the land to which the application relates for not less than 21 days; or (b) by serving the notice on any adjoining owner of occupier. 3.3 The publicity undertaken by the Council has been in accordance with the DMPO and the West Berkshire Council Statement of Community Involvement. A site notices was displayed at the site entrance from James Lane. Neighbour notification letters were sent to 10 nearby properties. 3.4 It has been brought to the Council’s attention that a flyer has been distributed to properties in the wider area, including Mortimer, Burghfield, Theale and Calcot. The flyer included the Council’s logo and was headed “Power station development proposal”, but was created and distributed by an unknown third party. The flyer uses subjective language and suggests reasons to object, but does not specify the precise nature of the development. The majority of representations appear to have been submitted in response to the incomplete information contained in the flyer because they quote similar reasons for objection and a number have interpreted the information to relate to a solar farm, wind farm, or other forms of electricity generation that are not proposed. 4. CONSULTATION 4.1 Statutory and Non-Statutory Consultations Burghfield Parish Council: No objections Wokefield Parish Council: Object 1. Too close to residential properties, regarding emissions, noise and vibration. 2. In a predominantly rural area, not industrial as implied by the application. 3. Wokefield Parish believes the Parish has made a significant contribution to the supply of ‘green’ energy with adjacent solar farm. 4. Further long-term loss of agricultural land. Highways: No objections Environmental Health: Conditional permission Environment Agency: No objections Ecologist: No objections Drainage Officer: Comments (see section 6.13) Tree Officer:: No objections Office of Nuclear Regulation: Advise against if Emergency Planning object Emergency Planning: No objections West Berkshire Council Eastern Area Planning Committee 20th January 2016 Health & Safety Executive: No response Minerals and Waste: No response MOD: No response AWE: No response Scottish Southern Electric: No objection British Gas: No response Energy Efficiency Officer: Advice (see section 6.2) 4.2 Public consultation Original consultation: Total: 36 Support: 1 Object: 28 Summary of comments Impact on neighbour amenity; Devaluation of property; Noise during construction and once in use; Pollution and emissions; Close to local schools; Increase in traffic; Risk to security at AWE; Flooding; Risk to safety of residents; Brownfield sites should be made use of; Solar panels preferred / support letter in relation to solar farms; No evidence to back up amount of power supply to be generated; May then seek to support scheme for 15,000 new houses; Other sites in the vicinity are doing enough to support renewable clean energy; Health implications for nearby residents; Impact on landscape; Impact on local roads during construction; Query over inconsistencies in application documentation; Impact on wildlife; Scheme should be on higher ground; Query why gas powered and not aerobic digesters or renewable energy sources; Right of access issues; General queries about nature of application; Infrastructure in Calcot already reduced 5. PLANNING POLICY 5.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 requires that the determination of any planning application must be made in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The statutory development plan for West Berkshire comprises: West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026) West Berkshire District Local Plan 1991-2006 (Saved Policies 2007) Replacement Minerals Local Plan for Berkshire (2001) Waste Local Plan for Berkshire (1998) West Berkshire Council Eastern Area Planning Committee 20th January 2016 5.2 The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) sets out the Government’s planning policies for England and who these are expected to be applied. It is a material consideration in planning decisions. The NPPF is supported by the Planning Practice Guidance (PPG). 5.3 According to paragraph 215 of the NPPF, due weight should be given to relevant policies in existing plans according to their degree of consistency with the NPPF (the closer the policies in the plan to the policies in the NPPF, the greater the weight that may be given). 5.4 The West Berkshire Core Strategy (2006-2026) is the first development plan document (DPD) within the new West Berkshire Local Plan. It sets out a long term vision for West Berkshire to 2026 and translates this into spatial terms, setting out proposals for where development will go, and how this development will be built. The following policies from the Core Strategy are relevant to this development: NPPF Policy ADPP1: Spatial Strategy ADPP6: The East Kennet Valley CS5: Infrastructure Requirements and Delivery CS8: Nuclear Installations AWE Aldermaston and Burghfield CS9: Location and Type of Business Development CS10: Rural Economy CS13: Transport CS14: Design Principles CS16: Flooding CS17: Biodiversity and Geodiversity CS18: Green Infrastructure CS19: Historic Environment and Landscape Character 5.5 A number of policies from the West Berkshire District Local Plan 1991-2006 (Saved Policies 2007) remain part of the development plan following the publication of the Core Strategy. The following saved policies from the Local Plan are relevant to this development: OVS.5: Environmental Nuisance and Pollution Control OVS.6: Noise Pollution OVS.7: Hazardous Substances
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