_ - I ^ 74th vear,r. INo. 2 ^ TwinFallslls, Idaho Tuesday, Aw,iugust21,1979 15* ' •. t t ; - EvanIS decdares four<countties disasster aiirea ^ieyDAVlDMORREUUSEY - the. affectedted Magic Valley' countiess ■ ^ nHta disastd areard is ‘^within two weekit.ii, BOISE - Gov. JotJohn E vans and hopefullyully sooner.” Monday declared fourr MagicM{ Valley Tbe feddaiera loans, once Available, . countfes **emergencyney d is a s te r ■ wiU be avaUi'aUable to.farmers H ■ - haUsfoinn that left bump<impeV crops in SmaU Busimsiness Administration,' and ---------------------- t h e - ^ c ucuitui^-Stabll l t latlon-and—r ~ " w • Tbe a(^on was takenin a f td Evans ConservationHon Sdvlce, Waller said.., reived lettdv fromI cocoun^ com- In Jdome>me County Monday, the m issio n ch airm en in Blaine, county concommissioners and the ------- MlnldoJcartlncolinjia-iia-TW ih~Faiis“ eouHiy’r ““emergency ei com iffltte^I-——— M- counties asking for emercnergency help, unanimously'sly approved sending a Evans said ne expectpects similar request to the governor’s office requests from Cassiai ahdat Jerome asking theie county be declared a counties, and Is c o n sIddtng ld i declaim .dlaasterarearea. '■ ' • p ing them emergency disasterdlss areas Brent Ller..le'rman, county- executive— also. d irec to r f(for . the Agriculturalr ' I S j B b . Twin Falls County aloralone suffered Stablllzatloitlon and Observation j ■ I g l an estimated $2 millionn inIn damage to Service sai(said the • d c ^ ra tlo n in- I a i m o v v a 20^ a die e iarea; Some fonned the« govenwrb ‘Jerome County I 7.700 a d e s In Blaine! CoCounty were farmers suflsuffered an estimated $11 s&)bltbytbestonn. ■ mUllon In1 dc^b damage from the Hie action does notlot ,makei any haUstorm. state funds avaUablee to Liennan1 s<said 260 farhis'sustalned victims, said Dutell1 Walid, the severe damiamage, or a loss of 75 state coordinator for tbethe Bureau of percent, of)f their crops or more, Disaster Sdviees. “Noio sstate, funds Tbose farmsns ttotal some 33,000 ac m . exist for that puipose.” He said1 anotherc 270 farms, or - But It will make It ihdithdre likely the 22,000 acres:'res, received moderate- federal govdnment willwUl free up damage-drdr between 40 and 7S' ■<- funds for victims, Walieiaiid said. “It pereent cropop Iloss. will call this area to theirIr atattention.".. Of the 1,;1,156 farms In Jerom e According to Walid,ir, tthe federal County, mornore than half sustair al ‘7 * '^ -,j\ govdnment is expectcdted to declare beavydamagpage. — ^ ^ ----------- j I . / Vl PatdcfcSuUlv«n/Hmc»-Newi . ; \ — T a lm gadge’s i w<wealth __ _______ ___D r. anid d M rs. Leo B row n oof f FR u p ert a re p rep arin g to w elcom e A sian ‘b o>at at people’ to their hommeinOrtolier e i ______ _________^ ; ■ in G eoorgia larnids *Bpoit p e oyple[coffened hes T p WASHINGTON (VPIJIPI) -'.Sen. Itcd weallh lUi arid Western ranch ~ toCAROLH; h o s l e r about'the ‘boat pet»Ieqple’ we would write a lette H dm an Talmadge,'«4Mwho claims to holdings glwgive him a net worth of •ttertd -desfriesbfthestiatettiateoranoUterperson. ^ have; once'lived day- ; V *nm«-Newifwswritd^ '- • — ....... find out what to do. E i.rep y.------*!lbere- are I .vei very- few- times -in-o u r-liv es,’'— day^Klay on between |i.4«1. million and $3.9 - ert'families have agreed small cash gifts -fronfrom Georgia million, jm reftT ^'Two-Rijpert •eed Last .winter Uie m 'aUiollc continued Dr. Brown,B “ when- Christ’s com- ;,:v ' to aid 'In U»e resettlehierlent of.'two families1 of Diocese of Boise ha<had an. a rtld e alwut it: onstltuents, is worthrth bt eh ree n js AllogeUier,nd/ttie Senate has at 'A It: We mandment to heal Uie sick, feed Uie hungry, and : miUlon and 16 mlUio southeast Asian “boat pe<^I<^ le ." • . vm\e to Ute Boisitoisc Diocesan ResetUeirlement boUsethebomelesselessissddear.” ' ' r.' ilUlon, Senate least 24, sndand possibly as many as DWH and Mr. and Mrs; finaneia! disclosuremre reports wjnllllonalr Dr. and.Afrs. I ^ Brou «rs; director, Ute Rev.. TtTDomaa A. Gaudian, and lafres. Paul, Stroschein have conommitted Ihemselvess to r i n d e d immediate];ately," becontlnued., WiKsh Rev. GaudianGaw re ^ n d e d to Ute Browns’ „ , , Talmadge'ige’s wealth Jumped last l istered ^ said Ute Stroscheins had also requested ; Talmadge, D-Ga.Ga., facing year when a helping Uie refugeefamUIeHies tttabllsh UieroselvesIves, Ifr. Brown and; hlibis wife. Blue, a i«dstc n a court awarded him InT the Kupdt ai^;.aIUtouglUgh Uiey d a not yet knownow n d s e and offlce mn an ag d of Ute Rupert Medledlcal InformaUon. Dr.»r. BrownB and Stroschein, a R up^ .' ~ posslbie Senate discipicipllnaty ac- feooo fromfroi the sale, years ‘ a hnir insaiwice andd realrc estate agent, a g r^ to ^ • tlm fd alleged btegure ^ a ritle s In e ^ I e r , of a any details abouVthe famlimilles, such as number,ber, Sdglcal G n ^ , movelovetrto R up^ two and a I f a piece of land near a ag&, skills and back^undd oof family members. ^ r s ago. They had been working at a. n pi^wiUiUielrrleErrequests. , ' i ' his office accounts,, hasha the bulk proposed highwayhi interchange, Mrs. Srown said committees will be formed to • of his wealth in extenslienslve Georgia which had TTie families are expecK«ted to arrive In Rupertpert CaUiolic misshm bo^italbo£ in Rhodesia, w)i id listed In his latd-UUsfali.| thde is one doctorr'fo fo r every 52,000 people.> Mrs nieet eadi of Uietbe needs of Ute families when • "• landholdings,. plus,I , slocksst and wife’s name. «rusM infdrmaUolaUon about Ute num ber of people, bonds. According to Boise DiocesanD ResetUementlent Brown said Utey’havelave been aware of the refu His recentent divorce from Betty ' Db«cto'r« Rev. ’Thomas A. Gaudian, the Brownswns problem ever sinces S<SouUt. Vietnam was defet5STed ?8e?»' »kUlslls IIs received. The aid drbffier -i Eartld this year,sr, Talmadge .Talmadge,e, who built up a { - interested personsons will> be wlcom e at Uiat time. said hls .net worth for and Stroscheins’ commitnItment requires themI to byUieNorth. for the p i t s lucraUve hamhai business, <^ned ; /Ide "1 was planningfto to assist as a nurse on om 197S and. 1974. when31 thetl alleged his financial:lal records and fed to meet* the families Nrtienat they arrtve; provide one of ■ '“Ibe- most importantimp< thing,” said Dr. Brown, « h d td and food until UteJie families become self the evacuation flights;hts of infants and children.'>n. The "is Uiat nonef of us assume, because we have • fln^lal frresula^UesItles were oc- theallegatlonUons against him. , rlid than expected, and 1 ' currlag.wasab6utll.sril.SmUllon. ; She S 5irged g e before the Senate sufficient;, gaUter fumituIture, clouting, and in- collapse came eariid I was . helped someone,ie, UieyU owe us something In return; ’ AU lOD senators now have f led Ethics Comn cldentals as needed; giveive assistance in findingiing unable to help. I’m'm iglad for Uils opportunilunity,” It wUl be nice% if these families d^lde to stay tmmlttee that Talmadge -; for Mr8.Brownsald. thefr financial rmorts»rts, the ast kept an overeoatov in a closet empioymdit, and obtaininging school enrollment for here and helpI wlUiwitl additional refugees later, b u t' ' one being Sen. Malcol the children; and provide rouUnehealthcare.ro “Otb- g c^/’ said1 DDr.i Brown, "is to makei UieseUi we cdtainly don*don’t require Uiey do so. Wc Just ilcolm Vf^ op. stuffed withIU) $100i bills he used for ' id about Utis problem for families si^f sufflcieni:ient as soon as possible. T R-Wyo. His report showsshi Inher- p erso i^ exp(oq)enses. ^ '•We’ve been concerned: !. They want them to belefree.” fre some time,” said Dr. Brownwn, a local surgeon. want to wot*. Theyey wantn a chance to live'e Uieirti Mr. and Mrs..rs.. StroscheinS are on vacation and “Eveiy time we cames .sacross any Informationition lives according to0 tltheir own desires, notlot Uie unavailaUeforconrcomment —v-., ■‘Full speed ’a\tl2 tl m p h — (g®'® ® d ] ^ IIsraeli s : jets lowi^ans eniithusiassticovei»r Cart<ter hiitLebanpn .*^.1-.By.UoltednesslntdnatlcnaL • ABOARD THE DELT/:LTA QUEEN (UPl) - At one point, Carterter ;spotted a crowd of milesi of a 6S9-mile tHitHp. Uiat ends Friday in 2>t Idaell Jet fi^ter-bombers 'at- ' " A.jadgoInCaU^alUohila dedlnes Ptesident Caifter requestedSted "fuU speed” ahead on well-wlshds on Ute banknk aand j u m ^ on a deck Louis.] - ' to' *««»■■ Hami acked su^ected Palestinian gueriril- oyage Monday and waUced chair to get a b e ttd view,'lew. Three Secret Service “I deeply, appreciatciate the friendship you’vi»uve aaalnstORBC.F a bases in southern Lebanon tte gangplank to'^ meefet eenthusiastic crowds in agents ^ckly suiroundedinded him, apparenUy in shownt us,” said Carter,rter, wh6 has had such warn/arm ilonday for the flrst Ume since July ' - Iowa, scene of his first tiiuniiumphofl976. anticipation of a possiblee tuntumble. recqiUonst UiroughoutJt theUi trip. 24,4, them milltaiy command said In Tel - Tbe prasldent I Io^lowans to produce more As the Queen moved UiroUirough Lock and Dam 12 RgteaUng hls themeeme of Ujie neefl to muste: Aviv.Wlv.' .... gasobol .to.belp reduceI oil imports and.asked for a t BeUevue,.Iowa, C arte-teciadoressed u a gaUtering. ■ . patrtoUc| "resionse to UieI e n e w challenge, h< XebLebanese radio reports said one . nqtpdrt fn bis effort toI wixwin a windfall profits tax of sevdal thousand, promcromoUng energy conserve- said,t “The wSde procesoccss.depen£ on passage o f) striketrike was followed by heavy Israeli on tbeoU industry.
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