University of Central Florida STARS The Rollins Sandspur Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 10-18-1939 Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 03, October 18, 1939 Rollins College Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Rollins Sandspur by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation Rollins College, "Sandspur, Vol. 45 No. 03, October 18, 1939" (1939). The Rollins Sandspur. 561. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/cfm-sandspur/561 sfifr Florida's Support Oldest College Rollins Sandspur Newspaper Eollins andBpur Advertisers VOLUME 45 (Z-107) (Weekly Student Newspaper) WINTER PARK, FLORIDA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1939 (Complete Campus Coverage) CRIPPLED TARS LASH DECKS FOR HURRICANES Walter Trampler, Violinist, 78NewStudents Will Present Recital, October 24 Academic Honor Ground Instruction Football Team Accept Bids to List Announced Courses Offered Is Heading For Rollins Students Social Groups At Convocation Hurricane Game Classes Given For Those Unable To Take Regular "Kappa Alpha and Pi Phi Chi Omegas Win Cup Third Aeronautics Training Time; Ten Elected to Fresh Tars' Backfield Is Riddled By Receive Most Pledges; Al- Injuries; Four Backs Are < pha Phi is Third man Phi Society The Orlando Vocational School, Definitely Off List which has in operation Day trade 44 Women and 34 Men Dr. Holt Speaks On classes for aviation Mechanic European Affairs Training* with over $50,000 worth Rollins Will Give *J 0 i n Organizations of airplanes, engines, and ground Miami Strong Battle school equipment, has opened a The opening convocation of the special Ground School course. This 1 Sunday, October 15, marked the By CECIL BUTT formal termination of rushing. Thi college year last Thursday saw the is offered to Rollins stu­ pledge results showed the Kappa mstallation of Elwood Nance as dents, who for lack of parents' "We will play as well as we can ^Alphas on top of the heap with Dean of Knowles Memorial Chapel, permission or physical qualifica- under the circumstances — what :59leven new students in their group Also mcluded in the ceremony were titons cannot take the regular civ­ more can one say?" Thus Coach tjPi Beta Phi came in a close second a speech by President Holt, the il Aeronautics Authority courses. Cranberry's Radio Jack McDowall makes light of the ^^ith nine pledges and Alpha Ph' takmg of tbe student matriculation The fee for this course is fifteen fact that his Tars meet the Univer­ followed with eight. oath by freshmen and other dollars. The course will be of 72 sity of Miami Friday night with a btudents, the reading of the 1938- hours in duration and will cover Play Rated One total backfield of six, or at the The Kappa Alpha fraternity an- 39 academic honors list and the actly the same material offered most seven, men^ "Jones will not .lounces the pledging of the fol- award of scholastic prizes, by Dean the ground training by the Civil Of Fourteen Best play," is another punch below the ,.owing students: Douglas Bills, Anderson, and the swearing-ii Pilot Training Program, belt that the Tars must take before jeneva, Fla.; Phil Blitz, Chicago, new faculty members. the opening whistle. 111.; Robert Blackwood, Scranton, President Holt spoke on Upon completion of this course Columbia Workshop's Group With fleet Bob Davis on the Pa.; Milton Chancey, Ft. Lauder- League of Nations, its collapse, and the student will be able to pass tbe Of Adaptations Includes doubtful list and Bethea, Hardman, lalc, Fla.; Paul Haley, Boston, the place it could and should have written examination for any grade "Trip to Czardis" Lawton, and Jones on the hopeless Mass.; Vernon Langston, Orlando, taken in preventing the present of pilot certificate including the list, the Rollins offensive must ^la.; Alden Manchester, Chevy European conflagration if tht commercial. Most important of all, fall on Middlebrook, Justice, John­ Dhase, Md.; John Powell, S. Jack- great nations of the world, includ the same instructors will be used The Rollins College English fac­ son, Grundler, Mitchell, and Bran­ jonville, Fla.; William Terhune, ing the United States, had done by both tbe Orlando Vocational ulty gained further national pres­ kert. Just six, count them. Ob­ Slew Canaan, Conn.; and Edwin their duty and supported it. School and the Federal Civil Aero­ tige this fall when "A Trip to viously this means that if one or Czardis," prize winning short story tVaite, Durham, N. C. The Panhellenic and Interfrater­ nautics Authority. two of the backs are hurt, Rollins* written by Edwin Granberry, asso­ nity Scholarship Trophies, which course starts October 15 chances will rest on the well-versed Lambda Chi Alpha pledged ciate professor of English at Rol­ are awarded annually to the so and continues for eighteen weeks. toe of Captain Buck Johnson. Davis F'rank Bowes, Chicago, 111.; Dick lins, was selected as one of the best ity and fraternity maintaining the There are two classes a week. They has also shown stellar punting abil­ Hawks, Rochester, N. Y.; Robert radio adaptations by the Columbia highest group averages through nducted in the evening and ity, but a wrenched shoulder may Matthews, Sikeston, Mo.; Roder- Workshop. The play appears in a out the year were awarded this last for two hours. Text books will bold him on the bench. ck MacArthur, Winter Park; Wil- new publication containing four­ year to Chi Omega and the nev be necessary but will be acquired at Saturday the team journeyed en iam Royall, Greenwich, Conn.; and teen of the best radio plays pro­ fraternity Sigma Phi Omega. The asse to Tampa to see the Miami- Sdward Weinberg, Orlando, Fla. Walter Trampler to inimum cost. duced by the Columbia Workshop scholastic ranking of all groups Tampa game. Jack McDowall, Phi Delta Theta announces the The course covers the history of since 1936. Appear in Recital for 1938-39 were: however, will not fashion bis game Jollowing pledges: John Fleeger, All students desiring to at­ Aviation. This subject is complete­ Chi Omega Edited by Douglas Coulter, as­ upon what he saw there. The Hur­ Tulsa, Okla.; William House, W. tend the JMiami Football Game ly covered in two hours of instruc­ Sigma Phi Omega sistant director of broadcasts of ricanes might use an entirely dif­ Hartford, Conn.; E. Hadley; First Concert to Be Held must make application to the tion. The course on Civil Air Regu­ Phi Mu the Columbia Broadcasting System, ferent attack against the Tars from Thomas Knight, Orlando; Sammy October 24 in Theatre Student Dean's Office not later lations consists of six two-hour Alpha Phi and director of the New York Uni­ what they used against Tampa. flardman, Jacksonville; and James than Wednesday, October 18. classes. Navigation is covered in Gamma Phi Beta versity Radio Workshop, the collec­ Therefore McDowall says, "We suit Hoover, North Canton, 0. There will be no blanket fifteen hours of class work. When The first recital of the season, Independent Women tion of radio adaptations has been game to the circumstances at Sigma Nu received Harry Nich- es from classes. Young the course on Meteorology has been sponsored by Rollins College Con Kappa Kappa Gamma published "to acquaint prospective all times. The quarterback will Dlos, Atlanta, Ga.; James Dean, wishing to make the trip must ompleted, the primary part of the Kappa Alpha Theta radio writers with ' some of the the team from the field with­ Drlando; James Lease, Chicago, servatory, will take place October have written permission from ourse ends. Then all that remains Pi Beta Phi problems of radio writing and to out any hard and fast plan to fol­ [11.; Harrison Barnes, St. Louis, 24th, when Walter Trampler, well parents. Information concerning 3 a total of 28 hours of training in Kappa Alpha add to the general public's store of low." Mo. tickets at reduced rates may be aircraft and theory of flight, en­ known violinist, will make his ini­ Independent Men good material", The X Club pledged the follow- obtained from the Cashier's Of­ gines, parachutes, and instruments. Perhaps that is one reason why tial appearance here in concert. Phi Delta Theta Mr. Cranberry's short story was ,ng students: Robert Whiston, Chi­ fice. Reduced hotel rates may be Any student interested in this the McDowall-coached team is per­ Lamba Chi Alpha first published in the April, 1932, sago, 111.; William Chick; Bill Jus- Mr. Trampler is an artist who secured from the Office of the must make out their appli­ petually surprising to opponents Sigma Nu e of "Forum" and was later nee, Asheville, N. C; Alton Nixon has had varied experience as teach­ Student Deans. cations as soon as possible for the d fans alike. It is always ready X Club awarded the O. Henry Memorial Miami, Fla.; and George Estes, are small because of the with the attack or counter attack er and performer. He was born in Prize for 1932 as the best short Brunswick, Me. limited class room facilities. that should most confuse the foe. Munich and at the age of 19 held The honor roll for the year 1938- story to appear in American maga- The Civil Aeronautics Authori­ And often does. Sigma Phi Omega pledged Clark the position of first chairman in 39 included Bob Belden, Fay Bige­ s that year. The radio drama­ ty has limited the number of Rol- Considering the punishment it Kemp, Little Silver, N.
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