
6132 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE Ap1"il 16 jobs one at a t~e. This is so for these send the restricted bill without delay to sented to the ·President of tlie United reasons: the Hguse, whose concurrence in the States the following-enrolled bills: First. Malpractices in the internal af­ action of the Senate would make it rea­ S. 144. An act to modify Reorganization fairs of unionS and problems arising out sonably certain that union treasuries Plan No. II of 1939 and Reorganization Plan of the external relations of industry and will not be pillaged with impunity by No. 2 of 1953; and · labor are quite dissimilar in nature, and their custodians, that unrepentant con­ S. 1096. An act to authorize appropriations require quite different legislative treat­ victed felons and racketeers will not be to the National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ ment. To combine the· consideration of given dominion over honest and law­ ministration for salari-es and expenses, re­ such diverse matters is not conducive to search and development, construction and abiding union members, that dictatorial equipment, and for other purposes, sound legislation because it tends to con­ union officers will not be allowed to rob fuse issues and distract legislators. union members of their basic rights by Second. The passage of needed legis-. abuse of the trustee process, that cor­ REC~SS lation to outlaw malpractices in the in.; rupt union officers will not be permitted The PRESIDING OFFICER. What is ternal affairs of unions ought not to oe to connive with management to betray· put in jeopardy by saddling such legisla­ the union members they represent, and the wish of the Senate? tion with unrelated controversies be­ that union members will possess the Mr. BEALL. Mr. President, I move tween industry · and labor respecting power as well as the right to exercise an that the Senate stand in recess until 12 nongermane provisions of the Taft­ effective voice in the selection of the of­ o'clock noon tomorrow. Hartley Act. ficers and the control of the affairs of The motion was agreed to; and (at 4 Third. The Taft-Hartley Act is an ex-. their unions. · o'clock and 29 minutes p.m.) the Senate ceedingly important and intricate law . Surely the investigations of the Sen- took a recess until tomorrow, Friday, which should not be subjected to indis­ ate Rackets Committee make it manifest April 17, 1959, at 12 o'clock meridian. criminate amendment on the Senate that this is a "consummation devoutly floor until the proposed changes in it to be wished." •• ..... •• have been adequately studied by the ap­ · A study of Federal law will show that propriate Senate committee. industry has some substantial safe­ HOUSE' OF REPRESENTATIVES . For these reasons, I urge .that the non­ guards against any possible abuses of T~URSDAY, APRIL 16, 1959 germane amendments to the Taft-Hart­ the unions under the provisions of the ley Act embodied in title VI of S. 1555 Taft-Hartley Act as it now exists, and· The House met at 12 o'clock noon. be stricken out, and that the bill be thus­ that the · unions have some substantial . Rev~ Charles W. Holland, Jr., B.D., restricted to its primary objective; that protection against abuses on the part of Th.M., pastor, Fountain Memorial Bap­ is, the outlawing of the malpractices in industry under the Taft-Hartley Act as tist Church, Washington, D.C., offered the internal affairs of unions so clearly it now exists; but a study of ·Federal the following prayer: revealed by the investigations of the Sen­ law and the investigations of the Senate · In the first book of the Bible 4 : 9 we ate Rackets Committee. Rackets Committee make it crystal clear Mr. President, I do not claim to be a read: and the Lord said unto Cain. that the rank and file of union members "Where is Abel thy brother?" and he said• . prophet or the son of a prophet; never­ have no protection of any kind against theless, it is safe to make this predic­ "I know not: Am I my brother's keeper?" dictatorial and corrupt officers of unions Father-God, Creator of man, help each tion: If the nongermane amendments to or against the connivance of manage­ the Taft-Hartley Act are stricken out, Congress man and woman in this great ment with a corrupt labor leader to de­ body to realize he is his brother's keeper.: S. 1555 will pass the Senate by a virtu­ prive them of their rights. ally unanimous vote with a minimum of As legislation is premeditated in the debate and delay, leaving the Senate free The question which is before the Sen­ minds of these servant~ of the people ·of to consider at a subsequent time in a ate fundamentally is this: Shall the these United States, imprint, indelibly,. manner consistent with orderly legisla­ Congress grant protection without delay inerasably, inexpungibly, upon each per­ tive procedure all proposed changes in to the persons in this area of our na­ son as he works in this enclosure and the the Taft-Hartley Act after those changes tional life who now have no protection, confines of his omce the fact that he is have been adequately studied by the ap­ or shall the Congress jeopardize the his brpthe~·s keeper. · right of these persons to protection at We feel, dear Heavenly Father, that if propriate Senate committee. this is kept before our thinking we will see It is likewise safe to make this predic.; the hands of our Government by indulg­ tion: If the nongermane amendment to ing in a controversy concerning the helpful, constructive l~gislation enacted. many controversial features of the Taft­ Great Phystcian, if it is in Thy will, the Taft-Hartley Act are not stricken lay Thy hand on the body of Mr. Dulles., out, their presence in S. 1555 will con­ Hartley Act-a course of action which stitute an invitation to every Senator to will probably result not only in the . This request I make conscientiously and sinc~rely in , the na~e _of my Lord. offer upon the Senate floor as amend­ ~enial of any rights to those who now ments to the bill whatever changes in the have no protection but also in the Amen. Taft-Hartley Act he deems desirable. As mangling of the Taft-Hartley Act itself. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ a consequence, the Senate will be bogged · The best way to avoid such a calamity terday was read and approved. down for days on end in debate upon all is to adopt my amendment and to con­ the controversial features of the Taft~ fine the pending bill to the regulation of MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE Hartley Act. This is likely to ~esult the internal affairs of unions so far as either in the defeat of S. 1555 or the man­ such regulation is required to protect A message from the Senate by Mr. gling of the .Taft-Hartley Act. Intricate the rights of their members, and at a McGown, one of its clerks, announced legislation cannot be properly framed that the Senate had passed without subsequent period to give the appropri­ amendment a joint resolution of the amid heated debate upon a legislative ate committee an opportunity to bring floor. ~ouse of the follow~ng title: We cannot justify exposing the provi..: forth a bill providing any · desirable H.J. Res. 336. Joint resolution making a sions of the first five titles of S. 1555 and. changes in the Taft-Hartley Act under supplemental appropriation for the Depart~ the Taft-Hartley Act to these alternative such circumstances that the proposed ment ·of L-abor for the fiscal year 1959, and perils. The perils are wholly unneces­ .amendments can be considered in ari ~or other purposes. sary because they can be entirely avoided adequate ~anner, and thus free those The message also announced that the in the first instance · by the simple ex..; who are now without protection of the Senate had passed a bill of the following pedient of striking out title VI. Such danger that they will 1·eceive none at title, in which· the concurrence of the action should be taken by the Senate at the hands of Congress. House ~s requested: - as early a moment as possible. S. 1455. An act to authorize the rental oi After this action is taken, the Senate should reject all subsequent attempts to ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED cotton acreage allotments. write into S. 1555 any nongermane The· Secretary of the Senate. reported The message ·also ·announced that the changes . in the Taft-Hartley Act and that on today, April 16. 1959, he pre- ~enate agrees to the amendment of the 1959 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -HOUSE 6133 House to a bill of the Senate of the fol- _ The SPEAKER. On this rollcall 361 Katzen tine-Prosser-Scott memorandum, lowing title: -Members have answered to their names, December 1, 19.55. Katzentine memo of Storer-Prosser-Kat­ s. 1096. An act to authorize appropriations · a quorum. zentine telephone conversation, December 1, to the National Aeronautics and Space Ad- · By unanimous consent, further pro­ . 1952. ministration for salaries and expenses, · re- · ceedings under the call were dispensed Katzentine memo on Whiteside telephone search and development, construction and ·With. conversation, April 23, 1956. equipment, and for other purposes. F. Katzentine correspondence: Katzentine-Childs letter, May 25, 1956. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. - Katzentine-Kefauver letter, June 6, 1955. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA v. THURMAN A. WHITESIDE ET AL. Katzentine-Kefauver letter, December 27, THURMAN A.
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