
Jamaua NATIONAL HONOURS AND AWARDS CEREMONY of INVESTITURE OF INSIGNIA OF ORDERS and PRESENTATION OF AWARDS by His Excellency The Most Honourable Sir Florize! Augustus Glasspole, O.N.• CC.M.e.. c.c.v.c, C.D. Governor-General of Jamaica at King's House on Monday, October 20, 1986 at 9.00 a.m. ...---------- ORDER OF CEREMONY I. ARRJVALS, 11:55 a.m. The Deputy Prime Minister, The Right Honourable HUGH SliEARER, P.C., M.P., escorted to his seat by the Deputy • Commissioner of Police, MR. AlLAN LBWIS. 1:57 aJll. Her Excellency the Most Honourable LADY GUSSPQLE. .. accompanied by her Lady·ill.Waiting are escorted from King's House to their seats. • ~58 n.m. His Excellency tbe Governor·General. The Most Hon· ourable SIR FLORIZEL AUGUSTUS GI.ASS1'OLB. O.N.. G.C.M.G., G.e.v,o., C,D., ancuded by the Chid of Slaff. Major General ROBflRT NmSH. C.D., A.P.C., A.D.C., the Commanding Officer. the 2nd Battalion. The J:lmaica Regiment. LI. Col. NESTER OOILVIB. B.A .. and the Aide· de-Camp. Captain MATIHEW HALE. is escorted from King's House 10 the Presentation Area. 2. THE ROYAL SALUTE The National Anthem-The Jamaica Regiment Band 3. INSPECTION OF THE GUARD OF HONOUR 4. THE INVITATION His Excellency the Governor-General to be invited by MR. F. A. DouCB, Secrelary-General. Chancery of the Orders of the Societies of Honour:- (a) To Invest Members of lhe following Orders with the lnsignia of the Orders: The Order of Jamaica (OJ.) The Order of Distinction Rank of Commander (C.D.) The Order of Distinction Rank of Officer (0.0.) (b) To Decorate Recipients of the Badge of Honour: For Meritorious Service For Long and Faithful Service (e) To Decorate Recipients of the Medal of Honour: For Meritorious Service For Long Service and Good Conduct and the mention in Despatches 5. INVESTITURE OF MEMBERS OF ORDERS WITH INSIGNlA OF ORDERS Appointment effective August 4, 1986: The Secretary-General to read the Citations. 5. I THE ORDER OF JAMAlCA (OJ.) MEMBERS: The Honourable Mr. Justice Ira deCordova ROWE, 0.1.. Presldem. COUrI 0/ Appeal. For services in the field of Law. The Late Dr. The Honourable Aslon Z. PRESTON. o.J., Vice Chancellor. University of 'he West II/dies. (EOecril'e JUlie 26, 1986). For oustanding services in the fields of Finance and Administration in Higher Educalion. (MRS. BARBARA PReSTON. widoll' of file Recipient 10 rece;I'c the Insigllia). 5. 2 THE ORDER OF DISTINCTION RANK OF COMMANDER (C.O.) MEMBERS: Mr. Probyn Webster AITKEN. C.D.. Permallent Secretary, Ministry 0/ LabOllf. For services in the Public Service (Labour). Mr. Asgar ALLY, C.D., Deputy Governor (Ill/emational Division), Bank of Jamaica. For services in the field of Money and B:wldng. Mr. Lascelles Agustas CHIN. C.D.. Past President, Jwnaica Exporters Associatio/l. For services in the field of Industry and Commerce. Mr. Orville Woodrow COX. C.D.. General Manager. Jamaica Public Service Co. Ltd. For services in Public Utilhies. 2 5.2 THE ORDER OF D1STINCflON RANK OF COMMANDER (C.D.), comd. Mr. ]al1 Xavier FORTE, c.o., Director oJ 'Public Prosecutions, Mi"i~"lfY 01 National Security and Juslice. For services in the field of Law. Mr. Reynold AuguSline GONSALYES. c.o., • General Manoger, The Banana Comp(lIly 0/ Jamaica LId. For services in the field of Agriculture (Bllnana Breeding). Tile Late Mrs. Gloria Elaine LANNAMAN. C.D., General Manager. Jamaica Broadcasting Corporatioll Ltd. For services in the fields of Culture and Broadcasting. (Mas. MAxlNE CHfiP.SMAN. (laughter of Ihe Recipient, /0 rece;\'e the Insignia). Mr. Herben (Herb) Henry McKENLEY. C.o.. (Formerly lUI Officer of the Order of Di.rtim:/;ofl). Branch Manager, First Life 0/ Jamaica. For outstanding services in the field of Sports Admi­ nistration. Dr. &lith Geraldine (Jean) MARSHALLECK, C.D.. Deputy Fitlal/cial Secretary. Ministry of Finance llnd Plallning. For services in the Public Service (Finance). Mr. Edward Lyel M1LLER. C.D., Permanent Secretary, Millistry of Local Govemmel/t. For services in the Public Service. Mr. Albert Ivanhoe MOORE. C.D., Consu/tall! and Director of Priming Sefl'ices, Government Printing Office, Ministry of the PI/blic Service, For services in the Public Service. His Excellency Richard Antonio PIERCE, C.D.• Jamaican Ambassador, Addis Ababa, ethiopia. For services in the field of Foreign Affairs. • Mr. Donald Bancroft RAJNFORD, C.D., Chairman, Jamaica Deve/opment Balik (JOB) and National Developmellt Bank of Jamaica (NDB). For services ill Ihe Public Service. 3 5. 2 THE ORDER OF DISTINCTION RANK OF COMMANDF.R (CD.), cOllld. Mr. Putrick Liplon ROBINSON. C.D.. SelliOr tlssislallt Attorney Genera/, Ministry 01 National Security alld Jllstice. For public services, particularly in the field of Interna­ tional Law and RelatIons. His Excellency Leslie Armon WfLSON. C.D.. Jamaican High Commissioner, Ollawa. Canada. For serivces in lhe field of Foreign Affair!>. 5. l THE ORDER OF DISTINCTION RANK OF OFFICER (0.0.) MeMBERS: Mr. CJovis John BROOKS, D.O., Appliance Repairer, Jamaican residell/ ill Toronto, Otllt/rio, emll/du. For services 10 the Jamaican/Canadian Commullity. Mr. Keith lzelt DALBY. 0.0.. Managing Director, Allied Stores Limited. Kingstol/. For services 10 the Handicapped. Mr. Wilfred George GOODEN, 0,0.. Bui/ding Engineer COllstructor, Jamaican residem ill New York. U.S.A. For services to the Jamaican Community in New York. U.s.A. Mr. David GREGORY·JONES. 0.0.• Chief Architect Plfumer. Urban Development Corporation. For services in the field of Urban Development. Mr. Irvin Mannsill JONES. O.D.. A~si~tal1t lsfflnd Slipen'isor. National Workers UniOn (N.W.U.) For services in the Trade Union Movement. Dr. Muriel Veronica LOWE-VALENTINE. O.D.. Sel1lUT Medical Officer. Nutional Chest Clinic. Ministry 0/ Realth. For services in the field of Medicine. 4 5. 3 THE ORDER OF DlSTINCfION RANK OF OFFICER (0,0.), conrd. Mr. Franklin Jerome McDONALD. 0.0.. Dir~clor. Disaster Preparedness (O.D.P,), Ministry 0/ Constructioll (Works). For services in the Public Service. Senator Dwight Augustus NELSON. 0.1),. Islond Supervisor. Bustamanle lndUsfrial Trade Unioll (B./.T.V.) For services in the Trade Union Movement. Mr. Vivian Roderick ROCHESTER. 0.0.. Chairmall. Ins/ilUte of SpOrts Ltd. (/nspor/) and Chairma1l, Jamaica 4·H Clubs. Ministry of Yourh alld Community Del't!lopment. For services in the field of Sports Administration. The Revd. Mrs. Carmen Lois STEWART. 0.0.. Pastor. 'Pentecostal Gospel Temple. W;'ldll'ord Road, Kingston 2. For services in the field of Religion and Health Education Mr. Roy Lorenzo mOMAS. 0.0.. Landscape Architect, Urban Dew'/opmeTll Corporation. For services in the field of Urban Development. Mr. Chester Arthur TOUZALIN. 0.0.. Former/y CU.ftos Roll/lorum. P(lri~h 01 St. Mar)'. For services to the Building Society Movement and to the Community. Mr. Osmond WATSON. 0.0.• Artist. For services in Ihe field of lhe Arts (Painting and Sculp­ ture). 6. THE PRESENTATION OF THE BADGE OF HONOUR Recipiems 0/ AW(lrds willi eUect from AI/gust 4, /986. The Secretary-General to read the Otations. 6. I THE BADGE OF HONOUR FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE Mr. Leslie Hermon ANGUS. jamaican resident ill PorI LiIlIOII, Costa Ricu, For service 10 the Jamaican Community in Port Limon. Mrs. Enid Phillpolls BROWN, Owner/Manager, Harmony House Hote/. Montega Bay, St. }(lmes. For services to the Small Hotel Industry. 5 6. 1 THE BADGE OF HONOUR FOR MERITORIOUS SERVICE. comd. Mr. Paul Alexander CHAVANNES, Chairmall, Jamaica Co-oper(lf;ve V"io'l Ud. Past Presidcllt. Na/iollal UlljOn of Co-operatives Lid. For services 10 the Co-operative Movement and tbe Community. Mr. Melvin Stanbury OOUGLAS, Education Wei/are OUicer (Refired) Jamaican residem in Derby, EllgltUld. For services 10 the Jamaican Community in Derby. England. Mr. Charles Monlgomery ESTICK. Locomotive Driver Grode I, (1l0W acting RWlllillg Foremall) Jamaica Railway Corporatioll. For services in Rail Transport. Mr. Antelmo Augustus HARRISON. Assistam Accollmant Gel/eral (Relired) Past President, Govcmmelll Pemiollers AssociOliml. For Public Senice. particularly to the Elderly. Mr. Hosea Gladstone REID. Chairnuln, Reid's Group of Com/xIII)'. Indllstry alld Commerce. May Pelf, Clarendotl. For services in the field of Community Development. Mrs. Marjorie Virginia STULn. Retired Executive Secretary. Jamaica Movemelll jor the Ad"allcemefl/ of Literacy (JAMAL) For services 10 the Literacy Movement. Mrs. Milliceni Adella WOOLERY, Parish Manager. CltITelldoll. Social Developmmf COII/missioll. For services in the field of Community Development. 6 2 THE BADGE OF HONOUR FOR LONG AND . FAlTHFUL SERV1CE Mrs. Linda Madeline AINSWORTH·HARPER, Retired Matron. Cornwall Regional Hospuo/, St. James, Ministry ot Hea/l1l. For 36 years service in the field of Nursing. 6 6. 2 THE BADGE OF HONOUR FOR LONG AND FAlTHFUL SERVICE. co/lfd. Miss Cora Madge BERRY. Teacher, Ligltollea Preparmory School. For 50 years service to Youth Development. Mrs. Ruth Mahalia CAMERON. Principal. Rose Hall Basic School, SI. James. For 35 years service in the field of Early Childhood Education. Mr. Vaciannn Augustine CLARKE. Special District Consfable. (Municipal Police) Kingston alld Sr. Andrew Corporatiof/. For 40 years service to the Security Service. Miss Norma Eloise DuMONT. Admj"jslrati~'e Assistam to the Medical Officer, Ministry 0/ Health. For 36 years service in the field of Health. Mr. James Ronald DUNBAR, AssiSlam SlIperillletUlenr. Trel«WIlY Paris" COl/neil. For 34 years service in the Local Government. Mr. Walter Constantine GORDON. Telephone Operator, Coast Guard. Jamaica De/ellce Force. For 46 years service 10 the Military. Mr. Wilbert Evered JOHNSON. Retired Registered Nurse, Bellevue and V.W.!. Hospiwls. Minislryof Health. For 38 years service in the field of Nursing.
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