The Law Reports of the Special Court for Sierra Leone Volume I

The Law Reports of the Special Court for Sierra Leone Volume I

The Law Reports of the Special Court for Sierra Leone Volume I - Book I The Law Reports of the Special Court for Sierra Leone Volume I Prosecutor v. Brima, Kamara and Kanu (The AFRC Case) Book I Edited by Charles Chernor Jalloh Simon M. Meisenberg ᆕ 2012 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data The law reports of the Special Court for Sierra Leone / edited by Charles C. Jalloh, Simon M. Meisenberg. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-90-04-18911-9 (hardback : alk. paper) -- ISBN 978-90-04-22398-1 (e-book) 1. Special Court for Sierra Leone. 2. International criminal law--Sierra Leone--Cases. 3. International criminal courts--Netherlands. I. Jalloh, Charles. II. Meisenberg, Simon M. KZ1208.S53A253 2012 341.6’90268664--dc23 2012010697 Suggested (sample) citation: Judgement, Brima, Kamara and Kanu (‘AFRC’) (SCSL-2004-16-T), Trial Chamber II, 20 June 2007, para. 80 in Jalloh/Meisenberg, SCSL Law Reports - AFRC, Vol. I/2, p. 1229. ISBN 978 90 04 18911 9 (hardback, set) ISBN 978 90 04 22561 9 (hardback, book I) ISBN 978 90 04 22562 6 (hardback, book II) E-ISBN 978 90 04 22398 1 (e-book) ISBN 978 90 04 22161 1 (hardback, complete set) E-ISBN 978 90 04 22162 8 (e-book, complete set) Copyright 2012 by Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, The Netherlands. ƺƹƫƹƴƶƫưƴƣƽƫƶƶƫƹơƺƽƻƺƽƞƿƣƾƿƩƣƫƸƻƽƫƹƿƾƽƫƶƶᄕ ƶƺƟƞƶƽƫƣƹƿƞƶᄕ ƺƿƣƫǀƟƶƫƾƩƫƹƨᄕ IDC Publishers and Martinus Nijhofff Publishers. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use is granted by Koninklijke Brill NV provided that the appropriate fees are paid directly to The Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Suite 910, Danvers, MA 01923, USA. Fees are subject to change. This book is printed on acid-free paper. About the Editors ....................................................................................................................xv Foreword by President Jon Kamanda ............................................................................. xvii Foreword by Registrar Binta Mansaray ........................................................................... xix Preface ...................................................................................................................................xxiii Introduction ......................................................................................................................... xxxi PART I INDICTMENTS Indictment Against Alex Tamba Brima, 3 March 2003 ...................................................3 Indictment Against Ibrahim Bazzy Kamara, 24 May 2003 ...........................................15 Indictment Against Santigie Borbor Kanu, 15 September 2003..................................27 Consolidated Indictment Against Brima, Kamara, Kanu, 5 February 2004 .......................................................................................................................39 Amended Consolidated Indictment Against Brima, Kamara, Kanu, 13 May 2004 ...............................................................................................................................55 Further Amended and Consolidated Indictment, 18 February 2005 .........................71 PART II ᅱ ƣơƫƾƫƺƹƻƻƽƺǁƫƹƨƿƩƣ ƹƢƫơƿƸƣƹƿƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƺƹᅟƫƾơƶƺƾǀƽƣᄕ 7 March 2003 ............................................................................................................................89 ƞƽƽƞƹƿƺƤƽƽƣƾƿƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƽƞƹƾƤƣƽƞƹƢƣƿƣƹƿƫƺƹᄕᇹƞƽơƩᇴᇲᇲᇵ ................. 91 ƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƿƩƣƫƾơƶƺƾǀƽƣƺƤƿƩƣ ƹƢƫơƿƸƣƹƿƞƹƢƿƩƣƞƽƽƞƹƿƺƤƽƽƣƾƿ ƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƽƞƹƾƤƣƽƞƹƢƣƿƣƹƿƫƺƹᄕᇳᇶƞƽơƩᇴᇲᇲᇵ .................................................95 vi contents Decision on the Prosecutor’s Motion for Immediate Protective Measures for Witnesses and Victims and for Non-Public Disclosure, 23 May 2003 .................97 ƣơƫƾƫƺƹƻƻƽƺǁƫƹƨƿƩƣ ƹƢƫơƿƸƣƹƿᄕƿƩƣƞƽƽƞƹƿƺƤƽƽƣƾƿᄕƞƹƢƽƢƣƽ for Non-Disclosure, 28 May 2003 ........................................................................................111 ƞƽƽƞƹƿƺƤƽƽƣƾƿƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƽƞƹƾƤƣƽƞƹƢƣƿƣƹƿƫƺƹᄕᇴᇺƞDŽᇴᇲᇲᇵ..................115 ƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƿƩƣƫƾơƶƺƾǀƽƣƺƤƿƩƣ ƹƢƫơƿƸƣƹƿƞƹƢƿƩƣƞƽƽƞƹƿƺƤƽƽƣƾƿ ƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƽƞƹƾƤƣƽƞƹƢƣƿƣƹƿƫƺƹᄕᇵǀƹƣᇴᇲᇲᇵ ......................................................119 ƣơƫƾƫƺƹƻƻƽƺǁƫƹƨƿƩƣ ƹƢƫơƿƸƣƹƿᄕƿƩƣƞƽƽƞƹƿƺƤƽƽƣƾƿƞƹƢƽƢƣƽ ƤƺƽƽƞƹƾƤƣƽƞƹƢƣƿƣƹƿƫƺƹƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƺƹᅟǀƟƶƫơƫƾơƶƺƾǀƽƣᄕ 16 September 2003 .................................................................................................................121 ƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƫƾơƶƺƾǀƽƣƺƤƿƩƣ ƹƢƫơƿƸƣƹƿᄕƿƩƣƞƽƽƞƹƿƺƤƽƽƣƾƿƞƹƢ ƽƢƣƽƤƺƽƽƞƹƾƤƣƽƞƹƢƣƿƣƹƿƫƺƹᄕᇳᇻƣƻƿƣƸƟƣƽᇴᇲᇲᇵ ............................................... 127 ƽƢƣƽǀƽƾǀƞƹƿƿƺǀƶƣᇹᇴᄬ ᄭᄘƻƻƶƫơƞƿƫƺƹƟDŽƽƫƸƞƞDžDžDŽƞƸƞƽƞ ƫƹƣƾƻƣơƿƺƤǀƽƫƾƢƫơƿƫƺƹƞƹƢƣƤƣơƿƾƫƹƿƩƣ ƹƢƫơƿƸƣƹƿᄕᇻơƿƺƟƣƽᇴᇲᇲᇵ ............131 Decision on the Urgent Request for Interim Measures Until ƻƻƽƺƻƽƫƞƿƣƽƺƿƣơƿƫǁƣƣƞƾǀƽƣƾƞƽƣƫƹƶƞơƣᄕᇳᇷơƿƺƟƣƽᇴᇲᇲᇵ .............................. 135 Decision on the Prosecutor’s Motion for Immediate Protective Measures for Witnesses and Victims and for Non-Public Disclosure, ᇴᇵơƿƺƟƣƽᇴᇲᇲᇵ ..................................................................................................................... 139 ƣơƫƾƫƺƹƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƺƹƣƤƣƹơƣƽƣƶƫƸƫƹƞƽDŽƺƿƫƺƹƤƺƽƣƤƣơƿƾƫƹƿƩƣ Form of the Indictment, 19 November 2003 .................................................................. 153 Decision on the Prosecution Motion for Immediate Protective Measures for Witnesses and Victims, 24 November 2003 .......................................... 167 ƽƢƣƽǀƽƾǀƞƹƿƿƺǀƶƣᇹᇴᄬ ᄭᄘƣƤƣƹơƣƺƿƫƺƹƩƞƶƶƣƹƨƫƹƨƿƩƣ Jurisdiction of the Special Court Raising Serious Issues Relating to ǀƽƫƾƢƫơƿƫƺƹƺƹƞƽƫƺǀƾ ƽƺǀƹƢƾƞƹƢƟưƣơƿƫƺƹƾƞƾƣƢƺƹƟǀƾƣ of Process, 22 January 2004..................................................................................................181 ƣơƫƾƫƺƹƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƺƹƽƺƾƣơǀƿƫƺƹƺƿƫƺƹƾƤƺƽƺƫƹƢƣƽᄕ 27 January, 2004 ..................................................................................................................... 187 ƺƽƽƫƨƣƹƢǀƸᄘƣơƫƾƫƺƹƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƺƹƽƺƾƣơǀƿƫƺƹƺƿƫƺƹƾƤƺƽƺƫƹƢƣƽᄕ 28 January 2004...................................................................................................................... 215 ƣơƫƾƫƺƹƞƹƢƽƢƣƽƺƹƣƤƣƹơƣƽƣƶƫƸƫƹƞƽDŽƺƿƫƺƹƺƹƣƤƣơƿƾƫƹƿƩƣ Form of the Indictment, 1 April 2004 ............................................................................... 217 ƽƢƣƽ ƺƽ ƹƿƣƽƫƸƣƞƾǀƽƣƾƫƹƣƶƞƿƫƺƹƿƺƾƾƫƨƹƸƣƹƿƺƤƺǀƹƾƣƶƤƺƽ Accused Brima, 12 February 2004 ..................................................................................... 241 contents vii Decision on Prosecution’s Application for Leave to File an Interlocutory Appeal Against the Decision on the Prosecution Motions for Joinder, 13 February 2004 ....................................................................................................................243 ƽƢƣƽƿƺƿƩƣƽƺƾƣơǀƿƫƺƹƿƺ ƫƶƣƫƾơƶƺƾǀƽƣƞƿƣƽƫƞƶƾƞƹƢƿƩƣƽƞƿƣƽƫƞƶƾ in Preparation for the Commencement of Trial, 1 April 2004 ................................... 251 ƽƢƣƽƿƺƿƩƣƽƺƾƣơǀƿƫƺƹƿƺ ƫƶƣƞǀƻƻƶƣƸƣƹƿƞƶƽƣᅟƽƫƞƶƽƫƣƤƞƹƢ ƣǁƫƾƣƢƽƢƣƽƤƺƽ ƫƶƫƹƨƺƤƣƤƣƹơƣƽƣᅟƽƫƞƶƽƫƣƤƾᄕᇳƻƽƫƶᇴᇲᇲᇶ ...........................257 ƽƢƣƽƿƺƿƩƣƽƺƾƣơǀƿƫƺƹƤƺƽƣƹƣǂƣƢƺƿƫƺƹƤƺƽƽƺƿƣơƿƫǁƣƣƞƾǀƽƣƾᄕ 2 April 2004 .............................................................................................................................261 Decision on Prosecution Request for Leave to Amend the Indictment, 6 May 2004 ............................................................................................................................. 265 ƣơƫƾƫƺƹƺƹƿƩƣƽƺƾƣơǀƿƫƺƹƺƿƫƺƹƤƺƽƺƹơǀƽƽƣƹƿ ƣƞƽƫƹƨƺƤ Evidence Common to Cases SCSL-2004-15-PT and SCSL-2004-16-PT, 11 May 2004 .............................................................................................................................287 ƺƹƾƣƼǀƣƹƿƫƞƶƽƢƣƽƞƹƢƺƽƽƫƨƣƹƢǀƸƿƺƿƩƣƣơƫƾƫƺƹƺƹƽƺƾƣơǀƿƫƺƹ Request for Leave to Amend the Indictment, 12 May 2004 .......................................303 Decision on Prosecution Application for Leave to File an Interlocutory ƻƻƣƞƶƨƞƫƹƾƿƣơƫƾƫƺƹƺƹƺƿƫƺƹƤƺƽƺƹơǀƽƽƣƹƿ ƣƞƽƫƹƨƺƤ ǁƫƢƣƹơƣ Common to Cases SCSL-2004-15-PT and SCSL-2004-16-PT, 1 June 2004 ................305 Kanu-Decision on Motions for Exclusion of Prosecution Witness Statements and Stay on Filing of Prosecution Statements, 30 July 2004 ................313 Brima-Decision on Motion for Exclusion of Prosecution Witness Statements and Stay of Filing of Prosecution Statements, 2 August 2004 ............323 Kanu-Decision on Application for Leave to File an Interlocutory Appeal Against Decision on Motions for Exclusion of Prosecution Witness Statements and Stay on Filing of Prosecution Statements, 4 February 2005 .....................................................................................................................333 Decision on the Prosecution Application to Further Amend the Amended Consolidated Indictment by Withdrawing Counts 15–18, 15 February 2005 .........337 Corrigendum to the Decision on the Prosecution Application to Further Amend the Amended Consolidated Indictment by Withdrawing Counts 15–18, 15 February 2005 .........................................................................................339 Decision on Kanu’s Motion for Dismissal of Counts 15–18 of the Indictment Due to an Alibi Defence and Lack of Prima Facie Case and Request Ƥƺƽ ǃƿƣƹƾƫƺƹƺƤƫƸƣƤƺƽƿƩƣ ƣƞƽƫƹƨƺƤƿƩƣƣƤƣƹơƣƺƿƫƺƹᄕ 15 February 2005 ...................................................................................................................

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