S11552 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE November 7, 2001 would be the first decline since Christ- I thank the Chair. Sometimes they are the only tan- mas of 1953, in the wake of the Korean gible reminders we have of courageous War. By Mr. CAMPBELL: service to this country. We can easily Our Sales Tax Holiday Act of 2001 S. 1644. A bill to further the protec- read about those brave Americans who will provide that positive stimuli at a tion and recognition of veterans’ me- served in war, but it’s not always easy critical time when consumers need the morials, and for other purposes; to the to gather more than just hard facts help most. Holiday sales make up one- Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. from newspapers or history books. fifth, 22.8 percent, of annual consumer f Being in the presence of a statue or spending, so we will target our bill di- PROTECTING THE SITES HON- memorial structure can evoke a deeper rectly toward these sales. States that ORING THOSE WHO PROTECT US response. We can walk around it, some- opt to participate by rolling back their Mr. CAMPBELL. Madam President, times we can touch it, and oftentimes sales tax will be ‘‘held harmless’’ for today, 4 days before Veterans Day, I in- we can see the names of each brave their decisions, with reimbursement troduce legislation that would recog- American who died in conflict. made by the Federal Government for nize and protect the sanctity of vet- Madam President, the timing of this lost sales tax revenue. This revenue erans’ memorials. Currently, there is bill is appropriate. This Sunday, No- will be replaced on a timely basis so no comprehensive Federal law to pro- vember 11, we will recognize Veterans’ that States’ cash flows are not af- tect veterans’ memorials, which is why Day, which informally began as a se- fected, with States opting to be reim- I am introducing the Veterans’ Memo- ries of memorial gestures to celebrate bursed for lost revenue based on a for- rial Preservation and Recognition Act the end of World War I in 1918. Three mula which is based on historical De- of 2001. years later, on the eleventh hour of the cember sales tax revenue, or opting to My bill would prohibit the desecra- eleventh day of the eleventh month, an receive dollar for dollar reimbursement tion of veterans’ memorials, provide unknown American soldier of the war based on actual sales. States will have for repairs of veterans memorials and was buried on a hillside in Arlington to choose which method of reimburse- permit guide signs to veterans’ ceme- Cemetery, overlooking the Potomac ment they would like to receive prior teries on Federal-aid highways. River. This site became a summit of to implementation of the sales tax hol- Under this legislation, someone who veneration for Americans everywhere. iday. willfully desecrates any type of monu- Similarly, at Westminster Abbey in Forty-five States, and the District of ment commemorating those in the England and the Arc de Triomphe in Columbia will be eligible to participate Armed Forces on public property would France, an unknown soldier was buried in our plan, with an estimated overall be fined or put in jail. The violator in each of these places of highest economic impact of about $6.5 billion would be subject to a civil penalty in honor. for the 10-day sales tax holiday. Need- addition to the fine, equal to the cost These three memorial sites are sym- less to say, no State would be required of repairing the damage. bols of our reverence; it is only appro- to take action, but we think they de- The funds generated by these pen- priate that we do everything we can to serve to have the option. alties would then go into a Veterans’ preserve sites like these across Amer- This is a proven approach that can Memorial Restoration Fund, estab- ica. dramatically boost sales. When Mary- lished by the Secretary of Veterans’ There are hundreds of veterans’ me- land and the District of Columbia tried Affairs, to make those monies avail- morials, on public property, here in the sales tax holidays last August, for ex- able for the repair of the damaged me- United States. From nationally-known ample, monthly sales jumped by 10 per- morials. But the vandals won’t be the places such as Iwo Jima, to smaller cent. One retailer even saw sales jump only ones contributing to the fund; in- sites such as the Colorado Veterans’ 35 percent over the same period a year dividuals and veterans’ organizations Memorial across from the capitol in could also make donations and get a ago. And the Wall Street Journal in Denver, each is a site where we go to charitable contribution deduction. In 1997 reported that a survey of 102 stores heal and to remember. As a veteran essence, this would be a new way to in the New York City metropolitan myself, I am committed to seeing that provide for the repair of veterans’ me- area averaged 125 percent increases in not a single one is stripped of its dig- morials without any new appropriation sales during the region’s January sales nity. tax holiday on most clothing and foot- or providing other Federal funding. The second part of this bill would I encourage my colleagues to work wear. permit states to place supplemental together for swift consideration of this The fact is, this is an approach that guide signs for veterans’ cemeteries on timely and important legislation. I fulfills every one of the principles for a Federal-aid highways. These veterans’ have the support of several veterans’ stimulus that the Centrist Coalition I cemeteries deserve recognition; by al- organizations, who have offered words cochair laid out earlier this month. lowing signs to be posted, we pay our of encouragement for this bill. These And as the Los Angeles Times reported respect to these sites by offering direc- Americans know, firsthand, the con- on October 12, ‘‘in the view of many tion to them. It is my goal to make cept of service. Let’s honor what they economists—conservative as well as these important sites easily accessible. and thousands of others have done to liberal—most plans fall short of the Our veterans, living and lost, are a preserve our freedom. key criteria for stimulus proposals: reminder of our unity. Those who Madam President, I thank the Chair they should take effect quickly, pro- served in our Armed Services are more and ask unanimous consent that let- mote new spending or investment that than just symbols of freedom and jus- ters of support from the American Le- otherwise would not occur, and do no tice in the midst of conflict and during gion, Rolling Thunder, Inc., and the long-term damage.’’ times of peace. Paralyzed Veterans of America be Our plan fits the bill and makes per- They are real people, integral to our printed in the RECORD. fect sense—and will pay off for con- entire population, who enrich our day- There being no objection, the letters sumers with more dollars and cents in to-day lives with their proud service, were ordered to be printed in the their pockets. What better signal of with their personal accounts of war, RECORD, as follows: holiday cheer and confidence than to their organizations of service, and THE AMERICAN LEGION, include a savings on every purchase, their expressions of deep-down Amer- Washington, DC, November 6, 2001. enticing consumers back into the ican pride. Not only have we lost many Hon. BEN NIGHTHORSE CAMPBELL, stores and giving a much-needed boost of these brave men and women in con- U.S. Senate, Russell Senate Office Building, to our economy? flict, but we lose thousands of them Washington, DC. As we approach this holiday season, forever each year as the veteran popu- DEAR SENATOR CAMPBELL: On behalf of the rather than being ‘‘a day late and a lation ages. We have to honor their 2.9 million members of The American Le- dollar short’’ in helping consumers and gion, I would like to express full support for sacrifices by protecting the sites that the Veterans’ Memorial Preservation and stimulating the economy, we should recognize them. Recognition Act. We applaud your efforts to pass this legislation and give America It is a shame that there is no com- prohibit the desecration of veterans’ memo- the gift of an immediate boost to our prehensive federal law to protect vet- rials, and to permit guide signs to veterans economic strength and well-being. erans’ memorials. cemeteries on federal highways. November 7, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S11553 The American Legion recognizes the need as the war against terrorism will con- It will deny international assistance to to preserve the sanctity and solemnity of tinue to be, we must not overlook the his government. It will freeze veterans’ memorials. These historic monu- brutality and injustice of a regime Belarusian assets in the United States. ments serve not only to honor the men and such as the one led by Lukashenka, es- women of the nation’s armed services, but to It will prohibit trade with the educate future generations of the sacrifices pecially in the heart of Europe. Lukashenka government and busi- endured to preserve the freedoms and lib- For this reason, I am introducing nesses owned by that government. It erties enjoyed by all Americans. today the Belarus Democracy Act of will also deny officials of the Once again, The American Legion fully 2001, the purpose of which is to support Lukashenka government the right to supports the Veterans’ Memorial Preserva- the people in Belarus who are strug- travel to the United States.
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