Summer 2005 The Role of Alan Leo and Sepharial in the Development of Esoteric Astrology (Part I) Temple Richmond Abstract for the inclusion of these two astrologers and none other in the Tibetan’s discussion of eso- The names of late 19th–early 20th century teric astrological technique. Some historical British Theosophists and astrologers Alan Leo context is needed, though, to set the stage for and Sepharial are known to students of Alice understanding why this is so. This historical Bailey for their frequent mention in Bailey’s context arises from the sequential nature with Esoteric Astrology. This study explains why which the Ageless Wisdom is in process of these two figures merit such references and being revealed. demonstrates that of the two, Leo cultivated a much more intensively Theosophical focus and As Djwhal Khul, the Tibetan Master, has in so doing, may very well have paved the way pointed out, our Planetary Hierarchy is in for the eventual articulation of the esoteric as- process of imparting to Humanity portions of trological doctrine by the Tibetan Master the initiatory wisdom with which it has been Djwhal Khul. Specific elements of Alan Leo’s invested. Though it could be argued that all cosmology and his astrological system are the religions and scientific advances of the compared and contrasted to that of Bailey, and world each and collectively constitute a release Leo’s lasting mark on astrology as the infusion of Hierarchical wisdom into the world, more of Theosophical concepts and the notion of recently there have been two distinct efforts of free will into astrological literature is explored. the Hierarchy to reach Humanity with the true esoteric teaching. These two efforts were em- Background bodied, as the Tibetan has stated, in the writ- ings of H. P. Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, Familiar to many students of the Alice Bailey respectively, with a third such effort slated to writings are the names of Alan Leo and appear early in the twenty-first century.2 Sepharial. Leo was mentioned seven times in That being the case, it is apparent that the re- Alice Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology,1 in each lease of Hierarchical teaching is a work in pro- case alongside and in contrast to an occultist gress. Consequently, it might be understood who used the pen name of Sepharial. An un- that the revelation of the Ageless Wisdom is a derstandable first reaction when twenty-first continuous stream looking for an appropriate century readers encounter the names of Leo course in which to run. In other words, the and Sepharial might be summed up in the source is plentiful, but that fact can only be question, “Who are these people and why are revealed when a suitable channel opens the they mentioned here?” The answer forms the subject matter of this study and situates the works of these two British astrologers of the late 1800s and early 1900s within the context About the Author of the evolving Ageless Wisdom literature. M. Temple Richmond is an internationally recog- Readers of the Bailey material may with good nized authority on esoteric astrology and author of reason be puzzled as to why these two particu- the milestone book Sirius. She recently founded lar astrologers out of all the astrologers in the the StarLight Ashram, an online discussion group world have been singled out for mention. dedicated to the study of esoteric astrology: However, a rational explanation can be offered http://groups.yahoo.com/group/StarLightAshram. Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2005. 13 The Esoteric Quarterly way for the flow of information. Nonetheless, in England.6 In addition, Leo was also a in the background Hierarchy ever holds the widely known astrologer of great public ap- thoughtform of the teaching in its conscious- peal, much sought by consumers of astrologi- ness, thus rendering it continuously available. cal guidance in his day.7 As a result of all this, it is fair to say that the name of Alan Leo As a consequence, spiritually attuned and al- was written large in the minds of Theosophists truistic minds may telepathically register vari- on both sides of the Atlantic in the early part of ous parts of that thoughtform at any time. the twentieth century. Thus, even though there have been but two formal revelations leading to published litera- And it was just this group, the world Theoso- ture, communication between Hierarchy and phists of the early twentieth century, to whom advanced minds takes place all the time. the Tibetan addressed himself, especially in his Pieces of the Ageless Wisdom teaching may in earliest dictations given to Alice Bailey. Evi- this way reach suitably attuned minds. Fur- dence that this is so abounds. Perhaps the thermore, it is even possible that Hierarchy has most immediate and convincing is found in the tried to reach particular individuals with as- works of Alice Bailey herself, the first ones of pects of the teaching in hopes of bringing such which may be read as nothing short of a con- ideas before the public at times other than the tinued discussion on themes found in Blavat- two highly successful efforts about which the sky’s Secret Doctrine.8 Terms and concepts Tibetan has spoken. from Blavatsky’s work were used without in- troduction or definition, very much as if it Either of these may very well have been the were assumed that anyone reading the Bailey case in regard to British Theosophist and as- material would of necessity have previously trologer Alan Leo, who did in fact write and read the Blavatsky material.9 And this may publish a work entitled Esoteric Astrology well have been so in that day and age, for right some twenty-six years before the Tibetan be- at the time the Tibetan was issuing his first gan his dictations to Alice Bailey on that very dictations to Alice Bailey, Bailey was involved topic. Leo’s volume was published in 1913,3 in teaching Secret Doctrine classes to a large while Alice Bailey began her work under the group of Theosophists in the New York area.10 Tibetan’s impression in 1939.4 Of note is that Bailey herself had not long before been deeply fact that Leo’s volume contained a number of involved in the American branch of the The- general concepts as well as specific notions osophical Society in California. which are very similar to if not identical to portions of the system eventually revealed The atmosphere in which the Tibetan found much more completely in the later volume of Alice Bailey was thus profoundly Theosophi- the same name by Alice Bailey; representative cal, and it was into this atmosphere that the examples will be examined. second literature of revelation initially was cast. So basic was this fact to the time and The Historical Context spirit of Alice Bailey’s early writings that of Leo and Sepharial when The Beacon magazine was founded by Alice and Foster Bailey in 1922, it was subti- Like Bailey, Leo was a Theosophist.5 In fact, tled A Periodical Intended for Theosophists.11 Leo was a decidedly prominent British The- B. P. Wadia of the world Theosophical head- osophist in the post-Blavatsky era, traveling quarters in India expressed enthusiasm about with Theosophical Society president Annie the first few chapters of Initiation, Human and Besant in India, joining the party of dedicated Solar, and in fact printed these in the society’s Theosophists which ushered the now infamous international magazine, The Theosophist.12 Jiddu Krishnamurti on his first trip from India Further evidence that the Bailey work was to England to be introduced as the putative born amidst a Theosophical atmosphere and “New World Teacher,” and providing the mo- environment can be seen in the enigmatic tive force behind the establishment of the As- symbol stamped on the cover of all the Bailey trological Lodge of the Theosophical Society books—a triangle containing the interlaced 14 Copyright © The Esoteric Quarterly, 2005 Summer 2005 letters L, U, X, spelling LUX, or Latin for mately used professionally. Leo was born in light, a reference to the Lucifer tradition as London on August 7, 1860 as William Freder- discussed in The Secret Doctrine,13 which tra- ick Allen; Sepharial in Birmingham on March dition itself forms the notion from which the 20, 1864 as Walter Richard Old (later calling name Lucis Trust was formed. himself W. Gorn Old).14 In a well-established custom amongst astrologers, both changed Thus, it is easy to see that the audience for the their names to appellations linked with astro- new dictations arriving through Alice Bailey logical tradition, the one to allude to angelic was in the earliest days primarily constituted of intelligence (Sepharial), the other to the Sun well-read and informed Theosophists. As the sign under which he was born (Leo). Bailey writings gained acceptance and popu- larity over the following three decades, this It was the younger man, Sepharial, who came situation changed substantively, but it is likely to Theosophy first. In fact, Sepharial was a that the fact of the original Theosophical con- member of London Theosophical circles when text never left the Tibetan’s mind. H. P. Blavatsky was yet living, and became one the few students privileged to be counted So, when the Tibetan in her inner circle.15 engaged on the topic of Sepharial also served esoteric astrology in the As the Tibetan Master has as a vice-president of late 1930s, it was only pointed out, our Planetary Hi- the Blavatsky Lodge natural that he should erarchy is in process of im- in London and even bear in mind and seek to lived at the same resi- address questions that parting to Humanity portions dence with Blavatsky could be counted on to of the initiatory wisdom with from 1889 until the surface in the minds of which it has been invested… great occultist’s death those familiar with the in early May of post-Blavatsky Theoso- [T]here have been two distinct 1891.16 phical milieu.
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