DOCUMENTS ~/lt\~TEfR · T/1107 · INDEX IJ!\!IT hwvJ J S£P ~ 4 J954 UNITED NATIONS .. .. United Nations Visiting/ Mission to .. Trust Territories in West Africa, 1952 REPORT ON TOGOLAND UNDER UNITED KINGDOM ADMINISTRATION . "' TOGETHER WITH RELATED DOCUMENTS ', . TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS : THIRTEENTH SESSION (28 January - 25 March 1954) '/ SUPPLEMENT No. 2 NEW YORK, 1954 >1 :p .. ) UNITED NATIONS United Nations Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in West Africa, 1952 REPORT ON TOGOLAND UNDER UNITED KINGDOM ADMINISTRATION TOGETHER WITH RELATED DOCUMENTS TRUSTEESHIP COUNCIL OFFICIAL RECORDS : TIDRTEENTH SESSION (28 January-25 March 1954) SUPPLEMENT No. 2 NEW YORK, 1954 NOTE By its resolution 867 (XIII), adopted on 22 March 1954, the Trusteeship Council decided that the reports of the United Nations Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in West Africa, 1952, including its special report on the Ewe and Togoland unifi­ cation problem, should be printed, together with the relevant observations of the Administering Authorities and the text of resolution 867 (XIII) concerning the Mission's reports. Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document. T/1107 March 1954 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Report on Togoland nnder United Kingdom administration submitted by the United Nations Visiting Mission to Trust Territories in West Africa, 1952 Letter dated 5 March 1953 from the Chairman of the Visiting Mission to the Secretary- General ............................................................ Foreword................................................................... 1 PART ONE Introduction 2 Itinerary . 3 PART TWO CHAPTER l. - POLITICAL ADVANCEMENT A. Integration with the Gold Coast . 5 B. Local government . 7 C. Civil service . 11 D. Views on the political development of the Territory . 12 CHAPTER II. ECONOMIC ADVANCEMENT A. General . 15 B. Agriculture............................................................ 16 C. Gold Coast Cocoa Marketing Board . 18 D. Cocoa research . 20 E. Agricultural Produce Marketing Board . 20 F. Industry . 21 G. Volta River Project . 21 H. Roads and communications . 22 I. Mining . 23 CHAPTER III. SOCIAL ADVANCEMENT A. General. 23 B. Medical services . 23 C. Labour employed in the cocoa industry . 26 D. Situation of the Konkombas . 27 E. Water supplies . 27 F. Prisons . 28 CHAPTER IV. EDUCATIONAL ADVANCEMENT A. General. ............................................................ 29 B. Technical education .................................................. 31 C. Higher education .................................................... 31 D. Scholarships ......................................................... 32 E. Mass education ...................................................... 32 CHAPTER V. DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION ON THE UNITED NATIONS •••••••••• 35 ANNEX I. Itinerary .............................................. · · · · · · · · · · · 36 ANNEX II. Map . inset between pages 38 and 39 Observations of the Administering Authorities on the report of the Visiting 39 Mission .........••.•.•••.•...•.....•. · • · · · • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • · · · · · Resolution 867 (XIII) adopted by the Trusteeship Council on 22 March 1954. · · · · · · · 46 iii REPORT ON TOGOLAND UNDER UNITED KINGDOl\1 ADl'tiiNISTRATION SUBMITTED BY THE UNITED NATIONS VISITING l'tiiSSION TO TRUST TERRITORIES IN WEST AFRICA, 1952 LEITER DATED 5 MARCH 1953 FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF TilE VISITING MISSION TO TilE SECRETARY-GENERAL I ~ave the .honour to transmit to you herewith in accordance with Trusteeship Council resolut10.n 465 (XI~ of 22 July 1952 and with rule 99 of the rules of procedure of the Tru~tee~h'P. Council the .report of the United Nations Visiting Mission to Trus.t .Terr~tones m West Afnca, 1952, on Togoland under United Kingdom adrrumstrabon. I should be grateful if, in accordance with the same rule, you would allow an mterval of two weeks to elapse between the transmission of this report to the members of the Trusteeship Council and its general distribution. I have pleasure in informing you that this report has been unanimously adopted by the members of the Visiting Mission. (Signed) Roy A. PEACHEY FOREWORD At its 409th meeting, tenth session, on 27 March 1952, local representative of the Administering Authorities the Trusteeship Council decided to send a mission to concerned, such of the petitions received as, in its opinion, visit the four Trust Territories in West Africa in 1952. warranted special investigation ; to examine, in consul­ At the same meeting, it decided that the Mission should tation with the Administering Authorities, the measures be composed of persons nominated by Australia, Belgium, taken and to be taken in respect of the provision of infor­ China and El Salvador. At its eleventh session, on 24 June mation about the United Nations to the peoples of the 1952, the Council approved the nomination of Mr. Roy Trust Territories under Council resolution 36 (JJI) of A. Peachey (Australia) as Chairman of the Mission, 8 July 1948 and to undertake the duties enumerated in and appointed Mr. Robert Scheyven (Belgium), Council resolution 311 (VIII) of 7 February 1951 on the Mr. H. K. Yang (China) and Mr. Roberto R. Quiros same questions ; to transmit to the Council as soon as (EI Salvador) as members of the Mission. practicable after the completion of its visits a report on By resolution 465 (XI) of 22 July 1952, the Council each of the Territories visited containing its findings, directed the Visiting Mission to investigate and to with such observations, conclusions and recommendations report as fully as possible on the steps taken in the four as it might wish to make. Trust Territories towards the realization of the objec­ In addition to its functions defined above the Visiting tives set forth in Article 76 b of the Charter, taking into Mission was requested by the Council's resolution 424 account the terms of General Assembly resolution 321 (X) of 3 March 1952, reaffirmed in the preamble to reso­ (IV) of 15 November 1949; to give attention, as might lution 465 (XI) of 22 July 1952, to investigate and submit be appropriate in the light of discussions in the Trus­ a special report on the Ewe and Togoland unification teeship Council and in the General Assembly and of problem. This special report was transmitted by the resolutions adopted by them, to issues raised in connexion Visiting Mission to the Council on 25 October 1952 and with the annual reports on the administration of the reproduced as document T/1034 of 7 November 1952. four Trust Territories concerned, in petitions received The Mission, accompanied by se'-cn members of the by the Trusteeship Council relating to those Trust Terri­ Secretariat, • departed from New York by air on 18 August tories, in the reports of the first periodic Visi.ting Mission 1952 and arrived in Togoland under French adminis· to the Trust Territories in West Africa and m the obser­ vations of the Administering Authorities on those reports; • Mr. J. J. Ccbe-Habenky, Principal Secretary: Mr. Stcmbadl, to accept and receive petitions without prejudice to its Miss J. Brown-Harrop, Mr. F. T. Uu. Aswtant Secretaries: acting in accordance with the rules of p~ocedu~e and Mr. E. Sameh, Administrati\'e Of'fl.:u; Mr. G. M~.a. Inter­ to investigate on the spot, after consultatiOns w1th the preter; Miss P. l.acate, StcnoVoJpher. tration on 21 August 1952. It visited Lome from 21 August The Mission was able to see whomever and whatever to 25 August ; Accra, Gold Coast, the seat of the Govern­ it wished. It received the full assistance and co-operation ment ofTogoland under United Kingdom administration, of the Administering Authorities concerned. It is grateful from 25 August to 28 August ; Togoland under United to the respective Governments, officers of the local Kingdom administration from 28 August to 9 September ; Administrations and to the peoples of the Territories and Togoland under French administration from 9 Sep­ visited for the generous hospitality and cordial welcome tember to 25 September. extended to it. It prepared its special report on the Ewe and Togoland After its return from West Africa the Mission prepared unification problem at Ngaoundere (Cameroons under its report at the United Nations Headquarters in New French administration) from 26 September to 14 October. York. It has considered it convenient to divide its report It visited the Cameroons under French administration into five self-contained parts as follows : from 14 October to 10 November ; the Cameroons Report on Togoland under United Kingdom adminis­ under United Kingdom administration from 10 Novem­ tration (T/1040) ; ber to 23 November ; Lagos, Nigeria, the seat of the Report on Togoland under French administration Government of the Cameroons under United Kingdom (T/1041) ; Report on the Cameroons under United Kingdom administration from 24 to 25 November ; London from administration (T/1042) ; 26 to 29 November and Paris from 29 November to Report on the Cameroons under French administration 4 December. It returned to New York by air on 5 Decem­ ber 1952. (T/1043); Report on procedures of visiting missions (T/1044). During its visit the Mission covered approximately At the Mission's meetings on 4 and 5 March all these 18,200 miles by air, 6,500 miles by road and rail and reports were approved unanimously and are hereby 100 miles by water. On three occasions it was obliged
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