ISSUE NUMBER 476 THE INDUSTRY'S NEWSPAPER MARCH 25, 1983 Abernethy I N S I D E: New GM At WCAO WXYV Radio Measured in The Plough Broadcasting has pro- these two fine broadcasting Car & Office moted WSUN/St. Petersburg properties in a strong market General Sales Manager Bob like Baltimore. Both stations Arbitron subscribers just received a Abernethy to General Manager have track records of being booklet measuring in -car and working per- of WCAO & WXYV/Baltimore. very competitive in the market, sons radio listening. Jhan Hiber takes a A 20-year industry veteran, but there is always room for im- detailed look at the booklet and what it can Abernethy joined Plough in provement, and many improve- mean to your sales presentations. 1979. ments will be forthcoming." Page 12 Commenting on his new posi- tion, Abernethy told R&R, "I'm Abernethy replaces Joe Ca- KROO Loses Another thrilled to be given the reign of hill, who has retired. Round With FCC EXITS NOBLE POSITION The license denial of KROO (AM) was upheld by the FCC Review Board, and that does not improve the chances for KROO- Felix Forms Consultancy FM's appeal, with the same owners under Frank Felix, who devised No- fire. Page 4 ble Broadcast Consultants' Brown Malrite's "Album -Oriented Hits" AOR The Beautiful Music/ format as well as the firm's Easy Listening Debate syndicated CHR format, has Western Region VP resigned to form his own con- What's Beautiful Music? How do you sultancy. However, Noble Ex- define Easy Listening? Five prominent Doug Brown has been named ec. VP John Lynch indicated to the new BM/EL executives discuss the difference position of VP/West- the parting may not fully be re- ern Region of Malrite Commun- between the two terms and the relative solved. ications Group, with operating "We have contracts with a health of both in radio today, with Gail Mit- responsibility for KLAK & number of clients, and we in- chell moderating. Page Frank Felix 35 KPPL/Denver and KNEW & tend to fulfill those contracts," KSAN/San Francisco. Brown Lynch told R&R. "We feel tunity to do it myself, which is Parikhal Warns will be based at the Denver Frank has obligations with us something I've thought of do- properties and will assume the that will have to be solved le- ing for many years now." Ask- Of Video, GM duties for both stations. gally. He resigned with no no- ed why he left at this time, New Music Dangers Former KLAK & KPPL Presi- tice and walked out of here the Felix replied, "I was aware dent/GM Jim Teeson is staying day the spring book began. that the contracts for my client "The band ... had great appeal to 25+ on as Station Manager; both he We're looking at and talking to stations were all about to ex- listeners who loved the music. Then and KNEW & KSAN VP/GM played a key role in the growth a number of people right now pire." they saw the band's video and freaked Steve Edwards will now report of our company, and his knowl- who will fulfill those con- Before joining Noble 21 years out; they assumed (the hit) was an aber- to Brown. edge and experience make him tracts." ago, Felix was PD at KFMG/ ration, so they were no longer interested A Malrite Regional VP since the natural choice to head up Felix told R&R, "I sure hope Albuquerque and KBPI/Den- in buying the album." Researcher/prog- 1980 and a company executive our key Western markets." there are no hard feelings. ver, where he became known for eight years, Brown most nosticator John Parikhal pulls no punches re- Brown told R&R, "It's a They're a great group of peo- for his tight -listed AOR ap- cently was supervising sister ple. I wish proach. His new in assessing the AOR radio and record tremendous opportunity, and them the best of consultancy is stations WLZZ & WZUU/Mil- I'm delighted. KPPL luck. But this is a golden oppor - still unnamed at this time. scene of today, warning of "overreaction" and waukee while serving as VP/ KLAK have done a fine job over to modern music and declaring, "Incorrect GM at KLBB & KEEY/Minne- the years establishing them- use of videos may hurt careers as much as apolis. selves in the market, so I'm ex- Bartell New VP/GM good ones may help them." Page 28 Malrite Executive VP Gil cited about being able to step in- Rosenwald stated, "Doug has to a situation where we already KEX KQFM People in The have an excellent reputation. At & Taft Taps I'm going to try to expand on Kenneth Bartell has been pro- Ken's talents within Golden News This Week that and help these stations moted from Operations Man- West Broadcasters to promote Costello To grow even further." Denny Rossman GM at WFBO & WNDE ager to VP/GM of KEX & to this important position. As an Explaining his new role furth- KQFM/Portland. Bob Sterling National PD for Sanders Manage KYYS He replaces eight -year resident of the Port- er, Brown continued, "We're Walt Reid, who transferred to land area and a four-year em- Michael Ludlum CBS -AM Exec. News Mike Costello, General Sales actively looking for other ac- Golden West Broadcasters' cor- ployee of KEX, Ken has the Director Manager of Taft's WDAF/Kan- quisitions in the Western part of porate office in Los Angeles knowledge of the market and Tom Carr PD at WLZZ sas City since 1979, has been ap- the country. I'll be responsible last week (R&R 3-18). Bartell, the station to help raise KEX & pointed VP/GM of sister FM Trip Reeb PD at WCMF for these properties, though this who joined KEX in 1979 as Busi- KQFM to new heights as lead- KYYS. Costello replaces Bob Ted Stecker starts consultancy appointment does not alter ness Manager, previously ing Garrett, who resigned owing to serv- broadcast properties in Bobby Hatfield PD at KOMA Steve Edwards's job duties in ed ten years as comptroller Portland philosophical differences,. of and the great North- any way. He and I have been the Sheraton Corporation in San west." Page 3, 18 Costello told R&R, "I'm real friends for a long time, and I Juan, PR. Bartell told R&R, nice to excited about it. The airstaff is "It's feel very fortunate just to be In making the announcement, be in this position superb, and the sales people at this time. Radio Sales: Stressing associated with him and the Golden West President Bill We've got a lot of places to go, really know their jobs. So my other fine people on the West Ward said, "We very for- and I'm happy to here Strengths To Agencies job should be easy." are be to help Coast." tunate to have a person with lead the way." Before joining WDAF, Costel- Charlie Trubia, Sr. VP for the Ted Bates lo was a sales staffer and Local ad agency, provides some ideas on how Sales Manager at Taft's radio can more successfully pursue na- WKRQ/Cincinnati for five Utz, St. Pierre Program WHJY & WHJJ tional business - and going head -to -head years. He previously worked in WHJY & WHJJ/Providence think we can really shake up the Commenting on St. Pierre, with TV is not one of them. Page 17 promotions at WSB-TV/Atlanta have filled their programming city. I don't need to turn around who was promoted from WHJJ and WIOD/Miami. vacancies, as Ted Utz has been WHJY, just bring it up to the Asst. PD, Franks told R&R, News On Garrett, an eight-year KYYS named PD of AOR WHJY and next level." "He's proved himself to be an The Street veteran who became Station Ron St. Pierre has been pro- WHJY & WHJJ owner/GM outstanding guy who's done Has Infinity bought KCBO? Is Vic Faraci Manager in 1977, GM in 1979, moted to PD at News/Talk- John Franks commented, "I many of the jobs of a PD as Jim and in 1981, headed for a WB/Nashville VP post? Will VP/GM com- formatted WHJJ. Jim Murphy, chose Ted as PD for four rea- Murphy's assistant. He's ex- mented, "I just had some dif- who had PD of both sta- sons: 1) his Donna Summer's next LP be on Poly - been talents, ability, and cellent in every area." ferent philosophies about how tions, recently joined WHDH/ personality; 2) because of the Gram? Answers to these questions (and the station should be run. I was Boston as PD (R&R 3-4). size and nature of the market he St. Pierre, who has been with they're not all "yes") and more in Street feeling very comfortable about comes from and its compatibili- WHJJ for three years, stated, Talk, where the fastest -breaking news is our progress, but it was ap- Utz, who was most recently ty with our situation; 3) our con- "It's very exciting. It's a great found each week. Page 21 parently not progressing fast Operations Manager at WPYX/ sultants Jeff Pollack and Al time for me to come in, what enough for them. I have con- Albany and is a former co-own- Peterson recommended him with our recent switch to News/ fidence in my abilities; I've er/VP of WAQX/Syracuse, told very highly; 4) I got excellent Talk.
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