Hypothalamus-Pituitary Development & Function Michael

Hypothalamus-Pituitary Development & Function Michael

Spring 2020 – Systems Biology of Reproduction Lecture Outline – Hypothalamus-Pituitary Development & Function Michael K. Skinner – Biol 475/575 CUE 418, 10:35-11:50 am, Tuesday & Thursday March 31, 2020 Week 12 Hypothalamus-Pituitary Development & Function Cell Biology Structure / Lobes and Development Cell Populations and Hormones Regulators and Mutations Hormones Growth Hormone / Receptors / GHRH Prolactin / Development Opiomelanocortin Gonadotropins GnRH / Pulsitive Secretion GnHR Actions / Signaling LH/FSH Pulsitive Secretion/Menstrual Cycle Regulation of Development Cyclisity / Estrous Cycle / Circadian Systems Required Reading de Kretser, et al. (2018) Hypothalamic Pituitary Testis Axis. In: Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Second Edition). Volume 1, Pages 180-183. Padmanabhan, et al. (2018) Hypothalamus–Pituitary–Ovary Axis. In: Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Second Edition). Volume 2, Pages 121-129. REFERENCES Sen A, Hoffmann HM. Role of core circadian clock genes in hormone release and target tissue sensitivity in the reproductive axis. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2020 Feb 5;501:110655. Gregory LC, Dattani MT. The molecular basis of congenital hypopituitarism and related disorders. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019 Nov 8. [Epub ahead of print] Yang N, Li T, Cheng J, Tuo Q, Shen J. Role of apelin/APJ system in hypothalamic- pituitary axis. Clin Chim Acta. 2019 Dec;499:149-153. Bao AM, Swaab DF. The human hypothalamus in mood disorders: The HPA axis in the center. IBRO Rep. 2018 Dec 14;6:45-53. Dardente H, Wood S, Ebling F, Sáenz de Miera C. An integrative view of mammalian seasonal neuroendocrinology. J Neuroendocrinol. 2019 May;31(5):e12729. Feldt-Rasmussen U, Klose M, Benvenga S. Interactions between hypothalamic pituitary thyroid axis and other pituitary dysfunctions. Endocrine. 2018 Dec;62(3):519-527. Ellsworth BS, Stallings CE. Molecular Mechanisms Governing Embryonic Differentiation of Pituitary Somatotropes. 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