-5‘ - : ‘.v; V AVKRAOB DAJLT OIBOULATION for tlie Moatk of Maroh, IMS 5 r 5 3 0 liM iber of Audit Bnreaa of (Xrculotloo. (EIGHTEEN PAGES) (UlMilfled AdvertIMag oa Pag* I**) SOOTH MANCHE8TBB, CONN, FRIDAY, APRIL 2», 1932. VOL. U ., NO. 180. JURY DEADLOCKED When Inventors Are Left to Their Own Devices JAF LEADERS OMURED IN THE MASSIE CASE BY BOMB IN SHANGHAI Jnrors Oat Nearly 30 Hoars DR. DOLAN WINS Two Bay State Women Two Generals, As A M n i Withoat Reaching Deci­ LOCAL CAUCUS aid Two 1 ^ Raildig sion — Mrs. Forlescne Are Burned to Death Djpkmto Hvt Wide Ro* Seems To Be Cheerfnl. FOR ROOSEVELT Tiewigg MiGtanr Parade Mount Dora, Fla., April 29.— (A P )^ h en the fire started, but ran Into —Two felderly Massachusetts wo­ toe biiilding to save their personal Honolulu, April 29— (AP) — Ap­ Democrats Here Sapport men were fatally burned in a fire belongings. Trapped on the second In Honor of Japanese Em­ parently deadlocked the 12 men that destroyed two residences at floor. Miss Tillie Kelley stumbled striving for a verdict in the case of Tangerine, FIA, near here, yester­ and perished before aid could reach peror's BirAday—B ort four persons accused of the lynch­ Leader — Delegates Not day. her. ing of Joseph Kahahawal carried on Miss ’Tlllle Kelley, 70, of Otter The fire followed an explosion in today after having given watchers lostracted Bat All Are Fa­ River, Mass., was trapped In the an adjacent garage. Thrower, a Korean, Badly a few tantalizing glimpses of their flames and perished and her cousin. After destroying toe Kelley home, jury room drama. Miss May Kelley, 68, of Templeton, toe flames spread to toe dwelling of The first brief tableau came late vorable To N. Y. Goveraor Mass., died today. Mrs. 1. D. Crane and Mrs. Emma Beaten By Mob Before yesterday after the case had been Agnes Kelley, 68, sister of Streeter, of Baldwlnville, Mass. in the jurors hands nearly 24 hours. Miss Tillie Kelley, who received They escaped injury but they lost Resened By Police. The seven jurors of Anglo-Saxon Eleven uninstructed delegates bums about the face, neck and their personal effects, including sev­ blood lef*’ the deliberation room and eral hundred doUart. in cash and a headed by Dr. Edward G. Dolan, all right arm, is recovering. She also stood on a balcony while light rain sprained her back in jumping from quantity of jewelry. favorable to Governor Franklin D, was falling. The other five, three a second story window. W. R. Minor of BaldwinvUle, own­ Shanghai, China, April 29,— (AP) Chinese, a Portugese and a Ha­ Roosevelt as the Democratic presi­ The bodies will be sent to Otter er of toe houses, had arranged to —Five high ranking Japanese waiian, remained inside. dential nominee, were elected at the drive toe Misses Kelley to Massa­ For a few moments the seven River. Army, Navy and diplomatic offi­ The three were away frmn home chusetts soon. conversed but they could not be Manchester Democratic caucus held cials were critically wounded today overheard by the watchers. Elxcept 'last evening at the Manchester Fire when a bomb burst among them as for the racial aspect of the act, ob­ Department headquarters. The Al­ ^ ' i they sat to a reviewing stand servers foimd nothing significant in fred E; Smith faction which caused it Thereafter the jurors could be watching a military parade to hon­ a keen battle for control of the or of toe birthday of ESnperor Hiro- seen from a distance going to and caucus, was defeated 133 to 81. ECONOMIST, WAR HERO fro in the room and moving to and e :: : ® = : = r hito. from the balcony, but they exhibit­ Biggest Crowd The Hilliard street firehouse was It’s patent that patents will take the tricks again this year, and the necessity for making money is the All of '.hem were to serious con­ ed no signs in heated debate and dition tonight, but toe doetpeU generally leaned listlessly against taxed beyond >.t acity with about mother of new inventions. Here are some of the unusual devices that wiU be exhibited at the Intemation- SCORE SOLDIER BONUS 250 persons __________overflowing the— small I ai Patent Expositions in New York soon. No golfer minds stealing away his work on nice ^ternooM, thought they had a chance the balcony rail. cover. Late in the day Montgomery hall. It was the argest crowd to at- but he doesn’t like his sticks to be stolen; a plate locked over a golf-bag (upper Irft) prevehto theft of toe tend a Democratic caucus in thirty clubs. Just as a few people here and there are learning how to use toe p re^ t^ a l telep^nes, pother in- Japanese troops appeared In tbe Winn of defense counsel expressed Another “knobby” gadget, which streets of toe Hongkew district Im­ the belief the jurors were standing v^ars Joseph T. Moriarty, north yentor rings toe beU with A new type of stralght-sUde dial (upper center.) “knobby” gai’-^ end painter, was nominated for proves that one good tiun deserves another, is a combination lock (upper right) for door-knobs. Though Prof. Irviog Fisher Says It ROOSEVET BACKS mediately, resuming toe military either 11 to 1 or 10 to 2 for the de­ rI^IflTiflhIp b’ * Thom&S J __ - amnincr mlJM sApn hAinw AnnarPTitlv enlo patrol which was withdrawn elX jst fense and suggested to public pro­ Danna' iheer hosiery makes most girls afraid of “runners”, toe smiling miss seen below apparently enjoys toe nmr her. Christopher S. McHale nomi­ ners on a new combination sled-and-scooter, designed for year-round play. toe fighting in this area stopped secutor John C. Kelley that he Woold Be Blow To Bosi- two months ago. No one knew what nated Dr. Dolan. John F, Limerick, ag^ee to a verdict on that basis. STATE’S OFFICIAL toe effect of this Incident would be Kelley flatly rejected it. Democratic town chairman, ruled that toe vote be by ballot using toe oess Coofideoce — (FNeil on toe long-drawn-out peace par­ Subsequently it was understood leys between the Chinese and 1931 check list. Moriarty was de­ Japa­ Winn’s statement regarding the bal­ nese, but it appeared certain ttot loting was not based on definite in­ feated by 52 votes. DOOMED NEGRO BATTLES AL SMITH 41t, Says Veterans Want Jobs. Assmnes Partial Responsibil­ these negotiations wotild suffer. formation but on his belief a ma­ Two Attenq^ts Beaten Beat Bomb Thrower jority of the jurors favored the de­ Once Dr. Dolan’s forces had been A mob of spectators- swhrled fendants. vlctorions In the qpenin" rfiow&'onxi ity For Delay In Closmg R00SEVET61, Washington, April 29.— (AP) — about toe man someone spotted as The jury is balloting separately toe opposition fotmd itself power­ GUARDS TO FLEE CHAIR toe bomb thrower and beat Mm se­ on each defendant, Lieut. Thomas less to make any headway in Its ef•' An economist and a soldier joiued Bank of United States. verely before toe police brsk* H. Massie, N. S. N.; his mother-in- fort to name del^rates favorable to today in opposing cqsb redemption through and dragged him away. law, Mrs. Granville Fortescue; Al­ AT CAUCUSES Smith for President Twoiwo ^eiflespecinc _ J T II *P--- of toe soldiers bonus now. Later toe militaiy authoritiss bert O. Jones and E. J. Lord, Navy attempts by Louis T. Breen, Dem^ fQfCed US€ 16Urx liaS Before toe House ways and [jKdd they had wnmg a confeaMon. enlisted men. Massie admitted fir­ GUIDED DY SPIRITS cratic leglstrar of voters, one of toe means committee, Professor Irying New York, April 29— (AP) -from a Korean that he was toe man ing the fatal shot after Kahahawal members of toe opposition, were Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt-to­ assertedly confessed participating a Command .Fiabe}Vr^hle DWvemi^-icaiQmii^ who threw toe boinb. Six other men, ruled out of order by Chairman Bombs Yo'Gctlilm Hit af and RieSard W. O’Neill, of New day, testifying as a.xlefense witness said to be CMnese,^ >dso were undkr in the attack ,lA«LfiA?teB3^)erli im Dv*an Who had previously orderto HEimWfUN] York, a former state chaimian of investigation.^ the naval officer’s w ife Mira. Tbaha a nominating committee consisting in toe trial of Joseph A. Borderick, Massie. The defense pleaded in­ CeB— Tben Wdks Cahdy Positioo As Resolt Bat toe Disabled American Veterans, The most seriously injured Jupw- of C. S. McHale. Mrs. Mary M. state superintendent of banks, as­ n ese >fficial was Mamoru ffiiigemit- sanity in behalf of Massie. assailed the Patman full payment 4 Brosdan, Mrs. Richard G. Rich, Mi­ sumed partial responsibility for de­ su, the Japanese minister to China, MoA^r Is Cheerful chael O’Ckmnell and .Tohn Spillane, Roosevelt Backers Relyj^^ lay in closing toe Bank of United Mrs. Fortescue was cheerful last New York Mao Says Eoemies Fisher said it would be a blow to who may lose one of his legs. A to retire and prepare a slate of del­ StAtSSi '^ minor operation was performed Im- night. At a hotel where she and business confidence. He joined in toe Broderick is on trial for elleged egates to toe state convention. views previously expressed by m ^ately after he reached the hos­ the other defendants were wMting The Delegates On Uamstmeted Delegates neglect of duty in falling to close Wke Koow of Fold Charge Secretary Mills and Eugene Meyer, pital, but he was expected to re­ with her sister, Mrs.
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