SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. SESS. III. CH. 119. 1921. 1237 For support and civilization of Indians at Blackfeet Agency, Mon- Blackfeet Agency. tana, including pay of employees, $65,000, of which sum $15,000 shall be immediately available. For maintenance and operation, including repairs, of the irrigation ervationBelkap. Res systems on the Fort Belknap Reservation, in Montana, $30,000, reim- Irrigation system. bursable in accordance with the provisions of the Act of April 4, 1910. voL. 36, p. 2. For fulfilling treaties with Crows, Montana: For pay of physician,J SllanFulfilling r treaty.eaty $1,200; and for pay of carpenter, miller, engineer, farmer, and black- Vol.15,p.652. smith (article 10, treaty of May 7, 1868), $2,580; for pay of second blacksmith (article 8, same treaty), $720; in all, $4,500. Cheenes For subsistence and civilization of the Northern Cheyennes and andorapahes. Arapahoes (agreement with the Sioux Indians, approved February Subsistence, etc. 28, 1877), including Northern Cheyennes removed from Pine Ridge Vol. 19, p. 256. Agency to Tongue River, Montana, and for pay of physician, two Physician, etc. teachers, two carpenters, one miller, two farmers, a blacksmith, and Vol.15, p. 658. engneer (article 7, treaty of May 10, 1868), $75,000. Rocky BoyBand of For the support and civilization of the Rocky Boy Band of Chip- chppewas,etc. pewas, and other indigent and homeless Indians in the State of Mon- Support, etc. tana, including pay of employees, $7,000. systems. For continuing construction, maintenance, and operation of the Flathead Reserva- irrigation systems on the Flathead Indian Reservation, in Montana, tion. $200,000 (reimbursable), to be immediately available and to remain available until expended. Fort Peck Reserve- For maintenance and operation of the irrigation systems on the tion. Fort Peck Indian Reservation, in Montana, $20,000 (reimbursable). For continuing construction, maintenance, and operation of the tionceet Resev irrigation systems on the Blackfeet Indian Reservation, in Montana, $30,000 (reimbursable). The sum of $200,000 of any tribal funds on deposit to the credit of crow Reservation. the Crow Indians in the State of Montana, is hereby appropriated for systems fro. tribal improvement, maintenance, and operation of the irrigation systems on fds. the Crow Reservation, Montana, mcludin maintenance assessments payable to the Two Leggings Water Users Association, and including the proportionate part of the cost of constructing the Bozeman trail ditch on the Crow Reservation, Montana, properly assessable against lands allotted to the Indians irrigable thereunder, said sum, or such part thereof as may be used for the purpose indicated, to be reimbursedtr.mbursemnt to to the tribe under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior. Of said appropriation of $200,000 the Allotment. sum of $150,000 shall be available for construction of a diversion dam on the Big Horn River, and $50,000 for maintenance and operation of said irrigation systems. Sto th Intrio to tleBitter Root Valley. For the purpose of enabling the Secretary of the Interior to settle Pament of clams all unpaid claims against the United States Government to funds of athead Indians for sales of patented derived from sale of patented Indian lands in the Bitter Root Valley, lands in. Montana, under the provisions of the Act of March 2, 1889 (Twenty- Vol.25, p. 871. fifth Statutes at Large, page 871), entitled "An Act to provide for the sale of lands patented to certain members of the Flathead Band of Indians in Montana Territory, and for other purposes," $1,124.67, the same to be immediately available. Blackfeet Reserve- That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized tion. and directed to issue patent to school district numbered nine of. schoolPatent district to Browng of block Glacier County, Montana, for block thirty-five in Browning town site informer. in the former Blackfeet Indian Reservation, upon filing its applica- tion therefor, said block to be used and maintained for public school Preio. purposes: Provided, That Indian children shall at all times be re- Admission ofTdfian ceived in the school maintained on said block thirty-five for public Pupil school purposes on equal terms with white children. Mgh-ay, Yellow- For the construction of that portion of the highway from Yellow- stone toGlacier Park. stone National Park to Glacier National Park within the Blackfeet Construction. Indian Reservation, Montana, $25,000, or so much thereof as may be 1238 SIXTY-SIXTH CONGRESS. SEss. III. CH. 119. 1921. necessary, and reimbursable from any fund of said Blackfeet Tribe that may be now or hereafter placed in the Treasury of the United States to their credit. Nebraska. NEBRASKA. Genoa SchoeL SEC. 11. For support and education of four hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Genoa, Nebraska, including pay of superintendent, $82,000; for general repairs and improvements, $10,000; in all, $92,000. Nevada. NEVADA. Indians in Nevada, dianssupport, in. etc.," In- SEC. 12. For support and civilization of including pay of employees, $18,500. Carson City School. For support and education of four hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Carson City, Nevada, including pay of superintend- ent, $82,000; for general repairs and improvements, $12,000; for im- provement of domestic water supply and irrigation system, $5,000; Lake Res- in all, $99,000. ervation. For improvements, operation, and maintenance of the irrigation Operating irrigation system on the Pyramid Lake Reservation, Nevada, $3,000, rem- system. bursable from any funds of the Indians of this reservation now or Moapa River Reser- hereafter available. vati. RiFor improvement, operation, and maintenance of the irrigation Operating irrigation system on the Moapa River Reservation, Nevada, $3,500, reim- system. bursable from any funds of the Indians of this reservation now or Trckee-Carson - hereafter available. gation project. For reclamation and maintenance charges on lands allotted to Paying charges on Paiute Indians within the Truckee-Carson project, Nevada, $8,000, Paiuteallotments. reimbursable from any funds of the Indians now or hereafter available. New Mexico. NEW MEXICO. diSupport, etc., of In- apnp . SEC. 13. For support and civilization of Indians in New Mexico, Albuquerque School including pay of employees, $140,000. For support and education of five hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Albuquerque, New Mexico, and for pay of super- intendent, $102,400; for general repairs and improvements, $10,000; for enlarging and improving sewer system, $8,000, to be immediately available, and the amount of $7,000 heretofore appropriated for this Santa Fe School. purpose shall be available until expended; in all, $120,400. For support and education of four hundred Indian pupils at the Indian school at Santa Fe, New Mexico, and for pay of superintendent, $82,400; for general repairs and improvements, $8,000; for water Laguna Pueblo. supply, $3,000; in all, $93,400. Irrigationsystem for. Yor continuing the reconstruction and for operation and mainte- nance of the irrigation system for the Laguna Indians in New Mexico, $8,000, reimbursable by the Indians benefited, under such rules and may prescribe. Pueblo Indian land, regulations as the Secretary of the Interior Sinking wells, etc., 1or continuing the sinking of wells on Pueblo Indian land, New for dom.tic water Mexico, to provide water for domestic and stock purposes, and for supply on. building tanks, troughs, pipe lines, and other necessary structures for the utilization of such water, $15,000. Mescalero Reserva- For continuing road and bridge construction on the Mescalero tion. Road and bridge Indian Reservation, in New Mexico, including the purchase of mate- construction. rial, equipment, and supplies; the employment of labor; and the cost Reibursement, of surveys, plans, and estimates, if necessary, $15,000, to be reim- Proviso. bursed from any funds of the Indians of said reservation now or liniabor. hereafter on deposit in the Treasury of the United States: Provided, That Indian labor shall be employed as far as practicable..
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