S 314 Area Code BBS Directory

S 314 Area Code BBS Directory

FIRE ESCAPE'S St. Louis BBS Directory: MID-MARCH/APRIL 1996 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All PREVIOUS "Directories" are now outdated, please delete them! The Deadline for the Mid-April/May 96 edition is April 14th! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BULLETIN BOARD SYSTEM NAME L# P PHONE # STATS SYSOP NAME HOURS MODEM SOFT ============================ == = ======== === ============= ===== ====== ==== 911 Online 09 - 872-9990 R ? 24 v.34-B WGRP ACME Acres BBS -- - 426-5159 *CR Wizlord 24 14.4-B SLGT Aerie BBS L1 - 773-8316 --- Journeyman 24 14.4-N VBBS Aerie BBS L2 - 773-8186 --- Journeyman 24 14.4-B VBBS Affinity BBS 26 - 771-6800 --- Aqualung 24 2.4-N MISC Affinity BBS 09 - 771-6300 --- Aqualung 24 9.6-B MISC Affinity BBS 04 - 771-9374 --- Aqualung 24 2.4-N MISC After Dark BBS -- - 227-9828 R Harvester 24 14.4-N WWIV After Thought -- - 423-6312 --- Shade Tree 24 14.4-B WWIV Alien BBS, The -- - 544-3668 --- Alien 24 2.4-N C-64 All Night Thing -- - 752-3308 R Dr. Tone 24 14.4-M WWIV Andromeda II BBS, The -- - 869-5171 A Linus 06-01 14.4-B TLGD A.R. Ware BBS -- - 231-9270 N? Weekend Warri 24 14.4-B UNKW Arena, The -- - 845-6849 C Jake Blues 24 v.34-B VBBS Asgardian Realm, The -- - 291-6762 R Lancer 24 DS34-B WWIV Babylon 7 -- - 926-2206 R Strider 24 v.34-B SLGT BadMedicine BBS -- T 341-5038 AR BadMedic 22-07 14.4-B TRI Balls & Shaft -- - 532-4409 --- Gambit 24 DS34-B WWIV Banana Republic, The -- - 282-3337 CR Dr. Spine 24 14.4-B WWIV Barb's Lookout Window -- - 894-0919 --- Barb C. 24 14.4-L WWIV Bard's Keep -- - 845-7840 *R Bard 24 v.34-B VBBS Bearly Bored BBS, The -- T 581-6717 R Linda Glover 24 14.4-B WCAT Becoming, The -- - 939-9355 --- Unlimited Cal 24 14.4-B INIQ Bedrock BBS 17 - 569-1555 R$ BamBam 24 14.4-B GLTC Beggar King BBS, The -- - 351-7792 --- Larry Nolte 24 14.4-B MAXI Believers' Board, The -- - 385-2112 RI Preacher 24 v.34-B WWIV Beyond Technology -- T 447-2533 R Trojanman 24 v.FC-N TLGD Big Mac Attack ][ -- - 776-6711 --- Thom Meyer 24 14.4-B HERM Black Triangle, The -- - 453-0662 R Tracker 24 14.4-B WWIV BNK's InterLink 01 - 256-9985 RI Ben and Kathy 24 v.34-B WCAT Bone Yard BBS, The -- T 447-7999 --- R. Bergstrom 24 v.FC-B WCAT BS Box 01 - 576-5542 R PC Guru 24 v.34-B WWIV BTSOOM BBS, The -- - 352-8414 R BTSTBBBBB 24 v.34-B WCAT Bud's Place (New #) -- - 464-9291 --- Bud Weiser 24 v.34-B SYNC Cafe Le Gak BBS -- - 645-5936 --- Ed Kofron 24 14.4-M SPIT Captive BBS, The -- - 872-8894 --- Vikram Hegde 24 14.4-B HERM Car Thief's Parking Lot -- - 638-5153 * Car Thief 24 14.4-N WWIV Cave, The -- T 629-4202 R David Reed 24 14.4-B SPIT Cave, The -- T 629-6383 R David Reed 24 14.4-B SPIT Cave, The -- T 629-1724 R David Reed 24 14.4-B SPIT Cave, The -- T 629-6478 AR David Reed 18-09 14.4-B SPIT Cave Echoes BBS -- - 355-4439 R Joel Laws 24 14.4-M TRI CCM St. Louis BBS -- - 291-5107 N Andrew G. 24 v.34-B FCLS CD-Source BBS, The -- - 869-4421 --- C. Timmerberg 24 v.34-B MISC Changewinds BBS -- - 426-8775 --- Stormie 24 14.4-B WWIV Charlie's BBS -- T 442-6023 --- Charlie T. 24 DS34-B PCBD Chicken Lovers BBS -- - 638-9776 --- Ghost 24 14.4-N WWIV Christian Soldier BBS, The -- - 631-3108 --- 1 Christian S 24 14.4-N TRI Cindex Tech Support Hotline -- - 837-5422 --- John Furniss 24 14.4-B REMT Citadel BBS, The 05 - 664-6877 R Commandant 24 14.4-B WGRP Cloud 9 -- - 771-2868 NR Your Goddess 24 14.4-L WWIV Comstuf! Computing BBS -- T 682-3386 N Ed Day 24 v.34-B TRI Cooter Poker, The -- - 532-8360 R Nivek 24 14.4-B WWIV Coriolis Storm BBS, The -- T 479-7722 --- Paul Muad'Dib 24 14.4-N WCAT Cosmic Monsters Inc. I -- - 458-2459 R Soulcrusher 24 14.4-N WWIV Cosmic Monsters Inc. II -- - 961-5101 R Snipes 24 14.4-N WWIV Cosmic Zodiac, The -- - 428-8076 --- Sweetness 24 14.4-B RENG Country Store NORTH, The -- - 947-8324 --- Tegmeg 24 14.4-B RENG Country Store WEST, The -- - 544-4869 --- Tanman 24 v.34-B RENG Creaking Door BBS, The -- T 729-7969 N DemolitionMan 24 1.2-N TRI Critical Phase -- T 446-8138 --- Cherish 24 14.4-B TRI CU*BBS (Credit Union BBS) -- - 664-1960 N ? 24 14.4-B FCLS Cubbyhole, The -- - 890-2098 --- The Brunette 24 14.4-B RENG Dark Forest -- - 441-2566 R Virus 24 2.4-N WWIV Dark Side BBS, The -- T 527-2417 * Dark Soul 24 14.4-B HERM Darkness BBS, The -- - 894-7010 CR Dark Angel 24 v.FC-B WWIV Data Bytes User's Group BBS -- - 821-0638 --- Ken Seger 24 14.4-B TBBS Datastorm Tech Support BBS 63 T 875-0503 --- Chambers 24 v.34-B TBBS Dating Connection, The -- - 832-8380 N John Lewis 24 v.FC-B WCAT Dawg House, The -- - 940-1253 --- Dawg 24 DS34-B WWIV Dazed & Confused -- - 487-1244 AR? Big A 07-21 v.34-B WWIV Deja Vu -- - 894-9271 --- ParaPsykotic 24 2.4-N A-64 Den of St. Louis, The 30 - 432-4411 RI Spicer 24 14.4-B WGRP Desire's Li'l Popsicle Stand -- - 344-3440 R Desire 24 14.4-B WWIV Desktop Library, The -- - 436-2539 --- Public Librar 24 9.6-B MISC Dew Drop Inn, The -- - 282-1829 --- Music Man 24 v.FC-B RENG Dew Drop Inn WEST, The -- - 938-6605 --- Sparky 24 v.FC-B RENG Dimension-X -- - 256-9975 NRI Defender 24 v.34-B WWIV Doc In The Box -- T 893-6099 RI Mark_D Winton 24 v.34-B OSIR Donut Hole, The -- - 947-6326 --- The Droid 24 14.4-B MISC Dragon's Domain, The -- - 838-5363 R Ziggy 24 v.34-B TLGD Dragon's Lair, The -- - 271-8523 --- Dragonmaster 24 14.4-B TLGD Dragons of Krynn -- - 645-3140 --- Paladine 24 14.4-B WWIV Dungeon's & Dragon's BBS -- - 878-5343 --- Dungeon 24 14.4-B INIQ DWANGO of St. Louis 63 - 638-0722 --- Ginter 24 14.4-L MISC Dynamite Caverns -- - 861-0907 --- Nitro 24 14.4-B TRI E.P.C.'s BBS (24hr Weekends) -- - 831-6057 AR Chuck Rock 19-07 v.34-B WCAT Eagle's Flight -- T 341-3104 NR Eagle 24 14.4-N SPIT Eagle's Nest -- - 544-3226 --- Bald Eagle 24 14.4-B WWIV Earthen Levee BBS, The -- - 458-2054 R Conor Watkins 24 14.4-B WWIV East-West Gateway BBS -- - 231-6121 --- ? 24 14.4-B WCAT Education Online -- - 274-7226 NA R&C 15-20 14.4-B RENG Electronic Listing Service -- - 894-7239 R B. Hackmann 24 14.4-B GLTC Employment Connection 01 - 831-5627 R Frank Bascio 24 DS34-B WWIV End of the Rainbow -- - 997-6987 R Nite Rider 24 DS34-B WWIV Endeavour, The -- - 383-1654 R Tracker 24 14.4-B WWIV Engineering & Architecture -- - 481-4490 --- Russ/Emile 24 14.4-B WCAT Esnap's Garage -- - 781-3954 --- ESNAP 24 14.4-B VBBS Fade to Black -- - 861-9336 *R? Chief 24 14.4-B WWIV Family Connection, The -- - 647-2812 R Audi 24 v.FC-L TRI Fellowship, The -- - 644-5777 C Tolkien 24 v.34-B WWIV File Cabinet III, The L1 - 984-8958 --- King TJ 24 v.34-B PCBD File Cabinet III, The L2 - 984-0889 --- King TJ 24 v.34-B PCBD File Cabinet III, The L3 - 984-8371 C$ King TJ 24 v.34-B PCBD File Cabinet III, The L4 - 965-9681 C$ King TJ 24 v.FC-B PCBD File Exchange, The -- - 296-2348 R Michael B. 24 DS34-B SLGT Fire Escape's HQ 03 - 741-0341 R Fire Escape 24 v.34-B TRI Fire Escape's HQ 01 - 741-9505 R Fire Escape 24 14.4-B TRI Flash -- - 275-2040 --- Dick Pederson 24 DS32-B MISC Forbidden Planet, The -- - 349-0694 * Dr Ed Morbius 24 14.4-B WCAT Forest Park ATC BBS -- - 644-9098 R Rich Grace 24 14.4-L WCAT Forgotten Realm -- - 429-6995 --- Lion King 24 14.4-N INIQ Fredericktown Connection -- T 783-7102 --- Don Mofield 24 14.4-B REMT Freedom Station -- - 677-8284 --- Bob Kleist 24 14.4-B MISC Froon's Cocoon -- - 963-9658 CR Sir Froon 24 v.34-B WWIV Gamestown U.S.A. -- - 296-1435 R Gamesmaster 24 v.FC-B TRI Gateway/2 OS/2 BBS, The -- - 771-9280 --- Ron Gines 24 9.6-B MAXI Gateway Quick Connect -- - 861-2105 --- B Dickherber 24 14.4-B WWIV Glass Menagerie, The -- - 423-5787 --- Top Gun 24 1.2-N C-64 GOB&G Hangout -- - 423-1662 --- Fucowi 24 v.FC-B PCBD Grand Illusion, The -- - 282-2585 --- Snagglepuss 24 v.34-B PCBD GrapeVINE BBS, The -- - 481-7600 --- ? 24 9.6-B WCAT Graveyard, The -- - 487-3898 NAR Poptibo 21-06 14.4-B WWIV GridPoint BBS -- - 878-8980 --- DarkStar 24 14.4-B WWIV Grotto, The 27 - 731-5100 R Steve James 24 14.4-B WGRP Grotto, The 09 - 731-1977 R Steve James 24 v.34-B WGRP Hacker's Haven -- T 634-5364 N ? 24 14.4-N RENG Hall of Hockey (Sat & Sun) -- - 225-8968 N ? 10-16 14.4-B UNKW Harnessed Cat, The -- - 225-7017 --- Offspring 24 v.34-B WWIV HARTZ Foundation, The 01 T 240-2797 --- Nick Hartz 24 v.34-B PCBD Hellfire's Kitchen -- - 481-1723 *? Daemion 24 14.4-B INIQ Hobby Shop BBS, The 01 - 429-2456 I Todd Young 24 v.34-B FCLS Hobby Shop BBS, The -- - 429-0015 I Todd Young 24 v.34-B FCLS Home Alone BBS, The -- - 352-0577 --- Scheron 24 14.4-B WWIV HootieWorld II -- - 947-8612 R Hootie 24 v.34-B WWIV House of Secrets -- - 428-5301 R RoboTech 24 14.4-B WWIV House of Texaco -- - 963-9374 C Texaco Man 24 14.4-M WWIV Huwee's World BBS -- T 825-0078 --- Huwee 24 14.4-B WCAT Information Center, The 03 - 595-4489 R Falcon 24 14.4-B WGRP Inkwell, The/Senior Space -- - 230-5768 A Angel 19-10 14.4-B RENG Interactive Comp-Education 05 - 894-4811 R Crazy Cat 24 14.4-B WGRP Interactive Comp-Education -- T 547-0988 *R Crazy Cat 24 14.4-N WGRP Interactive Comp-Education -- T 270-6988 *R Crazy Cat 24 14.4-N WGRP Ivory Tower, The -- - 271-9146 --- Wizard 24 14.4-N TLGD IWLA 2x4 BBS, The L1 T 443-2391 --- Kim Palmer 24 14.4-N SYNC IWLA 2x4 BBS, The L2 T 443-1874 $ Kim Palmer 24 14.4-B SYNC Jeff's World of Games -- - 383-4126 --- Jeff Carter 24 v.34-N PBBS Junk Drawer, The -- - 434-4034 --- Marlin 24 2.4-N MTAB Ken's Survivalists' BBS -- - 821-2815 --- Ken 24 DS32-B TBBS Kevin's Place -- - 739-0571 C Kevin C.

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