hUished .... eekly. Ent~red as 2nd class matter in post office at Los Angeles, Calll 01. 44 No.9 Los Angeles, California Published Every Friday-10c Friday, March 1, 1957 PRESIDENT'S CORNER: OREGO~'ANS Open letter to '57 ALBANY (CALIF.) "OTED HONORED FOR chapter presidents PRIMED FOR 11 TH \YARTIME SERVICE TO NISEI~ JACL Most of the new 1957 PORTLAND. - Three prominent by Nebi Sumida. chairman. as­ Chapter officers have C.L. KEG (LASSIC Oregenians were henored by the sisted by George Azumano, Martba Japanese American Cit i zen s Osaki, V.p.; Roy Maeda, treas.; now' bet>n elected. ALBANY.-A let of Nisei who de League last Sunday for their Alice Kida, rec. sec.; Flo Ana­ May I congratulate you little bowling .or cheose to engage "faith in Americans of Japanese zawa, cor. sec.; Mary Sasaki, in other sperts will find that New ancestry and (their) courage in hist.; Kimi Tambara. Dr. Tesh upon your election as a York is not the only state where .Jphelding the principles of demo­ Kuge, del.; T. Tomiyasu and T • local JACL Chapter pre· a city of this name exists. cracy". Yasueda, advisers. On the other hand. JACL bowl­ sident? This is one of the ers acress the country have been Natienal JACL scrolls .of appre­ Gresham-Troutdale elected Dr. most difficult and most planning since last year to make ciation were presented by Masae Joe Onchi, pres.; Frank Ande, 1st the Hth annual Natienal JACL 5etow: JACL director, of San V.p.; Geerge Onchi, 2nd v.p.; Negi responsible positions that Bowling Teurnament opening here Francisco te E. B. MacNaughton. Continued en Page 5 we have in the national next week. Ameng Nisei kegling president .of the First Nat'l Bank organization. More and enthusiasts, the first week of of Portland and the Pertland Ore­ March is beceming traditienal as gonian becrrd; and State Sen. Men· I. more, all of us are now " National JACL" teurnament time. roe Sweetland, alse publisher .of BILL HOSOKA WA it might be added. the Milwaukie Review. Former r ecognizing that the fu· Mo Katow. teurnament directer. ture growth and develop· last week disclosed a roster of 104 Gov. Charles A. Sprague was un­ PROMOTED POST'S teams <80 men. 24 women) fer able to be present to receive his ment of JACL must come Deuglas MacArthur II arrived in award. the 1957 classic. (Looking back in Tekyo Fe!>. 15. to beceme U.S. EXEC. NEWS ED , from the initiative and the Pacific Citi~n files. we note Ambassader te Japan. On hand These three distinguished Amer· leadership of our local the first tournament of 1947 in to .greet him. his wife Laura and icans served as national JACL DENVER.-Bill Hosokawa, editor . Salt Lake City included 22 men's chapters. daughter Mimi, were a host of spensors during the war years. of the Denver Post Empire maga· teams.-Ed. ) Japanese and American officials The presentation was made at zine, was named executive news :rhe 1957 count falls short of the headed by Outerbridge Horsey, editor of the paper this week by record turneut of 107 teams (83 the joint Portland and Gresham· U.S. charge d'affaires, and Kao­ Treutdal~ JACL installation recog­ publisher Palmer Hoyt. It will . Our National JACL can men's, 24 women's) at the 1954 ru Hayashi. chief of the Fereign place the Nisei journalist in direct • tournament hested by the Long Office protocol sectien. nitien banquet at the Multnemah Beach JACL. These are the .only charge of newsgathering opera· be only as strong as the -Dept. .of State Phote. Hotel. Earlier in the day the first tions and daily make-up of the individual chapter units twe years when over 100 teams quarterly session of the Pacific P.ost. signed up. Northwest District Council was In 1951 , when ABC and WlBC A native of ,seattle and gradu· forming it. And much of held at the Japanese American So­ ate of the Univ. of Washington, be the local ('hapter strength sanctiens were obtained for a Nisei SALT LAKE TO VOTE ON ciety .offices. joined the Post as a copy-reader tournament for the first time, Los will depend upon its pre- Angeles greeted 64 teams ( 44 HOSTING NATIONAL JACL The handsome scrolls read: "In in 1946 from the Des Moines Reg· grateful recognitien .of special ister in July. Four years later, sident and cabinet. You men's, 16 women's). CONVENTION IN 1958 he went to Korea as first war cor· The first tournament of 1S47 was meritorious service te the organi­ as chapter president will a two "ay affa;" ( ... ·-1·. 29-30 ). zatien and outstanding centribu· respondent in the Post's history -u ... .'·La SALT LAKE CITY.-The questJnn and returned in October to be­ be called upon to exer· Through the years, the schedule of whether tbe Salt Lake J ACL tien to the welfare of persons of come editor of the Sunday maga­ cise your enthusiasm, was expanded to accommodate the should host the next national .JACL Japanese ancestry in the United zine. competition and this year. It conventien in 1958 will be discussed States ... for his faith in Ameri· The PC columnist gained na­ your ~agination, your spreads over six days. a.lthou~h at a brief meeting prior to the c;ans of Japanese ancestry and his tional recognition among his col­ Perseverence your pa the!Dent p~eper IS ·till Membership Victory dance to be ceurage in upholding the- princi­ leagues by being voted 1956 pres­ , - handled lDslde three day.s. :V:lT,!D- held here tomerrow night at the ples of democrC\cy". ident of the American Association tience, your leadership. up events as the handicap rag 1Police Clubheuse. of Sunday Feature Editors, has . time doubles and mixed doubles - Beth MacNaughton and Sweet­ The JACL memb ers m have always been pepular. Beth ~xpr~ss~ons pre and cen are land responded. had articles.p'ublished in the Read­ mVl~ed fr~m er's Digest and Saturday Evening "your locality have placed men and wemen divisions have had bemg tht; general Satow, who was the main speak· Post, and has contributed stories 'their confidence and faith sweepers as early as the 1949 me~bershlp , ~ch~o DOl , chapter 1 . preSIdent, pemtea out. \ranous er; congratulated and praised the to Nisei publications. -In d w th N c aSS1CS . cemmittee reperts \ViJ1 also be 31 Issei citizens who were special He began his newspapering with . you an e, on e a- Even befere the tournament . ted t th first aeneral guests of the evening. He also the late Jimmie Sakamoto's Japa­ · I B d d St ff awards dinner-dance is over M 'lI .. pres~n a e b t'lOoa oar an a , 10 at the Clarement Hetel in meetmg of the year. told of the three fundamental ob. nese ' American Courier, first all­ jectives of JACL: (1) public rela. English Nisei publication, in Seat- :are equally confident that Berkeley, keglers will mentally tle in the early '30s. By 1938, he )tou will unselfishly con· nete that Seattle is hosting the tarp~ tiQns, (2) good citizenship and (3) had gene to the Orient to beceme t . 12th annual tournament. Shonien 'red, r prometien of welfare ot Japanese editor .of the Singapore Herald, nbute y,our ,best efforts. The 11th annual. co-sponsored Americans, and. hew the Citizens then moved to the Far Eastern Althouoh vou will be) by th.e .East Bay Nis~i Bewling League has worked on them. Review at Shanghai, where be o. .. Asseclatien and the fIVe JACL ar ~a. JACL 'pinwheel' on Harry Takagi, 3rd national vice· stayed until Octeber, 1941. called upon to sacrifiCe chapters in the East Bay president, of Seattle administered Dur~g the evac:uation era, he much in the way of your Richmond-El Cerrito, Berkeley. the oath .of office to 1he 1957 cabi- I orgamz~d and edited. the Heart . Oakland, Alameda and E den L.A. museum exhibit net members of both the Portland Mount,,:m (Wyo.) Sentinel, before time, your efforts, and Tewnship, opens with a mixer at . relecatmg to Iowa. your substance, there will the Club Kona. a few blocks north -Two eye-catching pieces of cem­ and Gresham-Troutdale chapter s, Hosekawa is a member .of the . .of Albany Bowl, 540 San P able. mercial art-the "Red Carp" pos­ which h?sted the PNWDC quarter- Mile-Hi JACL chapter and a ,be at the same hme great next Tuesday night. ter for Shonien and the JACL Con­ Iy meeting. l lOOOer. He is married and they challenges and opportun· The schedule of events: vention "Pinwheel"-are ameng The Portland chapter will be led h~ve four children. _. f Mar. 5-Mixer, ragtime deubles. ltIes or you and your Mar. 6-Mixed deubles. the 1&4 items selected by the Los chapter. There is a type Mar. 7-Men and Women S, eep· Angeles Art Director's Club for exhibit at the State Museum of Ja~anese of growth and develop- ertar. 8-Men and Wemen Teams. Science and Industry. MD. Calif. Americans !aunch ment and maturity which Mar. 9-Men and Wemen Dou· The " Red Carp" pester ~'a s de­ bles. signed by Arneld Fujita of Les can come on I y f rom sac· Mar. 100Men and Women Sin. SSl}OO campaign for Immigration Museum Angeles, while the "Pinwheel" was SAN FRANCISCO.-Tbree organi­ sent out by the San Francisco rifice and responsibility; gles; dinner-dance (at Berkeley's the creation of Hisashi Tani of and the rewards are cli.
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