SECTION ONE RED BANK REGISTER SECTION ONE VOLUME LXIV, NO. 45. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942. PAGES 1 TO 14 HisFmtilyWmPdrtOf Ask Re-Survey Of More Complaints 100th Anniversary Of Clamming Areas Sugar Registration Facts Made To Council French Refugee Horde Along Bay Shore Registration for sugar rationing will take place Monday, Tues- About Ball Games Bingham Hall, Rumson day, Wednesday and Thurtday of next week. The boards will sit Middletown Health In the grammar schools. , Police Committee Experiences Of Newsreel Man In . i One person may register for all members of his family, but To Be Observed Sunday At 4 P. M. Board Makes Request ha must bo able to supply the following Information: name, ad- and Fire Officials dress, height, weight, color of eyes, color of hair, age and sex of •War-Torn Countries Related to Health Service each person. He must also know how much sugar his family has to Discuss Problem Service In Presbyterian Church on hand at the time ot registration. This Is Important. Obtain With the recent purchase of the Following Is a letter which How- all this Information before going to the registration place. More complaints regarding ball A service commemorating tho former John M. Johnson property at George Richmond ard W. Roberts, secretary of the - To avoid congestion. It has been suggested that householders playing on the firemen's fair lot at Rumson Council 100th anniversary of Blagbam ball, Monmouth and Naveslnk avenues In board of health of Middletown town- register more or less alphabetically. For Instance, if your last Fair ' Haven have been received by Rumson, and in recognition of the the growing village of Navealnk, Wil- ship, has sent to the United States the police, Councilman Tony Hunt- work of restoration recently com- liam Murray; .who has had many name begins with an A, B, C or D, you should'register Monday., ing, chairman of the police commit- Wins Wings In Public Health service in reference to Those Whose names begin with the letters E to L inclusive should' pleted, will be held Sunday at *,p, thrilling and trying experiences In the clamming situation in Rarltan tee, reported to the mayor and coun- To Seek Injunction m. In the First Presbyterian church ' hia travels through war sones In h|s and Sandy Hook bays, and asking register Tuesday. Persona with names'beginning with M to R cil Monday night. He said a woman of Rumson, organized in 1801. newsreel business, hopes some day for a re-survey: Inclusive are urged to register Wednesday and those from S to Z leaving the grocBry store .next to tho Army Air Corps on Thursday. , Against Pig Sty Rev. William Calvin Colby, pas- to settle with his family In the 80- Surgeon General, lot was hit with a batted Softball, tor of the church,, of which th» yoar-old brick-lined house with hond- Federal Security Agencies, Eegistration boards will sit In the grammar schools from 2 but fortunately she was not hurt modernized century-old building on hawn beams, to which extensive at- Received Commission State Relations Division, , o'clock In the afternoon until 8 o'clock at night.- During the week,-another window Will Reque»rHealth Bingham avenue has been an Im- tentions are being completed. Washington, D. C. was smashed. Mr. Hunting also portant part throughout these many "We are very fond of Naveslnk," Yesterday in Alabama Gentlemen: . called attention to the danger in- Board to Take Steps years, will deltvar ttw anniversary said Mr. Murray, 'fend for this rea- volved when boys run out on River At a meeting of the state Board address, son bought the hoilsa, -which Is the as Second Lieutenant of health of the State of New Jer- road to get the ball. A meeting of to Remedy Situation first property Mm. Murray and my- the police committee and officials of By the wise decision of tho church sey, held on April 14, 1942, a resolu- trustees, the' ancient hall was ex- self have ever owned." tion was passed by the State Depart- the fire company, Mr. Hunting stated, Pigs may be pigs, but In Rumson Aviation Cadet Georgo Mount Rich, would be held to discuss the prob- tensively Improved under the direc- Since, their marriage In France In ment of Health, closing certain Activity Upward In they're a nuisance, ahd the mayor tion of the pastor and the active 1633,,Mr. and Mrs. Murray have lived mond, son of Mr. and Mrs, Harry waters' In Sandy Hook and Earitan lem. Richmond of 34 Day streot, Clifton, and council of that municipality supervision of Elmer Pearsall, Rum- In many different countries. Their Bays from the taking of shellfish, Permission was granted to the La- have decided to do something about son contractor, who is an elder of first year was spent In Spain, after and the following Is a copy from the dles' auxiliary of the American Le- It. At tho council meeting lost the church and chairman ot the which thoy returned to the United minutes of the Board prior to the Real Estate Market gion post of Red Bank to sell pop- passage of the resolution, viz: Thursday night the officials adopted building committee. A detailed r*-: States, only to leave a month later ples In the.borough Saturday, May a resolution requesting the board of port of the modernization work and for South America. They resided for It was reported that early in 1941, 23. ' the New York State Conservation health to seek an injunction restrain- a historical sketch appeared In th» six months at Buenos Aires' In the Payment of a $5,000 bond, with March 19th Issu* of tha Bed Bank' Argentine, and then moved to Rio Department requested the United ing John W. Ivina from maintain- States Public Health Service to un- Red Bank, Fair Haven, Little Silver, $450 Interest, due May 1, to the Sec- ing a piggery on his property an Register. • ' de Janeiro, Braill. It was there that dertake a survey of certain waters ond National bank and Trust com- their first child, a eon, was born. In pany, Red Bank, was authorized. the south side of Rumson road, near The service will ba opened -with In Rarltan bay. The Public Health Hanca road. 1 view of the fact that his mother was Service, requested the State Depart- Oceanport Homes Have New Owners Councilman Edgar V. Denlse, chair- an organ prelude, "Adagio," from French, ho has the right of deciding ment of Health of New Jersey and man of the finance committee, in- Mayor James C. Auchlncloss termed the Moonlight Sonata, by Charles. the situation as "most outrageous" Gotschalk, followed by the alnglngr: when reaching the age of 21 whether tho Health Department of thB City The buying activity on the part Dutch colonial house owned by Wal- formed the council that this bond ii 1 he wlshei to take up United States, of New fork to co-operate. This in- of out-of-town purchasers through- dron M. Bishop, situated on the sue, originally $50,000, has been re- and added that the "smell, noise and of the doxology, "Praise Cod From Bmlllan or French nationality. vestigation was conducted jointly out the Red Bank area continues at banks of the river at Oceanport. Be- duced 'to $10,000. general annoyance" caused by the Whom All Blessings' Flow." The' Returning to this country In 1935, under the supervialon of the United an increasingly rapid pace, accord- sides the residence the sale In- pig sty is such that a number of pastor will giv» the invocation, and' Staten Public Health Servloe during ead the congregation In the Lord's: the family lived for several months Ing to the Ray VanHom agency, cludes a plot with large dak trees, a residents may be compelled to move In New York city and tha following April, May and June of 1941, The out of the borough unless the con-Prayer. The choir and congrega- Surgeon General's report was pro Fair Haven realtors. With the sus- private dock, boathouse, shop and year took up their residence In garage, Mr. Johnson is now having Realtors Protest dition is remedied. tion will join in singing the Gloria, mulgated December 26, 1941, pension of building, existing con- The request of Louis M. Hague, after which the minister and as- Paris, France. For the next-four As a, result of this investigation an air conditioning plant Installed years while his family remained In struction and older properties are chairman of the defense council for semblage will repeat tha Apostle's) the Surgeon General suggested that now in greater demand, with the In the house and he expects to oc- Withdrawal Of Creed. Paris, Mr. Murray personally spent cupy the house early In June. an additional $2,500 to meet expenses portions of Rarltan! bay be con- newor homes or the properties -which most of the time traveling about demned for the taking of shellfish Another sale Is a home which was for defense equipment, was roferred All Hall the Power of Jesus', Europe working for a nowsreel com- and appended a map to the report, have been kept in good condition built about a year ago by MUs Anna Boat Service to the finance committee, Frank C. Name," a coronation hymn, will b« • pany In getting news films for the showing the lines on which condem- most sought after. V. W. Schenck, located on North Slckels, wrote a letter expressing ap- sung, and followed by responsive, United States. He -was stationed In nation should be adopted by this Recent sales consummated by the Sunrrycrest drive.
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