Xavier University Exhibit All Xavier Student Newspapers Xavier Student Newspapers 1954-10-15 Xavier University Newswire Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio) Follow this and additional works at: https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper Recommended Citation Xavier University (Cincinnati, Ohio), "Xavier University Newswire" (1954). All Xavier Student Newspapers. 1953. https://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/student_newspaper/1953 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. {avier University Library OCT l ~ FF)4 Xavier University News A Weekly Newspa11e1· By Students F1·oni Tlie Eva11sto11, Dmvntown And ~J.ilfonl Cam1mses. VOLUME XXXIX CINCINNATI, OHIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1954 NO.:; Armory To Be Renovated For Ballroom Senior Representatives Vote On Gift Choices; Ar1nory Social Capacities To Be Improved Representatives of the class of '55 decided this week to direct the funds collected as their Senior Gift project to the ANNUAL HOMECOMING PROGRAM renovation of the Xavier Armory as a Ballroom for university dances and other functions. Class president Bill Sweeney emphasized that the senior class was not taking over the COMMENCES AT DANCE TONIGHT armory project of the Student Cmuliclates For Queen Council which is planning to in­ e·w stall a refreshment center and l-lomecoming To Be Picked; P1·esentell N Dorin Rules, kitchen facilities in the armory by Jolin Jlmi Flamlern Council Elections, with funds already earmarked for that purpose. Instead, the News Associate Editor Set Up Fo1· Ccunpus The annual Xavier Home­ money contributed by the seniors By Tom McAulif fe will be used for other innova­ coming Program will begin at This year, three significant tions to transform the armory the rally-dance sponsored by changes have been made in the ROTC Rifle Club in the dormitory regulations, accord­ Armory at 8:00 tonight. Each Ante Up, Seniors ing to Rev. Robert G. Liska, An Seniors are reminded that club and organization on campus, today, Monday and Tuesday, Oct. which has not already done so, S.J., assistant director of hous­ 15, 18 and 19 are the days on will select a girl from the Eve­ ing. Fr. Liska, emphasising the which the first payment for the ning Division to be its candidate need for maturity in students, has Senior Gift Fund is due. for Queen of the Homecoming. announced that on nights during Homecoming Chairman Chuck the week student must be in their rooms by 10:30 p.m. Regarding into a dual purpose building with Marcellino and his committee will privileges for upperclassmen, the its social capacities increased and handle registration of the candi­ new rules allow 2:00 a.m. and 1:30 improved. dat~s at the dance, with the dead­ The captains and group leaders line for registration set for 10:30 a.m. permissions for juniors and seniors respectively. of the senior fund committee met p.m. At 11 :00 all of the girls will According to present plans, the Tuesday, Oct. 12 and proposed be presented on the stage. There President's Lounge will be opened suggestions they had accepted will be one week in which to on weekdays this year from noon from the seniors on their lists. campaign, and then at the rally­ until 10:00 p.m. Saturday hours The mos·t popular suggestions dance next Friday, Oct. 22, the will be from noon until midnight, were then voted on and the win­ election of the Queen will take and Sunday hours will be the ning choice, the Armory-Ball­ place. same as during the week. room project, was submitted for The arrangements for the gala Left to right, Jim Brandabur, Dan Grady, Chuck l\larceHino, Meanwhile, t h e Dormitory the approval of Very Rev. James Homecoming weekend are in the chairman, and John VanFlandern, posing on the steps of the Union Council has elected its officers F. Maguire, S.J., president of planning stage, and the plans for Building, compose the committee which is in charge of the Home­ for the coming year. John Grin­ Xavier. Upon reception of Fr. the balance of the program will coming activities. Photo by Brennan stead is new Dorm Council presi­ Maguire's approval, the captains be announced soon. dent, Tom Moran, vice-president; released news of the project. NFCCS Co1ig·ress cit Edg·eclif f The Rifle Club Dance tonight and Harold Schaefer, secretary­ will feature the music of Duke treasurer. Three Elected To Schumann's Orchestra, refresh­ A major rennovation in the Features XU Forensics Pcniel ments, and entertainment in ad­ Dorm Council constitution has Faculty Committee Representatives of eight schools from the Ohio-Kentucky dition to the Queen candidate changed the system of student presentation program. Recently elected new members Region of the National Federation of Catholic College Stu­ representation. Previously, repre­ of the faculty committee include dents will converge on Cincinnati this weekend to attend the sentatives were chosen from groups numbering more than ten Rev. Stanley C. Tillman, S.J., in­ Regional Congress at Our Lady of Cincinnati College. Accident Injures structor of Philosophy; Dr. Thom­ men, but having no maximum as J. Hailstones, chairman of the The official representatives of the Xavier student body Xavier Pedestrian limitation. This was allowing a department of Economics; and at the Congress will be John sixteen man barracks a repre­ John Heffernan, a freshman Dr. Clarence A. Sommer, associ­ Grinstead, senior delegate, and sentation equal to that of the AFS Offers Cash from Chicago, was injured when ate professor of Education. They Harold Matthews, junior delegate. various floors, although the latter struck by an automobile at the join the following other members Also of Xavier, John Grupenhofi had a greater numbe1· of students. Prize For Essays corner of Victory Parkway and of the committee: Rev. Victor C. is regional vice-president of the According to the change in the The American Foreign Service NFC CS. Dana Ave. on Monday night, Oct. constitution, representatives arc Stechschulte, S.J., chairman of Journal, published in Washing­ Bill Glueck, chairman of the 11. now elected by groups numbering the Mathematics-Physics depart­ ton, D.C., has announced that it regional commission on forensics, He was taken to Good Samara­ not less than eigh.t nor more than ment; Rev. James V. McCummis­ will offer a total of $3850 in will conduct a panel meeting at tin Hospital by a Cincinnati Pol­ (Continued from Page 3) ky, S.J., instructor of Philosophy; prizes for the best essays, on the 10 tun., which will feature the ice ambulance. Rev. Walter B. Di­ Dr. Harvey A. Dube, assistant subject "The Organization of Honorable Robert E. Groneman, moncl, S.J., instructor in English, professor of Chemistry; and Dr. American R e p r e s e n t a ti o n fourth term candidate for the accompanied John to the hospi­ Xa'Vie1· Athenaeum Charles F. Wheeler, chairman of Abroad." ·These essays should Ohio House. He will speak on, tal. the·department of English. deal with the question of what Accepts N eiv W 01·ks "Why a Catholic College Student John suffered a scalp wound The purpose of the faculty com­ kind of foreign service can best The Xavier Athenaemn, cam­ Should Engage in Forensics." which was stitched at the hospi­ mittee is to promote the good of serve our national interest in the pus literary quarterly, announced Congressman Groneman is an tal. He is enrolled in the Honors the University, especially in these field of foreign relations. last week that the deadline for alumnus of Xavier and of the Bachelor of Arts course. areas: scholarship and research, contributions for the fall issue is There will be one grand prize University of Cincinnati Law excellence in teaching, orienta­ schet:uled for Nov. 1. The maga­ award of $1000 for the best essay, College. Also on the panel will be tion of new faculty members, three first prizes of $750. each, zine needs short stories, essays, Joan Gauche of Edgecliff, who Volunleer Students conditions of service affecting the four second prizes of $150 each, plays and poems, and offers, as will speak on the proposed re~ faculty as a whole, and liaison an added incentive this year, a and several honorable mention gional speech festival, currently Collect For Cbest between faculty and administra­ citations. The criteria for judg­ prize gold key for the best con­ under consideration by the For­ Four groups of Xavier students tion. ment of entries will be the meas­ tribution in each issue. The ensics Commission. will participate in the Commu­ ure in which they present awards will be made to the writer nity Chest drive in the H-1 dis­ thoughts that are constructive Xavier members of the Foren­ adjudged best in the opinion of Russia Callboard Topic trict, which includes the area toward our total national interest sics Commission staff include the editors, the faculty moderator Contemporary Russia will be around the University, this Sun­ and the excellence of presenta­ Lloyd Lill, commission executive and other members of the Eng­ the subject under discussion on day. tion. All students now enrolled in secretary, and Bob Manley, com­ lish Department. The editors, of the Campus Callboard radio mission consultant. The student group captains arc program Saturday, Oct. 16, at 6: 30 a recognized college or university course, will be ineligible. Francis Stahl, Charles Caper, p.m. on WSAI. Xavier University are eligible. Registration for the Congress Competition is open to all un­ Sta,n Seifried and Joe Carpino.
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