VOLUME XLVI, NUMBER 20 Your Local News Source Since 1963 SERVING LIVERMORE • PLEASANTON • SUNOL THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2009 Don't Miss It! Big Power Towers Proposed in Wine Country By Ron McNicoll across the highway from the tion (WAPA) is the partner of power plan were being con- able on their web page at http:// Valley vintners, residents, Ruby Hill subdivision in Pleas- TANC on the project. structed by a private firm, instead www.tanc.us/content/ tourism officials, land conserva- anton. The power lines would run The project is at the EIR stage. of municipal power agencies, it blogsection/7/48/. The informa- tionists, Livermore Area Recre- through the Sunol Valley, where There is no outside agency that would go to the California Pub- tion includes a Google map with ation and Park District (LARPD) one of two proposed routes is will approve or deny the project, lic Utilities Commission, she the proposed rights of way in and others are concerned about a next to Sunol Valley Golf and according to TANC consultant said. yellow. An address must be typed plan to run new power lines Country Club. Janet Thomson, who called back The new lines would help in in order to have the map lo- through north Livermore, travel A consortium of public power on deadline. She said that the connect to green power sources, cate a spot. along the east side near Liver- agencies in California is build- TANC and WAPA boards will such as wind and solar, accord- WENTE PREDICTS ‘FULL- more, and through south Liver- ing the lines of 220 and 500 ki- vote on it. ing to the project’s web page. ON RANGE WAR’ more wine country. lovolt size to increase the capac- Thomson said the project has Calls to the executive director of Phil Wente of Wente Vine- The huge towers and power ity of the Bay Area power grid. to meet environmental require- the agency, the Transmission As- yards is so upset about the plan The Independent lines would also be installed The closest participating city to ments, and obtain needed permits sociation of Northern California that he said, “This will create a along Highway 84 near Kalthoff the Valley is Alameda. It’s the from agencies, very much in the (TANC), were not returned in full-on range war, if they even now comes in Commons, another wine-grow- only one in the county. manner of building any other in- time for deadline. attempt to come here. The only two sections. ing area. They would be located Western Area Power Associa- frastructure, such as a road. If the Project information is avail- (See POWER, page 4) Section II is filled with infor- mation about arts, entertainment and special events. There are education features, as well as the Business arts and entertainment and bul- letin board listings. Park Lends a Helping Hand Coffee with 'A Taste of Cops Scheduled Summer' to The Livermore Police Department's next session of Raise Funds "Coffee with the Cops" will be held Sat., May 16. By Elizabeth Campos Rajs The command staff and down- Summer is starting a little town resource officer will be at early in the Hacienda Business Starbucks Coffee Shop from 9 Park with a festive outdoor event a.m. to 11 a.m. They will be avail- on May 29. The event is a com- able to chat with members of the munity barbecue, a corporate public and answer questions. cook-off and a charitable fund- Starbucks is located at 2470 raiser all rolled into one TGIF- First Street in downtown Liver- style gathering. more. “A Taste of Summer” will be held from 4-8 p.m. on Friday, May 29, on the lawn at the Scottish Games Shaklee Corp. property at 4747 Willow Road. All proceeds from This Weekend the event will benefit the park’s Hacienda Helping Hands giving In Livermore campaign. The annual Livermore Scot- Open to the public, tickets are tish Games and Celtic Celebra- $20 and include admission to the tion is set for May 16 and 17 at event and a barbecue dinner. Robertson Park in Livermore. Now in its sixth year, the Liv- Tickets may be purchased on the ermore Scottish Games are once web at again “twinned” this year with Photo - Doug Jorgensen helpinghands.hacienda.org or by the Birnam Highland Games in Students at Vintage Hills Elementary School in Pleasanton got to try out the school's new observatory last week. For more calling the Tri-Valley Commu- Scotland, which began in 1864. information, see the story on page 6. nity Foundation office at (925) This year will feature the largest 734-5673. contingent of visitors from the “We wanted to bring compa- Birnam Games, including Rae nies together and to bring a Pattillo, Chairman of the Birnam neighborhood feeling to the Games and Honorary Chieftan of business park,” said Jon Burchett, the Livermore Games; Peter Lab Retirees to Petition for Return to Former Status director of sales at Hyatt Grieg, Secretary of the Games; Lawrence Livermore Na- fornia, the original Laboratory believe the change was illegal and a history of related events. Summerfield Suites, the lead and “Big” Willie Robertson, tional Lab retirees who are con- contractor, to the new contractor, and would like to see it reversed The wesbsite is http:// sponsor of the event. “There will member of the Games Commit- vinced that they are legally en- Lawrence Livermore National for those who retired prior to the be the cook-off, live music, tee and World Haggis Eating home.comcast.net/~jrequa/ titled to University of California Security, a partnership. contract change. Their petitions retiree.htm games and prizes. It will have a Champion. health care may sign a petition get-to-know-your-neighbor at- A special offer this year with The new contractor has fol- to that effect will be sent to UC "We would like to restore UC to that effect on Friday, May 15, lowed health insurance practices President Mark Yudof, Secretary health benefits, which I believe mosphere.” the Scottish Games will be free Adding to the festivities, the parking. In years past, parking from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the more consistent with industrial of Energy Steven Chu, Califor- LLNL retirees are legally entitled home at 1217 Blossom Circle, standards than with those of the nia senators Dianne Feinstein to," Requa said. "We intend to Oakland A’s pregame show, was $5. Also new this year, “Right Off the Bat with Marty LARPD is partnering with Re- Livermore. Blossom Circle is University. For example, it has and Barbara Boxer, and Congres- enforce that. If the University naissance Productions to help south of East Avenue from the been moving retirees out of group sional representatives Ellen sees the light of day, fine. I would Lurie,” will broadcast from the make the event a hit. Renaissance Robert Livermore Center. health plans and into more ex- Tauscher and Jerry McNerny. just as soon not take legal action. barbecue, he added. Productions produces successful Responsibility for health pensive, age adjusted individual Requa has set up a website If they don't, we will have no Hyatt Summerfield Suites was events throughout the West Coast benefits was shifted at the end of plans. with legal documents, reports on choice." one of the charter donors to the and consults on events of all 2007 from the University of Cali- Retiree Joe Requa and others the group's views and activities, Hacienda Helping Hands giving genres around the country. (See SUMMER, page 4) Many favorites will be back for the Games, including caber tossing and other heavy athlet- ics. Attendees can also watch tra- ditional highland and country Increases in Water and dancing and see Scottish and Celtic music performed by Garbage Rates in Livermore (See GAMES, page 2) Residents who obtain their promote water conservation and water from the City of Livermore to make up for the resulting rev- Top Grade will be paying more for the ser- enue shortfalls. Begins Work on vice. While no one spoke in oppo- The city council on Monday sition to the increase at the coun- Stimulus Project approved a 9.6 percent increase, cil meeting, the city did receive an average of about $4.87 a a number of letters protesting the Top Grade Construction has month per household. The rate officially started work on the I- increase. Most said that raising 80 project. It is the first project change does not impact custom- water rates at a time when other to be funded in the state by the ers of California Water. costs were increasing and the American Recovery and Rein- The council passed a resolu- economy was in a slow down was vestment Act. tion calling for a 20 percent vol- bad timing on the part of the city. The project was awarded to untary reduction in water use. One writer suggested it was time Top Grade April 21, 2009. The Staff told the council that the to cut costs, not raise rates. company, which is located in rate increase was necessary be- Darren Greenwood, assistant Livermore, outbid 12 other com- cause revenue projections are director of public works, pointed panies. The contract is expected lower than originally projected out that California Water, the to generate approximately as a result of reduced water us- company that also supplies wa- 40,000 man hours requiring more age and fewer new connections ter to Livermore customers, had than 200 workers to be em- than assumed in the 2008 rate raised its rates.
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