Fairmilehead Community Council Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 10 April 2012 in Fairmilehead Parish Church Present: Dennis Williams (Chair); Louise Maguire (Vice Chair); Norman Tinlin (Secretary); Alison Elfick (Treasurer); Johanna Carrie; Barbara Dick (Buckstone Association); Richard Hinton; Pam Wight (St Fillans) Ex Officio: Councillors Elaine Aitken and Jason Rust; Ian Murray MP In Attendance: Inspector Stephen Dolan 14 members of the public Apologies: Tom Strathdee; Councillor Eric Barry; PC Kenny Welsh; Brian Ralph; Mr & Mrs Taylor 1. Police Report Inspector Dolan presented his report as below. He also said that PC Welsh would hopefully return to work in a few weeks. From 6 March to 10 April 2012 there have been 15 crimes recorded as having been committed in the Fairmilehead area. Of these 15 crimes there have been: • 3 Housebreakings to domestic properties • 2 Vandalisms to motor vehicles • 2 Vandalisms other • 3 Thefts from motor vehicles • 2 Thefts other • 2 minor assaults • 1 Culpable and Reckless Conduct There were 4 vehicle accidents reported this month. There were 98 calls in total to the Fairmilehead/Swanston area of which 35% refered to youth calls. This is a reduction of 15 when compared to the 113 calls received during the same period last year. Crimes of note throughout this period • 31/03/12 – 05/04/12 Theft HB - Buckstone Circle. A screwdriver or similar was used to force open the rear door of the property. Entry was gained and the property was searched, a few items were stolen. The occupiers were on holiday at the time of the breakin. • 04/04/12-05/04/12 Theft HB - Buckstone Rise. A tool had been used to force open the back door of the property. The property was searched and items taken. Again the occupiers were on holiday. • 04/0412 Theft HB - Buckstone Close. A rear patio window had been smashed and the door opened as the key was in the lock, property entered and items stolen. • 07/03/12 - Swanston Avenue. There was a bogus workman call whereby a male offered to do some roof work for an elderly male. Luckily the daughter of the owner managed to intervene before any money had exchanged hands. PC Jim Gillanders was the full time Liaison Officer for Firrhill High School. This initiative has now been expanded to all high schools in the city. One of the priorities from the Community Safety sub-group was how to engage with youth in the area. One of the initiatives was a youth forum for the area and the other a “blue light” disco. This was due to be held on 4 May in St Fillans but was on hold due to the uncertainly over events licences under the new legislation. 2. Minute Of Meeting Held On 6 March 2012 These were approved by the meeting. Matters Arising: a) 28 Frogston Road West Cllr Aitken reported that despite the objections and her attendance at the Development Management Sub Committee when she had talked against the application, the Committee had granted permission for the change of use to a nursery at this location. Further details in her report below. However before it could operate as a nursery it would require to be approved by the Care Inspectorate. Further details b) Winton Gardens Planning Application The Secretary reported that the previous Wednesday he had attended the Development Management Sub Committee hearing on behalf of the Community Council to put forward the objections to the proposed Miller’s development. Cllrs Aitken and Barry had also talked to their objections along with Richard Playfair representing the Friends of Winton Woods. The Committee unanimously voted to reject the application A précis of the arguments can be found at: http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/download/meetings/id/35380/minute_4_april_2012 c) Scottish Water Grant Proposals The Secretary proposed that the grant be allocated as follows: Approximately £600 for the purchase and erection of a notice board at Fairmilehead shops and the remainder split between Buckstone Youth project; 114 Morningside Scouts and Cub Scouts; and Fairmilehead District Guides. After discussion this was agreed by the meeting and the Secretary was to make the necessary arrangements. d) Fairmilehead Pond and Springheads Cllr Aitken gave a brief update. Scottish Water were assessing the maintenance required for the refurbishment of the wellheads. A request had been submitted through Craig Dunlop, the Parks Officer, for the pond to be relined to overcome the problem of the water draining away. e) 226 Braid Road The Secretary reported the Planning Department were not going to take enforcement action in respect of the lack of wooden gates at the locus. Although this had been a condition of the recent planning permission it was felt to be unenforceable due to the requirement for an amendment to the parking bays. 3. Correspondence a) CEC Liaison Officer – Community Council News b) CEC Liaison Officer – Council elections postponed until October 2013 c) CEC Liaison Officer – Notification of Scottish Government consultations on Planning Reform d) CEC Planning Department – Letter and booklet on update to Development Plan Scheme e) Licensing Department – List of applications for April 2012 Board meeting (None in area) f) City Development – Proposals for DYLs Fairmile Avenue/Oxgangs Road (Meeting suggested should be in Oxgangs Road from crossroads to nursery instead) g) Friends of the Braid hills – Notice of initial meeting (On noticeboard) h) Marie Curie Fashion Show 22 April at Matalans, Slateford Road (On noticeboard) i) Tryst Quilters – Coffee morning 27 April at Pentland Community Centre (On noticeboard) j) Transition Edinburgh – Open meeting 12 May at St Johns Church, West End k) NHS Lothian – Health Link newspaper – Spring 2012 edition 4. Councillors’ Reports Cllr Rust reported as follows: • There were problems with issuing public entertainment licenses as a result of the new legislation • Problems with the trees in Swanston Park had been passed on to the appropriate department • Problems with uneven pavement outside Buckstone Terrace shops have been reported • John Spence at the Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre is retiring and talks are being held regarding the way forward for the Centre. • The 108th Pentland scouts were awarded a grant from the Community grants Fund for tents and tables • The MOD Review is ongoing and is expected in early May • The next public meeting of the Pentlands Neighbourhood Partnership has been moved to 30 May at Colinton Primary School • He had just received a complaint that there were no Lothian Buses on some routes on Good Friday. He will pass this onto Bill Campbell of Lothian Buses. Cllr Aitken reported as follows: • At the Scottish Grocers Awards on 15 March, Dennis and Linda Williams received the Industry Achievement Award, which is the highest award, and is in recognition of their influence on Scotland's Independent grocery trade. The Broadway Convenience Store also won the Community Champion and Social Responsibility awards • She had a walk down Cockmylane recently because of reports of increased dog fouling again. She also had a look at Comiston Wellhouse which, she is sad to report was not looking at its best. She contacted Bill Elliot and asked him to speed up the refurbishment works. She also requested a refuse bin again which will be installed soon. • She convened the 2nd Youth Engagement meeting on 21st March in Oxgangs Neighbourhood Centre, attended by representatives from the police, local youth groups and community centres, CLD and the local Councillors and MSP. Two “blue light” discos have been organised in Buckstone and Balerno with the next to be in Firrhill/Oxgangs. An issue has arisen concerning the need for a licence for these events. A date is still to be agreed for the football tournament in Colinton Mains Park. • Bear Scotland has resurfaced part of the A702 but the road markings at the cul de sac have not been replaced. She has had a number of email exchanges with technicians at Bear Scotland and a review of traffic flow and markings will be done when the roadworks are finished. Hopefully, the markings will be replaced. • Boroughmuir - the consultation meetings have all now taken place. The report with the recommended option will go to Full Council on 29th June. • Amended TRO round Buckstone school - A number of objections were lodged, mainly about the extent of the double yellow lines. She has had a meeting with our Area Roads Manager and he suggested altering some of the lines to time limited single yellow lines. She has discussed this with the Head Teacher and some of the objectors, all of whom are content that the proposals should help ensuring good sightlines and safer routes for pupils. • Following a request by a resident, she monitored parking at Buckstone Lea one morning and afternoon. Parents were parking on the private land at the top of the Lea. Although the Council has no jurisdiction here, she has suggested that the “Private Parking” sign is faded and might need to be repainted to reinforce the message. She was impressed by the number of pupils and parents walking to school. The weather was warm and sunny which might have helped so she intends to return when the school resumes and the weather is not as clement. • Refuse Collection in the roads near Buckstone Primary School – despite earlier complaints, this happened again just before the Easter Break. Once again, a local resident and she insisted that this be stopped. She has been assured that all refuse staff involved have been advised of the necessary steps to take to avoid this route at times when pupils will be walking to or from school. • She received complaints about the gate at the Buckstone Howe field and stray footballs causing problems for the neighbouring properties.
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