Russian Entomol. J. 19(3): 215239 © RUSSIAN ENTOMOLOGICAL JOURNAL, 2010 Additions and corrections to the new Catalogue of Palaearctic Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) edited by I. Löbl and A. Smetana, 2010 Äîïîëíåíèÿ è èñïðàâëåíèÿ ê íîâîìó êàòàëîãó ïàëåàðêòè÷åñêèõ Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) èçäàííîì I. Löbl è A. Smetana, 2010 M.L. Danilevsky Ì.Ë. Äàíèëåâñêèé A. N. Severtzov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospect 33, Moscow 119071, Russia. E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Èíñòèòóò Ïðîáëåì Ýêîëîãèè è Ýâîëþöèè èì. À.Í. Ñåâåðöîâà ÐÀÍ, Ëåíèíñêèé ïð. 33, Ìîñêâà 119071, Ðîññèÿ. KEY WORDS: Cerambycidae, taxonomy, new combinations, new synonyms, new names, Palearctic. ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ: Cerambycidae, òàêñîíîìèÿ, íîâûå ñî÷åòàíèÿ, íîâûå íàçâàíèÿ, Ïàëåàðêòèêà. ABSTRACT. For Volume 6 of Catalogue of Palaearctic Mulsant & Rey, 1863. Íàçâàíèå Cortodera tibialis beetles [2010] more than 150 misprints, wrong combina- (Marseul, 1876) ïðåäëîæåíî â êà÷åñòâå âàëèäíîãî äëÿ tiobns, wrong geographical records, wrong references, wrong C. pallipipes Pic, 1898 (= C. ruthena Plavilstshikov, 1936). status of certain names, wrong synonyms, wrong authotships Pseudodinoptera Pic, 1900s ïðèçíàí ðîäîì (ðàíåå ïîä- and dates of certain names, wrong original combinations, ðîä â ðîäå Dinoptera Mulsant, 1863). Cortodera alpina wrong spelling of several names and so on are fixed. Some- times unavailable names were publisjed as available. Missing xanthoptera Pic, 1898 âîññòàíîâëåíà â êà÷åñòâå òóðåö- names, geographical data and references are added. Natural êîãî ïîäâèäà âñëåä çà Ïëàâèëüùèêîâûì [1936]. system is proposed for several genera: Stenocorus, Acmae- Alosterna tabacicolor tokatensis Pic, 1901 ïðèíÿòà êàê ops, Dinoptera, Carilia, Leptura, Cerambyx, Molorchus, ñâåòëî îêðàøåííûé òóðåöêèé ïîäâèä èç Òîêàòà è Callimus, Phymatodes, Plagionotus, Xylotrechus, Saperda, Åðçèíæàíà. Dorcadion nigrosuturatum Reitter, 1897 Agapanthia. A replacement name is proposed for Leptura ïðèçíàí ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíûì âèäîì, à íå ïîäâèäîì bisignata Brullé, 1832 (not Leptura bisignata Ménétriés, D. indutum Faldermann, 1837. 1832): Vadonia grandicollis Mulsant & Rey, 1863. The name Cortodera tibialis (Marseul, 1876) is proposed as valid The new Catalogue of Palaearctic Cerambycidae for C. pallipipes Pic, 1898 (= C. ruthena Plavilstshikov, (Coleoptera) edited by I. Löbl and A. Smetana [2010] 1936). Pseudodinoptera Pic, 1900s is raised to genus level from a subgenus of Dinoptera Mulsant, 1863. Cortodera was prepared with the participation of 11 authors: K. alpina xanthoptera Pic, 1898 is restored as a Turkish subspe- Adlbauer, M.L. Danilevsky, A. Drumont, L. Hubweber, cies following Plavilstshikov [1936]. Alosterna tabacicolor Z. Komiya, I. Löbl, J. Morati, P. Rapuzzi, G. Sama, A. tokatensis Pic, 1901 is accepted as a pale Turkish subspecies Smetana and A. Weigel. The system of the authorship from Tokat and Erzincan. Dorcadion nigrosuturatum Reit- was rather complicated. It was partly arranged in taxon- ter, 1897 is raised to species level from a subspecies of omy way and partly in geographical. So, such groups as D. indutum Faldermann, 1837. Prioninae or Dorcadionini had own authors, while other authors were responsible for a certain geographical ÐÅÇÞÌÅ. Äëÿ èçäàííîãî â 2010 ã. 6 òîìà êàòàëî- areas. The taxa of Western Palaearctic, for example, ãà æóêîâ Ïàëåàðêòèêè ïðèâîäÿòñÿ èñïðàâëåíèÿ áî- were arranged by G. Sama and I. Löbl, while M.L. ëåå 150 ðàçëè÷íûõ îøèáîê: îïå÷àòîê, íåïðàâèëüíûõ Danilevsky and A. Smetana were responsible for the ñî÷åòàíèé, ñèíîíèìîâ, îøèáî÷íûõ ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèõ taxa from Russia and countries of the former USSR, and óêàçàíèé, îøèáî÷íî óêàçàííûõ äàò ïóáëèêàöèè íà- Mongolia. So, the authorship of all Cerambycidae gen- çâàíèé è èõ àâòîðîâ, îøèáî÷íûõ îðèãèíàëüíûõ ñî- era, which are distributed in West Europe and in Russia ÷åòàíèé, íàïèñàíèé è ò. ä. Óêàçàíû íåñêîëüêî íåïðè- was in fact mutual (with the exception of Dorcadionini). ãîäíûõ íàçâàíèé, îïóáëèêîâàííûõ êàê ïðèãîäíûå. Each author had his own point of view on the system of Äîáàâëåíû ïðîïóùåííûå íàçâàíèÿ, ïóáëèêàöèè è each subfamily and each genus. So, the editors had to ãåîãðàôè÷åñêèå äàííûå. Åñòåñòâåííûå ñèñòåìû ïðåä- create a generally accepted system on the base of sever- ëîæåíû äëÿ ñëåäóþùèõ ðîäîâ: Stenocorus, Acmaeops, al different positions. As a result I. Löbl and A. Smetana Dinoptera, Carilia, Leptura, Cerambyx, Molorchus, took part in the arrangement of nearly each genus. Callimus, Phymatodes, Plagionotus, Xylotrechus, The necessity to join together several rather different Saperda, Agapanthia. Çàìåùàþùåå íàçâàíèå ïðåäëî- texts (certain portions were presented to the editors in last æåíî äëÿ Leptura bisignata Brullé, 1832 (íå Leptura moment before the publication) was the primary cause of bisignata Ménétriés, 1832): Vadonia grandicollis many mistakes and misprints. Several names are published 216 M.L. Danilevsky contemporary in different genera, the status of others was D. argonauta Suvorov, 1913 (Zoological Institute, Sankt-Pe- wrongly interpreted, many names were wrongly spelled or tersburg, Russia), and original description of D. sulcipenne with wrong authors and dates, several geographical records Küster, 1847 as well as on numerous specimens of both taxa. were so strange, that could be simply misprints, many NOTE: references were wrong, several publications were referred Published before by Lazarev [2008]. with two different names and so on. The main purpose of 4. PAGE 44 the present publication is to fix direct mistakes. PRINTED: More over the system of such genera as Molorchus, Agapanthia subnigra Pic, 1890 is a valid species, as well Plagionotus, Xylotrechus, Saperda, Agapanthia and some as Agapanthia subchalydaea Reitter, 1898, though it was others was accepted by editors on the base on the position traditionally [Plavilstshikov, 1958a: 159] regarded as an by G. Sama, which was not natural and so not acceptable. invalid synonym of the junior name (based on the type The natural system of such groups is proposed bellow. material of both species). The references to the present article include only the NOTE: publications absent in the references to the Catalog. The Published before by Pesarini & Sabbadini [2004b]. references inside the text of the present article to the 5. PAGES 4445 publications included in the references to the Catalog have PRINTED: same letters after the number of the year as in the Catalog. Dorcadion sareptanum kubanicum Plavilstshikov, 1934: The style of a current paper in whole corresponds to According to Plavilstshikov [1958a: 181] the male syntypes the text of Catalogue of Palaearctic beetles [Vol.6: of Dorcadion euxinum Suvorov, 1915 (described from Novo- 2010]. All changes (additions, corrections and etc.) are rossijsk) are D. sareptanum Kraatz, 1873, and only one underlined. Moreover, all of them are regularly pub- female designated as type although not mentioned in the lished and updated in http://cerambycidae.net/. original description is D. cinerarium (Fabricius, 1787). Con- senquently, Danilevsky et al. [2005] established the synony- 1. PAGES 11 AND 13 my of D. sareptanum euxinum Suvorov and D. kubanicum The text of DISTRIBUTIONAL INFORMATION for Plavilstshikov, 1934. A study of the available syntypes of Europe [P.11] in the present Vol. 6 is just same as in other D. euxinum (housed in ZIN, Saint-Petersburg) revealed that volumes 15, but eastern boundaries of Europe in the map they are all males of D. cinerarium. One of them is designated [P.13] are considerably changed. Before, the total territories of by Lazarev [in press] as lectotype. Thus, D. cinerarium Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk regions (eastwards from Urals) (Fabricius) = D. euxinum Suvorov, and D. sareptanum ku- were in Europe CT, as well as the whole Orenburg region banicum Plavilstshikov is a valid name. The name D. euxinum ST. But now the eastern boundaries of Europe are marked was published as a synonym of D. cinerarium [Plavilstshik- along the main ridge of the Ural Mountains and along Ural ov, 1931: 64; 1958a: 118]. river. So, now Ekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk regions are MUST BE: mostly (but not totally!) in Asia WS, as well as the eastern Dorcadion sareptanum euxinum Suvorov, 1915: Ac- part of Orenburg region (eastwards Ural River) WS. The cording to Plavilstshikov [1958a: 181] the male-syntypes of attribution of the south part of Orenburg region (southwards Dorcadion euxinum Suvorov, 1915 (described from Novo- Ural River with several endemic taxa) is not clear in the Vol. 6. rossijsk) are D. sareptanum Kraatz, 1873, and at least one As far as I know most of authors (including me) were not type-female is D. cinerarium (Fabricius, 1787). Consequent- informed on such modification. My distributional data in ly, Danilevsky et al. [2005] established the synonymy of D. Vol. 6 were arranged in agreement with eastern boundaries of sareptanum euxinum Suvorov and D. kubanicum Plavilst- Europe shown in the maps for volumes 15: with Ekaterin- shikov, 1934. In fact D. euxinum was described on the base of burg and Chelyabinsk regions in Europe CT, as well as the a single male, and that holotype was studied by Plavilstshik- whole Orenburg region ST. ov [1958a], but recently (2009) was not found. Two available females (ZIN designated as male and female) are wrongly 2. PAGE 42 designated by Suvorov as types of his D. euxinum, as both are PRINTED: not mentioned in the original description. The female desig- Microarthron komarowi (Dohrn, 1885): the original
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