Worcester Polytechnic Institute DigitalCommons@WPI Newspeak All Issues Newspeak 2-24-1987 Newspeak Volume 15, Issue 06, February 24, 1987 The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/newspeak Recommended Citation The tudeS nts of Worcester Polytechnic Institute, "Newspeak Volume 15, Issue 06, February 24, 1987" (1987). Newspeak All Issues. Book 335. http://digitalcommons.wpi.edu/newspeak/335 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspeak at DigitalCommons@WPI. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspeak All Issues by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@WPI. Review Comedy Connects at Harrington by Mark Osborne .Vew.,/Fea•ures Edtlor Friday mght v. itnco,sed three top regional ed to be more popular than Donovan, whtch comedian~ from Boston's "Comedy Conn~:~:­ was no 'mall feat tion" nightclub - Mike Dono\an, Don Hi' uct wa' -;omewhat reminiscent of Gavin, and Kevan Meany. I·or two hours, in­ George Carlin, as he commented on terspersed with bur\1~ of gallov.s humor humorou~ everyday situations. from hosts Bob and 7ap from WAAF, they One noteworthy segment dealt with shop­ kept the small Horrineton crowd in varying ping at Bradlees ... "It's not that you're degrees of stitche!>, ~hopping there, it's the fear that you111ook The show started 22 minutes late, which. up and see -;omeone you know." though somewhat annoying, proved to be a After a lengthy "public-service" message small price to pay for the first act, Mike on toilet-seat covers, Gavin wound up his Donovan. pan of the program to a well-deserved heany Bob and Zip ~tarted thing!. off with these round or applause. two gems: I) "We're not comedians, but we Kevin Meany, the best knov.n of the three play them on radio;" and 2) ..Did ya hear the performers, proved to be rather disappom­ one about the polish fo)( - he chewed orr nng. Winner of the Star Search, OJld appear 3 legs and was still caught in a trap." !Hal ing on Saturday NiRhl Ll\'t, Meany never got Ha? Ha.J his act rolling. Mike Donovan's forte lied in impenona­ He tried to use a Dangerfieldesquc one· tions, which included Yin Scully, Joe liner throughout the show, "l t'l> tho'e tight Garagiola, Sherm Feller, and Johnny Most pants," v. hich did not get a pan icularly warm (.. When it comes to objectivity, he's Johnn) audience reaction. Least"), among other~. He did have a few memorable moments. Other memorable moments were lines ~uch however. One liners like, "Peoples f.\press as ... "I'm working at Burger King, and the a~ks for mone) for gas before you take off." manager asks, 'Can't you move a little Closme out the show was Meany•., mo~t faster?' I turn to him and say, 'You're pay­ popular segmem, a lip-synched performance Bob and Zip emcee the Comedy ing me S3.25 an hour. and minimum wage of"We are the World," with the appropriate Connection. equal$ minimum effort.' " facta! contorttons dependmg on the recor­ Don Ga,•in puts on the best stand up Don Ga\in, the second comedian, prov- ding artist. routine for the nigltt. The atudent newapaper of Worcester Polytechnic ~nstltute Volume 15, Number 6 Tuesday, February 24, 1987 Gompei's: Who's Running Calendar Changes Announced From: Dean William R Grogan to J/14, there would still be a three-week the Show? To: The Students, faculty and winter break, ( 12/22 1/14). The week of b,v Michael Barone and Bob Ve:1s Admintstration January 4 would be available for those make- Re: (a) Calender Change for Next Term up Competency Examinations that cannot be Gompei's Place is presently I he only form TV, and moving the Game Room into the (Term D87) accommodated m the fall and spring breaks. of student center (excluding "The Wedge") back room of Gompei's Place. The~c idea' lb) Calender Change for the Next Special interest trips. the remaining lnterses- on the WPI campus. Unfortunately, \lnce its seem fea'>ible, but they have not generated Academic Year, 1987-88 sion acrivity with continuing appeal can be opening, a masshe debt has accumulated. the d~ired chentelc. Titc latest idea take.' the (a) I MPORTA~T l'iOTlCEI Clas,es tor scheduled and held the week of January 4 When Gompei's Place was an alcohohc bar. form of Gornpei's Ad\bor) Board (GAR). Term D thi pring will start on Monda)', or during the break in March (which would it was known as the Goat's Head Pub, and GAB'" the newest Soccomm subcommit­ March l3 ln~t~d of T uesda), March l4 as remain at two weeh). it "made a profit e\'ery year" (accordang to tee. Soccomm developed GAB to come up previously listed. This will allow cla!>~es to With das!>h ending on May 6. A<;si-;tant Dean of Students Barry Pil~on) . with new tdcas to auract faculty and 'tutlent~ end on l·riday, May 8 instead of Monda)', underclassmen would have a more com­ During happy hours the Pub y,as packed to Gompci\ place. The threc groups wuh in· May II. 1 hursday and Friday, March 19 & -petitive start for summer employment. wtth a ~tanding-room-only crowd. Those tere\t in Gompci's Pla~-e . Soccomm. Dean of 20 will be available for Term D course Graduation would be May 21, ahead of days are now gone. Present!) Gompei's Place Student~ Office, unr.J Gompci's managcm~nl, changes. Memorial weekend. Summef term would be seem~> to be a fiasco. Among few cu~tomer~. all ackno,.,ll!dge GAB. Ho" c\ct. there ~cem (b) With the distribution requirements an moved ahead ending July 13, thus making tncompctence In all levels of management, to be daffercnce~ ol opinion regarding the alternative to the Competency Exam, the it more convement for many faculty and stu­ tension between Gompei's Place manage­ funcuon of GAB. number toktng the Examination campu~- dent participants. ment and Soccomm, and finance~ that are Ste,en Hall, an acthe member ol .Soc ,,;de dropped from 419 in January '86to 194 Accordingly, the spring 1988 CaJenchtr will a nightmare. Gompet'~ place i~ apparently command lormer ~;hauman, l1..'1!h that GAB m Januar) '87. This includes 23 repeats and be re\ised as tollows: fading into obli\ ion. \\auld \Oive Gompd's attendance problems 6 in Ph)51CS, so the number that m1ght be Spring Enrollment January II • 13 First It all 'tarted in the summer of 198S, \\hen and an\w er student need:.. ~uch a the for expected next January would appear to be Day of Class Term C January 14 Last Day liabtlit) insurance rate' ~k) rocketed. p, en ma11on of a nC\\ tudent center. He add~ th 1 about 15 • 20. The calendar nov. in the of Clas10 Term C March J (lwo-week break) though \\PI is \\ell off finanoalh and hn~ an} ~tudcm can sll on GAB. but fir t "he she Catalog llTO\tdes a four-week break between First Day of Ch1~s Term D ~tarch 21 L_ast had lew need' for its Jiabtlit) tn~urance. 11~ mu\t jom Soccornm." AI o he stated "GAB the end ot Term R (12/!2) and the fiN da~ Da) ol Cia~~ Term D May 6 Graduauon rates al\o ~ k) rocketed. In Novembc1 uf that \\all gel Rulph I rorto out of the pa\:ture ' ol ctassc~ Term C (1121). The pro~pect of May 21 Summer l'errn Enrollment May 23 )Car. The Board ot Tru~tee~ decadcd 11 umld Barry Pit~tlll, A SISIIllll Dc:-an or Student • reducing the break to three v.ecks und 1110\- 1 aM Dn) or CIU\\ Ter Ill E July 13 not pa~ thc~c rates. Thi~ !a~:t comhined wuh feels that (11\B ~houh.l be cornprN'<l ol n lc'' mg the entire spring calendar fon,or_d 'lhcrc will be no changes in the 19~7 one fa_ll the It"~ of the liquor license and the raising So~:comm memhcrs, a fe\\ Gompci's Plac v.~ck ha\ been studied and revtcwt:d v.tth the calendar. Amcntl..:d l."alendm material wall of thl' drinking age dosed the Pub UO\\Il. employec5, but muanl} \\PI student be J>rcstdcnt's h:ecuti\e Staff and the Commit· shortly available for an~ertion in ) our \\'hen the Pub clo-.ed, many pc 1plc wed that recruucd from ads placed 10 Ne""peak Mr tee on Academac Policy. ~atalog. the onlv student center "a~ gone. Howe\cr. Pil~on says "GAU '' alltnke care of mo t ol Wath the start of classes moved lrom 1/21 their cr;es were heard and O\er ltfteen thou­ the ud,crti ement for Gompet's, and ea e ~and dollars was raised (five thousand from some of the burden of Gompe1's on So \\'PI President John S1raus-; and five thou comm." He nl!.o adds that GAB "•II gt.:l ,and from occomm) to remodel the Pub tn· thtng5 gomg for Gompet's Place. Mr J>ttson to a ~nack bar and student center Wuh its has nil hts fntth plu:ed m GAB ncy, took came a new name, "G,,mpet'~ Ralph I rotto's \ 1ew of GARb that 11 "111 Place.'' be tn charge or ull planmng lor <Jompct\ When Gompei'~ Place fir,t opL•ncd there even b.
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