Saint Gertrude Parish A Pennsylvania Charitable Trust 303 Franklin Ave • Vandergrift, Pennsylvania 15690 June 27, 2021 The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Fr. James Loew, O.S.B. Pastor, (724) 568-2331 Fax: (724) 568-2030 Fr. Michael J. Sciberras Senior Priest Active Sr. Lilly Aseervatham, S.M.I., [email protected] Pastoral Minister Katie Tylinski (724) 212-6740 Regional Director of Faith Formation [email protected] Mr. James Peterman (724) 568-2331 or (724) 845-8191. Baptisms by appointment. Baptismal preparation is necessary. Call for classes Marriage Arrangements must be made at least 8 months in advance. No marriage dates will be given until meeting with the priest and all prep- aration is ready. Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil 4:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. Pastoral Council Mission Statement See Bulletin for daily Mass Schedule We, the partnered parish communities of St. Gertrude and Christ the King, are faith-filled Catholics who have been called by our Baptism and empowered by Holy Day Mass Schedule the Good News of Jesus Christ to be Church for all. Although made up of multi- cultural faith communities we are ever united by our common faith. Holy Day ~ 8:30am, 6:00 pm We are committed to “building up the Body of Christ” through Word, Worship, Evangelization, Leadership, Service, Stewardship, and Fellowship. Dedicated to deepening our love of Christ and one another, together we strive to become a Office Hours living reflection of Christ for our region. Monday-Thursday 9:00 am - 4:00 We willingly accept our obligation to be the “Light of the World” for others and in that spirit we promise to use our resources to practice gospel justice, to heal Friday– Closed divisive wounds among God’s People and to join with all people of good will in Confessions Saturday ~ 3:15-3:45 addressing the spiritual and physical needs of all. pm or by Appointment ST. GERTRUDE First Reading Second Reading touched my clothes?” But his disci- Wis 1:13-15; 2:23-24 2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13-15 ples said to Jesus, “You see how the crowd is pressing upon you, God did not make death, nor does Brothers and sisters: As you excel and yet you ask, ‘Who touched he rejoice in the destruction of in every respect, in faith, dis- me?’” And he looked around to see the living. For he fashioned all course, knowledge, all earnest- who had done it. The woman, real- things that they might have being; ness, and in the love we have for izing wat had happened to her, and the creatures of the world are you, may you excel in this gracious approached in fear and trembling. wholesome, and there is not a de- act also. For you know the gra- She fell down before Jesus and told structive drug among them nor any cious act of our Lord Jesus Christ, him the whole truth. He said to domain of the netherworld on that though he was rich, for your her, Daughter, your faith has earth,for justice is undying. For sake he became poor, so that by saved you. Go in peace and be God formed man to be imperisha- his poverty you might become rich. cured of your affliction.” While he ble; the image of his own nature Not that others should have relief was still speaking, people from the he made him. But by the envy of while you are burdened, but that synagogue official’s house arrived the devil, death entered the as a matter of equality your abun- and said, “Your daughter has died; world, and they who belong to his dance at the present time should why trouble the teacher any long- company experience it. supply their needs, so that their er?” Disregarding the message abundance may also supply your that was reported, Jesus said to Responsorial Psalm needs, that there may be equality. the synagogue official, “Do not 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11, 12, 13 As it is written: Whoever had be afraid; just have faith.” He much did not have more, R. (2a) I will praise you, Lord, for and whoever had little did not did not allow anyone to ac- you have rescued me. have less. company him inside except Peter, James, and John, the I will extol you, O LORD, for you Gospel brother of James. When they drew me clear and did not let my Mk 5:21-43 or 5:21-24, 35b-43 arrived at the house of the enemies rejoice over me. O LORD, you brought me up from the neth- When Jesus had crossed again in synagogue official, he caught erworld; you preserved me from the boat to the other side, a large sight of a commotion, people among those going down into the crowd gathered around him, and weeping and wailing loudly. pit. he stayed close to the sea. One of So he went in and said to the synagogue officials, named them, “Why this commotion R. I will praise you, Lord, for you Jairus, came forward. Seeing him have rescued me. he fell at his feet and pleaded ear- and weeping? The child is not nestly with him, saying, “My dead but asleep.” And they Sing praise to the LORD, you his daughter is at the point of death. ridiculed him. Then he put faithful ones, and give thanks to Please, come lay your hands on her them all out. He took along his holy name. that she may get well and live.” the child’s father and mother For his anger lasts but a mo- He went off with him, and a large ment; a lifetime, his good will. At crowd followed him and pressed and those who were with him nightfall, weeping enters in, but upon him. There was a woman af- and entered the room where the with the dawn, rejoicing. flicted with hemorrhages for child was. He took the child by the twelve years. She had suffered hand and said to her, “Talitha R. I will praise you, Lord, for you greatly at the hands of many doc- koum,” which means, “Little girl, I have rescued me. tors and had spent all that she say to you, arise!” The girl, a child had. Yet she was not helped but of twelve, arose immediately and Hear, O LORD, and have pity on only grew worse. She had heard walked around. At that they were me; O LORD, be my helper. You about Jesus and came up behind utterly astounded. He gave strict changed my mourning into danc- him in the crowd and touched his orders that no one should know ing; O LORD, my God, forever will I cloak. She said, “If I but touch his this and said that she should be give you thanks. clothes, I shall be cured.” Immedi- given something to eat. ately her flow of blood dried up. R. I will praise you, Lord, for you She felt in her body that she was have rescued me. healed of her affliction. Jesus, aware at once that power had gone out from him, turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who has The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 27, 2021 Collection Totals for June Greensburg the opportunity to pathways. Financial assistance 19th & 20th support the Missions Office and is available from the Francis its ministries. COVID-19 greatly Fund. For information or to ap- Envelopes ~ $4,304.00 affected the ability to engage ply for a scholarship visit Loose ~ $362.00 in missionary activity and a tid- www.dioceseofgreensburg.org/ Utilities $207.00 al wave of need is approaching. francisfund. Church Restoration ~ $10.00 This includes the work of the Diocese of Greensburg to aid Support the 2021 Missions of Home Missions appeal our sister Diocese of Sicuani, Faith Appeal Peru. Help can be provided by Envelopes ~ $210 supporting the 2021 Missions of The 2021 Missions of Faith Ap- Loose ~ $365.00 Faith Appeal. Every human be- peal is offering parishioners ing needs to experience Christ’s throughout the Diocese of Second Collection Peters Pence message of love and mercy. To- Greensburg the opportunity to day you can support that mis- support the Mission Office and Today is the Peter’s Pence collec- its ministries. COVID-19 greatly tion, a worldwide collection that sion by donating to the 2021 Missions of Faith Appeal. Visit affected the ability to engage supports the work of the Universal in missionary activity. Help Church, including the work of the www.DioceseofGreensburg.org/ support the tidal wave of need Holy See and the charitable works Missions. of Pope Francis. Take this oppor- approaching after the COVID- tunity to join with Pope Francis Sauce Sale 19 pandemic. Every human be- and be a sign of mercy to our suf- ing needs to experience fering brothers and sisters. Please St. Gertrude Church Spaghetti Christ’s message of love and be generous today. For more in- Sauce and Meatball Sale Items mercy. Today you can support formation, visit are frozen for your take-home that mission by donating to the www.peterspence.va/en/html. enjoyment and convenience. 2021 Missions of Faith Appeal. Sauce and meatballs will be Visit Knights of Columbus Council sold following Masses on Satur- www.DioceseofGreensburg.org 6715 day,June 26th & Sunday, June /Missions. 27. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Westmoreland County Pathways registration open for Food Pantry, helpers needed! The Knights of Columbus Coun- 2021-2022 cil 6715 are currently in need Food distribution on Friday, of men and women volunteers Registration is open for Path- July 2nd at St.
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