COMING IN THE NEXT ISSUE Victoria Padilla is recognized as an expert on bromeliads. She will share her knowledge with readers in the OctoberlNovember issue when she writes about their history and development as popular house plants. In addition, look for George Taloumis' article on a charming Savannah townhouse garden and an article on new poinsettia varieties by another expert, Paul Ecke. Roger D. Way will write about new apple varieties and Mrs. Ralph Cannon will offer her G: hoices for hardy plants for damp soils. And last but not least, look for a staff article on money-saving ideas for the garden. We've canvassed over 100 gardeners for their best tips. All this and more in the next issue of American Horticulturist. Illustration by Vi rgini a Daley .- VOLUME 59 NUMBER 4 Judy Powell EDITO R Rebecca McClimans ART DIRECTOR Pam Geick PRODUCTION ASS ISTANT Steven H . Davis Jane Steffey ED ITO RI AL ASS ISTANTS H . Marc Cath ey Gi lbert S. Da ni els Donald Wyman H ORTICULTURAL CONSULTANTS Gil bert S. Daniels BOOK EDITOR Page 28 Page 24 May Lin Roscoe BUSINESS MA AGER Dorothy Sowerby EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FEATURES COORDINATOR Broad-leaved Evergreens 16 Judy Canady MEMBERSH IP/SUBSCRIPTI O N Text and Photograph y by Donald Wyman SERVICE Padua 18 Ci nd y Weakland Text and Photography by David W. Lee ASS IST ANT TO THE EDITOR John Si mm ons Bulbs That Last and Last 23 PRODUCTION C OORDINATIO N Isabel Zucker Chro magraphics In c. Plant Propagation-The Future is Here 24 COLOR SEPARATI ONS Chiko Haramaki and Charles Heuser C. Lynn Coy Associates In c. 220 East 54th Sneet Hardy Cyclamens 27 New York, N Y 10022 (212) 751-2960 Text and Photography by Pamela Harper ADVE RTISING REPRESENTATIVE Summer Meadows 28 Replacement Issues of AMERICAN Text and Photography by Martha Prince H ORTICULTURIST a re ava il able at a cost of $2.50 per copy. The opinions expressed in the articl es COLUMNS whi ch appea r in AMERICAN H O RTI CU LTURIST are those of th e President's Page 3 autho rs and are not necessa ri Iy those of Gilbert S. Daniels the Society. They are presented as contributions to contem po ra ry thought. Seasonable Reminders: Herbs Are for Beauty 4 Manuscripts, a rt work and photographs Elisabeth Morss se nt for possible publica ti on will be returned if they are accompa ni ed by a The Indoor Gardener: Potting Soils and Potting Plants­ sel f- addressed, stamped enve lope. What You Need to Know for Success 6 AMERICAN H O RTICULTURIST is the Jane Price McKinnon o ffi cial publicati o n of The American Strange Relatives: The Madder Family 12 H orti cultural Society, 793 1 East Boulevard Drive, Alexandria, Virginia Jane Steffey 22308, (703) 768-5700, and is iss ued in Contributors 14 February, April, June, Augu st, Octo ber and December. Membership in th e Seasonable Reminders: Mulches 34 Society automati call y includes a David F. Hamilton subscription to AMERICAN HORTICULTURIST. Membership dues Pronunciation Guide 43 start at $20.00 a year, $12.00 of whi ch is design ated fo r AMERICAN Gardener's Marketplace 44 HORTICULTURIST. Copyright © 1980 by The American Horticultural Society. ISS N 0096-44] 7. Second-class postage paid at Alexandria, Virginia and at additio nal mailing offices. Postmaster: Pl ease se nd Form 3579 to AMERICAN HORTIC ULTURIST, Mount Vern on, Virginia 22121. ON THE COVER: Cyclamen hederifolium photographed in Virginia (Zone 8). Read Member of Society of Natio nal more about hardy cyclamens in Pamela Harper's article beginning on page 27. Photo­ Association Publications graph by Pamela Harper. American Horticulturist 1 • Indicate selections desired on coupon below and mail today! , < ". Red Fire Tulips. Giant fire-red Darwin Drumstick Allium. Giant ball·shaped ~~ Paperwhite Narcissus. Clusters of beautiful pure Hybrid tulips on stems 24" tall. Bloom flower heads of reddish purple on stem s ~~~~ white star·shaped flowers. Superior house plant in Apr.·May . only 2 ft. tall. ~, > pebbles and water. Very fragrant long lasting bloom s. # 4902-8/ $1.00; #4903'-24/$2.50 # 4926-10/ $1.00; # 4927-30/ $2.50 ~ # 4956-4/ $1.00; #4957-12/ $2.50 Early Snow Crocus. Early bunch·flow­ Red Queen Daffodils. Ruffled white Sweet Gardenia Daffodils. Dainty white Gardenia · ering crocu s. Mixed colors of yellow, pur· overlapping petals with large orange·red (») like double daffodils with lovely fragrance. Very un · pie, orange . crown . Very striking blooms. - - usual cluster flowers for your garden. # 4900- 8/$1.00; # 4901-24/$2.50 # 4948-6/ $1.00; # 4949-18/ $2.50 ® #4944-5/ $1.00; #4945-15/ $2.50 Glory of the Snow. (Chionodoxa ). Sky Dwarf Dutch Iris. (Reticulata). Sweet Fill out and mail coupon today! blue flowers with white centers, for nat· scented early blooming miniatures. Mul· uralizing. tiply, for naturalizing. # 4904-8/ $1.00; # 4905-24/ $2.50 # 4928-6/$1.00; # 4929-18/$2.50 The Love Tulip. (Marjoletti). Lovely Cardinal Tulips. (Eichleri). Flaming cream ·white with soft pink stripe. Late cardinal·red tulip in waves of green foli· Please send me the items May, 16" tall. age . Low beds, borders. # 4906-8/$1.00; # 4907-24/ $2.50 # 4930-8/ $1.00; # 4931-24/ $2.50 I have checked below. Grape Hyacinths. (Muscari ). Blue flow· Star of Bethlehem. (Ornithogalum) . Amt. Ene!. $ ______ ers in grape·like clusters for naturaliz­ Mass of white star·flowers 6" tall. Mul · ing. Apr.-May . tiply, for naturalizing. Check Items Desired # 4908-10/ $1.00; # 4909-30/ $2.50 #4932-10/ $1.00; # 4933-30/ $2.50 R. Fire Tulips Gi. Hyacinths Parrot Tulips D 4902·8/$1.00 D 4920-3/ $1.00 D 4938-4/ $1.00 Harlequin Flowers. (Sparaxi s). A gay Peacock Tulips. Showy full·open tu· D 4903·24/ $2.50 D 4921·9/ $2.50 D 4939·12/ $2.50 mixture of carnival colors 8" tall. Ideal lips. Bright colors and bold markings, Snow Crocus Giant Daffs W. Aconite pot plant. striped foliage . Unu sual. D 4900·8/ $1.00 D 4922-6/ $1.00 n 4940·12/$1.00 #4954-12/ $1.00; # 4955-36/ $2.50 #4934- 6/ $1.00; #4935-18/$2.50 D 4901·24/$2.50 D 4923·18/ $2.50 D 4941·36/ $2.50 Glory of Snow Bouquet Tulips Woo Hyacinths White Snowdrops. (Galanthu s). Charm­ Waterlily Tulips. Low growing tulips o 4904·8/$1.00 D 4924·6/ $1.00 D 4942·6/ $1.00 of cream·yellow with bright rose·red ing small bell·like flowers in abundance . D 4905·24/ $2.50 D 4925·18/ $2.50 D 4943-18/ $2.50 markings. Feb.·Mar. blooms. Love Tulip Drum Allium Sib. Squill # 4912-6/ $1.00; #4913-18/ $2.50 ~ # 4936-10/ $1.00; #4937-30/ $2 .50 o 4906·8/ $1.00 D 4926·10/$1.00 0 4946·8/ $1.00 D 4907·24/ $2.50 D 4927·30/ $2.50 D 4947·24/$2.50 Parrot Tulips. Mi xed colors. Large Star Flowers. (Triteleia). Abundant low· Gr. Hyacinths Red Q. Daffs Gold Jonquils flowers with exotic shapes , colors and growing sweet scented pale lilac flow­ o 4908·10/$1.00 D 4948-6/ $1.00 n 4950-4/ $1.00 ers for rockgardens. designs. Bloom in May . D 4909·30/ $2.50 D 4949·18/ $2.50 D 4951·12/ $2 .50 #4914- 20/ $1.00; #4915-60/ $2 .50 r:~/I #4938-4/ $1.00; # 4939-12/$2 .50 Harlequin FI. Of. Dutch Iris B. Lilybells 4928·6/ $1.00 Winter Aconite. (Eranthis). Golden D 4954·12/$1.00 D n 4952·15/ $1.00 Blue Mt. Lilies. (Ixiolirion). Hardy D 4955·36/ $2.50 D 4929·18/ $2.50 D 4953-45/$2.50 clusters of sky·blue lily·like blooms 15" yellow buttercup·like flowers Feb. , Mar., Wat'lily Tulips Cardinal Tulips H. Cyclamen tall in June . Apr. Only 3·6" tall. 4930·8/ $1.00 #4940-12/ $1.00; # 4941-36/ $2 .50 D 4912·6/ $1.00 0 0 4958·2/ $1.00 # 4916-8/ $1.00; #4917-24/ $2.50 W D 4913-18/$2.50 D 4931·24/ $2.50 D 4959-6/$2.50 (Blanda). A color· Wood Hyacinths. (S . Campanulata). Star Flowers S. Bethlehem Paperwhite N. Hardy Anemones. 4932·10/ $1.00 4956·4/ $1.00 mix of star-shaped blue, pink, white Clusters of bell·shaped flowers. Mixed D 4914·20/ $1.00 D n D 4915·60/ $2.50 D 4933·30/ $2.50 4957·12/$2.50 flowers in early spring. colors of pink, white, blue . D # 4918-6/ $1.00; # 4919-18/ $2.50 # 4942-6/ $1.00; # 4943-18/ $2.50 B. Mt. Lilies Peacock Tulips Gardenia Daff D 4916-8/ $1.00 D 4934-6/$1.00 0 4944·5/ $1.00 I·:.. .. ~' 4917·24/ $2.50 4935-18/$2.50 4945·15/ $2.50 Giant Hyacinths. Mixed colors of vivid Siberian Squill. (S . Siberica). A mass D D D reds , blues, yellows, pinks, whites. Fra · of low growing sky·blue flowers only 6" H. Anemones W. Snowdrops ~~j grant 10" blooms. tall. Bloom Mar.·Apr. D 4918·6/ $1.00 n 4936·10/ $1.00 4937-30/ $2.50 '''~r·JI # 4920-3/ $1.00; # 4921-9/ $2.50 # 4946-8/ $1.00; #4947-24/ $2.50 D 4919·18/ $2.50 D N.Y. Residents Add Sales Tax Giant Daffodils. Large yellow trumpet Golden Jonquils. (Lobularis). Daffodil· daffodils for gorgeou s spring beauty.
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