V. 27. No 533 MARCH. 195' EDITOR: F .J,CAMM IN THIS ISSUE New Przcc,cal Wireless ' `n:i3rt H P t , r 11 i. rSte r "urce Oscillator www.americanradiohistory.com if PRACTICAL WIRELESS March, 1951 / A new Super lightweight pickup J ' -'¡S-`6$,// --â-:__ > WITH 11' THE The finest pickup on the market at a competitive price OSMOR R^ with interchangeable heads `Q` COILPACKS Green Spot for microgroove recordings * A Battery SUPERHET and T.R.F. Red Spot for modern standard recordings Superhet model is available for mod- The OSMOR " Q " Coilpack Yellow Spot for older standard recordings ernization of Type does not " whistle while it These pickup heads are fitted with an easily 18 receivers, see works " but gives you perfect replaceable armature system complete with a iemi- permanent page 128 of this performance in every way. sapphire. Downward pressure issue. And 10 -12 grams for standard recordings, and 5 -7 it saves time, money and hours £rams for microgroove recordings of wasted effort puzzling over complicated wiring Prices : With one Head £4 0 0 plus £ 114 8 Purchase Tax circuits. Just 5 connections, 5 minutes' work and the Extra Heads each £2 IO 0 plus £1 18 Purchase Tax job is done -and well done ! Spare Armature System with sapphire 14/8 including Tax Send stamp for FREE new circuits, lists of Coils, Coil - Telephone : packs, Dials and all Radio Components, etc. Hipperholme * New wavelength scales for Type A dials, 81- each. 6 9 1 6 9 OSMOR RADIO PRODUCTS, LTD. (Dept. Pf0), Manufactured ty CON"ZPRODUCT BRIDGE VIEW WORKS, BOROUGH HILL, CROYDON, SURREY A. R. SUGDEN & CO. (ENGINEERS) LTD. Telephone : CItuÏDON 1280. WELL GREEN LANE BRIGHOUSE YORKS. The Solder which is recommended for the View Master CONSTRUCTOR and other UNIVERSAL 8 WATT OUTPUT Television Kits TRANSFORMERS-T98---T99 No constructors' work bench is complete without one of these truly amazing output Transformers. Their universal character- As recommended by the designer, use only ERSIN istics enable them to be used in a wide range of c'rcuits. Covers MULTICORE SOLDER-the Solder wire con- any ratio from 11 : 1 to 105 : 1-the ideal component for all experi mental work. TYPE T98 for single ended valves taining 3 cores of non -corrosive. Ersin Flux. 60 ft. TYPE TBB for push -pull. The superior design and RETAIL PRICE of 18 S.W.G. High Tin Television and Radio high quality of Gardners Transformers ensure better home. construction. 211 Solder, 60/40 alloy, is contained in Size 1 Cartons, Fully descriptive literature on Somerford end iARRIAGE Cat. Red C.16018. Price 5- retail. Minlford Components will be sent upon request. PAID r t Obtainable frein all leading radio shops. In case of diffculeiy write to : GARDHERS2AD9Í MULTICOPE SOLDERS LTD. SOMERFORD, CHRISTCHURCH, HANTS sewer U..ire, Albemarle Street, London, W.I. REGent 141: Phone : CHRISTCHURCH 1025. www.americanradiohistory.com March, 1951 PRACTICAL WIRELESS 97 THE NEW 1355 CONVERSION ! SOUND, VISION, TIME BASES, POWER PACK and Vo1F.ESODERGUNS SPEAKER on One 1355 Chassis. Data for London or Bir- OFFSTRAIGHT EASY. mingham, 3/ -. GRIP HANDLE 1355's in original maker's cases, 55/ -, PERFECT CONTROL ACCUMULATORS. QUICKER HEAT UP Brand New, multiplate, in non -spillable celluloid cases LOCALISED HEAT measuring 3 #in. x l }in. x 4in. 7AH, 2v. ONLY 5/11. SELF -ENERGISED HANDSETS. Standard P.O. type rom LOW CURRENT handsets which require no batteries. Just join them CONSUMPTION with twin leads and speak ! OUR PRICE 12/6 pair. RECEIVER 18 with 4 battery valves, covering 6 -9 me /s. MAINTAINS CORRECT " As New." 17/6. Complete with batteries, 'phones HEAT and circuit, 27/6. H.T. BATTERIES. 94v., 5/6 each. A MODEL FOR EVERY AMPLIFIER 1135A with EF39, EK32 and EL32, and PURPOSE our " 10 min. conversion " data and circuit. 15/ -. RECEIVER 21 covering 4.2 -7.5 and 18 -31 n1c /s, and complete with 9 valves, BFO and interference sup- pressor ; these have slightly damaged knob spindles. ONLY 27/6. TRANSMITTER 21. Designed to operate with the above receiver (same frequencies), these will send CW, MCW or speech. Complete with control box key, valves and circuits, the PA coils and relays have Obtainable from all leading tool been removed by the Ministry of Supply but may easily merchants and factors. Write for be replaced. 25/ -. VIBRATOR PACK 21. The remaining section the FREE technical literature of illustrated W/S 21, this, delivering approx. 150 v. at 40 mA, will supply the above receiver and transmitter, the three WOLF ELECTRIC TOOLS LTD., units being mounted behind the Tx panel and forming HANGER LANE, LONDON, W.5. a very fine station. 1516. Store soiled, 7/6. Ego RADIO EXCHANGE CO. BEDFóDW ne R 55fí8 This Figures G2AK Ba ñs'S G2AK H.T. BATTERIES. 120 volt, standard size and tappings. Not Talk! old stock. Special price, 716 each, plus II- post. RECEIVERS TYPE I8.-Cover 6 -9 mcls, and are for battery operation. New condition. Only 1716 each. MOVING COIL HEADPHONES with moving coil hand microphone. Price 61-, Transformer to suit, 21-. Model . 103 VIBRATOR PACKS. -6 volt input. Output 180 volt 50 mA., Stages of i.F. 2 fully smoothed. Price 1916, plu; post 116. Selectivity better than (kcls) ... 7 ohm. TWIN RIBBON FEEDER. -Heavy duty 300 Sd. per Stages of A.V.C. 3 yd. Standard K25 300 ohm. ribbon, 9d. per yd. Co -Ax. cable, No. of Valves 10 !. in. dia., 70 ohm., Bd. per yd. lin.. dia., II- per yd. Post on feeder and cable, 116, any length. No. of Wave Bands 3 CONDENSERS.-.0I, 5,000v., 116; .02, 13,000v., 21 -; .01, 116 ; 2,500v., 116. 4,000v., .03, ADDING UP TO ONLY 19 Gns. POTENTIOMETERS. -5 watt wire -wound .20 k., 25 k., 50 on 21.. 500 ohm and' 2,000 ohm watt wire -wound 3in. No other radio chassis offers all that the Armstrong RF. 103 so Ceramic former, 316 each. Carbon Type Potentiometers, efficiently provides at such a low cost. .50 k., 100 k., 1 meg., 2 meg., 116. OTHER ARMSTRONG CHASSIS TEST METER. -7 ranges as follows : I.Sv., 3v., 150v., Model EXP. 83/3. An eight -stage all -wave radiogram chassis is 6 mA., 60 mA., 5;000 ohms, 25,000 ohms, 23in. dia. scale M.C. designed to provide ouality radio and record reproduction for the meter. Rotary selector switch. Black bakelite case, 6in. x " not-so- rich." £15.8.8. Plus P. Tax. 4 :in. x 4lin., fitted with removable lid, also provision for Model 125'2. The " Armstrong " triumph-a 14 -valve all-wave internal batteries. Ranges can be extended very easily. radiogram chassis with short wave bands down to 10.9 metres. Bargain price, 251 -, plus 116 post. The chassis for the man who wants the best. *115.12.0. Plus P. Tax. ARMSTRONG TELEVISION -MODEL TV.20. A wide -range 21 -valve instrument incorporating a 12ín. C.R. Tube. £52.10.0. Please print your name and address. Plus P. Tax. Write now for full Information. CHAS. H. YOUNG, G2AK All Callers to 110 Dale End, Birmingham CENTRAL 1635 THE CHASSIS PEOPLE Mail Orders to 102 Holloway Head, Birmingham Armstrong Wireless & Television Co.. Ltd.. Warlters Road, MIDLAND 3254 Holloway, London, N.7. Tel.: NORth 3213. Sole Birmingham Agent : Hayes Company, 1, Alcester Road, Birmingham, 13. www.americanradiohistory.com 98 PRACTICAL WIRELESS March, 1951 GOOD NEWS for the discriminating gramophone enthusiast! - GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF- ROTHERMEL CRYSTAL PICK -UPS To bring the more expensive models within the reach of Rothermel the most slender purse, Crystal Pick -ups have been greatly reduced in price. Now. the superb performance of these high -class instruments can be enjoyed by all. SENIOR MODEL (This price reduction came into force on January Ist. 1950.) This bas a handsome bakellte tone arm with onset bead to facilitate tracking. This pick -up CONCERNING CRYSTALS gives ROCHELLE a superb performance. Old price, including Salt Crystals lend themselves admirably for use in the Tax, -. construction Purchase 65/ of High Fidelity Electrical Pick -ups. The chief characteristics of these instruments NEW PRICE 28/- are clearness of attack and extreme sensitivity, giving Purchase Tax 12/6 direct a large output voltage for connection to the domestic Radio Receiver. The Pick -up Cartridge con- sists of a bimorph crystal element coupled to.a light stylus chuck. Due to the flexibility of the crystal, very little mechanical damping is required, element resulting in an having excellent characteristics with a rising low frequency response to compensate for recording deficiencies. JEWEL TIPPED NEEDLES These give hundreds of playings MODEL S.8 and improve reproduction with negligible wear on records. Straight. Trailer and The well-keown popular Pick -up, embodying the Miniature types are available. improved Rothermel Cartridge head. It gives a very high performance and is thoroughly recom- CENTRALAB VOLUME CONTROLS mended for all -round nee. price, Old including Undoubtedly the finest Volume Control made, and fitted as Purchase Tax, 60/6. leading standard by many manufacturers because of quality, reliability and smoothness of action. NEW PRICE CS!. Has no direct rubbing Purchase Taz 11/6 contacts. Values from 500 ohms to 5 megohms, in long or linear law, plain or with single pole or double pole switch. If your retailer cannot supply, write direct to the pioneers of Crystal Pick -ups. MODEL 17.48 ROTHERMEL LTD. This has been expressly designed to bring high fidelity crystal reproduction within the reach ROTHERMEL HOUSE, CANTERBURY ROAD, KILBURN, of all. A thoroughly sound Instrument with e remarkable performance. Old price, including LONDON, N.W.6 Purchase Tax. 38/2.
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