AMTRAK and VIA "F40PHIIS VIA Class "F40PH" Nos. 6400-6419 - OMI #5897.1 Prololype phOIO AMTRAK Class "F40PH" Phase I, Nos. 200-229 - OMI #5889.1 PrOlotype pholo coll ection of louis A. Marre AMTRAK Class "F40PH" Phase II, Nos. 230-328 - OMI #5891.1 Prololype pholo collection of louis A. Marre AMTRAK Class "F40PH" Phase III, Nos. 329-400 - OM I #5893.1 Prololype pholo colleclion of lo uis A. Marre Handcrafted in brass by Ajin Precision of Korea in HO scale, fa ctory painted with lettering and lights . delivery due September 1990. PACIFIC RAIL Fro m the Hear tland t 0 th e Pacific NEWS PA(:IFIC RAllN EWS and PACIFIC N EWS are regis­ tered trademarks of Interurban Press, a California Corporation. PUBLISHER: Mac Sebree Railroading in the Inland Empire EDITOR: Don Gulbrandsen ART DIRECTOR: Mark Danneman A look at the variety of railroading surrounding Spokane, Wash, ASSOCIATE EDITOR: Mike Schafer ASSISTANT EDITOR: Michael E, Folk 20 Roger Ingbretsen PRODUCTION ASSISTANT: Tom Danneman CONTRIBUTING EDITOR: Elrond Lawrence 22 CPR: KINGSGATE TO KIMBERLEY EDITORIAL CONSULTANT: Dick Stephenson CONTRIBUTING ARTIST: John Signor 24 FISH LAKE, WASH, PRODUCTION MANAGER: Ray Geyer CIRCULATI ON MANAGER: Bob Schneider 26 PEND OREILLE VALLEY RAILROAD COLUMNISTS 28 CAMAS PRAIRIE AMTRAK / PASSENGER-Dick Stephenson 30 BN'S (EX-GN) HIGH LINE 655 Canyon Dr., Glendale, CA 91206 AT&SF- Elrond G, Lawrence 32 SPOKANE CITY LIMITS 908 W 25th 51.. San Bernardino, CA 92405 BURLINGTON NORTHERN-Karl Rasmussen 11449 Goldenrod St. NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433 CANADA WEST-Doug Cummings I DEPARTMENTS I 5963 Kitchener St.. Burnaby, BC V5B 2J3 C&NW-Michael W. Blaszak 4 EXPEDITER 39 SHORT LINES 910 N. Sherwood Dr., LaGrange Park, IL 60525 D&RGW-Richard C. Forewell 6 UNION PACIFIC 40 ATCHISON, TOPE KA & SANTA FE 9729 W 76th Ave .. Arvada, CO 80005 9 AMTRAK/PASSEN GER 42 TRANSI T ILLINOIS CENTRAL-David J. Daisy 10 BURLINGTON NORTHERN 45 PRESERVATION 746 N. Bruns Lane Apt. A, Springfield, IL 62702 46 CITY SC ENE MEXICO- Clifford R. Prather 12 ILLIN OIS CENTRAL P.O. Box 925, Santa Ana, CA 92702 16 CANADA WEST 50 IMAGES OF RAILROADING PRESERVATION-Brian L. Norden 18 SOUTHERN PACIFI C LINES 54 PRN LEITERS P.O. Box 3012, Industry, CA 91744 36 CHICAGO & NORTH WESTERN 55 PRN CLASSIFIEDS REGIONALS (EASTl-George Widener 7934A N. 64th Ct .. Milwaukee, WI 53223 38 SOO LINE REGIONALS (WESTl-Alien Meyers 15056 Binney 51.. Hacienda Heights, CA 91 745 SHORT LINES-Robert C. Gallegos PACIFIC RA ILNEWS (USPS 8628401 is published monthly by Interur­ EDITORIAL ADDRESS : Submit aU photos, article submissions P.O. Box 379, Waukesha. WI 53187 ban Press (a corporation), 1741 Gardena Ave .. Glendale, CA and editorial correspondence to: SOO liNE- Karl Rasmussen 91204. Second-class postage paid at Glendale, CA 91209 and ad­ P ACIFIC R AILN EWS P.O. Box 379, Waukesha, WI 53187 11449 Goldenrod St. NW Coon Rapids, MN 55433 ditional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: PACIP­ IC RAILNEWS, P.O. Box 6128, Glendale, CA 91225. ISSN 8750-8486. (414) 542-4900 SP/ SSW-Joseph A. Strope..:; FAX: (4 14) 542-7595 P.O. Box 2268, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 SUBSCRIPTION RATES: 830 (U .S .) for 12 issues, $58 for 24 is­ UNION PACIFIC-Wayne Monger sues. Foreign add $6 for each 12 issues. Single copy 84.50 post­ BUSINESS ADDRESS: Address aU correspondence regarding 1300 Southhampton Rd . #214, Benicia. CA 94510 paid from Glendale office (subject to change without notice). subscription and business matters to: Interurban Press P.O. Box 6128, Glendale, CA 91225 TRANSIT CHANGE OF ADDRESS: The Post Office does not regularly for­ (818) 240-91 30 ward 2nd Class Mail and PACIF IC RAILNEWS is not responsible CHICAGO-Wynne DeCitti FAX: (818) 240-5436 LOS ANGELES-Norman K. Johnson for copies not forwarded or destroyed by the Post Office. Re­ placement copieslPO notifications will be billed. Please aUow SACRAMENTO-Robert Blymyer MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE: For all subscription us at least four weeks for any address change. problems and inquiries call: SAN DIEGO-Chri s Cucchiara (800) 899-TRACK SAN FRANCISCO/ MUNI-Don Jewell SUBMISSIONS: Articles, news items and photographs are wel­ WESTERN TRANSIT NOTES-Richard R. Kunz come and should be sent to our Wisconsin editorial office. © 1990 INTERURBAN PRESS When submitting material for consideration, include return en­ Mac Sebree, President CITY SCENE velope and postage if you wish it returned. PA CIFIC RAILN EWS Jim Walker, Vice-President does not assume responsibility for the safe return of material. BAY AREA/ CENTRAL VALLEY-Ken Rattenne Payment is made upon publication. CHICAGOLAND-Mike Abalos DENVER/ FRONT RANGE-Rich Farewell ADVERTISING RATES: Contact Interurban Press, P.O. Box KANSAS CITY-Wayne Kuchinsky 6128 , Glendale, CA 91225; (818) 240 -4777. L.A. / S. CALIFORNIA-Dick Stephenson NORTH TEXAS-Kirby Pople PACIFIC NORTHWEST-Steve Hart COVER: The early morning sun highlights the nose of Union Pacific GP38-2 2028 as it passes ST. LOUIS-Scott Muskopf and Paul Fries through Sweetwater, Idaho, on the Second Sub of Camas Prairie Railroad, a joint UP-BN opera­ SOUTH TEXAS-Corl M. Lehman tion, Slow-speed short lines contrast with mainline Class I carriers in the Inland Empire of the Pa­ TWIN CITIES-Steve Glischinski cific Northwest-a rugged region surrounding Spokane, Wash" blessed with great natural beau­ WASATCH FRONT-Dave Gayer ty and crisscrossed by a variety of rail operations, Roger Ingbretsen PACIFIC RAILNews • 3 Maersk Lines and Santa Fe joined forces to create a unique promotional train in August. New GP60M 146 was painted by AT&SF in Topeka in a Maersk blue-and-silver scheme; then the unit was sent west and paired with a Maersk stack train for film ing a television commercial in Cajon Pass. The movie train is shown at work at Sullivan's Curve on Aug. 13. Elrond G. Lawrence SP SOD LINE PURCHASE extension of SP's service to due to the loss of the sale. Sao DERAILED: The proposed sale Chicago under the Sao Line Line is a wholly owned sub­ of Sao Line Railroad's Kansas­ deal, and it is expected that sidiary of CP Rail's parent com­ City-Chicago route to Southern there will be wide support for pany, Canadian Pacific Ltd., Pacific fell through, but this SP's new agreement with BN. and CP Rail is currently re­ setback will not keep SP out of Norfolk Southern, which oper­ viewing its operations in the the K.C.-Chicago run. Rio ates joint trackage along the United States. With SP operat­ Grande Industries, parent com­ line with BN, has already given ing into Chicago from the pany to SP, announced a track­ assurances that it will agree to South and West, competition age-rights deal with Burling­ the new deal. will be fierce into Chicago. ton Northern Railroad Co. Un­ Reportedly the Soo Line deal der terms of the agreement, SP fell through because Chicago & MIDDLE EAST CRISIS will operate its own locomo­ North Western Transportation AFFECTS RAILROADS: Sad­ tives and crews over BN's 466- Co. wanted as much as $80 Mil­ dam Hussein, though arguably mile route. The two railroads lion for its interest in a 42-mile not the world's biggest railfan, do not directly compete over segment of the line. In spite of may have given American rail­ this route; SP runs mostly dou­ unanimous ICC approval of the roads a significant boost in blestack trains while BN han­ deal and widespread support their competition with the dles mainly coal and grain. among shippers, C&NW balked trucking industry. Though both RGI is anxious to gain a at Sao's plan to transfer track­ trains and trucks use diesel fu­ western entry to Chicago to age rights with the railroad­ el, truckers estimate that 20 complement its recently ac­ between Polo, Mo ., and KCT percent of their costs result quired Chicago-St. Louis route. Junction, just outside Kansas from fuel bills. Energy-efficient Although disappointed that City, MO.-to SP. C&NW offi­ rail boasts a mere 10 percent of the Soo Line deal could not be cials and industry analysts hold its operating budget goes to completed, Southern Pacific an alternate view of why the fuel costs. The meaning of President Mike Mohan be­ deal failed; turn to this issue's highIer fuel prices is thus lieves that a quick settlement C&NW column for more infor­ clear-although both forms of of the line dispute was better mation. transportation will cost more, than a protracted and costly Although for SP the new rail will become an increasing­ court battle to conclude the agreement with BN satisfies ly better bargain. purchase. Over 1,000 shippers its need for western access to In line with these higher fu­ supported the purchase and Chicago, Soo Line will suffer el costs, Burlington Northern, 4 • OCTOBER 1990 Southern Pacific and Union Pa­ cific have all announced plans for a 4 percent general rate in­ crease. Rate increases are needed, officials at all three railroads agree, to offset high­ er fuel and non-fuel operating costs. The increases will ad­ versely affect Shippers, but with railroads such as SP using one million gallons of diesel fu­ el a day, even a slight increase in fuel costs necessarily in­ creases shipping costs. INDIAN UPRISINGS SEND CANADIAN TRAINS SOUTH: A dispute involving Mohawk in­ dians on the Kahnawake reser­ vation near Montreal disrupted transportation across Canada during July and August as oth­ New lease power for Union Pacific includes a set of four Motive Power International SD40-2Ms, pho­ er Native American groups in tographed with an eastbound train at Cheyenne on Aug.
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