Institute of Biomedical University of Salamanca Cancer Research Center Research of Salamanca Novel Drugs in the pipeline Enrique M. Ocio University Hospital & Cancer Research Center University of Salamanca Spain Disclosures Type Company Amgen; Celgene; Novartis; BMS, Janssen, Honoraria Takeda Celgene; Amgen; Novartis, Takeda, Abbvie, Consultancy Pharmamar, Seattle Genetics Array Pharmaceuticals; Mundipharma; Celgene; Research Funding Amgen, Sanofi, MSD Treatment of MM 1844 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2003 2004 2013 2015 2018 Mr. Melphalan McBean (1958, Blokhin) HD chemo 1844 Ann NY Acad Sci ASCT Bortezomib Lenalidomide Melphalan Glucocorticoids Thalidomide Panobinostat (1969) Daratumumab Elotuzumab Ixazomib Combination chemo Vincristine Doxorubicin Carfilzomib Dexamethasone Pomalidomide Chemotherapy Era Targeted Therapy Era Do we need other agents with novel MoA? New drugs and mechanisms of action in MM CS-1 Elotuzumab CDK 1, 2, 5, 9 Dinaciclib / TG02 CD38 Daratumumab / Isatuximab FGFR3 Dovitinib / AB1010 / MFGR 1877S CD138 nBT062-DM4 cKit /PDGFR Imatinib / Dasatinib MoAb CD56 Lorvotuzumab VEGF-R Bevacizumab CD40 Dacetuzumab / Lucatumumab IGF-1R AVE1642 / CP-751, 851 BAFF Tabalumab Kinase Inh. EGF-R Cetuximab KiR IPH2101 PKC Enzastaurin PD1/PDL1 Pembrolizumab / Nivolumab / Pidilumab BTK Ibrutinib IL-6 Siltuximab Cell cycle Inh. Lymph. Ras NK cell KSP Inh Filanesib Aurora K Inh MLN8237 Raf PI3K CDK 4/6 Inh Seleciclib IMIDs MEK Akt Thalidomide Lenalidomide Alkylators Pomalidomide mTORC1 mTORC2 Melphalan Cyclophosphamide MAPK Bendamustine Melflufen Signaling Pathways TH-302 AKT Perifosine / Afuresertib mTORC1 Everolimus / Temsirolimus mTOR C1/C2 MLN0128 / INK128 Other DNA damaging Farn Transf Tipifarnib Proteasome Inh. p38/MAPK inh SCIO-469 DNA Damaging Zalypsis DACi p38/JNK act Aplidin Bortezomib MEK Selumetinib PARP Inhibitor Veliparib Panobinostat Carfilzomib Hsp-90 Inh. Bcl-2 Venetoclax Vorinostat Ixazomib XPO Selinexor Tanespimycin Romidepsin Oprozomib PIM PIM447 AUY922 Givinostat Marizomib Rocilinostat Approved Ocio, Leukemia 2014. Updated Are there alternative alkylators or should we forget them for the future? Melflufen: clever alkylator Melflufen is a peptidase enhanced therapy with an alkylating payload 1. Amino- peptidases highly Peptidase potentiated activity in over expressed in 5. Melflufen and MM cells results in: multiple myeloma hydrophilic (MM) cells alkylating • Approx. 50-fold higher intra- 1,5 moieties binds cellular exposure in MM cells directly to DNA • Approx. 50-fold higher anti-MM potency1,2,5 • Alkylation of DNA with limited or no induction of DNA repair3,5 • Strong anti-angiogenic properties 1,4,5 • Therapeutic index of 20 - 40 (MM cells compared with peripheral 2. Lipophilic blood mononuclear cells)1,5 melflufen rapidly traverses cell membranes Melflufen Amino-peptidase Alkylating moiety 3. Amino-peptidase potentiated release of 1. Chauhan et al. (2013) Clin Cancer Res 19(11): 3019-303. hydrophilic alkylating 4. Hydrophilic moieties alkylating 2. Wickstrom et al. (2008) Invest New Drugs 26(3): 195-204. moieties trapped 3. Ray et al. (2016) Br J Hematol 174: 397-409 inside the cell 4. Strese et al. (2013) Biochem Pharmacol 86: 888–895. 5. Wickström et al. (2017) Oncotarget E-pub June 08. Melflufen + Dex Phase II O-12-M1 trial PFS 5.7 m (95% CI: 3.7-9.3) RRMM pts ≥ 2 prior lines including Len and Btz and refr. to last line. n=45 4 (2-14) prior lines; 64% double refr.; 53% Alkylator refr. ORR 41% .......... 5 VGPR & 9 PR 36% in Alkylator refr. G3/4 rel. TEAEs: Thromboc. (58%), Neutropenia (51%), Anemia: 42% DOR for ≥ PR: 8.4 m Richardson P. ASH 2017 Phase II Horizon trial * RRMM pts ≥ 2 prior lines including IMiD & PI and refr to Pom and/or Dara n=38 6 (3-11) prior lines; Alkylator refr. 57% Pom refr; 96%; Pom & Dara Refr: 62% ORR 27% .......... 2 VGPR & 6 PR G3/4 rel. TEAEs: Thromboc. (45%), Neutropenia (39%), Anemia: 21% * 11 prior lines including Allo-SCT Mateos MV. ASH 2017 Melflufen 40 mg iv every 28 days + Dex 40 mg weekly Melflufen ongoing studies in RR MM Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 1/2 – Triple combination Single Arm Multi-refr. study Randomized study study How does melflufen work in How does melflufen compare to QUESTION How is melflufen dosed in triple RRMM patients with limited standard of care in late-stage ASKED combinations in RRMM? treatment options? RRMM? Recruitment ongoing Recruitment ongoing Recruitment ongoing COMMENT Combination with bortezomib or Pomalidomide- and/or H2H melflufen vs pomalidomide daratumumab-refractory patients daratumumab EDO-S101: bendamustine derivative (tinostamustine) Bendamustine Purine-like HDAC Benzimidazole ring HDAC DAC Inhibitor Alkylator HDAC Ac Ac Butyric acid group DNA Alkylation Moiety Ac Ac Ac EDO-S101 Purine-like Benzimidazole ring DACi Moiety DNA Alkylation Moiety EDO-S101 induces potent DNA Damage Response EDO-S101 Induces DSBs Control MM1S EDO-S101 5 μM EDO-S101 activates sensors of DNA damage EDO-S101 5 µM (hours) 0 12 24 48 pATR - 300 pCHK1 -56 pATM - 350 Bendamustine EDO-S101 MW C12.55 C12.5525 pCHK2 -62 (Kd) P-CHK1 -56 -53 pP53 P-CHK2 -62 pH2AX pH2AX -17 -17 Ac-H3 -17 Tubulin -55 Lopez Iglesias et al, J. Hematol Oncol 2017 In vivo activity of EDO-S101 Small tumors Big tumors 6000 Treatment period 350 Control EDO-S101 5000 300 ) 3 Treatment period 250 Control EDO-S101 4000 200 150 3000 Tumor volume (%) 100 2000 50 Tumor volume (mm 0 1000 1 8 19 31 43 Time in days 0 0 102030405060708090 Time in days Vk12653 model 1,0 0,8 EDO-S101 is the only drug 0,6 with single agent activity in the Vk12653 model, where is 0,4 also able to prolong survival 0,2 Cumulative survival 0,0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time in days Lopez Iglesias et al, J. Hematol Oncol 2017 Which other pathogenetic features can be targeted in MM? Is there any Bcr/Abl or t(15;17) in MM? Cyclin D dereg. an early and common event Bergsagel. Blood 2005 Filanesib (KSP inh.) in MM Kinesin spindle protein is required for cell cycle progression • ARRY-520 induces mytotic arrest and subsequent apoptosis • Particularly effective in Mcl-1 dependent cells • Efficacy inversely correlates with serum AAG levels ARRY-520 + G-CSF ………………………....................… ≥ PR 16%; ≥ MR 19% n= 32 exp. to BTZ & IMID. Median lines 6 (2-19) ARRY-520 + G-CSF + Dex……………………..…….….. ≥ PR 16%; ≥ MR 22% n= 50 refr. to BTZ, Len, Dex. Median lines 9 (5-13) Gr 3/4 AEs: neutropenia (38%, 38%), thromboc. (44%, 42%), anemia (38%, 50%), fatigue (16%,8%), leukop. (13%, 4%) Lonial S. ASH 2013. Abstract 285 Rationale for this combination Inhibition of KSP in MM1S cells (% of monopolar spindles) Control In vivo activity of PDF Bipolar spindles 14% Bipolar spindles Bipolar spindles Filanesib 10 nM x 24 h 97% Monopolar spindles Hernández-García S. Haematologica 2017 Phase I/II Pomdefil: Pom-Dex + Filanesib in RRMM n= 44 3 (2-6) prior lines & 76% double refr. Influence of baseline AAG levels Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein ORR 60% … (1 CR; 4 VGPR, 13 PR) Median level was 85.5 mg/dL (50.6-179.9) • No pt. with AAG values over the median 1.0 PFS responded (1 SD and 4 PD) 0.8 • All 6 pts with AAG below the median 0.6 achieved ≥MR (1 VGPR, 3 PR and 2 MR) 0.4 PFS according to AAG levels 0.2 Cum. Survival 7 m (4.1 - 9.9) 1.0 0.0 0 5 10 15 20 25 0.8 Months 0.6 Low (below median) High (above median) 0.4 OS 24 m (9.8 - 38.1) Cum. Survival 0.2 0.0 Main toxicity was hematological: 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 G3/4 Tx related Neutrop. (56%); Thrombocytop. (17%) & Anemia (25%) Months Median follow-up of 8 months (0-27) Ocio et al. ASH 2017 RAS family members are the most frequently mutated genes in MM 41 oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes were Massively parallel sequencing of 38 tumor genomes tested using MassARRAY/Sequenom mass and their comparison to matched normal DNAs spectrometry–based methodology in 133 RRMM. Chapman et al. Nature 2011 Mulligan et al. Blood 2014 23% 24% 26% 20% 2% Massively parallel 23% 20% sequencing of paired tumor/normal samples from 6% 203 multiple myeloma (MM) Lohr et al. Cancer Cell 2014 New drugs and mechanisms of action in MM Lymph. Ras NK cell Raf PI3K MEK Akt mTORC1 mTORC2 MAPK Signaling Pathways AKT Perifosine / Afuresertib mTORC1 Everolimus / Temsirolimus mTOR C1/C2 MLN0128 / INK128 Farn Transf Tipifarnib p38/MAPK inh SCIO-469 p38/JNK act Aplidin MEK Selumetinib Bcl-2 Venetoclax XPO Selinexor PIM PIM447 Approved Ocio, Leukemia 2014. Updated Venetoclax (Bcl-2 inhibitor) • Venetoclax (ABT-199 / GDC-0199) is a potent, selective, orally bioavailable, small- molecule, BCL-2 inhibitor1 • Anti-apoptotic proteins BCL-2 and MCL-1 promote multiple myeloma (MM) cell survival2 • Venetoclax induces cell death in multiple myeloma (MM) cell lines and primary samples, particularly those positive for the translocation t(11;14),which correlates with higher ratios of BCL2 to MCL1 and BCL2 to 2,3 BCL2L1 (BCL-XL) mRNA 2. Touzeau C, et al. Leukemia. 2014; 28(1): 210-212. 1. Souers AJ, et al. Nat Med. 2013; 19(2): 202-208. 3. Punnoose E et al. Mol Cancer Ther 2016 Venetoclax monotherapy n= 66 pts. 5 prior lines (1-15). 79% refr. to last line; 61% double refractory to Btz & Len. t(11;14): 46% Time to Progression 100% t(11;14) 6.6 (3.9-10.2) Non t(11;14) 1.9 (1.2-2.3) 88% in t(11;14) with a high BCL2:BCL2L1 ratio Main toxicities are mild GI symptoms; thrombocytopenia (32% G3-4) and neutropenia (27% G3-4) 30-1200 mg po (MTD: 1200 mg) Kumar, et al.
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