Agenda Item No: 6 Wolverhampton City Council OPEN DECISION ITEM Committee / Panel PLANNING COMMITTEE Date: 23rd June 2009 Originating Service Group(s) REGENERATION AND ENVIRONMENT Contact Officer(s) Stephen Alexander (Head of Development Control) Telephone Number(s) (01902) 555610 Title/Subject Matter PLANNING APPLICATIONS Recommendation That Members determine the submitted applications according to the recommendation made in respect of each one. PLANNING COMMITTEE (23rd June 2009) REFERENCE SITE ADDRESS PAGE NO 09/00226/FUL & Timmins Waste Services And Graiseley Page 4 09/00386/FUL 30 Mander Street Wolverhampton WV3 0JZ Application Type Smallscale Major General Industry & Smallscale Major All Other Development 09/00422/FUL 20 Richmond Avenue Park Page 12 Wolverhampton WV3 9JB Application Type Householder 09/00379/FUL 8 Redhouse Road Tettenhall Regis Page 17 Wolverhampton WV6 8ST Application Type Householder 08/01503/FUL 5 Showell Circus Bushbury South Page 21 Wolverhampton And Low Hill WV10 9BA Application Type Change of use 09/00114/FUL New Cross Hospital Heath Town Page 27 Wolverhampton Road Heath Town Wolverhampton WV10 0QP Application Type Smallscale Major All Other Development 09/00332/FUL The Borough Arms Bilston North Page 34 Bunkers Hill Lane Wolverhampton WV14 6JX Application Type Smallscale Major Dwelling 2 09/00095/FUL Land Bounded By Viaduct And Bushbury South Page 41 Mammoth Drive And Low Hill Coxwell Avenue Wolverhampton Application Type Largescale Major Offices 09/00267/VV Lidl Foodstore Tettenhall Page 49 Finchfield Hill Wightwick Wolverhampton WV3 9EN Application Type Smallscale Major Retail 09/00262/FUL & Bantock House Park Page 54 09/00263/LBC Finchfield Road Wolverhampton WV3 9LQ Application Type Smallscale Major All Other Development & Listed Building Consent (alter-extend) 09/00351/FUL Mecca Bingo Club Wednesfield Page 58 Unit D3 South Bentley Bridge Park Bentleybridge Way Wolverhampton WV11 1BP Application Type Smallscale Major Retail 09/00231/FUL 185-189 Wednesfield Road Heath Town Page 67 Wolverhampton WV10 0EN Application Type Minor Dwellings 3 PLANNING COMMITTEE - 23-Jun-09 APP NO’s: 09/00226/FUL & WARD: Graiseley 09/00386/FUL DATE: 19-Mar-09 TARGET DATE: 18-Jun-09 RECEIVED: 19.03.2009 APP TYPE: Full Application SITE: Timmins Waste Services And 30 Mander Street, Mander Street, Wolverhampton, West Midlands PROPOSAL: Modification and extension of waste transfer/recycling centre. APPLICANT: AGENT: Timmins Waste Services Limited Mr A J McGlue Mander Street The Westlands Wolverhampton 132 Compton Road West Midlands Wolverhampton WV3 0JZ WV3 9QB COMMITTEE REPORT: 1. Introduction 1.1 Application reference 09/00226/FUL was reported to Planning Committee on 19 May 2009. Committee decided to defer the application for a site visit. 1.2 This report also considers a separate application (09/00386/FUL) for a vehicle maintenance workshop. 2. Site Description 2.1 The application site is situated 1 mile to the west of the City Centre and within a Defined Business Area. 2.2 The site is in a small commercial and industrial area, in Mander Street, which runs between Retreat Street to the east and Upper Zoar Street to the west. 2.3 Timmins Waste Services Ltd. occupy land on either side of Mander Street. The land on the northern side is approximately 50 metres wide and 40 metres deep and the land on the southern side is approximately 20 metres wide and 30 metres deep. Planning permission was granted in 1998 for a waste transfer and recycling centre on the northern area. 2.4 To the north of the northern area is the Fire Station, which fronts onto Merridale Street. To the west is a disused commercial premises at 30 Mander Street and beyond that is the Gujarati Centre which fronts onto Upper Zoar Street. To the east is a commercial premises. The nearest residential development is 100m away, on the north side of Russell Street. 2.5 Other nearby premises are a funeral directors adjacent to the fire station (PH on map) and offices in Libra House on the corner of Merridale Street and Upper Zoar Street. 4 2.6 The front boundary is defined by a high tube metal fence, which allows views into the site. The other boundaries are formed by brick walls and mesh fencing with part of the northern and western boundaries enclosed by concrete retaining wall structures. 2.7 The land, on the southern side of Mander Street, was previously used by Timmins Waste Services as a waste transfer / recycling centre, but a condition on the 1998 permission, required that use to cease. Since that time, the site has been used as office and staff parking areas, in association with the waste / recycling centre on the opposite side of the road. This area has commercial uses on all sides. 2.8 A vehicle maintenance workshop has recently been constructed within the southern area. 3. Application Details 09/00226/FUL 3.1 The application site comprises the land on both sides of Mander Street. The application seeks permission: • to extend the existing waste transfer and recycling centre to the west, to incorporate 30 Mander Street, and • for new operational works in association with that use. 3.2 The proposals include the installation of a five bay picking station and dedicated waste storage areas. New office facilities, parking and vehicular manoeuvring areas would also be provided. 3.3 A new two metre high brick wall boundary treatment is proposed along the site frontage on the northern side of Mander Street. 3.4 An existing building which fronts onto the northern side of Mander Street is to be re- modelled. 3.5 Operational hours would be 07.00 – 18.30 hours Mondays to Fridays, 08.00 – 13.00 hours on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays and Public Holidays. 3.6 There are currently ten staff employed at the site. The proposals would result in fourteen staff being employed at the site. 09/00386/FUL 3.7 The vehicle maintenance workshop within the southern area is 8.3 metres wide, 14.5 metres long and 6 metres high. The building is constructed from powder coated aluminium sheeting and includes a large roller shutter door to the north elevation. 4. Planning History 4.1 95/0404/FP – Creation of a vehicle and skip storage yard – Granted 01/08/1995 4.2 97/0729/FP – Proposed waste transfer and recycling centre – Granted 27.04.1998 (Allowed on Appeal) 4.3 03/0181/FP – Erection of a weighbridge office – Granted 07.04.2003 5. Constraints 5.1 Defined Business Area Authorised Process 5 6. Relevant Policies 6.1 National Guidance PPS1 Delivering Sustainable Development PPS10 Planning for Sustainable Waste Management PPG13 Transport 6.2 UDP Policies D1 Design Quality D2 Design Statement D3 Urban Structure D4 Urban Grain D5 Public Realm Public Open Private Space D6 Townscape and Landscape D7 Scale - Height D8 Scale - Massing D9 Appearance D10 Community Safety D11 Access for People with Disabilities D13 Sustainable Development Natural Energy D14 The Provision of Public Art EP1 Pollution Control EP3 Air Pollution EP4 Light Pollution EP5 Noise Pollution EP9 Sustainable Drainage Arrangements for Development EP14 Waste Management Facilities AM1 Access, Mobility and New Development AM12 Parking and Servicing Provision AM14 Minimising the Effect of Traffic on Communities AM15 Road Safety and Personal Security R7 Open Space Requirements for New Development 7. Publicity 7.1 Two letters of objection received from the Management Committee of the Gujarati Centre and one letter of objection from Councillor Mattu and Councillor Passi. The following comments were raised: • Increase traffic congestion in Mander Street • Detriment to traffic flow and highway safety • Detrimental to the users of the adjacent community centre. • Proposals would discourage use, and result in a lack of income, for the adjacent community centre • Increase risk of pests • Vehicles cause damage to the road and deposit mud, which in dry weather causes a dust problem • Drainage problems • Litter problems • Skips • Fire risk • Substandard visibility for vehicle drivers entering and exiting the site 6 8. Internal Consultees 8.1 Transportation Development has no objections 8.2 Environmental Services has no objections in principle subject to appropriate conditions and notes for information relating to the control of operating hours, noise, dust, litter and provisions for vehicle washing (including drainage). 8.3 Access and Building Control have no objections. 8.4 Neighbourhood Manager of the Bantock Local Neighbourhood Partnership objects for the following reasons: • The site results in regular complaints about environmental nuisance. • Mander Street is difficult to clean and appears untidy because of rubbish and debris falling out of skips and onto the highway. • £9 million has been spent on the regeneration of the Graiseley Estate and this facility undermines the aspirations for the area. 8.5 Archaeology and Property Services – comments awaited. 9. External Consultees 9.1 Severn Trent Water - no objection subject to a condition requiring the submission of sustainable drainage details and an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context. 9.2 Environment Agency - no objection. 10. Appraisal 10.1 The key issues to be considered when determining this application are: • The principle of the proposed use • Design, layout and appearance • Environmental issues • Access and parking • Unauthorised building The Principle of the Use 10.2 The proposal is for the extension of an existing waste management and recycling facility and associated operational works, and therefore Unitary Development Plan policies on waste and national guidance contained within PPS10 apply. 10.3 UDP policy EP14 ‘Waste Management Facilities’ states that proposals for the establishment or extension of waste management facilities will be permitted where it can be demonstrated that the proposal represents the best practical environmental option and the risk to residential amenity and highway safety is acceptable. 10.4 This is an existing waste management facility in a sustainable location.
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