Year 2009 On-Time Performance* Off-peak Line AM PM Weekday Weekend 2009 Harlem 98.4% 98.9% 98.6% 98.5% 98.6% Hudson 98.3% 98.2% 97.8% 97.6% 97.9% New Haven 96.3% 97.1% 97.4% 97.7% 97.2% System 97.5% 98.0% 97.9% 97.9% 97.8% A Publication for MTA Metro-North Railroad Customers February 2010 *Arrivals within 5 minutes, 59 seconds of schedule. Safety Rule of The Issue anywhere in the world… when you pur- chase our package to the New York A long time ago, The Bee Gees once Times Travel Show, Saturday and Sun- asked in song, “How Can You Mend day February 27 & 28, 2010, that is. A Broken Heart?” While we are almost (And with over 500 exhibitors from certain the answer is with large quan- more than 150 countries, the world is tities of chocolate, mending other truly your oyster — and they’re aphro- “broken” body parts is not as simple. disiacs, you know…) So we urge you to always concen- The show features travel seminars, six trate on watching your step when cultural stages with tastings, cooking getting on or off the train. Remember demos, and acts from around the to watch the gap! world, giveaways, contests, sweep- Rest assured your safety is always stakes and more! Hours are 10 AM – our first priority, on Valentine’s Day, 6 PM on Saturday and 10 AM –4PM and every other day of the year. on Sunday. For more Show information, visit www.ny times. com/ travelshow or “On Time” In ’09… call 800-322-9332. can now choose to receive notices Ski-daddle! For a “frigid” date that’s that a train is considered late if it arrives about weekday or weekend planned actually fun, try our package to Thunder We attained a 97.8 percent system-wide at its final destination 5 minutes and 59 service changes (such as diversions Ridge Ski Area (Saturdays & Sundays on-time performance in 2009… tying our seconds after its scheduled time. This caused by repair or maintenance work) through March 14, 2010, and Presi- record set in 2006. standard is used by other commuter as well as updates on new schedules, dents’ Week — February 15-19, 2010). (Technically, if you “expand” that per- railroads throughout the nation.) monthly ticket reminders, and promo- Just 70 miles north of the city in Patter- centage to “hundredths of a percent,” it Whatever it takes in 2010, we will tions. You even have the option to sus- son, New York, Thunder Ridge Ski was our best year ever at 97.84 percent continue to give our best effort to main- pend all alerts for a given time period, Area’s scenic slopes are perfect for — we only achieved a 97.83 percent in tain the standard of service you have such as vacation. all levels of skiers and snowboarders, 2006. Also, in 2006 we ran only 200,032 come to expect and deserve from us. Just go to our homepage at from beginner to expert. Be sure to trains. In 2009 we ran 211,351. We pre- www.mta.info A Quick Look At Some Other and click on the Email call 845-878-4100 in advance for sent these numbers for the enjoyment of and Text Message Alert link to sign up. weather and snow conditions, or visit all you “mathletes” and statisticians…) Timely Events From ’09… And while Metro-North does not send www. thunder ridge ski.com. And (imaginary drum roll please) the you email alerts for individual train delays, Pick up a New York City Getaways or New Haven Line posted the best can now check individual train status • Helping Metro-North to achieve and Hudson Valley, Connecticut & Beyond overall on-time performance in its by using Metro-North Train Time™. maintain such efficiency and service re- brochure for a complete listing of pack- history — a record 97.2 percent! liability are the just-built coach and lo- For A Good Time ages, at all Metro-North ticket offices The Harlem Line was our best per- comotive shops at our Croton-Harmon forming line, posting a record best over- On Valentine’s Day… and Grand Central Terminal’s Station Yard. These new shops replace a cen- Master’s Office. For more information all on-time performance of 98.6 percent. tury-old facility that was well beyond its about all discount “Getaways” pack- The Hudson Line’s overall on-time per- useful life. They provide a state-of-the- Check out any of our New York City ages, call 212-532-4900, or visit formance totaled 97.9 percent. (Its best art environment in which our employees Getaways or Hudson Valley, Connecticut www.mta.info. was 98.5 percent in 2006.) can do an even better job of maintain- & Beyond discount packages. No mat- Here’s how our 97.8 percent system- ing the rail fleet. ter what you and your “special some- wide on-time performance breaks down • On the “technological tip,” we intro- one” are into, we have a getaway that’s by peak: duced Metro-North Train Time™, giving sure to please. Packages include dis- • AM-peak: 97.5 percent you real-time train and schedule infor- count round-trip rail fare from your Published by • PM-peak: 98 percent mation on your smartphone and com- boarding station (plus you can save an Corporate & Public Affairs • Off-peak: 97.9 percent puter. (See the story inside this issue for additional five percent when you pur- MTA Metro-North Railroad • Weekends: 97.9 percent all the details.) And in another first, a chase packages online through 345 Madison Avenue • AM Reverse-peak: 98 percent new IVR (Interactive Voice Response) WebTicket), and discount admission to New York, NY 10017 To see how the individual lines per- system employs voice-activated tech- the event. For a romantic getaway, may www.mta.info formed in all travel periods, consult the nology to assist you when you call our we suggest: chart on the back of this issue. (Those information center (212-532-4900), and Global Swarming! Now you can of you who faithfully read the chart on greatly expands the amount of informa- take Metro-North Railroad to almost the back of Mileposts each month know tion available to you. • The Yankees- E.153rd Street Station This is just a partial list of how we It Was Time For A Change… …And To Follow opened to acclaim and proved an im- wisely put your fare and tax dollars to For The Better! Us On Twitter… mediate success with up to five percent work for you. And we promise to con- of Yankee game attendees arriving via tinue in our efforts in 2010. Metro-North. Building upon that suc- Just one look tells you that our web- What’s a Facebook page without an ac- cess, the introduction of new, direct Have You Tried Metro-North site’s (www.mta.info) new design is companying Twitter feed? They go to- New Haven Line service to the Mead- Train Time™ Yet? simpler and more focused on you — gether like Sam & Dave… peanut butter owlands for Jets and Giants games our customers. and jelly… pork rinds and chocolate (hey, created a new model for future regional In addition to Metro-North Train don’t knock ’em until you’ve tried them…) How could you resist viewing real-time ™ service integration. Time , the homepage includes a Yes, now you can also follow us on train status and schedule information in • At Tarrytown Station, federal stimulus new Plan & Ride trip planner along- Twitter at MetroNorthTweet. (Go to the palm of your hand via your smart- money jump-started a total tear-down side a real-time service status informa- http:// twitter. com / Metro North Tweet, phone or at your desk on your comput- and rebuild of platforms, staircases, ele- tion box, where you will now be able or click on the Twitter icon at the bot- er? (What are you, made of stone?) vators, and overpasses. Also, the his- to check and see at a glance if your tom right of our new homepage at Metro-North Train Time provides up- toric 1890 building at Tarrytown was re- line or branch is operating with “Good www.mta.info to see what we’re to-the-minute train arrival/ departure in- stored thanks to a major renovation Service” or if there are unex pected “tweeting” about.) formation, train stops, track assignment, program. And further up the Hudson, “Delays,” “Planned Work,” or “Service We promise to “tweet” you with all train status, and final destination infor- historic Poughkeepsie Station received Changes.” relevant things Metro-North mation for 67 stations across all three a new tile roof, restored terra cotta cor- Maps and schedules are better or- and MTA related… lines, including Grand Central Terminal nice, brick re-pointing, and new win- ganized, and everything you need for and Harlem-125th Street Station. (More …And Don’t Forget dows and doors throughout the four- your daily commute or a night on the stations will come online this spring.) story building. town is just one or two mouse clicks To Sign Up For To view Metro-North Train Time: • Ossining, Scarborough, Philipse away. Timely Email & Text Alerts. On The Go — Use your smartphone to Manor, Port Chester, and Rye stations If you’re a software developer look- get to our home page at www.mta.info are receiving major improvements in the ing for MTA data, we’ve got a page and click on the Metro-North Train Time Sign up to receive email and text mes- form of repairs, updates, and customer for you too.
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