Sept. 22, 1959 R. B. FULLER \ 2,905,113 SELF-STRUTTED GEODESIC PLYDOME Filed April 22. 1957 . 3 Sheets-Sheet 1 INVENTOR. RICHARD BUCKMINSTER FULLER Armen/m. v Sept. 22, 1959 R. B. FULLER 2,905,1 13 SELF-STRUTTED GEODESIC PLYDOME Filed April 22. 1957 3 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVEN . RICHARD BUCKMINST ER F ER ’ Sept. 22“, 1959 R. B. FULLER 2,905,113 ' Y SELF-STRUTTED GEODESIÖ PLYDOME Filed April 22, 1957 I 5 Sheets-Sheet 5 //KZ@ \\\\\\\ (ß í_ ""is ____ ___ . \ i \ \ AMA@ ._____ En U5 n B ' IN VEN T0 .. RICHARD BUCKMINSTER FUL ATTORNF United States Patent iitice Patented Sept. 22, 1959 1 2 what we may for simplicity term a self-strutted geodesic ply'clome. The hat sheets become inherent geodesic; they become both roof and beam, both wall and column, 2,905,1’13 and in each case the braces as Well. They become the Weatherbreak and its supporting frame or truss all in one. SELF-STRUTTED GEODESIC PLYDOME The inherent three Way grid of cylindrical struts causes Richard Buckminster Fuller, New York, N.Y. ythe structure as la whole to act almost as a membrane in absorbing and distributing loads, and results in a more Application April 22, 1957, Serial No. 654,166 uniform stressing of all of the sheets. The entire struc 15 Claims. (Cl. 10S-1) 10 ture is skin stressed, taut and alive. Dead weight is virtually non-existent. Technically, we say that the structure possesses high tensile integrity in a discontinuous compression system. Description The invention relates to geodesic and synergetic con struction of ydome-shaped enclosures. 15 With reference to the accompanying drawings, I shall now describe the "best mode contemplated by me for Summary carrying out my invention. Fundamental concepts of geodesic and synergetic con Fig. l is a perspective view of `a geodesic plydome em struction are described in my prior patent, No. 2,682,235, bodying my invention- in a preferred Iform. granted June 29, 1954, and in my ccpending applications ` Fig. 2 is a detail perspective view of a portion o-f the for patent, Serial No. 563,931, filed February 7, 1956, and Fig. 1 construction «overlaid upon a diagrammatic rep Serial No. 643,403, tiled March l, 1957. As the inven resentation of a three-Way grid `as an imaginary projec tion of my prior patent has become known and used -tion of the induced strutting of the dome. The area com throughout the World, `it can be assumed that the reader prised is representative of one full face of .the icosa with will be familiar with geodesic dome construction and the adjacent one-third sectors vof adjacent faces. Combining principal characteristics which distinguish it Ifrom the` , the one-third-sectors lying at each side of the respective older architectural forms; so these characteristics will meeting edges of the 'adjacent faces, We get three “arge here be reviewed only brieñy. For a comprehensive re diamonds”; and view, reference is made to Patent No. 2,682,235, afore Fig. 3 is an enlarged detail view of the sheets which said. 30 go ‘to make up one of these large diamonds. Here the In geodesic construction, the building framework is` sheetsÁ are shown as they would appear when laid out one of generally spherical form in which the longitudinal flat and before they rare fastened together. centerlines of the main structural elements lie substan ` Fig. 4 is a view similar yto Fig. 3. Imagine that this tially in great circle planes whose intersections with a big diamond is now a part of the completely assembled common sphere form grids comprising substantially 35 dome, and notice how the structure has inductively pro equilateral spherical triangles. [“Great circle planes” are duced ñve struts in each of the sheets. defined as planes whose yintersections with a sphere are Figs. 5 to S, inclusive, show icosa segments of several great circles. Such planes pass through the center of the modiñed constructions in which pyramidal groupings of the triangular grid faces defined by the induced struts sphere. The earth’s equator and the meridians of the 40 globe are representative of great circles in the ordinary produce in and out convolutions of the spherical surface. accepted `meaning of »this term.] The grids can, for In Áthese several constructions the apexes of the pyramids example, be formed on the faces of a spherical icosahed define one sphere and the bases of the pyramids another. ron. Each of the twenty equal spherical equilateral Which of the two spheres is the larger depends on Whether triangles which `form the faces «of the icosa is modularly the apexes of the pyramids project outwardly or extend divided along its edges. Lines connecting these modu 45 inwardly. The sides of the pyramids may ybe regarded larly divided edges in a three-way great circle grid pro as struts connecting elements of the -inner and outer vide the out-line ­for the plan of construction. Each of spheres and thus creating a truss. the smaller triangles formed by the three-way grid is Fig. 5 follows the `same sheet arrangement as in Figs. approximately equilateral, i.e. its sides are approximately 1-4. Because of the convoluted, or involute-evolute equal. The extent off variation in length is determined 50 construction, we get hexagonal Áand pentagonal pyramids tnigonometrically or by graphic solution of the grids as (pentagons at the vertexes of the icosa), which for sim drawn upon the modularly divided edges of an icosahed plicity I term a Bhexpent coniiguration. Here the apexes ron outlined upon the surface of a scale model sphere. of the ‘hexes 'and pents project outwardly (or upwardly It will be found that at each vertex of the icosa ñve of from the plane of the drawing). Notice that a strut the grid triangles form a pentagon, Whereas elsewhere 55 is induced along the short axis of each sheet. throughout the pattern the grid triangles group them Fig. 6 shows a modified hexpent pattern in which the selves into hexagons, this being one of the distinguishing sheets “toe in” to the apexes of the pyramids. characteristics of .three-way grid construction. Fig. 7, like Fig. 5, has the same sheet arrangement as My present invention arises in the discovery that when in Figs. l-4. Here the induced geodesic triangles of the perfectly flat rectangular sheets are shingled together 60 sheets form an inverted tetrahedron at the center of each in a three-way grid pattern and are fastened together face of the icosa, and one of the induced struts extends Where they overlap in the areas of the geodesic lines of the long way of each sheet. Fig. 8 has a sheet arrangement which may be com the pattern, a new phenomenon occurs: there are induced pared to that of Fig. 6, but with one of the struts extend t in each flat rectangular sheet, elements of live cylindrical ing the long way of the sheet there is formed a pattern struts defining two triangles of the grid edge to edge in 65 of inverted hexpent pyramids. diamond pattern. The effect is to produce a three-Way , The construction shown in each of Figs. 5 to S inclu geodesic pattern of cylindrical struts by inductive action sive may be turned inwardly or outwardly. For example so that, when the sheets are fastened together in the if we think of Fig. 5 as representing the outer surface of particular manner described, the struts are created in 70 a dome, we have pyramids projecting outwardly with situ. Thus the fiat rectangular sheets are triangulated their apexes in an outer sphere and their bases (or the into an inherently strutted spherical form to produce corners of their bases) in an inner sphere. , Or if We 2,905,113 3 4 think of Fig. 5 as representing the inner surface of a fastenings, following the designs laid out as above. Such dome, we have pyramids extending inwardly with their perforations are shown bythe black dots in a sheet at apexes in an inner sphere and their bases (or the corners the lower right of Fig. 3. Notice that additional per ‘of their bases) ‘inQan' outer sphere. forations are provided near the corners of the sheets so frIn Figs. 1,-2, r5 and ­6, the dot »and ­'dash lin'es‘RST that the sheets will be fastened together both in the areas represent lone of equilateral sphericalftriangles'of.a spher of the grid lines and also at points substantially removed lnFig. -2,"the»dotted lines OSVT, from said lines. This not only “buttons down” the cor OTWR and ORUSïeach 'defineï‘an areacombining one ners of the sheets, but assists importantly in creating the thirdisectors lying~at each side of one of4 the meeting induced :struts in -the 'completed structure. ledges of theïadjacent' faces. Thuse area OSVT combines 10 Turning nowr to-Fig.V 3, we see the sheets for a large ‘a’foheethird-‘fsector-of -icosa triangleRST, namely the diamond as they would appear when laid out ~flat and sector OST with a- one-third sector TSV of the adjacent before they* are »fastened together. `The 'shaded‘areas at Yicosa ` triangle. l call ithe combined `sector areas “large the outer overlapping corners show the amount of in diamonds.” i It is' helpful‘to ’see the'largefdiainondswhen creased overlap which occurs when'the sheets are brought `analyzing thestructure'as a whole, because, -once the eye 15 into position for fastening them together. Once they becomes practiced at picking them out,‘both `thepattern have been brought into position and fastened, the sinuses of the icosa faces and ‘of the induced three-way strutting 7, 8, etc., between the grid line markings close up and is 'more easily discerned.
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