TRANSHUMANISM,CRYONICS AND RESURRECTION 1.Introduc:on Transhumanism is a class of philosophies of life that seek the con3nua3on and accelera3on of the evolu3on of intelligent life beyond its currently human form and human limita3ons by means of science and technology, guided by life-promo3ng principles and values.‘ It includes ar3ficial intelligence, nanotechnology, nanomedicine, biotechnology, gene3c engineering, stem cell cloning, and transgenesis [1]. These technologies aim to overcome the limita3ons of the human condi3on- disease, aging and death. The main foci are on significantly enhancing mental and physical func3oning, expanding beyond the confines of the physical body and overcoming death itself. These technological developments will ensure that we live longer, healthier, and happier lives through removing biological imperfec3ons and the social ills caused by them. In this ar3cle we will concentrate the important area pertaining to Chris3anity and Transhumanism is resurrec3on. super intelligence, intelligence that greatly surpasses general human intelligence (Bostrom 2014, p. 50). If uploading is an op3on when the person is restored and possibly superintelligence (Mercer 2017). Recently Elon Musk said superintelligence can achieve by Neuralink. Neuralink, the brain- computer interface and neuroprosthe3cs company started by Elon Musk and others in 2016 is developing ultra high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers. Elon Musk is also the CEO of the company. The neurotechnology company headquartered in San Francisco, California is expected to develop implantable brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). Neuralink aims to make devices that ini3ally would treat serious brain disease and brain damage that was caused by a stroke in the short-term. In the long-term, the company's goal is to develop the technology for human enhancement. Part of Elon Musk's inpira3on for the crea3on of Neuralink is a science-fic3on concept called Neural Lace 2. Neural Lace Neural Lace is a brain-computer interface technology that could allow human brains to compete with Ar3ficial Intelligence (AI). Currently, Elon Musk is funding research toward the development of Neural Lace technology, this is the emerging technology that could link human brains with computers without the need of a physical connec3on. This would be possible by implan3ng 3ny electrodes into the brain. The result would be the enhancement of memory and cogni3ve powers by effec3vely merging humans and Ar3ficial Intelligence. According to Elon Musk, brain-to-machine (B2M) interfaces are an important part of humanity’s future. It is well known that Elon Musk and others are concerned about the impact of Ar3ficial Intelligence on the world and the future of humanity as we know it. By finding a way to increase humans' intelligence to equal that of the Ar3ficial Intelligence programs of the future, or superintelligences .In brief, Neural Lace is an ultra-thin mesh that is implanted in the skull and forms a body of electrodes which are able to monitor a human brain func3on. As an immediate applica3on, Neural Lace could poten3ally help pa3ents suffering from brain injuries and certain illnesses. However, the ul3mate goal and mission of Neuralink are to successfully merge the human brain with machine, fusing human intelligence with Ar3ficial Intelligence. As a result, this is expected to bring humanity up to a higher level of cogni3ve reasoning. As dis3nguished from resuscita3on of a dead body to normal life, the believer’s resurrec3on, modeled a^er Jesus’ resurrec3on, is transforma3ve, resul3ng in a changed body that is qualita3vely different from the body before the resurrec3on. New possibili3es abound. In his newly transformed body, Jesus appeared and disappeared before witnesses (Luke 24:13–43), moved through doors (John 20:26), and made himself invisible (Acts 9:1–9). Paul appreciated the existence of different kinds of bodies. The resurrected body is imperishable,glorious, and powerful, as compared to the “flesh and blood” perishable, dishonoring, and weak body (1 Corinthians 15:42–43). Although he was radically transformed, the personal iden3ty of Jesus con3nued in the resurrected Lord. Disciples who knew him before his death recognized him and interacted with him in conversa3on following the resurrec3on.Paul affirms that Jesus resurrected was the same person with the same body, albeit transformed.In other accounts, the disciples were “startled and frightened, and supposed that they saw a spirit”(Luke 24:37, NRSV). Jesus responded: “See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself; handle me, and see; for a spirit has not flesh and bones as you see that I have” (Luke 24:39, NRSV). Doub3ng Thomas said he would not believe, “Unless I see in his hands the print of the nails and, and place my finger in the mark of the nails, and place my hand in his side . ” (John 20:25, NRSV). Jesus appeared and told Thomas: “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side”(John 20:27, NRSV). 3.Cryonics and Resurrec:on Chris3an resurrec3on of the dead entails at least three aspects: embodiment,transforma3on, and con3nuity of personal iden3ty. Cryonics, if it is ever successful, is likely to also entail these three aspects. 1.Embodiment, 2.Transforma3on, 3.Con3nuity of Personal Iden3ty With regard to embodiment, in their facility in Sconsdale, Arizona, Alcor keeps the preserved pa3ents in a controlled environment and awai3ng developments in future medicine that can restore them. Preserving the memory and personality informa3on in the brain with the highest possible fidelity is linked to an expecta3on that developments in biomedical technology will enable medicine of the future to regrow a body. Currently, the legal and social understanding is that cryonics pa3ents are dead. So if restora3on is ever accomplished, it will be viewed as bringing back to life someone who was dead, which allows for interpre3ng that restora3on as resurrec3on. 4.Conclusion In conclusion, there are understandable differences of opinion about the compa3bility of Chris3an theology and radical human enhancement programs. Cryonics and resurrec3on might agree on the following, ar3culated by the apostle Paul:When the perishable puts on the imperishability, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is wrinen: “Death is swallowed up in victory.” “O death,where is thy victory? O death, where is thy s3ng?” (1 Corinthians 15:54–55, NRSV). 5.ReFerences hnps://transhumanist-party.org/2019/03/24/resurrec3ng-100-billion/ hnps://www.focusonthefamily.ca/content/transhumanism-chasing-eternal-life-without-god hnps://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/when-will-we-be-transhuman-seven-condi3ons-for-anaining- transhumanism hnps://www.technologyreview.com/2017/03/16/153211/the-entrepreneur-with-the-100-million-plan- to-link-brains-to-computers/ hnps://interes3ngengineering.com/the-transhuman-revolu3on-what-is-it-and-how-we-can-prepare-for- its-arrival hnps://interes3ngengineering.com/neuralink-how-the-human-brain-will-download-directly-from-a- computer hnps://wha3stranshumanism.org/ hnps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1uIzS1uCOcE&feature=youtu.be hnps://bigthink.com/mind-brain/resurrec3on-science?rebell3tem=3#rebell3tem3 . .
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