Holmes Run Park Community Feedback Process From September through early December 2012, the public was invited to provide input on the existing conditions and possible future uses for Holmes Run Park. To gather information, the Department of Recreation, Parks, and Cultural Activities (RPCA) held a public workshop to discuss Park needs and distributed a survey asking for feedback. This same process simultaneously occurred for each of the City’s large parks, including Chinquapin Park, Four Mile Run Park, Hensley Park, Brenman and Boothe Parks, and Simpson “It's a quiet and peaceful area to relax, walk, and Stadium Park. Combined, over 585 Alexandria people responded to the surveys and 45 observe nature, a wonderful and important resource attended workshops. for a city that has a shortage of open green and natural Throughout the 2012/2013 winter, RPCA will spaces.” use the information gathered to determine Park needs and priorities to develop Park Improvement Plans. Ultimately, these plans will “I love its quietness in the midst of a heavily populated help inform budget decisions and on-going use area.” and facility considerations. Survey Results “It is a beautiful island of tranquility in an otherwise On October 1, 2012, online park improvement surveys became available to the public through busy neighborhood, much used and appreciated by the City of Alexandria’s website, press releases runners, walkers, and families.” and social media. RPCA also distributed Holmes Run Park System 2012 Community Feedback 1 hard copy surveys through boxes located at “I like the extended path and my kids use it to go across entrances to the park and in the mailboxes of adjacent neighborhood homes. RPCA received the creek. Other than that there is nothing to draw us 94 completed surveys. there, just a means to an end. I wish it had a draw for RPCA acknowledges that this survey is not us...” statistically accurate. Rather, the responses are from those who saw the survey and chose to participate. While this is a sample of Park “It provides a safe connection between Eisenhower users, it is not representative of all users. As an example, through cyclist counts, we know Avenue and Bailey’s Crossroads for biking. The park is that many more bike through the Park than are very quiet and relaxing to pass through.” reported through the survey. For this reason, the information below will be supplemented with site observation and additional data “Holmes Run Park is a vital City resource, not only to inform recommendations in the Park for the people that live in the area by the park, but for Improvement Plans. people throughout the city. It needs to be protected, The survey asked park users to identify their usual point of access into the park, the respected and provided the resources and attention that mode of transportation they use to get there, it deserves.” their typical park activities, what they like about the park, and what areas of the park need improvement. Survey participants also Where do you live? (Darker color zip codes indicate a higher number of survey participants) <<Double-click prioritized their improvement needs. A r l i n g t o n C o u n t y to enter Title>> <<enter sub-title>> F a i r f a x C o u n t y Legend City Boundary Of those surveyed, 64 participants lived in the 22206 22305 HowFMRPark often do you visit the Park? 22304 zip code . Fewer than 5 participants lived ZIPCODE 22311 22206 22301 in each of the other Alexandria zip codes or 22302 Value Count Percent of 22302 22304 outside City limits. The majority of those who 22305 responses 22312 22301 22311 visit do so daily (33%) or weekly (37%). 22312 22314 Regional Boundaries 22304 Daily 31 33% This is what we heard: Weekly 35 37% Monthly 18 19% 22314 150203000405060070008091010,00,10101,201,0301,401,050,106010,7010,802,90,200020,102,0202,30,204020,5020,602,70,208030,903,0003Yearly,103,0203,03030,403,50,306030,7030,840,90,4000,010000 6 6% Access and Park Use Feet 1:43,666 ¯ Sixty percent walk to Holmes Run Park; 19% 1 inch = 3,639 fNevereet 4 4% This aerial template was produced by the GIS Division of the Department F a i r f a x C o u n t y of Planning and Zoning, City of Alexandria, Virginia Mapping Standards: Coordinate System - NAD83 State Plane Virginia North Projection - Lambert Conformal Conic Map Units - Feet The maps provided hereunder are provided "as is" and the City expressly disclaims all warranties, UCC and otherwise, express or implied, including warranties as to accuracy of the maps and merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and further expressly disclaims responsibility bike and only 14% drive. This high number for all incidental, consequential or special damages arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of the maps. Map P roduced: 00-00-0000 Holmes Run Park System 2012 Community Feedback 2 What do you do in the Park? of pedestrians demonstrates how Holmes Run is considered a large park with a strong 30% neighborhood use, attracting leisurely activity. 25% It also implies the need to review safer 20% pedestrian and cyclist access throughout the 15% the Park. 10% 5% When asked, “What do you do in the Park?” almost all participants stated that they go for 0% unorganized, passive park uses. The highest use was to walk (29%). Other popular activities included relaxing (17%), biking (19%), running (12%) and walking dog(s) (11%). All of these activities are multi-generational and can occur individually or in vary small groups. In answering, “What do you like about the Park,” participants were consistent in What do you like about the Park? identifying the natural character of the Park’s setting. Over 30% specifically commented Nature that they like the Park because of nature. Comments included, “[I like] the large, old trees Trail along the bike path, the stream and the wildlife (especially the occasional heron), and the chance it gives my children to experience ‘the Peaceful/Quiet woods’ in the middle of the City” and “[I like] the wooded natural area next to the stream... Location able to see wildlife: deer, hawks, foxes, etc.” The trail is also a clear asset of the Park, both PassiveOpenSpace locally and regionally. Respondents liked that the trail is quiet, but also connected to places Size they need to go, such as the Foxchase Shopping Center. Playground Improvements 0 5 10 15 20 25 Participants identified security as the highest Holmes Run Park System 2012 Community Feedback 3 need for Park improvements, with the nature BTRdaXch areas as the second highest need. The high =PcdaT0aTPb need for security improvements follow several sexual assaults that occurred in 2012. Before that time there were few reported crimes. The following page has selected statements that ?[PhVa^d]ST`dX_\T]c support the need for identified improvements. The comments are shown in prioritized order, (all participants selected a need but did not always provide additional comments on their selection): Security 2^\\d]Xch6PaST] • “Since I heard of a recent assault in the park, I would like to see better security.” 3^VPaTP B^RRTa0aTP • “There have been a few incidents that the ?PaZX]V joggers got mugged and sexually assaulted.” • “Getting the police OFF of the bike trail in their cars and using bicycle cops instead. Police cars DO NOT belong on the trails!” ?PbbXeTDbT0aTP • “The park requires regular policy presence. 0RcXeXch Additionally, the city should make an effort to clear underbrush within the park.” ?PcWbCaPX[b • “Park Patrolled by Police Park Closed at Dark Enforcement & patrols after dark Park is 5[^^S2^]ca^[ not continuously patrolled unless something happens. Enforcement needs to be continuous & permanent. Holmes Run Parkway (north ;XVWcX]V side) has always been a late night place to <PX]cT]P]RT come and park and go into the park at night and do whatever people do in the middle of the night??? It is a well known area for drugs, ?PaZ5da]XbWX]Vb drinking, deals, and lewd sexual acts. Police enforcement via cruiser and bike patrols down in the park (driving on the path) must remain 8 ] constant to let the public know the park is ^ a S being monitored on a regular basis.” T a ch • “I am concerned about the history of attacks, ^U_aX^aX Holmes Run Park System 2012 Community Feedback 4 would like to explore the possibility of adding the best transitway for wildlife through our city. • “A fenced-in small dog area near Holmes Run more lighting in well-traveled areas” Manipulations for people should not adversely Parkway would be nice.” • “There have been a number of incidents along impact the wildlife corridor needs.” • “Create a small dog - dog park” the Holmes Run trail in recent weeks, and I no • “Community involvement to remove invasive • “The park needs a small dog exercise area. longer feel safe taking my children there.” plants and enhance with native planting.” There are dozens of small dog owners in the • “We need to know that we are safe.” • “I do wish to emphasize that the park should adjacent condos, most of whom are reluctant • “Security needs to be improved.” pretty much be left alone. Leave the Canada to put their pets in the nearby exercise area • “The walking/running path is USUALLY safe geese, the pigeons, the feral cats, the squirrels. for fear of the many large dogs there. I would when there are people around - but in mid- They harm no one. I was active in 1997 in contribute up to $200 and would be happy to afternoon and when it’s dark (early a.m./late getting the city to stop the clear cutting of the spearhead a local fund drive to finance such a p.m.) I don’t feel safe.” banks of Holmes Run.
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